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Kalsarp yoga assignment

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Namaste Sanjayji,


It's my first try to explain any chart after Narasimhaji accepted me as his sisya. It took me some time to grasp some meaning of fundamentls.


I'm here giving two examples (one of KSY and second of KAY) and their little explanation.


Example 1 : KSY


Natal Chart (Male)


August 12, 1977Time: 17:00:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 77 E 07' 00"Latitude: 29 N 00' 00"Altitude: 0.00 meters


Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ GL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x Asc x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 9 / AL \ || / \ / \ || Ket x Rah || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Jup \ / || \ / \ / Glk || x Moo x Mnd Mer || / \ / \ || / \ Ven / \ || / \ / \ || / Mar \ / Sun \ || / \ / Sat HL \ |+--------------+ This is an example of KSY as all he planets lie between Ketu and Rahu. But this yoga is broken by 3 natural benefics in the 7th house viz. Venus, Moon (Maha-Sankha yoga), Jupiter (Maha-Padma yoga); giving way to sucess and wealth.


With lot of initial struggles, the native is now working in a reputed multi-national company getting a handsome salary. (results attributed by Maha-Padma yoga)


The native joined the company in their new built office with a launch of their new product. (results attributed by Maha-Sankha Yoga - beginning of someting new). Moon is also AK here.


Also, both Rahu and Ketu are in their mooltrikona signs. (I'm unable to interpret their results - either this makes the KSY more stronger, giving more struggle and suffering OR they both will give good results.) Please guide me here.




Example 2 (KAY)


Curie, Marie (Female)


Natal Chart


November 7, 1867Time: 20:09:00Time Zone: 2:00:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 21 E 00' 00"Latitude: 52 N 15' 00"Altitude: 0.00 meters


Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ GL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Rah Glk x Asc x AL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 3 / \ || / \ / \ || Mnd x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / Ket ||Sun x x Jup Moo || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Sat HL \ / \ || / Mar \ / \ || / Mer Ven \ / \ |+--------------+ The conjunction of 4 planets, generally, gives pravarjya yoga. But here the yoga is in 6th house(Dusthana). So, it does not give pravarjya yoga (COVA - Page 479). Moreover, KAY is broken, so the native does not renounce the world and shall continue with the life depending upon the planets (Moon & Jupiter) who break the yoga. The yoga breaks in 9th house, results in higher education / knowledge.


With the combination of Moon (mind) and Jupiter (Husband), she discovered a new substance radium (result attributed by Maha-Sankha yoga) and latter on she got Nobel prize in 1911 in Ketu-Moon dasa. (results attributed by Maha-padma yoga)


She was 44 years old, when she got the prize (just after the natural age of nodes viz. 43). Gaja-Kesari yoga with Ketu gave her fame and recoginition.





Sarpa Yoga


If the 3 quadrants are occupied by the natural malefics, this gives sarpa (serpant) yoga. This yoga is very bad as it makes the native cruel, miserable and a poor man.


Quadrants are the 4 pillars of life. They are important for sustenance of life. Presence of malefics in them will certainly gives very bad results. Presence of natural benefics will curtail its negative effects.


Remedial measure: The diety associated with the benefic planet, causing the break of this yoga, should be worshipped.


The poison effect of the serpent can also be nullified by reciting Garuda mantra. It will destroy enemies, sorrow, misery, removes addictions and gives pure devotion for Shri Vishnu.


Note: It was Garuda (the king of birds), who removes the poison effect of snakes from the body of Shri Ram and Laxman, when they were made unconsciousness by Meghanath demoniac power.

(Sri Ramacaritamanasa, Lanka-Kanda 74 A-B)



Please correct me whereever I'm wrong and guide me properly.



Gopal Krishan DodaKrishanFriendGopalKrishanDoda

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You have grasped the essense of the lesson well. strong malefics in Kendra shall increase the suffering. This is the key to understanding the nodes.

Well done. The remedy given for the sarpa Yoga has really touched me. You are a serious student and will do well. The remedy for poisons is the Garuda Mantra but do give a specific example with the solution. Say if there is no visible break, then what will you do?Best RegardsSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com



Gopal Krishan Doda


Friday, November 30, 2001 6:40 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Kalsarp yoga assignment


Namaste Sanjayji,


It's my first try to explain any chart after Narasimhaji accepted me as his sisya. It took me some time to grasp some meaning of fundamentls.


I'm here giving two examples (one of KSY and second of KAY) and their little explanation.


Example 1 : KSY


Natal Chart (Male)


August 12, 1977Time: 17:00:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 77 E 07' 00"Latitude: 29 N 00' 00"Altitude: 0.00 meters


Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ GL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x Asc x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 9 / AL \ || / \ / \ || Ket x Rah || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Jup \ / || \ / \ / Glk || x Moo x Mnd Mer || / \ / \ || / \ Ven / \ || / \ / \ || / Mar \ / Sun \ || / \ / Sat HL \ |+--------------+ This is an example of KSY as all he planets lie between Ketu and Rahu. But this yoga is broken by 3 natural benefics in the 7th house viz. Venus, Moon (Maha-Sankha yoga), Jupiter (Maha-Padma yoga); giving way to sucess and wealth.


With lot of initial struggles, the native is now working in a reputed multi-national company getting a handsome salary. (results attributed by Maha-Padma yoga)


The native joined the company in their new built office with a launch of their new product. (results attributed by Maha-Sankha Yoga - beginning of someting new). Moon is also AK here.


Also, both Rahu and Ketu are in their mooltrikona signs. (I'm unable to interpret their results - either this makes the KSY more stronger, giving more struggle and suffering OR they both will give good results.) Please guide me here.




Example 2 (KAY)


Curie, Marie (Female)


Natal Chart


November 7, 1867Time: 20:09:00Time Zone: 2:00:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 21 E 00' 00"Latitude: 52 N 15' 00"Altitude: 0.00 meters


Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ GL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Rah Glk x Asc x AL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 3 / \ || / \ / \ || Mnd x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / Ket ||Sun x x Jup Moo || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Sat HL \ / \ || / Mar \ / \ || / Mer Ven \ / \ |+--------------+ The conjunction of 4 planets, generally, gives pravarjya yoga. But here the yoga is in 6th house(Dusthana). So, it does not give pravarjya yoga (COVA - Page 479). Moreover, KAY is broken, so the native does not renounce the world and shall continue with the life depending upon the planets (Moon & Jupiter) who break the yoga. The yoga breaks in 9th house, results in higher education / knowledge.


With the combination of Moon (mind) and Jupiter (Husband), she discovered a new substance radium (result attributed by Maha-Sankha yoga) and latter on she got Nobel prize in 1911 in Ketu-Moon dasa. (results attributed by Maha-padma yoga)


She was 44 years old, when she got the prize (just after the natural age of nodes viz. 43). Gaja-Kesari yoga with Ketu gave her fame and recoginition.





Sarpa Yoga


If the 3 quadrants are occupied by the natural malefics, this gives sarpa (serpant) yoga. This yoga is very bad as it makes the native cruel, miserable and a poor man.


Quadrants are the 4 pillars of life. They are important for sustenance of life. Presence of malefics in them will certainly gives very bad results. Presence of natural benefics will curtail its negative effects.


Remedial measure: The diety associated with the benefic planet, causing the break of this yoga, should be worshipped.


The poison effect of the serpent can also be nullified by reciting Garuda mantra. It will destroy enemies, sorrow, misery, removes addictions and gives pure devotion for Shri Vishnu.


Note: It was Garuda (the king of birds), who removes the poison effect of snakes from the body of Shri Ram and Laxman, when they were made unconsciousness by Meghanath demoniac power.

(Sri Ramacaritamanasa, Lanka-Kanda 74 A-B)



Please correct me whereever I'm wrong and guide me properly.



Gopal Krishan DodaKrishanFriendGopalKrishanDodaOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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