Guest guest Posted November 2, 2001 Report Share Posted November 2, 2001 Jaya Jagannatha. Dear class, Pranams. Assignment AK- Examine your own chart for Isthadevata and AK. Recently i was notified that a Brighu reader had found my chart and confirmed that my lagna is cancer, not gemini as previously thought so I will exam my chart from another perspective than before. AK planet is ExSat, indicating some spiritual inclinations. He is conj the Moon. Moon as karaka of the mind,emotions and the LL, it shows strong desire also. AKSat is ex and is in the 4th house with the MoonPK.the Lagna lord. This is supposed to be a raja yoga., and ex sat in kendra gives Sasa mahaparusha yoga. Sat aspects the 6th,10th house and Lagna. AK if he is happy results in benefic results. Sat should be happy he is conjunct benefic moon,is exsign and is in friends sign(taurus) in Navamsa too. In my case Sat Maha Dasha has been my most materially/mentally uplifting Dasha or on a lot of levels my life got easier. So it manifested wherein i was like the king of a small village,managing lands with many tenants. manager of a resort and water company. For those interested in medical astro.-Since Sat represents hard work, i still worked very hard and subsequently have suffered from sat like afflictions like ruptured disks in neck and back, arthritis,torn knee ligaments, and operatons to help fix them(actaully an ongoing occurance. Keep in mind that Sat aspects my lagna, and Mars aspects Sat and LL. I've had at least 5 operatons in Sat Mahadasha,with several more scheduled.I have chronic pain in my spine and bones. In Jup Maha Dasha AK also played a significant role. AK sat is ex7th lord, and also is aspecting my (9th lord Exjup)and Jup is aspecting my 5th/7th/9th house I got a guru,-(9th lord is ex in the 1st and aspecting the 7th and also aspecting A9 in the 5th house.. I received the Maha Mantra (ex 9th lord Jup is the A5), and had a child-Jup(karaka of children is aspecting the 5th house and Venusand) Jup is also 10th from the Moon(andSAt) gave some results of Geja-keshari yoga. In Sat/Ketu Mahadasha -I took my first trip to india for religious pilgramage. Ketu is in the 12th house of foriegn lands, and is in the 9th house from the AKSat /Moon. In Navamsa Ketu aspects AKSat, and is conj.the Sun(who is aspected by Jup and I visited many Holy places and temples.(I also decided for sure to split up with my husband) In Sat/Venus Maha Dasha I came to SJVC. Sat is also ex 8thlord (astrology)and is aspected by the Ex R 9th lordJup, so I got a good JyotishaGuru who gives me blessings. Venus is despositor of AK SAT and is in the 5th house,and is A9 and AmtK and 4/11th lord. .I think this indicates strong desire returning to some previous karma. Good time to look at the navamsa chart- In the navamsa AK is in taurus in the 11th house showing strong desire. TheAK Sat is 3rd from the lagna indicating the native will be rich and succesful in many undertakings. He shall be a friend of many powerful people. (Could be astrologers.)AK sat is conjunct Merc . Merc is planet associated with intellectuals writers communications etc, and here merc is 12/3rd lord in both natal and navamsa chart.So this confirms association with such people-my exhusband publishes Bhagavad-gita.Many people I associate with write books.In navamsa, AK Sat is aspected by Venus and Ketu. I dont know if Merc breaks this tapaswi yoga or not. Another factor involving the AK is that in trines to it and karakamsa lagna are all the malefics showing knowledge in previous lives of mantra,tantra etc. Since Sun and Ketu are in the 9th from karakamsa lagna this shows knowledge of Bhagavad-Gita.AK sat again aspects Ex jup in navamsa lagna, the 5th house, and the 8th house( which is the A6,A10, rasi and navamsa chart) Looking at the Isthadevata- Aires is the rasi 12th from the AKSat. That is ruled by Mars and the Deity is Kartikeya. Moon in Libra is aspecting and my favorite Deity to worship is Lord Narasimha deva. (We actually worship also Radha-Krishna,Lord Jaganntha, Gaura Nitai also we have these Deites here in my home, but Lord Narasimha is my personal favorite.I think this aslo ties in with the fact Mars is my yogakaraka planet and is aspected by ex9th lordJup.In addition, mars is in sign of Merc(vishnu) in trines to AK., and Merc is conj AK. The karaka indicated by the Isthadevata planet is upposed to show the person who brings the person to Isthadevata- In my case my guru instructed me to worship??( mars is in the 9th house)? But even before that lets see how AK affected my life and gave some suffering. I started life in Mars Maha Dasa, and Mars is in the 9th house, and aspects AK sat and the Moon,LL. Cancer is sensitive,emotional sign and also Moon represents childhood. Satconj Moon is combination for depression.I was very depressed even as young child, but i developed inner vision because of it. I learned compassion and identified with all suffering things.In addition the Moon is afflicted by the functional beneficMars the 4th and 9th lord and the yogakaraka planet for cancer lagna.(My parents prospered at that time, i got a brother. )Frustration built up in my mind and I felt self loathing and self destructive.The moon receives no benefic aspects. Either, I go crazy or grow spiritual- I decided to find God since I saw no pleasure anywhere. So at this time SatAK gave intense suffering for a higher purpose. My suffering in childhood directed me to spiritual path.As I got older did nursing and cared for elders and down and out people.I think this pacified the AK as Sat is karaka for such things. In addtion Sat in good context represents sages,yogis,etc so i should maintain good relations with these people.Serve them,give donations etc. I try not to do astrology at night if i can help it because I am tired and make mistakes.i am sure i did now but this is when i had some time, the children are asleep.( i have three really nice children all with strong Saturns in their charts) Thank-you for any comments,Lakshmi devi K. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 2, 2001 Report Share Posted November 2, 2001 OM SRI GURAVE NAMAHDear Lakshmi Devi, Nice attempt. There is a very big difference between the Sat+Moon conjunction in the 4th, 10th & 11th house and i the fifth house. Brighu readings are based on getting a chart that matches not only your natal positions but also "all the questions they ask" to confirm that the chart is correct. In fact the complaint I get these days is that the Agastya Nadi people get to know everything about you by the time they confirm your chart and then the predictions are mere interpolations. I don't agree with this as I have known of some good people as well, but these days they have started a lucrative business in 'manufacturing doctored palm leaves' in some villages in Tamil nadu. they say that they are just making copies and I don't know whether to agree. They can simply print this into books instead of creating fresh palmleaf records. I would have easily agreed had it not been for the fact that there is a Guru-chandala yoga in the Navamsa lagna. rather hard to digest about you. Actually this yoga causes a person to murder another - sometimes using black magic or by other means. You will find this in the chart of the famous Chandraswami. See the examples on this in Jaimini sutra where the specific sloka is also given. Do rethink about your Lagna. Best RegardsSanjay Rath - Laksmi (Lynne Kary) varahamihira Friday, November 02, 2001 1:04 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Assignment -Examine own chartAK Jaya Jagannatha. Dear class, Pranams. Assignment AK- Examine your own chart for Isthadevata and AK. Recently i was notified that a Brighu reader had found my chart and confirmed that my lagna is cancer, not gemini as previously thought so I will exam my chart from another perspective than before. AK planet is ExSat, indicating some spiritual inclinations. He is conj the Moon. Moon as karaka of the mind,emotions and the LL, it shows strong desire also. AKSat is ex and is in the 4th house with the MoonPK.the Lagna lord. This is supposed to be a raja yoga., and ex sat in kendra gives Sasa mahaparusha yoga. Sat aspects the 6th,10th house and Lagna. AK if he is happy results in benefic results. Sat should be happy he is conjunct benefic moon,is exsign and is in friends sign(taurus) in Navamsa too. In my case Sat Maha Dasha has been my most materially/mentally uplifting Dasha or on a lot of levels my life got easier. So it manifested wherein i was like the king of a small village,managing lands with many tenants. manager of a resort and water company. For those interested in medical astro.-Since Sat represents hard work, i still worked very hard and subsequently have suffered from sat like afflictions like ruptured disks in neck and back, arthritis,torn knee ligaments, and operatons to help fix them(actaully an ongoing occurance. Keep in mind that Sat aspects my lagna, and Mars aspects Sat and LL. I've had at least 5 operatons in Sat Mahadasha,with several more scheduled.I have chronic pain in my spine and bones. In Jup Maha Dasha AK also played a significant role. AK sat is ex7th lord, and also is aspecting my (9th lord Exjup)and Jup is aspecting my 5th/7th/9th house I got a guru,-(9th lord is ex in the 1st and aspecting the 7th and also aspecting A9 in the 5th house.. I received the Maha Mantra (ex 9th lord Jup is the A5), and had a child-Jup(karaka of children is aspecting the 5th house and Venusand) Jup is also 10th from the Moon(andSAt) gave some results of Geja-keshari yoga. In Sat/Ketu Mahadasha -I took my first trip to india for religious pilgramage. Ketu is in the 12th house of foriegn lands, and is in the 9th house from the AKSat /Moon. In Navamsa Ketu aspects AKSat, and is conj.the Sun(who is aspected by Jup and I visited many Holy places and temples.(I also decided for sure to split up with my husband) In Sat/Venus Maha Dasha I came to SJVC. Sat is also ex 8thlord (astrology)and is aspected by the Ex R 9th lordJup, so I got a good JyotishaGuru who gives me blessings. Venus is despositor of AK SAT and is in the 5th house,and is A9 and AmtK and 4/11th lord. .I think this indicates strong desire returning to some previous karma. Good time to look at the navamsa chart- In the navamsa AK is in taurus in the 11th house showing strong desire. TheAK Sat is 3rd from the lagna indicating the native will be rich and succesful in many undertakings. He shall be a friend of many powerful people. (Could be astrologers.)AK sat is conjunct Merc . Merc is planet associated with intellectuals writers communications etc, and here merc is 12/3rd lord in both natal and navamsa chart.So this confirms association with such people-my exhusband publishes Bhagavad-gita.Many people I associate with write books.In navamsa, AK Sat is aspected by Venus and Ketu. I dont know if Merc breaks this tapaswi yoga or not. Another factor involving the AK is that in trines to it and karakamsa lagna are all the malefics showing knowledge in previous lives of mantra,tantra etc. Since Sun and Ketu are in the 9th from karakamsa lagna this shows knowledge of Bhagavad-Gita.AK sat again aspects Ex jup in navamsa lagna, the 5th house, and the 8th house( which is the A6,A10, rasi and navamsa chart) Looking at the Isthadevata- Aires is the rasi 12th from the AKSat. That is ruled by Mars and the Deity is Kartikeya. Moon in Libra is aspecting and my favorite Deity to worship is Lord Narasimha deva. (We actually worship also Radha-Krishna,Lord Jaganntha, Gaura Nitai also we have these Deites here in my home, but Lord Narasimha is my personal favorite.I think this aslo ties in with the fact Mars is my yogakaraka planet and is aspected by ex9th lordJup.In addition, mars is in sign of Merc(vishnu) in trines to AK., and Merc is conj AK. The karaka indicated by the Isthadevata planet is upposed to show the person who brings the person to Isthadevata- In my case my guru instructed me to worship??( mars is in the 9th house)? But even before that lets see how AK affected my life and gave some suffering. I started life in Mars Maha Dasa, and Mars is in the 9th house, and aspects AK sat and the Moon,LL. Cancer is sensitive,emotional sign and also Moon represents childhood. Satconj Moon is combination for depression.I was very depressed even as young child, but i developed inner vision because of it. I learned compassion and identified with all suffering things.In addition the Moon is afflicted by the functional beneficMars the 4th and 9th lord and the yogakaraka planet for cancer lagna.(My parents prospered at that time, i got a brother. )Frustration built up in my mind and I felt self loathing and self destructive.The moon receives no benefic aspects. Either, I go crazy or grow spiritual- I decided to find God since I saw no pleasure anywhere. So at this time SatAK gave intense suffering for a higher purpose. My suffering in childhood directed me to spiritual path.As I got older did nursing and cared for elders and down and out people.I think this pacified the AK as Sat is karaka for such things. In addtion Sat in good context represents sages,yogis,etc so i should maintain good relations with these people.Serve them,give donations etc. I try not to do astrology at night if i can help it because I am tired and make mistakes.i am sure i did now but this is when i had some time, the children are asleep.( i have three really nice children all with strong Saturns in their charts) Thank-you for any comments,Lakshmi devi K.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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