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Rahu Friendly to Sun?

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Om gurave Namah,

Namaste Guruji and Jyotishas,

I was just reading thru Parasara again about planetary friendships.

A Planet is friendly to the House owners of 2,4,8,12,5,9 from it's Moolatrikona sign.(BPHS 3.55 Santanam Ed)


So If Rahu's Moolatrikona is Virgo then Sun own's 12th from it.

Is Rahu Friendly to Sun?. I can't believe it!.


If Ketu Co-Own's Scorpio the 4th from Leo, Sun's Moolatrikona.

Is Sun Friendly to Ketu?.This can be possible since Sun get exalted in Ketu's nakshatra.


Rahu Co-owns 7th, Sun is inimical to Rahu?.


Can somebody please shed some light on this.




Hare Ram Krishna


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Dear Prabhakaran,

The houses mentioned by Parasara 3.55 'trkonat..etc' also includes the lord

of the house of exaltation. This is very important and should not be


Group the houses based on category:

(1) Trikonadhipati- Trine lords like Jupiters aspect - 5 & 9

(2) Chaturasradhipati- Lords of Chaturasras like Mars aspect - 4 & 8,

(3) Dwirdwadasadhipati- like Kartari Yoga - 2 & 12 and,

(4) Toongesha - Exaltation sign lord


The exaltation of the nodes and their Moolatrikona is notional i.e. they do

so on the basis of their functions. For example, Rahu is exalted in Gemini

but Mercury is not a friend of Rahu and is the first one to beat him up.

Yet, Mercury, Rahu & Sun all into one group of Yogi planets. rahu gives

excellent results in Leo in the Lagna can gives princely enjoyments. Thus,

eclipse of the Sun is an indicator of change of the crown and can spell doom

for one ruler (Sun) and rise for another ruler. This is the reason for

Parasara explicitly avoiding mentioning the exaltation and moolatrikona of

the nodes along with other planets. (Refer 3.49-54 BPHS) The co-lordship of

the nodes has also been mentioned during the discussion on Dasa's only to

indicate thier nature more clearly and the one's they are more alike or

resemble in nature. Like Rahu as a higher or more diabolical version of

Saturn and Ketu as a higher version of Mars; Blue and ultraviolet & Red and

infra-red respectively. These nodes do not have bodies or are not visible

like the colors of light they represnt.


So, please do not start giving the 'real ownership' and relations to these

Graha which have no bodies and which take the nature of whoever they

conjoin. And before we delve deeper into relationships based on

Moolatrikona, start with the exaltations.


As a test case try these:

1. Sun - Mars

2. Moon - Venus

3. Mars - Saturn (Boxing ring example I give - Blue and Red shorts). The

boxers are not enemies in the real sence but are 'enemies in a competition'.

4. Merc - Merc (Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most beautiful of them


5. Jup - Moon Gajakesari

6. Venus - Jup (Dwiguru Yog)

7. Sat - Ven (Love & sorrow relationship or desire and rebirth)

8. Rahu - Merc/Ven

9. Ketu - Jup/Mar


Best Regards

Sanjay Rath



" Sanjay Prabhakaran " <s.prabhakaran

<varahamihira >; <sjvc >

Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:22 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Rahu Friendly to Sun?



Om gurave Namah,

Namaste Guruji and Jyotishas,

I was just reading thru Parasara again about planetary friendships.

A Planet is friendly to the House owners of 2,4,8,12,5,9 from it's

Moolatrikona sign.(BPHS 3.55 Santanam Ed)


So If Rahu's Moolatrikona is Virgo then Sun own's 12th from it.

Is Rahu Friendly to Sun?. I can't believe it!.


If Ketu Co-Own's Scorpio the 4th from Leo, Sun's Moolatrikona.

Is Sun Friendly to Ketu?.This can be possible since Sun get exalted in

Ketu's nakshatra.


Rahu Co-owns 7th, Sun is inimical to Rahu?.


Can somebody please shed some light on this.




Hare Ram Krishna

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Dear Gurudeva,





> 6. Venus - Jup (Dwiguru Yog)


Recently I have seen a few charts with Venus-Jupiter conjoining in Rasi.

What would be the effect of this combination in the 4th and the 12th house?


Your shihsya,


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Phone: +36-309-140-839

Jyotish Remedies:









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  • 3 weeks later...

***Jaya Jagannath***Dear Gauranga,

Venus will become all the more powerful. As such this yoga makes Venus powerful, but in such houses where it has digbala and its karakatwa is strong, it becomes very powerful resulting in excessive attration for opposite sex. In the seventh house this will be so marked that even married women and all and sundry would throng for his indulgence and if Rahu is also in Arudha Lagna, he would be most obliging...sad but then this Dwi Guru Yoga gives in very great proportions. I prefer this in houses where Jupiter is the Karaka like 2,5,9or11. In Virgo there shall be a great harvest with plenty of food. In taurus, the cows shall yeild many times more milk than what is normal..

Best WishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com***Om Tat Sat***

- Gauranga Das


Monday, December 03, 2001 11:10 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Rahu Friendly to Sun?

JAYA JAGANNATHA!Dear Gurudeva,Pranaams.> 6. Venus - Jup (Dwiguru Yog)Recently I have seen a few charts with Venus-Jupiter conjoining in Rasi.What would be the effect of this combination in the 4th and the 12th house?Your shihsya,Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer <gauranga Phone: +36-309-140-839 Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET_______Do You ?Get your free @ address at

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