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Karma Phala in Drekkana

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Namaste Visti,


Very good question. I will try my level and let Gurudeva correct me.


Even some body is not accepting past birth and Karma carried by them, they have to accept that our present life has passed through several processes. Our genes passed through the several births of our forefathers. So, resultant of our birth is the accumulated combinations of the Karmas of our forefathers. Apart from our own Karma, we are shouldering the Karma's of our forefathers.


9th house is father, 5th house is grandfather and 1st house is great grand father. So, this cycle can repeat. All the forefathers will fall into this trikona. So, that could be the reason for taking drekkana as the place to know the karma phala.


I think that is why 5th house and 9th house are signifactors for Poorvapunya.



Solai Kannan


Visti Larsen [vlarsen]Tuesday, December 04, 2001 1:22 AMvarahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana

Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

I am curious as the reason the Drekkana should be used to show Karma Phala? Acknowledging that the Drekkana can also be used to see abode before birth(as per BPHS), i was wondering if you could elaborate on this.


Making my own assumptions; Drekkana consists of the trinity of 9th, 1st and 5th, which is the natural Dharmatrikona, and being the 3rd division may show our actions more acurately?


Best wishes, Visti.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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  • 2 weeks later...

***Jaya Jagannath***Dear Visti & Solai

Drekkana for karma Phala is not actually Parasara but instead it is from Phaladeepika or Mantreswara. This is based on the 10 degree concept of drekkana size as indicative of some results of 10th house.

All Varga's have to do with Past karma which causes the planets etc to occupy such specific positions that actually match all karma (Prarabdha) of past incarnations.

Best WishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com***Om Tat Sat***

- Solai Kannan


Tuesday, December 04, 2001 11:01 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana





Namaste Visti,


Very good question. I will try my level and let Gurudeva correct me.


Even some body is not accepting past birth and Karma carried by them, they have to accept that our present life has passed through several processes. Our genes passed through the several births of our forefathers. So, resultant of our birth is the accumulated combinations of the Karmas of our forefathers. Apart from our own Karma, we are shouldering the Karma's of our forefathers.


9th house is father, 5th house is grandfather and 1st house is great grand father. So, this cycle can repeat. All the forefathers will fall into this trikona. So, that could be the reason for taking drekkana as the place to know the karma phala.


I think that is why 5th house and 9th house are signifactors for Poorvapunya.



Solai Kannan


Visti Larsen [vlarsen]Tuesday, December 04, 2001 1:22 AMvarahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana

Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

I am curious as the reason the Drekkana should be used to show Karma Phala? Acknowledging that the Drekkana can also be used to see abode before birth(as per BPHS), i was wondering if you could elaborate on this.


Making my own assumptions; Drekkana consists of the trinity of 9th, 1st and 5th, which is the natural Dharmatrikona, and being the 3rd division may show our actions more acurately?


Best wishes, Visti.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

Thankyou for your answer, its clear and precise.


Why did Parasara state that the Drekkana shows abode from past life?

That is, why specifically Drekkana?

Best wishes, Visti.



Sanjay Rath


Tuesday, December 18, 2001 7:47 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana



***Jaya Jagannath***Dear Visti & Solai

Drekkana for karma Phala is not actually Parasara but instead it is from Phaladeepika or Mantreswara. This is based on the 10 degree concept of drekkana size as indicative of some results of 10th house.

All Varga's have to do with Past karma which causes the planets etc to occupy such specific positions that actually match all karma (Prarabdha) of past incarnations.

Best WishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com***Om Tat Sat***

- Solai Kannan


Tuesday, December 04, 2001 11:01 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana





Namaste Visti,


Very good question. I will try my level and let Gurudeva correct me.


Even some body is not accepting past birth and Karma carried by them, they have to accept that our present life has passed through several processes. Our genes passed through the several births of our forefathers. So, resultant of our birth is the accumulated combinations of the Karmas of our forefathers. Apart from our own Karma, we are shouldering the Karma's of our forefathers.


9th house is father, 5th house is grandfather and 1st house is great grand father. So, this cycle can repeat. All the forefathers will fall into this trikona. So, that could be the reason for taking drekkana as the place to know the karma phala.


I think that is why 5th house and 9th house are signifactors for Poorvapunya.



Solai Kannan


Visti Larsen [vlarsen]Tuesday, December 04, 2001 1:22 AMvarahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana

Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

I am curious as the reason the Drekkana should be used to show Karma Phala? Acknowledging that the Drekkana can also be used to see abode before birth(as per BPHS), i was wondering if you could elaborate on this.


Making my own assumptions; Drekkana consists of the trinity of 9th, 1st and 5th, which is the natural Dharmatrikona, and being the 3rd division may show our actions more acurately?


Best wishes, Visti.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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  • 1 month later...

om gurave namah------------------------Dear Visti

If you read the concept of the Shiva Linga and the saptarishi as explained in the book Vedic remedies in Astrology, you will find that the Atma is a ray of light originating from the Sun (actually the ninth sign from the Sun) and being guided by the Rishi's through the Astadala padma into this body. This is where the nature of the Rishi is very important and then, rishi's are seen from the DREKKANA and GURU DEVATA is the Bhratrikaraka..Can you se those linkages there, third Karaka, guru, Guru's lord over the Drekkana.With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Visti Larsen


Wednesday, December 19, 2001 12:37 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana


Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

Thankyou for your answer, its clear and precise.


Why did Parasara state that the Drekkana shows abode from past life?

That is, why specifically Drekkana?

Best wishes, Visti.



Sanjay Rath


Tuesday, December 18, 2001 7:47 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana



***Jaya Jagannath***Dear Visti & Solai

Drekkana for karma Phala is not actually Parasara but instead it is from Phaladeepika or Mantreswara. This is based on the 10 degree concept of drekkana size as indicative of some results of 10th house.

All Varga's have to do with Past karma which causes the planets etc to occupy such specific positions that actually match all karma (Prarabdha) of past incarnations.

Best WishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com***Om Tat Sat***

- Solai Kannan


Tuesday, December 04, 2001 11:01 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana





Namaste Visti,


Very good question. I will try my level and let Gurudeva correct me.


Even some body is not accepting past birth and Karma carried by them, they have to accept that our present life has passed through several processes. Our genes passed through the several births of our forefathers. So, resultant of our birth is the accumulated combinations of the Karmas of our forefathers. Apart from our own Karma, we are shouldering the Karma's of our forefathers.


9th house is father, 5th house is grandfather and 1st house is great grand father. So, this cycle can repeat. All the forefathers will fall into this trikona. So, that could be the reason for taking drekkana as the place to know the karma phala.


I think that is why 5th house and 9th house are signifactors for Poorvapunya.



Solai Kannan


Visti Larsen [vlarsen]Tuesday, December 04, 2001 1:22 AMvarahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] Karma Phala in Drekkana

Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

I am curious as the reason the Drekkana should be used to show Karma Phala? Acknowledging that the Drekkana can also be used to see abode before birth(as per BPHS), i was wondering if you could elaborate on this.


Making my own assumptions; Drekkana consists of the trinity of 9th, 1st and 5th, which is the natural Dharmatrikona, and being the 3rd division may show our actions more acurately?


Best wishes, Visti.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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