Guest guest Posted December 1, 2001 Report Share Posted December 1, 2001 JAI GURUDEV. Pujya Guruji, Here below I have made an attempt to study the chart of Sri Nelson Mandela, which has got Kala SarpaYoga but broken. 1.a) Study the case of a person with KSY. Birth details of Sri Nelson Mandela are:- July 18, 1918, 15-00Hrs, GMT Diff-2.0Hrs(east), 28E47, 31S35. In this case The KSY has been formed along the houses, 12 and 6. Thus Lagna has come out of the clutches of the devil. But the KSY has been broken by the Two factors. 1) First rated natural benefic and also Lagna Lord, Guru, has joined 7th house, generating MAHAPADMA YOGA. 2) A natural benefic planet, Shukra is placed along with Ketu strongly. General indications of the KSY, formed along the houses, 12 and 6 are: Imprisonment, Secret enemies, Bad health and severe diesease. Mr. Mandela spent his major part life in jail and confronted with open enemy and suffered a lot and it might have run endless but thanks to Mahapadma Yoga. In Vismottari Dasa of Chandra, he must have found the light. In the chart, Chandra is in 11th house in Thula in the star of Guru (Vishaka). Chandra is being aspected by Shukra by Rasi dhrusti and also by Guru by graha dhrusti. Both these planets are break opening the dreaded yoga. Because of the Gajakesari yoga formed both in Rasi and Navamsa, his fame was internationally very well spread even before he occuppied the prestigeous post of President. Is it the indicative of the point that, very strong yogas even can cross barricades of the adverse other planetory positions in the chart? Guru is very strong and aspecting the Lagna both in Rasi and Navamsa. This must have been the driving force for him to over come and emerge as victor after very long suffering against powerful rulers. The Gajakesari Yoga is also in the house of 7th and hence bestow the result late in life. But why inspite of very strong breaking of KSY, the positive results not started just realising at around the age of 46, but late? Or should We consider that, the Yogas started fructifying when he started drawing the attention of the whole world on his fight against the autocracy of the rulers? 2) Another version of Sarpa Yoga. : When at least Three quadrants in a chart are occuppied by the Malefics that combination leads for the results of Sarpa Yoga. Out of Four quadrants in a chart, if Three quadrants are tenanted by malefics and non of the quadrants are ocuppied by any benefics and no benefics gets conjoined with malefics placed in the quadrants, then this leads for the SARPA YOGA. This Yoga present in a chart, makes the native poor, unsuccessful, dependent on others and miserable. I will submit charts having KAY and Sarpa Yoga in next postings. I request to clarify my following doubts. 1) What would be the results, if only one of the planets goes out of the axis of the Rahu-Kethu by more than a house? Can We infur any results by counting the number of planets remained out of Rahu-Ketu axis? 2) If Rahu is placed in the Mesha, Vrishabha and or other good placement, can it make any diference in the intensity of the results of the KSY? 3) In some of the charts, Rahu acts as Yogakaraka, does in such cases, presence of KSY/KAY negates the Rahu to give beneficial results? With Kind regards, Namra shishya, Mohan hegde. -- These calculations were made using " Jagannatha Hora Lite " . It is a free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it from or -- Date of Birth: July 18, 1918 Time of Birth: 3:00:00 pm Time Zone of Birth: 2:00 East of GMT Longitude of Birth: 28 E 47 Latitude of Birth: 31 S 35 Lunar month (maasa): Ashadha Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Dasami Tithi balance: 0.3952 Nakshatra balance: 0.4300 Sun-Moon Yoga: Subha Sunrise = 7:02 am (Apparent rise - upper limb) Ayanamsa = 22-43-27 Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days Planet Position Pada CharaK Resi OwnTara InTara Rasi Nava Naks Sub Ascdt 2 Sg 24 Moola 1 - - - Kshema Ju Ma Ke Ve Sun 2 Cn 20 Punarvasu 4 GK 100% Sadhana Janma Mo Mo Ju Rh Moon 27 Li 36 Visakha 3 AmK 68% Naidhana Janma Ve Me Ju Ve Mars 19 Vi 51 Hastha 3 PiK 16% Mitra Naidhana Me Me Mo Ke Mercury 23 Cn 24 Aasresha 3 BK 40% Vipat Vipat Mo Sa Me Ma Jupiter 8 Ge 26 Aardra 1 PK 60% Janma P.Mitra Me Ju Rh Rh Venus 29 Ta 51 Mrigasira 2 AK 83% Pratyak Mitra Ve Me Ma Sa Saturn 22 Cn 17 Aasresha 2 MK 33% Sampat Vipat Mo Sa Me Mo Rahu 27 Sc 48 Jyeshtha 4 DK 69% P.Mitra Vipat Ma Ju Me Ju Ketu 27 Ta 48 Mrigasira 2 - 69% Kshema Mitra Ve Me Ma Ju BhavaLg 1 Sc 18 Visakha 4 - 93% -- Janma Ma Mo Ju Ma HoraLg 0 Pi 34 Poo.Bhaa. 4 - 88% -- Janma Ju Mo Ju Ma GhatiLg 28 Aq 23 Poo.Bhaa. 3 - 73% -- Janma Sa Me Ju Ve Dhooma 15 Sc 40 Anuradha 4 - 12% -- Sampat Ma Ma Sa Ju Vyati 14 Le 19 Poo.Pha. 1 - 21% -- Pratyak Su Su Ve Ve Pari 14 Aq 19 Satabhisham 3 - 21% -- P.Mitra Sa Sa Rh Me I.Chapa 15 Ta 40 Rohini 2 - 12% -- Naidhana Ve Ve Mo Sa Upaketu 2 Ge 20 Mrigasira 3 - 100% -- Mitra Me Ve Ma Ke Kaala 15 Li 43 Swathi 3 - 11% -- P.Mitra Ve Sa Rh Ve Mrityu 28 Sc 59 Jyeshtha 4 - 77% -- Vipat Ma Ju Me Sa ArthaPr 16 Sg 41 Poo.Shaa. 2 - 5% -- Pratyak Ju Me Ve Mo YamaGha 1 Cn 12 Punarvasu 4 - 92% -- Janma Mo Mo Ju Ma Mandi 18 Vi 40 Hastha 3 - 8% -- Naidhana Me Me Mo Me Gulika 20 Le 08 Poo.Pha. 3 - 18% -- Pratyak Su Ve Ve Ju +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | Ket | | | HL | | | Jup | | | | Ven | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Sun | | | | | | GL | | Sat | | | | | | | | Mer | |-------------| R A S I |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Glk | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | BL | | Mnd | | Asc | | Moo | | | | Rah | | Mar | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | Mnd Mar | | Rah | Asc | | | | | | | Moo GL | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Sun | | | | | | Mer | | BL | | | | | | | | HL | |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------| | | | | | | | | | Sat | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Ket | | Jup | | Glk | | | | | | Ven | | | | | | +----------------------+ Vimsottari Dasa: Jupi 1918-07-18 Sun 1919-12-15 Moon 1920-10-03 Mars 1922-02-02 Rahu 1923-01-09 Satu 1925-06-03 Merc 1928-06-06 Ketu 1931-02-14 Venu 1932-03-25 Sun 1935-05-25 Moon 1936-05-06 Mars 1937-12-06 Rahu 1939-01-14 Jupi 1941-11-20 Merc 1944-06-03 Ketu 1946-10-30 Venu 1947-10-28 Sun 1950-08-27 Moon 1951-07-04 Mars 1952-12-02 Rahu 1953-11-29 Jupi 1956-06-18 Satu 1958-09-24 Ketu 1961-06-03 Venu 1961-10-30 Sun 1962-12-30 Moon 1963-05-07 Mars 1963-12-06 Rahu 1964-05-03 Jupi 1965-05-22 Satu 1966-04-28 Merc 1967-06-06 Venu 1968-06-03 Sun 1971-10-03 Moon 1972-10-02 Mars 1974-06-03 Rahu 1975-08-03 Jupi 1978-08-03 Satu 1981-04-03 Merc 1984-06-02 Ketu 1987-04-03 Sun 1988-06-02 Moon 1988-09-20 Mars 1989-03-22 Rahu 1989-07-27 Jupi 1990-06-21 Satu 1991-04-09 Merc 1992-03-21 Ketu 1993-01-26 Venu 1993-06-03 Moon 1994-06-03 Mars 1995-04-03 Rahu 1995-11-02 Jupi 1997-05-03 Satu 1998-09-02 Merc 2000-04-02 Ketu 2001-09-02 Venu 2002-04-03 Sun 2003-12-03 Mars 2004-06-02 Rahu 2004-10-29 Jupi 2005-11-17 Satu 2006-10-24 Merc 2007-12-03 Ketu 2008-11-29 Venu 2009-04-27 Sun 2010-06-27 Moon 2010-11-02 Rahu 2011-06-03 Jupi 2014-02-13 Satu 2016-07-09 Merc 2019-05-16 Ketu 2021-12-02 Venu 2022-12-21 Sun 2025-12-20 Moon 2026-11-14 Mars 2028-05-15 Ashtottari Dasa: Mars 1918-07-18 Merc 1919-05-28 Satu 1922-01-30 Jupi 1923-08-27 Rahu 1926-08-24 Venu 1928-07-14 Sun 1931-11-03 Moon 1932-10-13 Mars 1935-02-22 Satu 1936-05-27 Jupi 1937-04-30 Rahu 1939-02-02 Venu 1940-03-14 Sun 1942-02-22 Moon 1942-09-13 Mars 1944-02-02 Merc 1944-10-30 Jupi 1946-05-28 Rahu 1949-09-30 Venu 1951-11-10 Sun 1955-07-21 Moon 1956-08-10 Mars 1959-03-31 Merc 1960-08-26 Satu 1963-08-24 Rahu 1965-05-27 Venu 1966-09-26 Sun 1969-01-26 Moon 1969-09-26 Mars 1971-05-28 Merc 1972-04-16 Satu 1974-03-07 Jupi 1975-04-17 Venu 1977-05-27 Sun 1981-06-27 Moon 1982-08-27 Mars 1985-07-27 Merc 1987-02-15 Satu 1990-06-07 Jupi 1992-05-17 Rahu 1996-01-26 Sun 1998-05-27 Moon 1998-09-26 Mars 1999-07-27 Merc 2000-01-06 Satu 2000-12-16 Jupi 2001-07-07 Rahu 2002-07-27 Venu 2003-03-28 Moon 2004-05-27 Mars 2006-06-27 Merc 2007-08-07 Satu 2009-12-16 Jupi 2011-05-07 Rahu 2013-12-26 Venu 2015-08-27 Sun 2018-07-27 Mars 2019-05-27 Merc 2019-12-30 Satu 2021-04-03 Jupi 2021-12-29 Rahu 2023-05-27 Venu 2024-04-16 Sun 2025-11-05 Moon 2026-04-17 Kalachakra Dasa: Cn 1918-07-18 Ar 1920-02-03 Sg 1921-10-27 Cp 1924-04-16 Aq 1925-04-12 Vi 1926-04-08 Le 1928-06-29 Ge 1929-09-23 Ta 1930-09-06 Ar 1932-05-17 Sg 1933-02-11 Cp 1934-03-05 Aq 1934-08-07 Vi 1935-01-08 Le 1935-12-22 Cn 1936-07-03 Ta 1938-09-23 Ar 1941-09-27 Sg 1943-01-21 Cp 1944-12-09 Aq 1945-09-10 Vi 1946-06-12 Le 1948-02-20 Cn 1949-01-29 Ge 1953-01-12 Ar 1954-09-23 Sg 1955-04-21 Cp 1956-02-16 Aq 1956-06-15 Vi 1956-10-14 Le 1957-07-11 Cn 1957-12-09 Ge 1959-09-02 Ta 1960-05-29 Sg 1961-09-22 Cp 1962-11-26 Aq 1963-05-17 Vi 1963-11-05 Le 1964-11-26 Cn 1965-06-29 Ge 1967-12-18 Ta 1969-01-08 Ar 1970-11-26 Cp 1971-09-23 Aq 1971-12-01 Vi 1972-02-07 Le 1972-07-11 Cn 1972-10-05 Ge 1973-10-01 Ta 1974-03-05 Ar 1974-12-05 Sg 1975-04-04 Aq 1975-09-23 Vi 1975-12-01 Le 1976-05-03 Cn 1976-07-28 Ge 1977-07-24 Ta 1977-12-26 Ar 1978-09-27 Sg 1979-01-25 Cp 1979-07-16 Pi 1979-09-23 Ar 1980-09-22 Ta 1981-06-05 Ge 1983-01-10 Le 1983-12-05 Cn 1984-06-04 Vi 1986-07-11 Li 1987-06-05 Sc 1989-01-10 Ar 1989-09-22 Ta 1990-03-20 Ge 1991-05-03 Le 1991-12-19 Cn 1992-04-25 Vi 1993-10-14 Li 1994-06-01 Sc 1995-07-15 Pi 1996-01-10 Ta 1996-09-22 Ge 1999-04-15 Le 2000-09-22 Cn 2001-07-11 Vi 2004-11-19 Li 2006-04-29 Sc 2008-11-19 Pi 2010-01-02 Ar 2011-08-10 Ge 2012-09-22 Le 2013-07-15 Cn 2013-12-26 Vi 2015-11-16 Li 2016-09-07 Sc 2018-02-15 Pi 2018-10-03 Ar 2019-08-28 Ta 2020-04-14 Le 2021-09-22 Cn 2021-12-22 Vi 2023-01-10 Li 2023-06-23 Sc 2024-04-10 Pi 2024-08-16 Ar 2025-02-15 Ta 2025-06-23 Ge 2026-04-11 +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Sun Glk | | | | | | | | Moo BL | | | | | | | | GL HL | |-------------| H O R A |-------------| | | | Ket Ven | | | | Jup Sat | | | | Mer | | | | Mnd Mar | | | | Rah Asc | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | Sat | | | | | | | | Jup | | Mer | Glk | | | | | | | Moo | | HL | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Sun | | | | | | | | Rah | | | | | |-------------| D - 3 |-------------| | | | | | Ket Ven | | | | | | | | Mnd Mar | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Asc | BL | GL | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | Mnd | | | | | | | | | | Mar | Mer | | | | | | | | | HL | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | Ket | | | | | | Sun | | Ven | | | | | | Moo | | Glk | | | |-------------| D - 4 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | Sat | | Rah | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | BL | | | | Asc | | | Jup | | | GL | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | Sun | | | | | | | | | Asc | BL | Glk | | | | | | | | | HL | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Jup | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 5 |-------------| | | | | | Sat Mer | | | | | | | | Mnd Mar | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | Ket | | | | | | Moo | | | | Ven | | | | | | GL | | | | Rah | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | Ket | | | | | | | | | | Ven | Asc | Jup | | | | | | | | Rah | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | Sat | | | | | | | | Mer | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 6 |-------------| | | | | | Mnd | | | | | | Glk | | Mar | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Sun | | | | | | Moo | | | | BL | | | | | | GL | | | | HL | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | Ket | | | | | | Sat | | | Moo | Ven | | | | | | Mer | | | | BL | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Jup | | | | | | | | Mnd | | | | | | | | Mar | |-------------| D - 7 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | Sun | | GL | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | Glk | | | | | | Rah | | HL | | Asc | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Sun | Glk | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Ket Ven | | | | | | | | Rah GL | | | | | |-------------| D - 8 |-------------| | | | | | | | Asc | | Mar | | | | | | HL | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | Mnd | | Jup | | | | Moo | | Sat | | BL | | Mer | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | Sun | Rah | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Moo | | Glk | | | | | | BL | | | | | |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Jup | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Mnd Mar | Ket Ven | | | Asc | | | | | | GL HL | Sat Mer | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | Jup | | | | | | | | | GL | Mnd | Mar | | | | | | | | | HL | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Glk | | | | | | | | Rah | | | | | |-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------| | Ket | | | | | | Moo | | Ven | | | | | | Asc | | Sun | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | Sat | | | | | | | | | | Mer | | | | | | | | | | BL | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | Ket Ven | | | | Sat | | | | | | Mer Glk | | | | HL | | | | | | Mnd Mar | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Sun | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | GL | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Jup | | Asc | BL | Rah | | | | | | Moo | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | Jup | | Glk | | Sat | | Sun | | | | Mer | | Moo | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | Asc | | BL | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Ket | | | | Ven | | | | HL | | Mar | Mnd | | | GL | | | | | | Rah | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | Ket Sat | | | | Sun | | | | | | Rah GL | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Ven | | | | | | | | Mer | | | | | |-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------| | | | | | Jup | | Mnd | | | | | | Glk | | HL | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Mar | | BL | | Moo | | | | | | Asc | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | Ven | | | | Ket | | | | | | Moo | | | | Rah | | | | | | GL | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Jup | | HL | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 2 4 |-------------| | | | | | | | Sun | | Mer | | | | | | BL | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | Sat | | | Mnd | | | | Mar | | | Glk | | | Asc | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | Sun | | Jup | Asc | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | BL | | | | | | | | Rah | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 2 7 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | HL | | Ket | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Mer | | | | Mnd | | Ven | | Mar | | Glk | | | | GL | | Sat | | | | Moo | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | Sun | | | Mnd | | | | | | Asc | BL | Glk | | Mar | | | | | | | HL | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Jup | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------| | | | | | Sat | | | | | | | | Mer | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | Ket | | | | | | Moo | | | | Ven | | | | | | GL | | | | Rah | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | Jup | | Mer | | | | Moo | | Glk | | Sat | | GL | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Asc | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 4 0 |-------------| | | | | | Ven | | | | | | | | Sun | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | Ket | | | | | | Mnd | | | Mar | BL | | | | | | HL | | | | Rah | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | Mer | Ven | | | | | | Mar | | | Asc | Mnd | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | Glk | | | | | | Sun | | GL | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 4 5 |-------------| | Ket | | | | | | | | Sat | | | | | | | | Rah | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | Jup | | | Moo | | | | | | | HL | | | BL | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | Ven | | | | | | Mer | | | Sat | Asc | | Rah | | | | Moo | | | | HL | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 6 0 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | BL | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | Ket | | Jup | | | | | | | | Glk | Sun | Mnd | | | | | | | | Mar | | GL | | +----------------------+ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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