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KSY Lesson-Assignment[Q 1A]

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Respected Sanjay guruji,




I am submitting my partial response to this assignment, pertaining to KSY.


For this assignment, I have selected charts of persons from my immediate circle of friends and relatives and have tried to be totally objective in my analysis.


The result is that the results I have arrived at do not match some of the facts about these natives that are known to me.


It is obvious that I have missed some factors and mis-interpreted some other.


If the learned Girus and seniors on this list can critically evaluate my subission and guide me to identify my errors and ommissions, I will be greatly obliged.


My detailed reasoning/ analysis is also enclosed for this purpose.


With sincere regards,


Shailesh Chandra Chadhascchadha, shail_c




Chart 1 (SCC-KSY 1)

The KSY on 6/12 axis indicates excessive sufferings due to misfortune/ bad-habits, health, superiors as well as subordinates in service, etc. After the KSY breaks, this combination would also lead to aversion to sensuality on one hand and attraction towards spirituality on the other.

This chart shows a native with an unusual and extreme personality who, mainly through his own efforts, will be extremely rich and (in)famous, will suffer due to his own excesses and yet will become spiritual and rise to higher worlds.

His vocation would be civil/ heavy engg., perhaps government contracts, where he may make high profits, and may be involved in heavy litigations too.

He may marry a lady elder to him, who may also happen to be his competitor too, and her wealth or prosperity could be a reason for her marriage. The lady may belong to different community.

The married life would be troublesome, caused by undesirable liaisons of the native with the opposite sex – which in turn could be caused by the detachment/ disinterest of the marriage partner. The extra-marital liaisons may also lead to financial ruin of the native.

All this may lead the native towards spirituality and elevation.

Since both JU & MO, though weak, are involved in breaking the KSY, and it happens in a kendra- 10th house, it creates a beneficial, and perhaps lasting Maha-Sankha and Maha-Padma Yogas, which will give a great rise in status and prosperity to the native, along with, perhaps, beginning of a new heavy engg. or contruction giant.

The dasa of AK is supposed to be a period of struggle and evolution but in this chart MA Vim-dasa will set in very late. And rthe presence of KSY will prevent the AK from weilding any effect till the KSY is broken. [is it likely that in this connection, SA- which conjuncts AK MA and forms a RY with it - may assume that role and its Vim-mahadasa, which started in May 2001, may assume that role.]

Break of KSY:

Due to Lagna being outside the RK arc, LL VE may help to break this KSY at an earlier age, at the natural age VE- 25/26 years.

Similarly presence of GKY may help to breaking this yoga at the natural age of JU – 30 years.

KSY is normally expected to continue upto the natural age of KSY, i.e. 45 years.

Another school of thought states the following years as the duration of KSY and would suggest that, for this native, KSY will run upto 54th year. The general rules in this case, for the KSY starting in various houses are:


in 1st house: upto 27 years of age. in 2nd house: upto 33 years of age. in 3rd house: upto 36 years of age. in 4th house: upto 42 years of age. in 5th house: upto 48 years of age. in 6th house: upto 54 years of age.


This chart belongs to a very intelligent young boy who is almost always at the top of his class without any apparent effort. He will be appearing for IIT entrance in 2003. He has an elder sister - an engg. student.

So far the native has not faced any sufferings as be is blessed with doting parents. The boy has been accident prone and has a weak constitution but seems to have overcome that age.

I request the respected Gurus and seniors to help me identify the potentially problemetic areas and time-spans.

CHART 2(SCC-KSY 2.jhd)

MALE, born on February 8, 1951, at 21:10:00 hrs, at Delhi

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Longitude: 77 E 13' 00" Latitude: 28 N 40' 00"

This is an extremely peculiar chart, that has several interesting features, such as:


Not a single benefic, either in Angles or in trines KSY on 6/12 axis Conjn. of 5 planets, 2 benefic and 3 malefics, in the 6H, including 3 & 8 lord, MA, Mutual rasi aspect between Lagna, GL and HL, with Rx SA in Lagna, itself generating a RY Presense of KE in 12H.

The KSY is on 6/12 axis, normally indicating excessive sufferings due to misfortune/ bad-habits, health, superiors as well as subordinates in service, etc. After the KSY breaks, this combination would also lead to aversion to sensuality on one hand and attraction towards spirituality on the other.

This chart shows a native with an egoistic and a very aggressive person, who may have be constantly troubled due to opponents on one hand and his own relations with his immediate family on the other. He will rise high in life by overcoming his rivals, and even partners, but may suffer due to lack of progenic bliss.

There are several conflicting indication in the chart – especially in the 6H of Rashi chart.

Presense of several very strong RY and VRY show a comfortable life, easing the rigours of the KSY.


Break of KSY:

As there are no benefics, at all, in the angles. However, presence of a strong GKY causes the KSY to break. At the age of 24.

Moons natural age of 23/24 would ease the KSY but since JU is stronger, the age for break would be 30, the natural age of JU.

However, the secondary age for JU, 24, coincides with natural age of MO, and GKY breaks the KSY, hence 24 could be the indicated year.

Otherwise, KSY is normally expected to continue upto the natural age of KSY, i.e. 45 years or, as per the second school that was mentioned above, KSY would run upto 54th year.


This chart belongs to a very intelligent and self made individual, who spent a better part of his early life in several foreign countries – first with his father who was in foreign service and then in the merchant navy- before settling down in Hyderabad where he is successfully running two industrial units – a foundry and a stone quarry/ crusher- and have acquired several properties.

He had a fairly comfortable childhood and has a strong physique and robust health, as per his age.

Both his parents are still alive.

To the best of my knowledge, he has a very cordial and close relationship with his wife and daughter, though his relations with son are strained (who ran away from home for a short duration a few years back).

He is a compassionate and helping person who has lost a lot of money trying to help his needy friends and relatives.

This is contrary to the KSY indications (sufferings due to health, opponents, etc.) and to the imbalanced nature of his chart, which indicates womaniser, excessive passion, VRY and inheritance.

Is it possible the the GKY fructified at the age of 5, the secondary age for MO, when JU-MO vim. dasa was running, causing the KSY to break, and laying the foundation for his subsequent progress, success and prosperity.

I have failed to locate appropriate indications for the following:



frequent change of residence, and countries, in the childhood


career as a seaman, in merchant navy (he was a radio officer)


present line of business – steel foundry, heavy machinery, stone quarry


loss through friends and relatives- whom he tried to help

May I request you to guide me to identify the indications that I have either missed or mis-interpreted.

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