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Lesson KAY,KSY and Sarpa Yoga.

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Jaya Jagannatha!

Dear Class, Pranams.

Assignment regarding the lesson on KSY, KAY,and sarpa Yogas. Give examples and explain.


The first chart is the chart of Dan White who was the supervisor of the city of San Francisco.He became famous in 1978 when he murdered a supervisor and the mayor of San Francisco, supposedly in anger over the homosexual affiliations of his victims.

Prior to being a politician he was a respected policeman,fireman, and had served his country in the military. His legal defense became famous, as"the twinkie defense"as his lawyers tried to claim he acted irrationally because of eating to much junk food. His trail was considered a farce, as he got such a light sentence.It was a case of a good man gone bad.It is interesting that this all happened in Ketu Mahadasha,KETU Maha dasha started July 1978, and when Ketu was over he committed suicide.at just short of 39years old.

He was sentenced to jail on May 21 1979(KETU/Venus mahaDASHA)

He spent 5 years,one month in jail before he was paroled inJan1984(Ketu/Sat) but killed himself by carbon monoxide in the garage of his ex-wife within a year.Oct 21,1985(Venus/Venus)

His lagna is sensitive sign kanya, and the LL is in the 12th with the 12th lord suggesting that the individual will be the cause of his own destruction and also since the 12th house rules jails we are suspect.

In his chart Rahu in Taurus in the 9th house leads the yoga,and it ends in the 3rd house With Deb. Moon(eclipse) conj.Ketu in Scorpio.

Significant here is that Mars, desposits the Moon and Ketu (in his house the 3rdcourage,action). and is in the AC.(11thfrom the moon).mars is also in the nak of the moon

In addition Lagna is aspected by Sat(6th lord), and strong Rahu in Taurus.

There are no benefics in kendras, and I don't see anything else that could've helped this fellow. Another point is that Jup isin the 12th from Moon,and so is the 9th lordVenus.

In the Navamsa ,Sun(2ndlord) and Moon(LL) are both conjunct Rahu. Venus ,sat and Jup in the 4th,aspecting the 10th.

So while he had the karma to rise to a position, and have a good reputation the Kala Sarpa yoga overtook him and ultimately he took his own life.Mars as 8th lord is 3rd fromAL,and aspects the 7th and 8th.Mars owns the 64th navamsa.I think just the moon deb and scorpio must have given him a kind of weird reality.

He killed himself shortly after entering his Venus Maha Dasha. Although Venus is maraka, being the 2nd lord in second,and conjunct another marakaJup.It would seem more logical that he ended his life in Ketu(ghostly form).??(And ketu is connected toMars being in his sign


The next chart is of a young man who emanates "niceness", he is very patient, tolerant,and seems like the all around good,sweet person.. He wants to be teacher, loves children and is currently enrolled in college.

His Lagna is Scorpio,which is also theA4,A5,A9,A10,A11.! His LL, mars is in is own sign in the 6thhouse.Withhis AK merc.andPitK Venus.

His Ketu MahaDasha just ended.His KalaSarpa yoga starts off with Ketu in the 4th house of heart mother,etc.and ends in the 10th house with Rahu in Leo.Sat4th lord is there.

I wanted to see if this boy had what it would take to be a spiritual person. He has Moon(9th lord) in the5th.That is very nice and shows past life devotional activities. Inaddition,Jup is Ex. in the 9th.So Moon and Jup are involved in an amazing exchange.!In addition from the 9th jup aspects own 5th houseand (moon again)and the lagna.This also makes, exjup in trine from Moon and vice versa-I thought this was too good to be true!

I have some doubts about this so I like to hear what others think. There are no benefics in kendras here so he also has sarpa yoga.Rahu,Ketu,Sun,and Sat in kendras to lagna and Mars is LLand aspects the lagna.Another interesting thing is that the Sun 10th lord is in the 7th house (setting).Its despositor,Venus is in the6th(12th from its house)Sat is aspecting the Sun in 7th so doesn't look positive for marriage. Sat is really heavy here aspecting 4th,7th,and residing in 10th!He is alsovargottama.

Rahu andSat conjunction couldn't be good,and rahu aspects the 2nd house, and also the 6th house that holds a Viparita combination of planets. 6th lordMars in the 6th with 12lord venus,and 6th lordMerc.

I'm not sure how this will play out. But it appears that Rahu will play a part in it.I was just thinking maybe he ends up being a lawyer???

I could picture him being a person who would stand up for poor peoples rights or something like that.

Moon is aspecting his AL so again, so many things suggest success in life.


If someone can pull this chart together i would appreciate it. I am missing the importance of Rahu/Sat.When he hits his Rahu Maha dasha he will be 65yrs

How does this apparent malefic combination bring about rise/recognition and form saintly combination?Does it have to do with saturn as 4th lord (and the despositor of Ketu) and being conjoined Rahu?

Any comments are appreciated, i feel I am missing something.

Thank-you,Lakshmi deviK.


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Dear Lakshmi Devi,

Regarding your question about the young man..he will be very saintly and truly spiritual as Rahu is placed in the 12th from the Arudha Lagna. If Rahu is in the 7th/12th from AL, the person shall be free from all guile and shall have OM TAT SAT as his foundation.

Best Regards

Sanjay Rath

- Laksmi (Lynne Kary)


Sunday, December 02, 2001 8:24 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson KAY,KSY and Sarpa Yoga.


Jaya Jagannatha!

Dear Class, Pranams.

Assignment regarding the lesson on KSY, KAY,and sarpa Yogas. Give examples and explain.


The first chart is the chart of Dan White who was the supervisor of the city of San Francisco.He became famous in 1978 when he murdered a supervisor and the mayor of San Francisco, supposedly in anger over the homosexual affiliations of his victims.

Prior to being a politician he was a respected policeman,fireman, and had served his country in the military. His legal defense became famous, as"the twinkie defense"as his lawyers tried to claim he acted irrationally because of eating to much junk food. His trail was considered a farce, as he got such a light sentence.It was a case of a good man gone bad.It is interesting that this all happened in Ketu Mahadasha,KETU Maha dasha started July 1978, and when Ketu was over he committed suicide.at just short of 39years old.

He was sentenced to jail on May 21 1979(KETU/Venus mahaDASHA)

He spent 5 years,one month in jail before he was paroled inJan1984(Ketu/Sat) but killed himself by carbon monoxide in the garage of his ex-wife within a year.Oct 21,1985(Venus/Venus)

His lagna is sensitive sign kanya, and the LL is in the 12th with the 12th lord suggesting that the individual will be the cause of his own destruction and also since the 12th house rules jails we are suspect.

In his chart Rahu in Taurus in the 9th house leads the yoga,and it ends in the 3rd house With Deb. Moon(eclipse) conj.Ketu in Scorpio.

Significant here is that Mars, desposits the Moon and Ketu (in his house the 3rdcourage,action). and is in the AC.(11thfrom the moon).mars is also in the nak of the moon

In addition Lagna is aspected by Sat(6th lord), and strong Rahu in Taurus.

There are no benefics in kendras, and I don't see anything else that could've helped this fellow. Another point is that Jup isin the 12th from Moon,and so is the 9th lordVenus.

In the Navamsa ,Sun(2ndlord) and Moon(LL) are both conjunct Rahu. Venus ,sat and Jup in the 4th,aspecting the 10th.

So while he had the karma to rise to a position, and have a good reputation the Kala Sarpa yoga overtook him and ultimately he took his own life.Mars as 8th lord is 3rd fromAL,and aspects the 7th and 8th.Mars owns the 64th navamsa.I think just the moon deb and scorpio must have given him a kind of weird reality.

He killed himself shortly after entering his Venus Maha Dasha. Although Venus is maraka, being the 2nd lord in second,and conjunct another marakaJup.It would seem more logical that he ended his life in Ketu(ghostly form).??(And ketu is connected toMars being in his sign


The next chart is of a young man who emanates "niceness", he is very patient, tolerant,and seems like the all around good,sweet person.. He wants to be teacher, loves children and is currently enrolled in college.

His Lagna is Scorpio,which is also theA4,A5,A9,A10,A11.! His LL, mars is in is own sign in the 6thhouse.Withhis AK merc.andPitK Venus.

His Ketu MahaDasha just ended.His KalaSarpa yoga starts off with Ketu in the 4th house of heart mother,etc.and ends in the 10th house with Rahu in Leo.Sat4th lord is there.

I wanted to see if this boy had what it would take to be a spiritual person. He has Moon(9th lord) in the5th.That is very nice and shows past life devotional activities. Inaddition,Jup is Ex. in the 9th.So Moon and Jup are involved in an amazing exchange.!In addition from the 9th jup aspects own 5th houseand (moon again)and the lagna.This also makes, exjup in trine from Moon and vice versa-I thought this was too good to be true!

I have some doubts about this so I like to hear what others think. There are no benefics in kendras here so he also has sarpa yoga.Rahu,Ketu,Sun,and Sat in kendras to lagna and Mars is LLand aspects the lagna.Another interesting thing is that the Sun 10th lord is in the 7th house (setting).Its despositor,Venus is in the6th(12th from its house)Sat is aspecting the Sun in 7th so doesn't look positive for marriage. Sat is really heavy here aspecting 4th,7th,and residing in 10th!He is alsovargottama.

Rahu andSat conjunction couldn't be good,and rahu aspects the 2nd house, and also the 6th house that holds a Viparita combination of planets. 6th lordMars in the 6th with 12lord venus,and 6th lordMerc.

I'm not sure how this will play out. But it appears that Rahu will play a part in it.I was just thinking maybe he ends up being a lawyer???

I could picture him being a person who would stand up for poor peoples rights or something like that.

Moon is aspecting his AL so again, so many things suggest success in life.


If someone can pull this chart together i would appreciate it. I am missing the importance of Rahu/Sat.When he hits his Rahu Maha dasha he will be 65yrs

How does this apparent malefic combination bring about rise/recognition and form saintly combination?Does it have to do with saturn as 4th lord (and the despositor of Ketu) and being conjoined Rahu?

Any comments are appreciated, i feel I am missing something.

Thank-you,Lakshmi deviK.

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