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Dear Sanjay Rath and Jyotishas

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Dear Sanjay Rath and Jyotishas,


I'm really sorry to make you angry, I passed 8 hours to write my ideas correctly

and with sincerity and - my interpretarions of the chart may be wrong - but not


intentions, and I don't think I deserve such advice as 'what you need is one of

those certificates from one of the " recognised " places to hang in your room'.


my mail again I can't see I offended anyone to be offended now. If I did, I



I am not irresponsible to expose my interpretation to the young woman, subject

of the chart of my study, without a confirmation of its validity. And I sended

to you a

brief summary only, to expose how I am studying and not to compete with you as I

suppose I looked like. You have the knowledge and years of experience in


I have 4 months of a very, very few points of Jyotish. I have years of

experience in other science of knowledge of the hidden causes of life, but to

boast about Jyotish

I have to be a very stupid person, maybe I am stupid, but not enough to do it.


My intentions was not to boast, but to be sincere. I tried to show how I was

studing to recieve an easy answer like this: " Your interpretation is completely

wrong and

you need to study in our system to see the things on a different point of view " ,

or " I didn't understand your english and so and so ideas, can you clarify it? " ,


and peaceful.


I know you are upset that some students, like me, didn't understand your meaning

of the word " informal " . But Jyotish is not better than peace, we must strive for

peace first.


I'm leaving Varahamihira class, and I can say I learned a lot from this class,

and I must thank you all Guru and Students fot that.


Your friend,


Subhava Das.



01/11/01 08:20:23, " Sanjay Rath " <srath wrote:



> Dear Subhava Das,


> This is precisely the reason why I wanted the basics to be strong. Just

> see what you have written. It's truly shocking to say the least for a

> person like me. If I were you, I'd keep a printed copy of this letter and

> then read it again after six months of basics and then again after a year

> in Varahamihira Class. Then only will you appreciate what I am trying to

> say.


> Take Samira's case. Without blinking an eyelid, you put the blame on her

> father when the inner problem is the eclipse combination of Moon & Ketu in

> Capricorn Lagnaand their placement in the eighth house in the Navamsa

> chart. Moon is not the root cause or weakness - it is the manifestation of

> the weakness. see the planets in cancer ruled by the Moon to determine the

> inner cause - the Venus + Rahu combination in the seventh house that

> causes headaches due to excessive sexuality or desire for the same (and

> that too during the daytime!) How is the father to blame for this?

> Sun+Saturn in the ninth house with exalted mercury shows that the father

> is a very fine person who has had a stroke of tremendous badluck and has

> been suffering tremendous hardship. Exalted ninth Lord in ninth house and

> Lord of A9 Mercury in exaltation...no, I cannot accept those things about

> the father. Bad luck does not make somebody a bad man. He has his vices

> caused by saturn and these vices were the root cause of his badluck.


> Study hard but do study seriously. " Will study this and not that " is a

> wrong attitude. In that case what you need is one of those certificates

> from one of the " recognised " places to hang in your room. In this place a

> lot of serious work is going on and be serious about this subject.

> Statements like Jupiter in 12th is good and all that is just too much.


> Instead you should say that the " 12th Lord in Rasi chart placed in 12th

> from Lagnamsa is good, but being the Atmakaraka Jupiter will teach hard

> lessons about looking after spouse and children and she should not try to

> immitate her father's experience and instead be a dutiful spouse in her

> life. Keeping one's character clean is the first step in this regard " .


> Best Regards

> Sanjay Rath

> http://sanjayrath.tripod.com


> -

> Eduardo Figueiredo

> varahamihira

> Wednesday, October 31, 2001 8:02 AM




> Dear Solai,


> I'm sorry not have answered your e-mail before, but besides the lack of

> time I was seeing about the correct answer to give. And the correct

> answer is to tell you how

> I'm working with Varahamihira class.


> At first I didn't know anything about Jyotish, then I read the mails and

> files from Varahamihira class and studied the basics to understand the

> differences of meaning

> between Venus of astrology and Shukra of Jyotish, Simha and Leo, and so

> on.


> I can't find any of the Jyotish books here in Brazil, I have to import

> them, and I don't have money for that. I found on the Internet the basics

> of Jyotish, but only few

> things from BRIHAT PARASARA HORA SHASTRA, as I supposed be the main book

> one must read, and no online edition for download.


> I already work as spiritual counselor by the grace and guidance of my

> Diksha Guru Swami Tilak. And I have some remembrances of the astral plane

> when my

> Gurudeva wants so. I started to study Jyotish watching the " terrain " , at

> dream state, and look for what I saw on the chart. I was waiting for

> having a more consistent

> approach of " my " Jyotish to contact Guru Sanjay Rath for corrections.

> The mails from Varahamihira Class served as source of theoretical

> knowledge to apply on the

> " terrain " , as well as other internet sources. But to have a Guru to

> correct the different parallels between astral things and the chart is

> the main thing I need, but I'm not

> saying that I don't need the lessons as well (it's difficult for me to

> express the ideas correctly in English) and those lessons is not

> important, on the contrary.


> This is a summary of my present study:


> NAME: Samira

> BIRTH: September-21-1980 1:00pm

> TZ: 3 LONG: 43w10 LAT: 22s54


> Samira had strong headaches four months ago and no doctor or examinations

> found anything wrong with her. Psychiatric treatment was indicated, and a

> healthy

> young woman started to take pills (as Diazepan) to " control " the future

> headaches. I took her chart to study, and started seeing in dream state

> the process of astral

> nature involved in it. I saw that her father had a kind of astral being

> which eats the way to higher level of existence (cultural, financial,

> etc...) - her father doesn't live

> with her and her mother, and he's not a very honest person - and her

> missing for the father's attention and specially her lack of vision of

> the real nature of her father

> took to Samira's life great part of that astral being. Since then (about

> end of 1999) the financial father's life increased (but it doesn't

> increased Samira's) and the

> Samira's eager to higher forms of culture and life (as vegetarianism)

> vanish away.


> By that time (1999) Samira lived some months with her father, and I think

> she was " infected " then. I don't have the chart of Samira's father, and

> worked only with

> Samira's.


> At first I saw that the dasha Rahu/Chandra (starting now at oct-28-2001)

> will increase the possibility the headaches comes again. She is very

> strong with a large

> amount of a dense, earth energy. Rahu is the ruler for her urge for

> higher forms of life (making herself rebelling from her mother's and

> father's strong mind control - she

> loves them both, but their lives are culturally poor, and she knows it),

> but the increase for higher levels is not possible now because the

> " infection " . Chandra comes

> bringing a lot of more mind stuff giving to her a sense of physical

> power to grow up, it is just a sense, but a real sense, and her

> unconscious mind will push the mind

> stuff (it's correct to say chitta?) up creating pressure around the upper

> parts of life (where the head is included). And Chandra being so strong

> in her chart, the power

> to condense the mind stuff is strong enough to condense it and create a

> tumor in her brain.


> I saw that the Dasha when the infection takes place was a

> Rahu/Shukra/Guru. Where Guru is present everything is correct, so the

> infection was a form to correct

> her dharma, since Guru is her Atmakaraka, and the Atmakaraka is the

> ultimate source of dharma itself, Guru let the infection comes in using

> the " sucking power " of

> Shukra. And, as Shukra occupies her Rashi 7th house with Rahu, the

> partner at that moment (her father, because she was living with him - she

> had no boy-friend at

> that moment) provided the " infection " . Perhaps, she would be infected by

> a boy-friend in other circumstance, but at the age of 19 with a strong

> feeling to his father,

> he was the stronger man in her life.


> Being Guru the ruler for this " infection " , and working in her Rashi 8th

> house, the house of astral plane, now no one can see the trouble in

> physical plane (as doctors

> couldn't see), a big dangerous situation because the condensed power of

> Candra in her Rashi chart is strong enough to turn this astral trouble a

> physical one.


> Now, a doubt:


> The answer for her trouble is found in Navamsa Chart. The Navamsa Chart

> is the chart for perfect life, and there Guru is very strong, being in

> 12th house he controls

> what goes out of her life, and Dhanu in 12th points to Dharma as the

> valve Guru uses to know what stays in and what goes out of the life.

> Chandra and Budha

> together in the 8th gives the answer to the treatment: first to dissolve

> (budha) the mind stuff (candra) working with " alchemicals " ways to

> manipulate the astral plane

> to eliminate the risk of a future tumor, and second make her turn

> conscious (budha) of how the astral plane (8th house) works in the

> fundamentals for herself (simha).

> She has strong power to deal with astral plane when she is sleeping as we

> can see in Kuja (or Mangala, I don't know what is most usual) linked in

> 10th with the lagna

> by Makara in Rashi chart, stronged in sleep by his position in 4th in

> Navamsa chart, so no external means needs to be used to manipulate the

> astral plane and takes

> the astral being out. This link I can see, but what link (aspect, etc.)

> there is between Guru and Candra-Budha in Navamsa Chart? There's none as

> far as I see (it's not

> too much!).


> This is only a summary of how I am studying with Varahamihira class. If I

> can participate on Varahamihira class - good, if I can participate on

> Beginners class - good

> too. I would appreciate too much to participate in SJVC, but I cannot

> guarantee I will answer lessons because I am just able to work with

> people I have astral contact

> to when I am sleeping, most of the time. I don't want to be selfish and

> disrespect the Gurus of SJVC being an exception in your way to teach, and

> if I can't fit in the

> SJVC standards I will understand.


> Waiting for your answer I beg Shri Rama bring happiness above all of you

> and your work.


> Your friend,


> Subhava Das





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I thought your letter indicated that this is an advise ALREADY GIVEN and this shocked me.

We at Varahamihira Class are guided by the following principles of Brihaspati -




God bless you.

Another thing - statements like "wanting to learn something and not learn something else" are not advised out here. Learn everything and then alone start practising, or atleast reach some decent level. I will strongly recommend the SJVC Class for about six months for you. Please consider this advise in the positive sense as this is your learning opportunity.Best RegardsSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Eduardo Figueiredo


Thursday, November 01, 2001 9:59 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Dear Sanjay Rath and Jyotishas

Dear Sanjay Rath and Jyotishas,I'm really sorry to make you angry, I passed 8 hours to write my ideas correctly and with sincerity and - my interpretarions of the chart may be wrong - but not my intentions, and I don't think I deserve such advice as 'what you need is one of those certificates from one of the "recognised" places to hang in your room'. Reading my mail again I can't see I offended anyone to be offended now. If I did, I apologise.I am not irresponsible to expose my interpretation to the young woman, subject of the chart of my study, without a confirmation of its validity. And I sended to you a brief summary only, to expose how I am studying and not to compete with you as I suppose I looked like. You have the knowledge and years of experience in Jyotish, I have 4 months of a very, very few points of Jyotish. I have years of experience in other science of knowledge of the hidden causes of life, but to boast about Jyotish I have to be a very stupid person, maybe I am stupid, but not enough to do it.My intentions was not to boast, but to be sincere. I tried to show how I was studing to recieve an easy answer like this: "Your interpretation is completely wrong and you need to study in our system to see the things on a different point of view", or "I didn't understand your english and so and so ideas, can you clarify it?", simple and peaceful.I know you are upset that some students, like me, didn't understand your meaning of the word "informal". But Jyotish is not better than peace, we must strive for peace first.I'm leaving Varahamihira class, and I can say I learned a lot from this class, and I must thank you all Guru and Students fot that.Your friend,Subhava Das.01/11/01 08:20:23, "Sanjay Rath" <srath wrote:> OM SRI GURAVE NAMAH> Dear Subhava Das,>> This is precisely the reason why I wanted the basics to be strong. Just> see what you have written. It's truly shocking to say the least for a> person like me. If I were you, I'd keep a printed copy of this letter and> then read it again after six months of basics and then again after a year> in Varahamihira Class. Then only will you appreciate what I am trying to> say.>> Take Samira's case. Without blinking an eyelid, you put the blame on her> father when the inner problem is the eclipse combination of Moon & Ketu in> Capricorn Lagnaand their placement in the eighth house in the Navamsa> chart. Moon is not the root cause or weakness - it is the manifestation of> the weakness. see the planets in cancer ruled by the Moon to determine the> inner cause - the Venus + Rahu combination in the seventh house that> causes headaches due to excessive sexuality or desire for the same (and> that too during the daytime!) How is the father to blame for this?> Sun+Saturn in the ninth house with exalted mercury shows that the father> is a very fine person who has had a stroke of tremendous badluck and has> been suffering tremendous hardship. Exalted ninth Lord in ninth house and> Lord of A9 Mercury in exaltation...no, I cannot accept those things about> the father. Bad luck does not make somebody a bad man. He has his vices> caused by saturn and these vices were the root cause of his badluck.>> Study hard but do study seriously. "Will study this and not that" is a> wrong attitude. In that case what you need is one of those certificates> from one of the "recognised" places to hang in your room. In this place a> lot of serious work is going on and be serious about this subject.> Statements like Jupiter in 12th is good and all that is just too much.>> Instead you should say that the "12th Lord in Rasi chart placed in 12th> from Lagnamsa is good, but being the Atmakaraka Jupiter will teach hard> lessons about looking after spouse and children and she should not try to> immitate her father's experience and instead be a dutiful spouse in her> life. Keeping one's character clean is the first step in this regard".>> Best Regards> Sanjay Rath> http://sanjayrath.tripod.com>> -> Eduardo Figueiredo> varahamihira > Wednesday, October 31, 2001 8:02 AM> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: NEW CLASSROOM FOR NEW STUDENTS OF> JYOTISH>> Dear Solai,>> I'm sorry not have answered your e-mail before, but besides the lack of> time I was seeing about the correct answer to give. And the correct> answer is to tell you how> I'm working with Varahamihira class.>> At first I didn't know anything about Jyotish, then I read the mails and> files from Varahamihira class and studied the basics to understand the> differences of meaning> between Venus of astrology and Shukra of Jyotish, Simha and Leo, and so> on.>> I can't find any of the Jyotish books here in Brazil, I have to import> them, and I don't have money for that. I found on the Internet the basics> of Jyotish, but only few > things from BRIHAT PARASARA HORA SHASTRA, as I supposed be the main book> one must read, and no online edition for download.>> I already work as spiritual counselor by the grace and guidance of my> Diksha Guru Swami Tilak. And I have some remembrances of the astral plane> when my> Gurudeva wants so. I started to study Jyotish watching the "terrain", at> dream state, and look for what I saw on the chart. I was waiting for> having a more consistent > approach of "my" Jyotish to contact Guru Sanjay Rath for corrections.> The mails from Varahamihira Class served as source of theoretical> knowledge to apply on the> "terrain", as well as other internet sources. But to have a Guru to> correct the different parallels between astral things and the chart is> the main thing I need, but I'm not> saying that I don't need the lessons as well (it's difficult for me to> express the ideas correctly in English) and those lessons is not> important, on the contrary.>> This is a summary of my present study:>> NAME: Samira> BIRTH: September-21-1980 1:00pm> TZ: 3 LONG: 43w10 LAT: 22s54>> Samira had strong headaches four months ago and no doctor or examinations> found anything wrong with her. Psychiatric treatment was indicated, and a> healthy> young woman started to take pills (as Diazepan) to "control" the future> headaches. I took her chart to study, and started seeing in dream state> the process of astral> nature involved in it. I saw that her father had a kind of astral being> which eats the way to higher level of existence (cultural, financial,> etc...) - her father doesn't live> with her and her mother, and he's not a very honest person - and her> missing for the father's attention and specially her lack of vision of> the real nature of her father> took to Samira's life great part of that astral being. Since then (about> end of 1999) the financial father's life increased (but it doesn't> increased Samira's) and the> Samira's eager to higher forms of culture and life (as vegetarianism)> vanish away.>> By that time (1999) Samira lived some months with her father, and I think> she was "infected" then. I don't have the chart of Samira's father, and> worked only with> Samira's.>> At first I saw that the dasha Rahu/Chandra (starting now at oct-28-2001)> will increase the possibility the headaches comes again. She is very> strong with a large> amount of a dense, earth energy. Rahu is the ruler for her urge for> higher forms of life (making herself rebelling from her mother's and> father's strong mind control - she> loves them both, but their lives are culturally poor, and she knows it),> but the increase for higher levels is not possible now because the> "infection". Chandra comes > bringing a lot of more mind stuff giving to her a sense of physical> power to grow up, it is just a sense, but a real sense, and her> unconscious mind will push the mind> stuff (it's correct to say chitta?) up creating pressure around the upper> parts of life (where the head is included). And Chandra being so strong> in her chart, the power> to condense the mind stuff is strong enough to condense it and create a> tumor in her brain.>> I saw that the Dasha when the infection takes place was a> Rahu/Shukra/Guru. Where Guru is present everything is correct, so the> infection was a form to correct > her dharma, since Guru is her Atmakaraka, and the Atmakaraka is the> ultimate source of dharma itself, Guru let the infection comes in using> the "sucking power" of> Shukra. And, as Shukra occupies her Rashi 7th house with Rahu, the> partner at that moment (her father, because she was living with him - she> had no boy-friend at> that moment) provided the "infection". Perhaps, she would be infected by> a boy-friend in other circumstance, but at the age of 19 with a strong> feeling to his father,> he was the stronger man in her life.>> Being Guru the ruler for this "infection", and working in her Rashi 8th> house, the house of astral plane, now no one can see the trouble in> physical plane (as doctors> couldn't see), a big dangerous situation because the condensed power of> Candra in her Rashi chart is strong enough to turn this astral trouble a> physical one.>> Now, a doubt:>> The answer for her trouble is found in Navamsa Chart. The Navamsa Chart> is the chart for perfect life, and there Guru is very strong, being in> 12th house he controls> what goes out of her life, and Dhanu in 12th points to Dharma as the> valve Guru uses to know what stays in and what goes out of the life.> Chandra and Budha> together in the 8th gives the answer to the treatment: first to dissolve> (budha) the mind stuff (candra) working with "alchemicals" ways to> manipulate the astral plane> to eliminate the risk of a future tumor, and second make her turn> conscious (budha) of how the astral plane (8th house) works in the> fundamentals for herself (simha).> She has strong power to deal with astral plane when she is sleeping as we> can see in Kuja (or Mangala, I don't know what is most usual) linked in> 10th with the lagna> by Makara in Rashi chart, stronged in sleep by his position in 4th in> Navamsa chart, so no external means needs to be used to manipulate the> astral plane and takes> the astral being out. This link I can see, but what link (aspect, etc.)> there is between Guru and Candra-Budha in Navamsa Chart? There's none as> far as I see (it's not> too much!).>> This is only a summary of how I am studying with Varahamihira class. If I> can participate on Varahamihira class - good, if I can participate on> Beginners class - good > too. I would appreciate too much to participate in SJVC, but I cannot> guarantee I will answer lessons because I am just able to work with> people I have astral contact> to when I am sleeping, most of the time. I don't want to be selfish and> disrespect the Gurus of SJVC being an exception in your way to teach, and> if I can't fit in the> SJVC standards I will understand.>> Waiting for your answer I beg Shri Rama bring happiness above all of you> and your work.>> Your friend,>> Subhava Das_______ Get your free @ address at OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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