Guest guest Posted October 30, 2001 Report Share Posted October 30, 2001 Jaya Jagannatha. Dear class , Pranams. Sorry this assignment is late i have been moving into a new house. My chart to follow. Assignment -show the chart of royalty and show Rajayoga due to birth. This is the chart of Alexandra Romanov. Wife to the Czar of Russia. I thought this was interesting chart as the AK is responsible for giving great sorrow and taking her and her families life. She was assasinated during Sat.Vimshottari Maha Dasa. In addition,She was in Gem/Virgo in Narayan Dasha both signs aspected by SatAK. In her lagna we have a very, very powerful combination of planets we might expect to see in royalty. She was herself a german princess. In the lagna we see many Raja yogas forming from this combination of planets.The luminaries are in AC with LL. The 4/5th lord are in AC. Sun/ExMoon/Venus in own sign conj.,Rahu giving power,charisma. and many planets in and aspecting AC showing great public recognition.All planets except AK Sat influence AC. Venus gives Malayva Yoga.Rahu is very powerful here, in taurus and conj Venus and Moon. Jup is Ex and aspecting 7/9/11th house fortifying it. The AK planet for her is retro grade Sat, showing strong karma/desire in this life. Sat as AK ,the lesson being not to cause grief/suffering to others Being malefic is supposed to give high level of spiritual awareness. In this case the AK planet is lord of the 9th placed in the 8th. This shows strife and suffering in life and reveals her infamous murder. Her Sat. is retro, and being the 9th/10th lord in the 8th shows some fall from dharma I would think.In addition AK is in the 8th from lagna lord. Sat despositor Jup, is exalted and Sat is yogakaraka planet in addition to being the "king" the AK planet,so he is very powerful to influence the native. Sat is not aspected by any benefic planets, only receiving the aspect of malefic Mars, who is the 7th(maraka) and 12th(loss to self). Jup cant help much as he is a functional malefic for taurus. Sat is karaka also for elders, poor people,servants,and the down trodden,and natural karaka of the 8th house. I am not expert on history but it is my understanding that while the royal family lived in splendor,thinking themselves on level of God almost, taking great luxuries at the expense of the public while the common persons lived their lives in poverty,starvation, etc. This caused alot of anger/resentment in society. And as she was the queen she was personally responsible for the suffering or lack of suffering of her peoples, and had to bear that karma of her neglect of them. In additon, there was the connection with Alexandra and the monk Rasputin that caused much controversy and led to the to ultimate revolt against the royal family. It is said that Alexandra and her husband were deeply in love, and thus blinded to their impression on the public.The Moon is exact conj Sun and all the benefics, Venus LL,Merc,Moon are all afflicted by Rahu and Mars. Alexandra was considered a spiritual person who was constantly in prayer. Her jup is Ex and in the 6th from the AL. Her son Alex was afflicted by hemophilia, and this was a big anxiety to her. Sat is in the 8th, aspected by Mars- and 3rd fromAL is owned by Mars. Her death by assasination by military of bolshivic soldiers. Other significant factors-Sat is the badhakesha for this lagna.Sat is in the A6, and owns the 10th house,which is the AL and A8. In the navamsa, AK Sat is Vargottama in the 9th house and is 5 rasis away from the lagna, this should indicate Dharma Parayana ie that she should obey the laws of her dharma diligently and is straightforward. Sun is own sign of Leo in the 5th, showing her royal destiny.Venus in nav lagna indicates living luxurious life. The AK is again afflicted by Mars the Navamsa lagnaLord and owner of the 8th. 12th from AK is scorpio ruled by Mars.Mars is aspecting afflicting AK,Jup and mokshakaraka Ketu.At the same time Rahu is conjMoonand aslo aspecting 12 from AK.I think think this shows curse from Isthadevata and also AK is punishing her for not upholding her dharma while she was in powerful postion of queen.(Czarina) Curse could have originated from fathers side of the family. Interesting also to note (Mars is also conjunct LL, in lagnaand HL and despositor of GL.) Thank-you for any comments, Lakshmi K. Natal Chart June 6, 1872Time: 3:45:00Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 8 E 40' 00"Latitude: 49 N 53' 00"Altitude: 0.00 meters Lunar Year: AngirasaLunar Month: VaisakhaTithi: Amavasya (2.54% left)Weekday: TuesdayNakshatra: Rohini (0.44% left)Yoga: SoolaKarana: NagaHora Lord: Mars Sunrise: 4:22:17Sunset: 20:26:34Janma Ghatis: 58.4468 Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak Lagna 11 Ta 38' 50.11" Rohini 1 Ta Ar -Sun 23 Ta 34' 44.65" Mrigasira 1 Ta Le AmKMoon 23 Ta 16' 28.18" Rohini 4 Ta Cn BKMars 18 Ta 36' 43.97" Rohini 3 Ta Ge MKMercury 3 Ta 56' 05.97" Krittika 3 Ta Aq DKJupiter 6 Cn 48' 12.20" Pushyami 2 Cn Vi GKVenus 12 Ta 36' 50.01" Rohini 1 Ta Ar PiKSaturn ® 28 Sg 09' 05.62" U.Shaa. 1 Sg Sg AKRahu 20 Ta 19' 12.52" Rohini 4 Ta Cn PKKetu 20 Sc 19' 12.52" Jyeshtha 2 Sc Cp -Uranus 6 Cn 41' 55.58" Pushyami 2 Cn Vi -Neptune 3 Ar 30' 29.83" Aswini 2 Ar Ta -Pluto 27 Ar 52' 44.46" Krittika 1 Ar Sg -Bhava Lagna 13 Ta 19' 40.82" Rohini 1 Ta Ar -Hora Lagna 4 Ta 00' 32.25" Krittika 3 Ta Aq -Ghati Lagna 6 Ar 03' 06.54" Aswini 2 Ar Ta -Vighati Lagna 16 Sc 15' 57.99" Anuradha 4 Sc Sc -Pranapada Lagna 17 Cn 11' 53.25" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg -Sree Lagna 10 Ta 03' 31.09" Rohini 1 Ta Ar -Indu Lagna 23 Ge 16' 28.18" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar -Kunda 13 Le 25' 38.79" Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le -Dhooma 6 Li 54' 44.65" Swathi 1 Li Sg -Vyatipata 23 Vi 05' 15.35" Hastha 4 Vi Cn -Parivesha 23 Pi 05' 15.35" Revathi 2 Pi Cp -Indra Chapa 6 Ar 54' 44.65" Aswini 3 Ar Ge -Upaketu 23 Ar 34' 44.65" Bharani 4 Ar Sc -Kaala 0 Cp 08' 15.21" U.Shaa. 2 Cp Cp -Mrityu 19 Aq 52' 32.79" Satabhisham 4 Aq Pi -Artha Prahara 22 Pi 52' 46.97" Revathi 2 Pi Cp -Yama Ghantaka 22 Ar 00' 26.84" Bharani 3 Ar Li -Maandi 0 Sg 15' 25.59" Moola 1 Sg Ar -Gulika 24 Sc 07' 17.15" Jyeshtha 3 Sc Aq -Varnada Lagna 15 Ge 39' 22.36" Aardra 3 Ge Aq - Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ GL / || \ / HL \ / || \ / Sun \ / || \ / Ven \ / ||Jup x Mar Asc Mer x || / \ Rah / \ || / \ Moo / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 2 / \ || / \ / \ || x AL || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Glk \ / || \ / \ / || x Ket x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / SatR \ || / \ / Mnd \ |+--------------+ Navamsa +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ GL / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ven \ / || \ / \ / Glk ||Mar x Asc x HL Mer || / \ / \ || / \ Mnd / \ || / \ / \ || / Rah \ 1 / \ || / \ / \ || Moo x Ket || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Sun AL x x SatR|| / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Jup \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+ Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Moo Moo 1862-08-14 Mar 1863-06-10 Rah 1864-01-06 Jup 1865-06-29 Sat 1866-10-22 Mer 1868-05-14 Ket 1869-10-06 Ven 1870-05-04 Sun 1871-12-25 Mar Mar 1872-06-22 Rah 1872-11-16 Jup 1873-11-29 Sat 1874-10-31 Mer 1875-12-04 Ket 1876-11-25 Ven 1877-04-21 Sun 1878-06-15 Moo 1878-10-19 Rah Rah 1879-05-17 Jup 1882-01-13 Sat 1884-05-26 Mer 1887-03-18 Ket 1889-09-21 Ven 1890-10-04 Sun 1893-09-18 Moo 1894-08-08 Mar 1896-01-30 Jup Jup 1897-02-11 Sat 1899-03-21 Mer 1901-09-19 Ket 1903-12-14 Ven 1904-11-14 Sun 1907-07-02 Moo 1908-04-15 Mar 1909-08-08 Rah 1910-07-10 Sat Sat 1912-11-20 Mer 1915-11-08 Ket 1918-07-04 Ven 1919-08-07 Sun 1922-09-20 Moo 1923-08-28 Mar 1925-03-20 Rah 1926-04-23 Jup 1929-02-12 Mer Mer 1931-08-13 Ket 1933-12-27 Ven 1934-12-19 Sun 1937-10-04 Moo 1938-08-06 Mar 1939-12-29 Rah 1940-12-20 Jup 1943-06-26 Sat 1945-09-19 Ket Ket 1948-05-15 Ven 1948-10-09 Sun 1949-12-03 Moo 1950-04-08 Mar 1950-11-04 Rah 1951-03-31 Jup 1952-04-12 Sat 1953-03-14 Mer 1954-04-17 Ven Ven 1955-04-09 Sun 1958-07-22 Moo 1959-07-17 Mar 1961-03-08 Rah 1962-05-02 Jup 1965-04-16 Sat 1967-12-02 Mer 1971-01-15 Ket 1973-10-31 Sun Sun 1974-12-25 Moo 1975-04-12 Mar 1975-10-09 Rah 1976-02-12 Jup 1977-01-01 Sat 1977-10-16 Mer 1978-09-23 Ket 1979-07-26 Ven 1979-11-29 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 1, 2001 Report Share Posted November 1, 2001 OM SRI GURAVE NAMAHDear Dear Lakshmi Devi, See how you have missed out the placement of the AK in the Navamsa and have stressed it sposition only in the eighth from the Rasi chart as being the cause of death. Secondly, saturn a natural malefic, as lord of the 9th & 10th is a suo moto yogakaraka and its placement in the eighth makes it capable of giving Rajyoga suo Moto. Thus Saturn, as far as the rasi indications are can and should give Rajyoga. But it becomes the Atmakaraka (danger-1: It can cause great suffering and sorrow) and it is also retrograde (danger-2: All the good things we mentioned can get reversed i.e. it can cause Rajbhanga Yoga i.e. fall from power). Thus, just because it is the AK and is retrograde in the 8th house the rajyoga giving powers of saturn become defunct and instead reversed. Thirdly, the place of death is the third from AL and this is Aries. If Ketu alone aspects the sign of death then the person shall die due to a mistake or blunder. Her death was a mistake, a big mistake made by many people who just deified homicide and made a mockery of the word 'Justice'. Mars in Lagna and Ketu in Kendra indicates Pisacha Badhak indicating the situation was as horrible as if being chased by a wild angry evil ghost. Your readings about Mars are very very correct and apt. Does bring out the "anger of Ista Devata". Very good points about Jupiter , Son and Rasputin. No, the curse is from Saturn. Remember this "IF SATURN IS THE ATMAKARAKA AND IS VARGOTTAMA IN SAGITTARIUS, THEN THE PERSON BORN IN A ROYAL FAMILY SHALL SEE THE DESTRUCTION OF THE LINEAGE AND END OF THE REIGN I.E. HE/SHE WOULD BE THE LAST OF THE ROYALTY". Another example is the chart of Dr Karan Singh the erstwhile Maharaja of Kashmir. He was the last ruler of that State and thereafter there has been a perpetual crisis in the state. Saturn AK in Sagittarius is Yama-Dharmaraja and this sign as Karakamsa shows "FALLING FROM A HEIGHT". Great mail, you got me thinking. Your points are so nice I have just added to them. Best RegardsSanjay Rath - Laksmi (Lynne Kary) varahamihira Tuesday, October 30, 2001 7:47 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Assignment -chart of royalty- Czarina of russia Jaya Jagannatha. Dear class , Pranams. Sorry this assignment is late i have been moving into a new house. My chart to follow. Assignment -show the chart of royalty and show Rajayoga due to birth. This is the chart of Alexandra Romanov. Wife to the Czar of Russia. I thought this was interesting chart as the AK is responsible for giving great sorrow and taking her and her families life. She was assasinated during Sat.Vimshottari Maha Dasa. In addition,She was in Gem/Virgo in Narayan Dasha both signs aspected by SatAK. In her lagna we have a very, very powerful combination of planets we might expect to see in royalty. She was herself a german princess. In the lagna we see many Raja yogas forming from this combination of planets.The luminaries are in AC with LL. The 4/5th lord are in AC. Sun/ExMoon/Venus in own sign conj.,Rahu giving power,charisma. and many planets in and aspecting AC showing great public recognition.All planets except AK Sat influence AC. Venus gives Malayva Yoga.Rahu is very powerful here, in taurus and conj Venus and Moon. Jup is Ex and aspecting 7/9/11th house fortifying it. The AK planet for her is retro grade Sat, showing strong karma/desire in this life. Sat as AK ,the lesson being not to cause grief/suffering to others Being malefic is supposed to give high level of spiritual awareness. In this case the AK planet is lord of the 9th placed in the 8th. This shows strife and suffering in life and reveals her infamous murder. Her Sat. is retro, and being the 9th/10th lord in the 8th shows some fall from dharma I would think.In addition AK is in the 8th from lagna lord. Sat despositor Jup, is exalted and Sat is yogakaraka planet in addition to being the "king" the AK planet,so he is very powerful to influence the native. Sat is not aspected by any benefic planets, only receiving the aspect of malefic Mars, who is the 7th(maraka) and 12th(loss to self). Jup cant help much as he is a functional malefic for taurus. Sat is karaka also for elders, poor people,servants,and the down trodden,and natural karaka of the 8th house. I am not expert on history but it is my understanding that while the royal family lived in splendor,thinking themselves on level of God almost, taking great luxuries at the expense of the public while the common persons lived their lives in poverty,starvation, etc. This caused alot of anger/resentment in society. And as she was the queen she was personally responsible for the suffering or lack of suffering of her peoples, and had to bear that karma of her neglect of them. In additon, there was the connection with Alexandra and the monk Rasputin that caused much controversy and led to the to ultimate revolt against the royal family. It is said that Alexandra and her husband were deeply in love, and thus blinded to their impression on the public.The Moon is exact conj Sun and all the benefics, Venus LL,Merc,Moon are all afflicted by Rahu and Mars. Alexandra was considered a spiritual person who was constantly in prayer. Her jup is Ex and in the 6th from the AL. Her son Alex was afflicted by hemophilia, and this was a big anxiety to her. Sat is in the 8th, aspected by Mars- and 3rd fromAL is owned by Mars. Her death by assasination by military of bolshivic soldiers. Other significant factors-Sat is the badhakesha for this lagna.Sat is in the A6, and owns the 10th house,which is the AL and A8. In the navamsa, AK Sat is Vargottama in the 9th house and is 5 rasis away from the lagna, this should indicate Dharma Parayana ie that she should obey the laws of her dharma diligently and is straightforward. Sun is own sign of Leo in the 5th, showing her royal destiny.Venus in nav lagna indicates living luxurious life. The AK is again afflicted by Mars the Navamsa lagnaLord and owner of the 8th. 12th from AK is scorpio ruled by Mars.Mars is aspecting afflicting AK,Jup and mokshakaraka Ketu.At the same time Rahu is conjMoonand aslo aspecting 12 from AK.I think think this shows curse from Isthadevata and also AK is punishing her for not upholding her dharma while she was in powerful postion of queen.(Czarina) Curse could have originated from fathers side of the family. Interesting also to note (Mars is also conjunct LL, in lagnaand HL and despositor of GL.) Thank-you for any comments, Lakshmi K. Natal Chart June 6, 1872Time: 3:45:00Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 8 E 40' 00"Latitude: 49 N 53' 00"Altitude: 0.00 meters Lunar Year: AngirasaLunar Month: VaisakhaTithi: Amavasya (2.54% left)Weekday: TuesdayNakshatra: Rohini (0.44% left)Yoga: SoolaKarana: NagaHora Lord: Mars Sunrise: 4:22:17Sunset: 20:26:34Janma Ghatis: 58.4468 Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak Lagna 11 Ta 38' 50.11" Rohini 1 Ta Ar -Sun 23 Ta 34' 44.65" Mrigasira 1 Ta Le AmKMoon 23 Ta 16' 28.18" Rohini 4 Ta Cn BKMars 18 Ta 36' 43.97" Rohini 3 Ta Ge MKMercury 3 Ta 56' 05.97" Krittika 3 Ta Aq DKJupiter 6 Cn 48' 12.20" Pushyami 2 Cn Vi GKVenus 12 Ta 36' 50.01" Rohini 1 Ta Ar PiKSaturn ® 28 Sg 09' 05.62" U.Shaa. 1 Sg Sg AKRahu 20 Ta 19' 12.52" Rohini 4 Ta Cn PKKetu 20 Sc 19' 12.52" Jyeshtha 2 Sc Cp -Uranus 6 Cn 41' 55.58" Pushyami 2 Cn Vi -Neptune 3 Ar 30' 29.83" Aswini 2 Ar Ta -Pluto 27 Ar 52' 44.46" Krittika 1 Ar Sg -Bhava Lagna 13 Ta 19' 40.82" Rohini 1 Ta Ar -Hora Lagna 4 Ta 00' 32.25" Krittika 3 Ta Aq -Ghati Lagna 6 Ar 03' 06.54" Aswini 2 Ar Ta -Vighati Lagna 16 Sc 15' 57.99" Anuradha 4 Sc Sc -Pranapada Lagna 17 Cn 11' 53.25" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg -Sree Lagna 10 Ta 03' 31.09" Rohini 1 Ta Ar -Indu Lagna 23 Ge 16' 28.18" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar -Kunda 13 Le 25' 38.79" Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le -Dhooma 6 Li 54' 44.65" Swathi 1 Li Sg -Vyatipata 23 Vi 05' 15.35" Hastha 4 Vi Cn -Parivesha 23 Pi 05' 15.35" Revathi 2 Pi Cp -Indra Chapa 6 Ar 54' 44.65" Aswini 3 Ar Ge -Upaketu 23 Ar 34' 44.65" Bharani 4 Ar Sc -Kaala 0 Cp 08' 15.21" U.Shaa. 2 Cp Cp -Mrityu 19 Aq 52' 32.79" Satabhisham 4 Aq Pi -Artha Prahara 22 Pi 52' 46.97" Revathi 2 Pi Cp -Yama Ghantaka 22 Ar 00' 26.84" Bharani 3 Ar Li -Maandi 0 Sg 15' 25.59" Moola 1 Sg Ar -Gulika 24 Sc 07' 17.15" Jyeshtha 3 Sc Aq -Varnada Lagna 15 Ge 39' 22.36" Aardra 3 Ge Aq - Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ GL / || \ / HL \ / || \ / Sun \ / || \ / Ven \ / ||Jup x Mar Asc Mer x || / \ Rah / \ || / \ Moo / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 2 / \ || / \ / \ || x AL || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Glk \ / || \ / \ / || x Ket x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / SatR \ || / \ / Mnd \ |+--------------+ Navamsa +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ GL / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ven \ / || \ / \ / Glk ||Mar x Asc x HL Mer || / \ / \ || / \ Mnd / \ || / \ / \ || / Rah \ 1 / \ || / \ / \ || Moo x Ket || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Sun AL x x SatR|| / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Jup \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+ Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Moo Moo 1862-08-14 Mar 1863-06-10 Rah 1864-01-06 Jup 1865-06-29 Sat 1866-10-22 Mer 1868-05-14 Ket 1869-10-06 Ven 1870-05-04 Sun 1871-12-25 Mar Mar 1872-06-22 Rah 1872-11-16 Jup 1873-11-29 Sat 1874-10-31 Mer 1875-12-04 Ket 1876-11-25 Ven 1877-04-21 Sun 1878-06-15 Moo 1878-10-19 Rah Rah 1879-05-17 Jup 1882-01-13 Sat 1884-05-26 Mer 1887-03-18 Ket 1889-09-21 Ven 1890-10-04 Sun 1893-09-18 Moo 1894-08-08 Mar 1896-01-30 Jup Jup 1897-02-11 Sat 1899-03-21 Mer 1901-09-19 Ket 1903-12-14 Ven 1904-11-14 Sun 1907-07-02 Moo 1908-04-15 Mar 1909-08-08 Rah 1910-07-10 Sat Sat 1912-11-20 Mer 1915-11-08 Ket 1918-07-04 Ven 1919-08-07 Sun 1922-09-20 Moo 1923-08-28 Mar 1925-03-20 Rah 1926-04-23 Jup 1929-02-12 Mer Mer 1931-08-13 Ket 1933-12-27 Ven 1934-12-19 Sun 1937-10-04 Moo 1938-08-06 Mar 1939-12-29 Rah 1940-12-20 Jup 1943-06-26 Sat 1945-09-19 Ket Ket 1948-05-15 Ven 1948-10-09 Sun 1949-12-03 Moo 1950-04-08 Mar 1950-11-04 Rah 1951-03-31 Jup 1952-04-12 Sat 1953-03-14 Mer 1954-04-17 Ven Ven 1955-04-09 Sun 1958-07-22 Moo 1959-07-17 Mar 1961-03-08 Rah 1962-05-02 Jup 1965-04-16 Sat 1967-12-02 Mer 1971-01-15 Ket 1973-10-31 Sun Sun 1974-12-25 Moo 1975-04-12 Mar 1975-10-09 Rah 1976-02-12 Jup 1977-01-01 Sat 1977-10-16 Mer 1978-09-23 Ket 1979-07-26 Ven 1979-11-29 OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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