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Narayana Dasa:Ketu

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Om Gurave Namah,

Namaste Guruji and Jyotishas,

I was reading charts in your Narayana dasa book specifically to know more about determining the stronger of dual lords. In Page 79 on Maneka Gandhi's Chart, Ketu is taken stronger lord of Scorpio giving 6 years. I understand that ketu should be the lord to give Libra Dasa during her husbands death, But I can't decipher why. Mars being Atmakarak it should have won the Race by Rule 6, But it has not been so, Why?. Is it because Mars become retrograde?. or something else?.


Can somebody please help me in understanding this.




Hare Ram Krishna


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Hare Rama Krishna



Dear SanjayP,


According to *me*, if the question concerned is finding the lord of

either Aq or Sc, then , the following rules should be followed:


1. The co-owner with more planets gets lordship.

2. The co-owner aspected by more planets out of Ju/Me/Lord.

3. If one of them is exalted take it, the same is the case if

other is debilitated.

4. Co-owners placed in Dual > Fixed > Movable.

5. The co-owner contributing more years to the Dasa.


In Maneka Gandhi's case, Ketu gives Sc 6yrs as opposed to Mars which

gives 3 yrs.


The dictum is given in Page 32(e).


These rules are also given in Narasimha's book in Pg 174.







varahamihira, " Sanjay Prabhakaran " <s.prabhakaran@h...>


> Om Gurave Namah,

> Namaste Guruji and Jyotishas,

> I was reading charts in your Narayana dasa book specifically to

know more about determining the stronger of dual lords. In Page 79 on

Maneka Gandhi's Chart, Ketu is taken stronger lord of Scorpio giving

6 years. I understand that ketu should be the lord to give Libra Dasa

during her husbands death, But I can't decipher why. Mars being

Atmakarak it should have won the Race by Rule 6, But it has not been

so, Why?. Is it because Mars become retrograde?. or something else?.


> Can somebody please help me in understanding this.


> Regards

> S.Prabhakaran

> Hare Ram Krishna

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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Prabhakara

Atmakarakatwa is not a criteria in Narayana dasa for strength determination except on the last. When they are equally strong in other respects the planet giving a higher number of years shall give the period.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

- Sanjay Prabhakaran


Sunday, December 02, 2001 2:20 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Narayana Dasa:Ketu



Om Gurave Namah,

Namaste Guruji and Jyotishas,

I was reading charts in your Narayana dasa book specifically to know more about determining the stronger of dual lords. In Page 79 on Maneka Gandhi's Chart, Ketu is taken stronger lord of Scorpio giving 6 years. I understand that ketu should be the lord to give Libra Dasa during her husbands death, But I can't decipher why. Mars being Atmakarak it should have won the Race by Rule 6, But it has not been so, Why?. Is it because Mars become retrograde?. or something else?.


Can somebody please help me in understanding this.




Hare Ram Krishna

OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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