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Assignment-Show raja yoga in U.S Pres.chart

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Jaya Jagannatha!

Pranams.Dear class,

The chart being discussed is the chart of U.S. Pres.Richard Nixon. The question was to bring out raja yoga in chart of U.S. president. In his chart i thought we can also see his rise, and his fall from this raja yoga. Externally, we all know he lost his presidency due to lying. (mars in conj second lordmerc)

In the lagna, leo the sign of royalty or gov.rises. Leo is the seat of the A10,A9. The LL has gone to the 5th house, a trine/position of strength. In addition the LLSun, is conjunct Jup/ lord of the 5th, AND Mars, lord of the 4/9th houses- the yogakaraka planet for Leo rising- who is capable of giving rajayoga by itself,(as the owner of kendra and trine)..This is very powerful combination of planets not only a powerful combination of lords but they are all friends.Jup lord of the 5th in the 5th is aspecting his friends houses, 9th house owned by mars, and lagna owned by the Sun. There are many powerful combinations Jup/Sun,Jup/Mars,etc.This shows very strong destiny.

Merc as lord of the 2/11th combined with this powerful combination gave Dhana yoga also.The 5th house is where we defeat the enemy, house of politics,and in addition all these powerful lords are aspecting the 11th house of gains,desires.He also must have been very intelligent. This powerful 5th house is the Paka lagna.

Merc is the weak planet in this conj, by association.

As the 4th and 9th lords are involved he has strong family backing.

What happened to this raja yoga or what else happens? Sat in the 10th is known to give a fall in carreer. He is retrograde.Sat owns two bad houses the 6th house of enemies and the 7th house which is a maraka. sat is aspecting the 12th house of self undoing,the 4th(which also happens to be the sign of scorpio,sign of secrets), and the 7th house(and Venus10thlord).

While sat is good in taurus, and there is an exchange-parivartana between Sat and Venus-(friends), and can give success in career through determination and hard work,they are enemies to the AC lord, Sun.

Other points Moon is in the 6th, and Jup is in the 12th from the Moon. Moon represents the masses/publis eye.

Rahu in 8th,aspected by rajayoga planet,Mars gave him an imfamous legacy.

Looking at the navamsa chart we see some intersting things. Lagna is cancer the sign owned by the AK planet, Moon. Moon has gone to the 3rdand is in the sign of virgo(merc)representing speech,intell,communication,etc and the seat of A6,A11.

Also note that the AL for this navamsa chart is Rahu in scorpio. This is big indication of deception and secrets.Rahu aspects the lagna, and 9th house afflicting his reputation(lagna) and fortune(9th house).

Sun(royal position) is in the 6th house, and the other planets(jup/mars) that gave the power in the rasi are now in the 12th house of loss.12th house is also house of jail,imprisonmant. Sat® is again a malefic lord owning the 7th and 8th. And as 8th lord is aspecting the 10th house ,the second house of speech, and the 5th house -the house that gave all the power in natalchart.

I thought this was an interesting example of the navamsa showing the fruit of the rasi and how important it is to look at the navamsa to confirm indications (or not).

Moon as AK planet one is supposed to have compassion for others. In nixons chart AK is in the 6th house in rasi chart, he was always suffering from enemies.AK is in not only in the 6th house and consequently in 6/8 to lagna ,but he is in the house of Sat, a malefic.In navamsa MoonAk was 11signs away from navamsa lagna this is supposed "to give bravery,success in war and capable of executing any task. If Mars is strong it gives Rajayoga" In his case was in powerfully placed yogakaraka planet. One is supposed to maintain good relations with the karaka of the AK planet- In this case we can say the Moon represents the public/masses.

if anyone has anything else to say about the AK moon and his raja yoga I would be interested. he didnt have chance to run a Dasha of AK planet.

Thank-you,Lakshmi devi K.


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