Guest guest Posted November 2, 2001 Report Share Posted November 2, 2001 Respected Sanjay ji, Namaste, Question. Try to define the role of God in your life ?Answer: To me, God is the source, the cause and the goal of life. I sincerely believe the lessons tought to me as a child brought-up a 'practicing' Arya Samaji family that that the God is Sat-Chita-Anand-swaroop, all powerful and all-pervasive, just and pure. In my belief, God is 'facilitator' - he has given me an opportunity to do good by giving me this body, gave me birth in an enlightened family, benevolent parents, great education and career, a loving and supportive wife and children to be proud of. God provided me with support and resources whenever and whatever I needed - maybe after some suffering, some struggle, some frustration - but whatever I needed always came through in one form or the other. And when I became interested in acquiring deeper knowledge of Jyotish, I got admitted to this list. To that God, I owe everything and my goal of the life is to get closer to him to attain the ulimate 'VILAY' in to Him. Question: What have you done in the past year to come closer to God ?Answer: I am trying to become a better person - as a human being I have my failings and shortcomongs. I am trying to identify them and overcome them. In order to do that, I have to 'know' myself - Jyotish knowledge will give me that insight. I am trying to live-up to these words of Yajurveda - 'Om vishvaani deva, savitur-duritaani praasuva yata bhadram tanna aa suva' and 'Agne naya supathaa raaye' Question: Which is more relevant a) God is All or b) All is God ?Answer: To me, there is no difference in the two statements - all beings are 'Atma' and God is 'Paramaatma'. There is a part of the God in All, therefore All is God. Quesiton: How is jyotish different from a priest ? Answer: If I may put it crudely, a jyotish is a doctor whereas a priest is a teacher. A jyotish has to identify the problem and its solution for the persons approaching him, whereas the priest provides general guidance and performs specific rituals. With sincere regards.Shailesh February 8, 1954Time: 23:45:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 74 E 34' 00"Latitude: 31 N 19' 00"Place: Jullundur, Punjab In this LI rising chart, AK is Lagna lord VE, posited in 4H whereas the 4L SA, which isa yoga karaka for LI asc. Is posited in its exaltation sign and Lagna(LI), creating a Parivartana Yoga. In D9, VE is posited in the10H, and its deb. sign, VI. The 12th house from it is LE, occupied by the sign lord SU and MA. Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain from illegitimate sex/lust. But this AK, in 10th house in D9, blesses me with a clean heart and good home. He shall be a a pillar for his family and mother. The exalted (in D9) moon should be an added blessing for this. As SU is more advanced, it is the Ishta Devata, Agni the fire God etc are indicated (which is in line with my Arya-samaji up-bringing where formless God is worshipped thourgh fire in a Havan/ Yagna). SUN in 12 from AK would also indicate devotion to Shri Ram, Guru Nanak, etc, the incarnations of SUN. SU, natural AK, is posited in its MT house and is chara AmK. Therefore, the guidance has to come from counsellors/ advisors. The conj. between the Ishta Devata/AmK SU, and the chara PK MA, in D-9, would indicate that these advisors/ cousellors could be fatherly figures, elders, and perhaps Gurus of this list. I have a question reg. Vim-dasa of AK which, as per the lesson, invariably indicates suffering. M My VE-MD, as per Vim-dasha computed from Moon, was from 1958 to 1978, the best period covering my academic life (with high achievements) and early career (in service). However, as Lagna is stronger than MO, my Guru, Sat Siri ji, suggested that lagna should be the computed from Lagna sphuta, and that gives VE-MD during 2027-2047. Similarly, as per the lesson, during the Narayana dasa of the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka or those aspecting it, great achievements are made. Do we take the sign in D1 or D9. In D1, VE occupies CP and its MD was from 1968-72 - it was a reasonably good period but the immediately succeeding period of AQ MD(1972-77) was the period of achievment. Please advice. +--------------+| |Moo |JupR |Ket HL || | | |GL || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mer | | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------||Sun Ven | |Mnd Glk ||AL | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Rah |Mar |Asc Sat | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ +--------------+| | |Moo GL |Ket || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Sat AL | |JupR || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Navamsa |-----------||Mer | |Sun Mar || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Asc Rah | | |Ven Glk ||HL Mnd | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 2, 2001 Report Share Posted November 2, 2001 OM SRI GURAVE NAMAHDear Sailesh, You say you are from an Arya samaji family and that great prayer OM VISHVANI DEVA SAVITUR DURITANNI PARASUVA . YAD BHADRAM TANNA AA SUVA. which you referred to as being from the yajur Veda is ACTUALLY from the RIG VEDA. Yajus Veda has not only copied many mantra from the rig Veda, but has also changed a few slightly - like the Mritunjaya Mantra which I think mridula Trivedi uses a different form from the Yajur or Atharva Veda. Whenever in doubt refer to the Rig veda. After all, this was the favorite mantra of Sri sri Dayananda Saraswati Maharaj. In fact, my prayer at the BAVA conference, if you can get that tape (it is a different tape from the set we have), starts with this Rik.Best RegardsSanjay Rath - Shailesh varahamihira Friday, November 02, 2001 8:27 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson I Assignment Respected Sanjay ji, Namaste, Question. Try to define the role of God in your life ?Answer: To me, God is the source, the cause and the goal of life. I sincerely believe the lessons tought to me as a child brought-up a 'practicing' Arya Samaji family that that the God is Sat-Chita-Anand-swaroop, all powerful and all-pervasive, just and pure. In my belief, God is 'facilitator' - he has given me an opportunity to do good by giving me this body, gave me birth in an enlightened family, benevolent parents, great education and career, a loving and supportive wife and children to be proud of. God provided me with support and resources whenever and whatever I needed - maybe after some suffering, some struggle, some frustration - but whatever I needed always came through in one form or the other. And when I became interested in acquiring deeper knowledge of Jyotish, I got admitted to this list. To that God, I owe everything and my goal of the life is to get closer to him to attain the ulimate 'VILAY' in to Him. Question: What have you done in the past year to come closer to God ?Answer: I am trying to become a better person - as a human being I have my failings and shortcomongs. I am trying to identify them and overcome them. In order to do that, I have to 'know' myself - Jyotish knowledge will give me that insight. I am trying to live-up to these words of Yajurveda - 'Om vishvaani deva, savitur-duritaani praasuva yata bhadram tanna aa suva' and 'Agne naya supathaa raaye' Question: Which is more relevant a) God is All or b) All is God ?Answer: To me, there is no difference in the two statements - all beings are 'Atma' and God is 'Paramaatma'. There is a part of the God in All, therefore All is God. Quesiton: How is jyotish different from a priest ? Answer: If I may put it crudely, a jyotish is a doctor whereas a priest is a teacher. A jyotish has to identify the problem and its solution for the persons approaching him, whereas the priest provides general guidance and performs specific rituals. With sincere regards.Shailesh February 8, 1954Time: 23:45:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 74 E 34' 00"Latitude: 31 N 19' 00"Place: Jullundur, Punjab In this LI rising chart, AK is Lagna lord VE, posited in 4H whereas the 4L SA, which isa yoga karaka for LI asc. Is posited in its exaltation sign and Lagna(LI), creating a Parivartana Yoga. In D9, VE is posited in the10H, and its deb. sign, VI. The 12th house from it is LE, occupied by the sign lord SU and MA. Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain from illegitimate sex/lust. But this AK, in 10th house in D9, blesses me with a clean heart and good home. He shall be a a pillar for his family and mother. The exalted (in D9) moon should be an added blessing for this. As SU is more advanced, it is the Ishta Devata, Agni the fire God etc are indicated (which is in line with my Arya-samaji up-bringing where formless God is worshipped thourgh fire in a Havan/ Yagna). SUN in 12 from AK would also indicate devotion to Shri Ram, Guru Nanak, etc, the incarnations of SUN. SU, natural AK, is posited in its MT house and is chara AmK. Therefore, the guidance has to come from counsellors/ advisors. The conj. between the Ishta Devata/AmK SU, and the chara PK MA, in D-9, would indicate that these advisors/ cousellors could be fatherly figures, elders, and perhaps Gurus of this list. I have a question reg. Vim-dasa of AK which, as per the lesson, invariably indicates suffering. M My VE-MD, as per Vim-dasha computed from Moon, was from 1958 to 1978, the best period covering my academic life (with high achievements) and early career (in service). However, as Lagna is stronger than MO, my Guru, Sat Siri ji, suggested that lagna should be the computed from Lagna sphuta, and that gives VE-MD during 2027-2047. Similarly, as per the lesson, during the Narayana dasa of the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka or those aspecting it, great achievements are made. Do we take the sign in D1 or D9. In D1, VE occupies CP and its MD was from 1968-72 - it was a reasonably good period but the immediately succeeding period of AQ MD(1972-77) was the period of achievment. Please advice. +--------------+| |Moo |JupR |Ket HL || | | |GL || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mer | | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------||Sun Ven | |Mnd Glk ||AL | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Rah |Mar |Asc Sat | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ +--------------+| | |Moo GL |Ket || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Sat AL | |JupR || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Navamsa |-----------||Mer | |Sun Mar || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Asc Rah | | |Ven Glk ||HL Mnd | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 4, 2001 Report Share Posted November 4, 2001 Namaste respected Sanjay ji, Thank you very much for the information. I had mentioned the source as per our prayer book. Let me confess that I have not studied the Vedas so far & , therefore, I am absolutely in no position to comment. But based on whatever I learnt from 'Satsangs' & the 'upadesaks, and read from the prayer book, I find the 8 'prarthana mantras', from 'OM VISHVANI..' to 'AGNE NAYA...' to be a sum-total of what should be our hindu way of life and, above all, the prayers seek guidance, not results. Sanjay ji, I do look forward to your comments on the remaining assignments on the Ishta Devata/ AK lesson that we did - even if to point out our most fundamental errors. I do hope you will oblige us, Shailesh Chandra Chadhascchadha - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Friday, November 02, 2001 10:30 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson I Assignment OM SRI GURAVE NAMAHDear Sailesh, You say you are from an Arya samaji family and that great prayer OM VISHVANI DEVA SAVITUR DURITANNI PARASUVA . YAD BHADRAM TANNA AA SUVA. which you referred to as being from the yajur Veda is ACTUALLY from the RIG VEDA. Yajus Veda has not only copied many mantra from the rig Veda, but has also changed a few slightly - like the Mritunjaya Mantra which I think mridula Trivedi uses a different form from the Yajur or Atharva Veda. Whenever in doubt refer to the Rig veda. After all, this was the favorite mantra of Sri sri Dayananda Saraswati Maharaj. In fact, my prayer at the BAVA conference, if you can get that tape (it is a different tape from the set we have), starts with this Rik.Best RegardsSanjay Rath - Shailesh varahamihira Friday, November 02, 2001 8:27 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson I Assignment Respected Sanjay ji, Namaste, Question. Try to define the role of God in your life ?Answer: To me, God is the source, the cause and the goal of life. I sincerely believe the lessons tought to me as a child brought-up a 'practicing' Arya Samaji family that that the God is Sat-Chita-Anand-swaroop, all powerful and all-pervasive, just and pure. In my belief, God is 'facilitator' - he has given me an opportunity to do good by giving me this body, gave me birth in an enlightened family, benevolent parents, great education and career, a loving and supportive wife and children to be proud of. God provided me with support and resources whenever and whatever I needed - maybe after some suffering, some struggle, some frustration - but whatever I needed always came through in one form or the other. And when I became interested in acquiring deeper knowledge of Jyotish, I got admitted to this list. To that God, I owe everything and my goal of the life is to get closer to him to attain the ulimate 'VILAY' in to Him. Question: What have you done in the past year to come closer to God ?Answer: I am trying to become a better person - as a human being I have my failings and shortcomongs. I am trying to identify them and overcome them. In order to do that, I have to 'know' myself - Jyotish knowledge will give me that insight. I am trying to live-up to these words of Yajurveda - 'Om vishvaani deva, savitur-duritaani praasuva yata bhadram tanna aa suva' and 'Agne naya supathaa raaye' Question: Which is more relevant a) God is All or b) All is God ?Answer: To me, there is no difference in the two statements - all beings are 'Atma' and God is 'Paramaatma'. There is a part of the God in All, therefore All is God. Quesiton: How is jyotish different from a priest ? Answer: If I may put it crudely, a jyotish is a doctor whereas a priest is a teacher. A jyotish has to identify the problem and its solution for the persons approaching him, whereas the priest provides general guidance and performs specific rituals. With sincere regards.Shailesh February 8, 1954Time: 23:45:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 74 E 34' 00"Latitude: 31 N 19' 00"Place: Jullundur, Punjab In this LI rising chart, AK is Lagna lord VE, posited in 4H whereas the 4L SA, which isa yoga karaka for LI asc. Is posited in its exaltation sign and Lagna(LI), creating a Parivartana Yoga. In D9, VE is posited in the10H, and its deb. sign, VI. The 12th house from it is LE, occupied by the sign lord SU and MA. Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain from illegitimate sex/lust. But this AK, in 10th house in D9, blesses me with a clean heart and good home. He shall be a a pillar for his family and mother. The exalted (in D9) moon should be an added blessing for this. As SU is more advanced, it is the Ishta Devata, Agni the fire God etc are indicated (which is in line with my Arya-samaji up-bringing where formless God is worshipped thourgh fire in a Havan/ Yagna). SUN in 12 from AK would also indicate devotion to Shri Ram, Guru Nanak, etc, the incarnations of SUN. SU, natural AK, is posited in its MT house and is chara AmK. Therefore, the guidance has to come from counsellors/ advisors. The conj. between the Ishta Devata/AmK SU, and the chara PK MA, in D-9, would indicate that these advisors/ cousellors could be fatherly figures, elders, and perhaps Gurus of this list. I have a question reg. Vim-dasa of AK which, as per the lesson, invariably indicates suffering. M My VE-MD, as per Vim-dasha computed from Moon, was from 1958 to 1978, the best period covering my academic life (with high achievements) and early career (in service). However, as Lagna is stronger than MO, my Guru, Sat Siri ji, suggested that lagna should be the computed from Lagna sphuta, and that gives VE-MD during 2027-2047. Similarly, as per the lesson, during the Narayana dasa of the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka or those aspecting it, great achievements are made. Do we take the sign in D1 or D9. In D1, VE occupies CP and its MD was from 1968-72 - it was a reasonably good period but the immediately succeeding period of AQ MD(1972-77) was the period of achievment. Please advice. +--------------+| |Moo |JupR |Ket HL || | | |GL || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mer | | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------||Sun Ven | |Mnd Glk ||AL | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Rah |Mar |Asc Sat | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ +--------------+| | |Moo GL |Ket || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Sat AL | |JupR || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Navamsa |-----------||Mer | |Sun Mar || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Asc Rah | | |Ven Glk ||HL Mnd | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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