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atmakaraka help?

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Dear Jaan,

Greetings. These are my thoughts.

Well, lords of dusthanas in dusthana give a Vipareeta yoga effect, but before that first consider that some people dont/cant/wont utilize their life to advance spiritually, but it doesnt stop them from utilizing their previous karma(even if its at the expense or fall of another-vipareeta) from the past to exist in this life time. So yes ,he can live a life of material luxury, but what next?

Atma(soul) karaka(indicator) debilitated. Sun(soul)/Rahu eclipse, benefics in dustanas, deb Jup what does that say?about the person in general, unless there are other intervening indications?Whats happening with the Moon.?(There isnt enough info to really say about this person, but in general that is the idea.)

The greatest suffering is to be in such maya (and dont even know you are suffering), being in the material conception and subject to repeated birth,old age, disease, and death.-and neglecting to utilize our free will to advance spiritually.

Lakshmi devi K.





Wednesday, December 05, 2001 11:42 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?

can someone with a debilitated atmakaraka in navamsa be born into a rich family and have a comfortable lifestyle. further more the lagna lord sun is eclipsed by debilitated rahu. 3/10th lord venus is in the 6th with debilitated 5th and 8th lord jupiter.can such a bad positions for lagnesh, venus, jupiter and atmakaraka allow one to have a life of luxury? on the face of it lords of all the trines are weak.or will the suffering due to weak atmakaraka show up only in the vimshottari dasa of atmakaraka?lovejaanOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Dear Jaan,

You are getting judgmental. Now, look at this rationally. Jaimini taught Tasmin ucche neeche va srimantah. So, SRI is there, but what about DHI??


- ray1k


Thursday, December 06, 2001 1:12 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?

can someone with a debilitated atmakaraka in navamsa be born into a rich family and have a comfortable lifestyle. further more the lagna lord sun is eclipsed by debilitated rahu. 3/10th lord venus is in the 6th with debilitated 5th and 8th lord jupiter.can such a bad positions for lagnesh, venus, jupiter and atmakaraka allow one to have a life of luxury? on the face of it lords of all the trines are weak.or will the suffering due to weak atmakaraka show up only in the vimshottari dasa of atmakaraka?lovejaanOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Can you attach the jhd file to help us


- ray1k


Friday, December 07, 2001 1:29 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?

Dear Sanjay Guru, i appreciate Sri being there due to debility , for Dhi lagnesh sun is eclipsed by rahu, jupiter 5th lord is debilitated in 6th and mercury atmakaraka is debilitated in navamsa, so there is weak Dhi.the native doesnt show signs of a weak Dhi, so i think the lagna i have is wrong. furthermore the native has had a pretty smooth life and is not lacking an any areas which leads me to question whether atmakaraka can be debilitated in navamsa. i am trying to rectify a chart hence i am unsure of the lagna.lovejaanvarahamihira, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:> Dear Jaan,> You are getting judgmental. Now, look at this rationally. Jaimini taught> Tasmin ucche neeche va srimantah. So, SRI is there, but what about DHI??> Sanjay> -> ray1k> varahamihira> Thursday, December 06, 2001 1:12 AM> [Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?> > > can someone with a debilitated atmakaraka in navamsa be born into a> rich family and have a comfortable lifestyle. further more the lagna> lord sun is eclipsed by debilitated rahu. 3/10th lord venus is in the> 6th with debilitated 5th and 8th lord jupiter.> > can such a bad positions for lagnesh, venus, jupiter and atmakaraka> allow one to have a life of luxury? on the face of it lords of all> the trines are weak.> > or will the suffering due to weak atmakaraka show up only in the> vimshottari dasa of atmakaraka?> > love> jaan> > > > > > > OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database> > >

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Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Dear Jaan,

The chart is correct, else the parents would not be looking for a hubbie for her. The debilitated AK in Navamsa is aspecting the Navamsa Lagna showing the high status. Saturn is Ista devata and is placed in navamsa lagan. You always miss out on this spiritual stuff and then the reading goes out of gear. After all a person rises or fallys due to Him, so look for Him first.

Change the Dwadasamsa Lagna to Cancer by increasing the time by a minute or so. Sun in ninth in isces is father and mercury in Libra will be mother..great. Father is a big man no doubt. See the exchange between the Sun & Jupiter in D-12.

See Jupiter and Sun in 7th in navamsa. Tell her this "When you are destined to marry one as knowledgable as Shiva, then be prepared to wait for him, else start fasting on Fridays". What gives you the idea that the great dwi guru yoga is bad!! Shakti Yoga really requires Rahu in ninth as then it is totally adverse to Guru and is also in Marana Karaka sthana.


Jaan, check out A3 & A9 in this chart from Lagna and Sun. There is a problem here.

Finishing here. Honestly I am more interested in seeing you married and settled.

Love & Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

- kgrap


Friday, December 07, 2001 5:23 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?

Dear Sanjay Guru,here is the chart, i think the lagna is virgo rather than leo.the native is a very attractive girl, she is fair and on the slim/petitieside. her personality is quiet rather than bold or energetic. her face isbright and youthful looking. she is intelligent and has a good degree. herfather is a very nice and very wealthy man, hes also famous. her mother is avery nice and religious lady too. i think that venus and jupiter should be9th and 4th lords in a trine together to give her parents like that ratherthan mars itself with leo lagna. her parents dont exhibit qualitiesassociated with mars much.she is the eldest and has 1 younger brother and 2 younger sisters who areall doing well and she gets along with her family great. venus in the 6thwith debilitated 8th lord would not be good for younger siblings. jupiterhas a very weak shadbala of around 67 percent, being in the 6th wouldfurther weaken him.she has led a fairly care free life and is now working in the hotel industryas a manager. for leo lagna weak venus with 8th lord doesnt support this, ithink for the service industry virgo lagna with saturn in 10th is better andthe aspect of sun giving management positions?with leo lagna there is shakti yoga in the 5th house, this would damagesun/lagna. her venus mahadasa started in 1978 and i think her father has hadrajayoga during that time.the only problem is that she is unmarried so far, her parents have beentrying to find a suitable partner for her. there is a stigma attched tomoola nakshatra so some people are weary about girls with moola janmanakshatra.i think the conjunction of jupiter and venus can also delay marriage.lovejaanvarahamihira, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:> Jaan> Can you attach the jhd file to help us> SanjayOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Namaste Sanjay,

I have been through COVA as you suggested, but I have not been able to find

an answer to this question. What does Ishta Devata in navamsa lagna show?

Best regards,



Sanjay Rath wrote:


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Dear Jaan,

The chart is correct, else the

parents would not be looking for a hubbie for her. The debilitated AK in

Navamsa is aspecting the Navamsa Lagna showing the high status. Saturn is

Ista devata and is placed in navamsa lagan. You always miss out on this

spiritual stuff and then the reading goes out of gear. After all a person

rises or fallys due to Him, so look for Him first.

Change the Dwadasamsa Lagna

to Cancer by increasing the time by a minute or so. Sun in ninth in isces

is father and mercury in Libra will be mother..great. Father is a big man

no doubt. See the exchange between the Sun & Jupiter in D-12.

See Jupiter and Sun in 7th in

navamsa. Tell her this "When you are destined to marry one as knowledgable

as Shiva, then be prepared to wait for him, else start fasting on Fridays".

What gives you the idea that the great dwi guru yoga is bad!! Shakti Yoga

really requires Rahu in ninth as then it is totally adverse to Guru and

is also in Marana Karaka sthana.


Jaan, check out A3 & A9

in this chart from Lagna and Sun. There is a problem here.

Finishing here. Honestly I am

more interested in seeing you married and settled.

Love & Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath









Friday, December 07, 2001 5:23 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?




Dear Sanjay Guru,


here is the chart, i think the lagna is virgo rather than leo.


the native is a very attractive girl, she is fair and on the slim/petitie

side. her personality is quiet rather than bold or energetic. her face is

bright and youthful looking. she is intelligent and has a good degree. her

father is a very nice and very wealthy man, hes also famous. her mother

is a

very nice and religious lady too. i think that venus and jupiter should


9th and 4th lords in a trine together to give her parents like that rather

than mars itself with leo lagna. her parents dont exhibit qualities

associated with mars much.


she is the eldest and has 1 younger brother and 2 younger sisters who are

all doing well and she gets along with her family great. venus in the 6th

with debilitated 8th lord would not be good for younger siblings. jupiter

has a very weak shadbala of around 67 percent, being in the 6th would

further weaken him.


she has led a fairly care free life and is now working in the hotel industry

as a manager. for leo lagna weak venus with 8th lord doesnt support this,


think for the service industry virgo lagna with saturn in 10th is better


the aspect of sun giving management positions?


with leo lagna there is shakti yoga in the 5th house, this would damage

sun/lagna. her venus mahadasa started in 1978 and i think her father has


rajayoga during that time.


the only problem is that she is unmarried so far, her parents have been

trying to find a suitable partner for her. there is a stigma attched to

moola nakshatra so some people are weary about girls with moola janma



i think the conjunction of jupiter and venus can also delay marriage.







varahamihira, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:

> Jaan

> Can you attach the jhd file to help us

> Sanjay




Archive: varahamihira


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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Aphton,

Parasara has defined this clearly as "BANDHANA OR MUKTI". thus the Ista devata shall determine the path for emancipation from the cycle of rebirth or return to this planet. Return to this planet is seen from the seventh house whereas Moksha is from the Ista Devata. rest you can read from the scriptures. After all, why are we learning Jyotish if it cannot help us in this most basic requirement and once this path is set correct, then other Karma will fall in place.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

- aphoton


Sunday, December 09, 2001 7:25 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?

Namaste Sanjay,I have been through COVA as you suggested, but I have not been able to find an answer to this question. What does Ishta Devata in navamsa lagna show?Best regards,--aphotonSanjay Rath wrote:


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Dear Jaan,

The chart is correct, else the parents would not be looking for a hubbie for her. The debilitated AK in Navamsa is aspecting the Navamsa Lagna showing the high status. Saturn is Ista devata and is placed in navamsa lagan. You always miss out on this spiritual stuff and then the reading goes out of gear. After all a person rises or fallys due to Him, so look for Him first.

Change the Dwadasamsa Lagna to Cancer by increasing the time by a minute or so. Sun in ninth in isces is father and mercury in Libra will be mother..great. Father is a big man no doubt. See the exchange between the Sun & Jupiter in D-12.

See Jupiter and Sun in 7th in navamsa. Tell her this "When you are destined to marry one as knowledgable as Shiva, then be prepared to wait for him, else start fasting on Fridays". What gives you the idea that the great dwi guru yoga is bad!! Shakti Yoga really requires Rahu in ninth as then it is totally adverse to Guru and is also in Marana Karaka sthana.


Jaan, check out A3 & A9 in this chart from Lagna and Sun. There is a problem here.

Finishing here. Honestly I am more interested in seeing you married and settled.

Love & Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

- kgrap


Friday, December 07, 2001 5:23 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?

Dear Sanjay Guru,here is the chart, i think the lagna is virgo rather than leo.the native is a very attractive girl, she is fair and on the slim/petitieside. her personality is quiet rather than bold or energetic. her face isbright and youthful looking. she is intelligent and has a good degree. herfather is a very nice and very wealthy man, hes also famous. her mother is avery nice and religious lady too. i think that venus and jupiter should be9th and 4th lords in a trine together to give her parents like that ratherthan mars itself with leo lagna. her parents dont exhibit qualitiesassociated with mars much.she is the eldest and has 1 younger brother and 2 younger sisters who areall doing well and she gets along with her family great. venus in the 6thwith debilitated 8th lord would not be good for younger siblings. jupiterhas a very weak shadbala of around 67 percent, being in the 6th wouldfurther weaken him.she has led a fairly care free life and is now working in the hotel industryas a manager. for leo lagna weak venus with 8th lord doesnt support this, ithink for the service industry virgo lagna with saturn in 10th is better andthe aspect of sun giving management positions?with leo lagna there is shakti yoga in the 5th house, this would damagesun/lagna. her venus mahadasa started in 1978 and i think her father has hadrajayoga during that time.the only problem is that she is unmarried so far, her parents have beentrying to find a suitable partner for her. there is a stigma attched tomoola nakshatra so some people are weary about girls with moola janmanakshatra.i think the conjunction of jupiter and venus can also delay marriage.lovejaanvarahamihira, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:> Jaan> Can you attach the jhd file to help us> SanjayOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihira Files: varahamihira varahamihira/database

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  • 2 weeks later...

***Jaya Jagannath***Dear Jaan,

See the Upapada in the ninth house..I think my memory is right. Add your chart next time. Taurus Lagna has better results after marriage.

Best WishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com***Om Tat Sat***

- ray1k


Sunday, December 09, 2001 11:19 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?

Dear Sanjay Guru, thank you for the insight, regarding the A3 and A9 are you refering to the ability to have children? A3 and A9 are in bad positions from lagna and sun, capricorn being the debility sign of karaka jupiter. rahu in the 12th from A3 and A9 can make it even more fruitless?A9 from sun is stronger than A3 from sun, though it is aspected by mercury. A9 is in a trine from sun and lagna, can mars be a solution?graha malika yoga exists in the saptamsa chart, started by 9th lord venus and ended by 7th lord sun, this is promising for children of both sexes?i dont know who i will marry yet, do you have any ideas or suggestions?lovejaanvarahamihira, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya> Dear Jaan,> The chart is correct, else the parents would not be looking for a hubbie for> her. The debilitated AK in Navamsa is aspecting the Navamsa Lagna showing> the high status. Saturn is Ista devata and is placed in navamsa lagan. You> always miss out on this spiritual stuff and then the reading goes out of> gear. After all a person rises or fallys due to Him, so look for Him first.> Change the Dwadasamsa Lagna to Cancer by increasing the time by a minute or> so. Sun in ninth in isces is father and mercury in Libra will be> mother..great. Father is a big man no doubt. See the exchange between the> Sun & Jupiter in D-12.> See Jupiter and Sun in 7th in navamsa. Tell her this "When you are destined> to marry one as knowledgable as Shiva, then be prepared to wait for him,> else start fasting on Fridays". What gives you the idea that the great dwi> guru yoga is bad!! Shakti Yoga really requires Rahu in ninth as then it is> totally adverse to Guru and is also in Marana Karaka sthana.> > Jaan, check out A3 & A9 in this chart from Lagna and Sun. There is a problem> here.> Finishing here. Honestly I am more interested in seeing you married and> settled.> Love & Best Wishes> Sanjay Rath> -> kgrap> Varahamihira> Friday, December 07, 2001 5:23 PM> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?> > > Dear Sanjay Guru,> > here is the chart, i think the lagna is virgo rather than leo.> > the native is a very attractive girl, she is fair and on the slim/petitie> side. her personality is quiet rather than bold or energetic. her face is> bright and youthful looking. she is intelligent and has a good degree. her> father is a very nice and very wealthy man, hes also famous. her mother is a> very nice and religious lady too. i think that venus and jupiter should be> 9th and 4th lords in a trine together to give her parents like that rather> than mars itself with leo lagna. her parents dont exhibit qualities> associated with mars much.> > she is the eldest and has 1 younger brother and 2 younger sisters who are> all doing well and she gets along with her family great. venus in the 6th> with debilitated 8th lord would not be good for younger siblings. jupiter> has a very weak shadbala of around 67 percent, being in the 6th would> further weaken him.> > she has led a fairly care free life and is now working in the hotel industry> as a manager. for leo lagna weak venus with 8th lord doesnt support this, i> think for the service industry virgo lagna with saturn in 10th is better and> the aspect of sun giving management positions?> > with leo lagna there is shakti yoga in the 5th house, this would damage> sun/lagna. her venus mahadasa started in 1978 and i think her father has had> rajayoga during that time.> > the only problem is that she is unmarried so far, her parents have been> trying to find a suitable partner for her. there is a stigma attched to> moola nakshatra so some people are weary about girls with moola janma> nakshatra.> > i think the conjunction of jupiter and venus can also delay marriage.> > > love> jaan> > > varahamihira, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:> > Jaan> > Can you attach the jhd file to help us> > Sanjay> > > OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database> > >

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Dear Sanjay Guru,


here is my chart attached. the upapada is in the 9th, debilitated jupiter is

there also. the graha malika yoga ends in the 9th house too. jupiter will be

the temporary atmakaraka till age 30? perhaps things change after that.

varnada lagna and A7 are also in 9th house.


jupiter should dominate the chart but as he is in debility results wont be

that good until natural age of jupiter has passed. upapada is 12th from

Arudha lagna but as you said its not that bad since the lord is saturn for

both, this links them.


the key planets influencing upapada are jupiter, venus, saturn and ketu. all

i think are benefic for upapada matters. saturn is very important as he is

yogakaraka, arudha lagna lord, varnada lagna lord, navamsa lagna lord and

upapada lord. venus is lagnesh and darakaraka, jupiter is moon depositor

and ketu is 7th lord. atmakaraka sun is the 7th lord in navamsa. is this a

reason you suggest marriage since all the important planets influence

upapada strongly?


jupiter as the 11th lord can bring gains through spouse. varnada lagna in

the same place can mean better proffessional prospects. placement of A7

there also can improve business opportunities. am i on the right track? i

guess what you are saying is that to activate the yogas based around the

upapada i must get married, but to who?


i cant see any other interpretation though. alot is hapening around the 9th

house but i am not sure how to read it clearly. reading my own chart is not

something i am good at.


if i were to attempt to predict the qualities of the spouse would it again

depend on saturn, sun, jupiter and venus?

i dont see any marriage prospects in the near future. possibly after 2 or 3

yrs i will be in a financial position to marry. so even if i wanted to i

cant right now.


can you shine any light on what is happening around the 9th house? i still

dont fully understand the implication of graha malika yoga there.








***Jaya Jagannath***

Dear Jaan,

See the Upapada in the ninth house..I think my memory is right. Add your

chart next time. Taurus Lagna has better results after marriage.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

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  • 1 month later...

om gurave namah------------------------Dear jaan,

This is just a reminder that the last planet in the Graha Malika Yoga is a very crucial planet and will control the fortune of the chart and the results of anywork the native tales up. in your case it is debilitated Jupiter. Do you feel it is necessary to do something about the Moon? Try reciting your Rasi mantra..With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Jaan911


Wednesday, December 19, 2001 6:38 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] atmakaraka help?

Dear Sanjay Guru,here is my chart attached. the upapada is in the 9th, debilitated jupiter isthere also. the graha malika yoga ends in the 9th house too. jupiter will bethe temporary atmakaraka till age 30? perhaps things change after that.varnada lagna and A7 are also in 9th house.jupiter should dominate the chart but as he is in debility results wont bethat good until natural age of jupiter has passed. upapada is 12th fromArudha lagna but as you said its not that bad since the lord is saturn forboth, this links them.the key planets influencing upapada are jupiter, venus, saturn and ketu. alli think are benefic for upapada matters. saturn is very important as he isyogakaraka, arudha lagna lord, varnada lagna lord, navamsa lagna lord andupapada lord. venus is lagnesh and darakaraka, jupiter is moon depositorand ketu is 7th lord. atmakaraka sun is the 7th lord in navamsa. is this areason you suggest marriage since all the important planets influenceupapada strongly?jupiter as the 11th lord can bring gains through spouse. varnada lagna inthe same place can mean better proffessional prospects. placement of A7there also can improve business opportunities. am i on the right track? iguess what you are saying is that to activate the yogas based around theupapada i must get married, but to who?i cant see any other interpretation though. alot is hapening around the 9thhouse but i am not sure how to read it clearly. reading my own chart is notsomething i am good at.if i were to attempt to predict the qualities of the spouse would it againdepend on saturn, sun, jupiter and venus?i dont see any marriage prospects in the near future. possibly after 2 or 3yrs i will be in a financial position to marry. so even if i wanted to icant right now.can you shine any light on what is happening around the 9th house? i stilldont fully understand the implication of graha malika yoga there.lovejaan***Jaya Jagannath***Dear Jaan,See the Upapada in the ninth house..I think my memory is right. Add yourchart next time. Taurus Lagna has better results after marriage.Best WishesSanjay RathOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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