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Lesson on KSY/KAY.

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JAI GURUDEV. Pujya Guruji, Ref.: Lesson on KSY/KAY. [second Part]. In my last posting, I had not included chart having Sarpa Yoga. Here below I have made an attempt to analyse a chart belongs to a Mass Murderer Mr.Theodore Bundy. The chart is enclosed. The chart found to have both KAY and Sarpa Yoga as all the planets are hemmed between Ketu and Rahu along 4th and 10th house. Addittionally Two quadrants, viz, 7th and 10th house are occuppied by malefics and no quadrant house is conjoined with any natural benefics. The Budha naturally looses portfolio of Natural Benefic owing not only its trik house lordship but also over whelmed by bad association. The native could have adopted spiritual path inorder to over come KAY. How ever heahily afflicted 4th house, Naisargika manah karaka and chara AmK Chandra, and malicious Budha must have blinded the native as quadrant houses are deprieved of any influence of benefic planets. Rahu and Ketu seems to be taken over the native as these planets are excessively supressing all the planets in Rasi/Navamsa. Weak Budha and Vakra Shukra might have been cause for havoc created by the native. Guru has very low shadbala strength and it has marana karaka sthana in Rasi. Hence native might have not exihibited any act of humanlyness! Since KAY is not broken the native did not realised to be a good human being and all afflicted kendras made him sex ridden criminal.

All Konas are representative of Godess Laxmi and all Kendras are beleived to represent Lord Vishnu. Hence it may be more imparative to go surrender to Lord Vishnu and meditate and worship him to over come such hopeless situations, when all quadrants gets heavily afflicted and forebodes darker days a head. "OHM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA".


Namra Shishya,

Mohan Hegde.

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