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Gurudeva's Karma article

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Pranaam Gurudeva,


I wanted to write about this matter when this issue was going on in

the other list. With reference to you Karma article, I give below in

support of the article. I wanted to write elaborately. But, due to

time constraint, I make it in hint format.


Though, the Karma is relatively fixed, we as a human changes the

Karma through our actions. That was your point when you asked " If

Karma is fixed, then why did Krishna teaches Gita to Arjuna " . Even if

we consider the action portion of Rajasic among Satwik, Rajasic and

Tamasic, it has a role of 1/3rd, that is 33%.


Though we all know that the Karma is fixed we do not sit idle.

Similarly, when a person get sick, we do not sit at home and say let

the Karma take its course. We go and see the doctor and take the



The issue was started from the marriage question. I give below a site

of a daily newspaper published in my country.


Article=8672 & Sn=BNEW & IssueID=24225


An article published in 31.10.2001 issue is about the pre-marital

medical check up. The copy of the article is given below. My point

is: now, the doctors are deciding the compatibility. But, in India it

is already been done through Jyotish. Here the issue only certain

medical conditions are compared, whereas in Jyotish, all the aspects

of Marriage hormony is taken into account.


Not only that, Jyotish could be one of the reasons for the less

divorce or separation rate in India. Now, it is slowly changing, due

to some people's non-reliance on Jyotish. I do not know, how Jyotisha

who knows about all these things argues Karma is fixed.


Extract of the article starts-----


Pre-marital medical could soon be law



PRE-MARITAL medical examinations could soon be compulsory in Bahrain

for Bahraini and expatriate couples. A draft law introducing the

tests was passed yesterday by the Shura Council, which forwarded it

to the Cabinet for a final decision. Marriages will not be allowed

without a certificate to show that couples have undergone the medical

examination, under the proposed law. The aim is to curb the spread of

sexually transmitted diseases as well as hereditary diseases,

especially blood diseases such as sickle cell anaemia and

thalessaemia, council members heard. Couples would still be free to

marry whatever the results, but they would be aware of their own

health status and of any risk to their children. The session was

chaired by Ibrahim Humaidan and attended by Health Minister Dr Faisal

Al Mousawi and Minister of State for Shura Council Affairs Abdulaziz

Al Fadhel. The draft law appoints the Health Ministry as the

authority to conduct the examinations, which would be carried out at

hospitals and clinics. A comprehensive awareness and educational

programme to guide and direct those about to marry on how these

examinations are carried out and how important they are, is also

urged in the draft. The law also states that doctors carrying out the

examinations must provide proper counselling and advice to the

couples, depending on their medical results. Dr Al Mousawi said the

ministry was fully equipped to carry out the pre-marital tests. Such

checks are essential, said council member Dr Mariam Al Jalahma. " The

law gives both parties the opportunity to decide whether they want to

continue with the marriage procedures after being informed about the

medical test results, " she said. " It is the doctor's duty to confront

both man and woman together and inform them about the result, present

them with all the possibilities and risks if there are any and then

give them the right to choose what they want to do. "


Extract ends-----



Your sisya

Solai Kannan

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