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Spiritual remedy

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Dear Gurudevs,


Can you please provide some remedies, which are effective in the



1. Increase will power

2. Liberate from the thoughts of visting prostitutes

3. Stop a person from visiting prostitutes

4. Liberate a person from the sins acquired by bad deeds including

visiting prostitues.




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***Jaya Jagannath***Dear Shashank

You wrote:Can you please provide some remedies, which are effective in the following:1. Increase will power

Rath: Worship 10th Lord and fast on days related to 10th Lord. Mercury & Ketu casue the mind to fluctuate too much. 10th Lord is the answer.2. Liberate from the thoughts of visting prostitutes


Rath: Just like He protected Narada from falling prey to the arrows of Kaamadevata, Narayana is the 'name' that must be recited constantly for removing the thoughts related to sex and for protection from the same. Om Namo Narayanaya

3. Stop a person from visiting prostitutes

Rath: Om Vishnave Namah saves you from Shadripu and any Paapa karma4. Liberate a person from the sins acquired by bad deeds including visiting prostitues.

Rath: Worship of Lord Shiva with the Panchakshari mantra Om Namah Shivaya

Thus the Narayana Kavacha is the best armor against all weaknesses.

Best WishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com***Om Tat Sat***

OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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