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Associated Deities

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Om Ganesaye Namah


Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay,



I have following queries to conform, if you kindly help me.

Example are given below.


1. If the planet represent Ishta, is closely related to lagna, A5, inD1, D9,D10,D20,D24 etc. the native will be spiritual and blessed.


2.If the planet represent Palana Devata is closely associated with lagna and related varga, native is blessed to have material improvements.


3. Blessing of all other Deities can be seen in same way. For example planet having close relationship with lagna and if strong the, blessing of Deity (indicated from graha) can be expected.


4.If the planet is fast moving planet, he will associate with Deity when the planet transit over lagna and/or related house, Varga etc.


Please see following examples.




1.Sri Sanjay Rath

Atma karaka is Saturn and 12th from AK in Navamsa chart indicate Ishta Devata. Here the deity represent by Mercury ie. Sri Krishna. It is worth to find out that this native having the blessings from his Ishta Devata.

Ista Devata bring all success in spiritual life such as knowledge, realization, and stand for world benefic. For knowledge, Mercury must have relationship with Mantra pada. Mercury is lord of the Mantra pada in this chart and aspect 8th (occult knowledge), 11th (unfulfilled desire as Saturn retrograded here). So, his Ishta devata having very close relationship with his Mantra pada, lot of knowledge of occult, is granted. Since Mercury is well placed in Navamsa, strong blessing from Ishta can be accepted.

Upasana, Bhakthi, true spirituality are direct links for final goal of Atma karaka. It can be found in Vimsamsa (D20). There must be important role of Ishta devata in this chart. Otherwise how can we expect a true spiritual person ? In this chat we can find again Ishta Devata Mercury is in 4th, and aspected by almost all close charakarakas from 9th house.

High level of inner knowledge, meditation, realization can be seen from Chaturvimsamsa (D24) chart. If there is very good relationship with Ishta Devata in this chart there is no doubt about the guide for knowledge. In here too, Sri Krishna blessed him with knowledge and ability.


Next, find out how and when he is going to have blessings of his Ishta Devata. Being a fast moving planet, Mercury can associated with his Mantra pada and Lagna every time Mercury transit in Duel sign. If the Dasa too favorable, his Ishta Devata is always guiding him, there is no doubt.



2 Swami Vivekananda

Atma Karaka is Sun and Jupiter represent Ishta Devata as Sri Vishnu. He must have close association with Ishta Devata for go in a spiritual path.

Jupiter Is in Navamsa Lagna, and also Lord of the Lagna. It is also Palana Devata who gives success in material life too. You may be carefully noted, the day he left his body. Jupiter transits in Manthra pada. He had been closely associated with his Ishta Davata on the day.


3 Rajive Gandhi


His Ishta Devata is Mars and Palana Devata is Mercury. Who is the Devata having most close relationship with him ? It was Palana Devata indicated by well placed Maha Yogada Mercury. He had all luxury and comfort in his life, and it too almost every day as he touch lagna and all areas of his life by conjoined lot of planets in every now and then, with power and Authority.


4.Mohommad ali

Ishta Devata represent by Mars. There is no good relationship with Ishta Devata with his lagna, lagna lord in Rasi, navamsa, Vimsamsa or Chatur Vimsamsa. So how we can accept a spiritual life ?

Look at the Palana Devata, 6th from Amatya Karaka is Sun conjoined lord of the lagna and very strong in Lagnamsa. He had lot of blessings from Palana Devata and guided for material improvements. Sun as fast moving planet given lot of time to associate with his Palana devata.




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Dear Karu,

Jaya Jagannath




You wrote: Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay, I have following queries to conform, if you kindly help me. Example are given below.

1. If the planet represent Ishta, is closely related to lagna, A5, inD1, D9,D10,D20,D24 etc. the native will be spiritual and blessed.

Rath: Can you tell me as to where you got this? Also you need to think rationally about every such situation instead of taking all this in its literal sence. Ista devata has to do with Bandhana and Mukti and that is the highest spiritual truth. Association with Mantrapada gives the mantra of the Ista, association with Dharma Bhava or pada gives association with temples, Guru's etc related to the Ista. D-20 has to dow with upaasana and shows the situations that lead to spirituality. These are the 20 Shakti's.

You wrote: 2.If the planet represent Palana Devata is closely associated with lagna and related varga, native is blessed to have material improvements.

Rath: Need not be if the Hora Lagna does not allow it and Shri devi is also not inclined favourably. He will get his daily bread for that is what is necessary for living.

You wrote: 3. Blessing of all other Deities can be seen in same way. For example planet having close relationship with lagna and if strong the, blessing of Deity (indicated from graha) can be expected.

Rath: need not be. this can also show the curses of the deities.

You wrote: 4.If the planet is fast moving planet, he will associate with Deity when the planet transit over lagna and/or related house, Varga etc.

Rath: And then what, forget the deity after the planet passes over? This is not correct. Transit Jupiter & Saturn tells us how to time this. Transit of Rahu in trines to AL is not good for spirituality whereas that of Ketu in trines indicates the time for renunciation. For example, I have been getting this feeling of going away to Haridwar ever since Ketu entered Sagittarius. This feeling will go after Feb 2002.

Your examples are also based on such rules and I cannot agree with it as Spirituality is a dynamic factor in life and not static as you have made it to look. There are many who have become spiritual by joining SJVC. How do you explain this?


As a first step, List out all the planets associated with Jupiter in any chart:

1. Sign Lord

2. Star Lord

3. Aspects & Conjunctions.

4. Ninth Lord from Jupiter etc

and study them w.r.t the Ista, Palana and Guru. as well as A5, AL, A9 etc.

Similarly for Ketu except see the lord of 12th house here.


Examples you sited:

Sanjay Rath

1. Jupiter is own sign and is lagnesh & dispositor of Ketu

2. Mercury lord of star is Ista devata representative

3. Mars aspects and is ninth lord; Saturn aspects and is AK; No conjunctions..Jupiter acts independantly

4. Mars and Ketu are two ninth lords from Jupiter and shall show the Guru during their periods.

Mars is in A5 and indicates the guru mantra as it is also lord of ninth from Jupiter..Gayatri Mantra see the star of Mars etc. Mercury is lord of A5 and shows that some Mantra related to Visnhu/Krishna shall be that of his Ista devata..

Similarly study for Ketu

Finishing here

Redo the case studies in more detail and also show the change. Don't say that Md.Ali was not spiritual. In fact if he was not, then would not have believed in God at all and would not have bothered to take up another faith.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


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OM Krishna Guru

Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay,


Thanks for your reply. In fact I did not came to final conclution and will not do so without conformed by any Guru or you. I was doing this type of work every time when my Lagna/ A5 influenced by Ketu.


>Your examples are also based on such rules and I cannot agree with it as Spirituality is a dynamic factor in life and not static as you have made it to look. There are many who have become spiritual by joining SJVC. How do you explain this?


I understood this, and I have been doing this wrong thing from long time and was not independant. Thank you for showing this.


Any individual who having transit of Jupiter over Mantra Pada, or influenced by Ishta can come closer to the Guru or become religious if it is promised. Some students come and few months later going back, ones this transit influences are finished. How ever, if person is spiritual and assciated with Drig Dasa of Aruda Lagna, Lagna or Nodes can stay permenantly with SJVC.


I think you going to mentioned the differnat between "temporary" spirituality and "true" spirituality. Let me do some work as you mentioned below, and get back to you.


Hare Krishna,

your Sishya






As a first step, List out all the planets associated with Jupiter in any chart:

1. Sign Lord

2. Star Lord

3. Aspects & Conjunctions.

4. Ninth Lord from Jupiter etc

and study them w.r.t the Ista, Palana and Guru. as well as A5, AL, A9 etc.

Similarly for Ketu except see the lord of 12th house here.


Examples you sited:

Sanjay Rath

1. Jupiter is own sign and is lagnesh & dispositor of Ketu

2. Mercury lord of star is Ista devata representative

3. Mars aspects and is ninth lord; Saturn aspects and is AK; No conjunctions..Jupiter acts independantly

4. Mars and Ketu are two ninth lords from Jupiter and shall show the Guru during their periods.

Mars is in A5 and indicates the guru mantra as it is also lord of ninth from Jupiter..Gayatri Mantra see the star of Mars etc. Mercury is lord of A5 and shows that some Mantra related to Visnhu/Krishna shall be that of his Ista devata..

Similarly study for Ketu

Finishing here

Redo the case studies in more detail and also show the change. Don't say that Md.Ali was not spiritual. In fact if he was not, then would not have believed in God at all and would not have bothered to take up another faith.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath



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