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KSY lesson

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I have given my thoughts on KSY lesson below.please forgive my bad


1. Study the chart of at least one person with KSY and one person

with KAY

and provide comments.


I could not attempt this question as I do not have much faith in it.

A single yog like this can not alter the complete chart.

If this was so important why it was not even mentioned by most sages?


Anyway, my few abstract thoughts on KSY( & KAY).


In this yog,half of the chart is under retrograde motion.since there

is no

planet between rahu and ketu.Reverse motion means obstacles to

forward or

natural movement resulting in troubles and tensions.


In my own chart there is retro jup(will be direct after 85 days from


in between rahu and ketu so there is no forward motion in chart in


half from meen to kanya even if jup is in leo.

I have always felt some kind of restrictions in whatever I wanted to


I however feel it due to following reasons.


(a) equal argala of sun and ketu in 9th and 5th from lagna.

(b) Pash yog in chart with lagnesh shukr in 8th in dhanu.


both the things indicate severe bondage including imprisonment which

has probably come up in routine life with alternet form.


Do you think that it can be a result of KSY ?


2. There is yet another version of this as SARPA YOGA. Define and

explain Sarpa Yoga and recommend remedies for allevation of suffering

associated with it with a few examples.


I am not good at remedies and I have some bad openion about the

mostly used

remedy for KSY specially in Maharashtra.


Mostly people with KSY are advised to go to Traymbakeshvar in Nasik


perform Narayan-Nag bali. The rituals in this include simbolic

sacrifice of Narayan on Nag and observing all post death rituals for

3 days (which are performed after eldest person in family dies).


In other words sacrifice Vishnu to please Rahu!!!

Since Mohini(vishnu's incarnation) had cut Rahu's head it is natural


Rahu will be very pleased with such person and the troubles will be



Vishnu being Palan-karta will not do any harm as He know that the

person is

innocent and from Kaliyug! so the native is not affected in any other


and obstacles due to Rahu are removed.


In my openion this dosh can be removed by the worship of lord Shiv.

He is also known as HAR i.e. remover. He consumed all poison that


out of sea and saved the world.Vishnu on the other hand distributes


to good people. Vishnu Himself told Narad to recite Shiv's 100 names

to remove his guilt (developed due to cursing Ramapati).


Japahu jai Sankar sat nama

Hoi hi man poorn bisrama.


your shishy



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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Anil,

I have the sarpa yoga in my chart (with break) and for many years felt that this is useless as this is not listed as an important Yoga. With time I learnt better. So also with time you too will learn.

A single frog is enough to spoil the water in the well. So also a single Sun in its greatest debility can destroy many Rajyoga.. never underestimate the strength of the evil forces. Please take this as an advise. The sages had assumed that the learner of Jyotish would be well conversant with the basics and the means to study 'Desha-Kaala-Patra' before venturing into Jyotish. Today the reverse is true. For example, things like Argala, Arudha etc are considered by many a big name astrologer as unnecessary teachings and superfluous. Take an example..let us say that a Great Rajyoga is expected on a particular day in someones chart and on that very day, a big storm comes and there is complete destruction (like the great storm on Orissa a few years back). What Rajyoga are we expecting to work when the person will be desperately working to save himself? Let us take another example. Say one person was expecting a Major Dhan yog to function during these days of recession. To what extent would this work? This is Desha & Kaala.

Kaala Sarpa Yoga belongs to that category of Yoga's which bring ruin on a nation. The circumstances surrounding the native or the environment is so bad that the lotus (individual) has to struggle very hard to bloom.

Another example is the Graha Malika Yoga which is not mentioned by many sages but Ramanuja gives a lot of importance to it. I will again stress that besides the Desha & Kaala, the yoga will be in the directions indicated by the Yogeswara and to the extend indicated by the YogaMayi as in the example of the lords of the kendra and trines.


How does the whole chart get into retrograde motion? No, this is not true and only retro planets are in retro motion

You need to rethink on this by clearly listing all points. Do keep in mind that your natal Jupiter is retrograde so, after you make the points, consider them at least THRICE.


Bali is most misunderstood term and I will speak on this later. You are not sacrificing Narayana on Rahu the snake. Narayana is given the bed of Ananta is my understanding and unless the thought which generates the pooja is pure the results of the pooja will also be negative (Suchimarkair Brihaspatim adhvareshu namasyatah). There are eight great serpants based on the Ashtadala Padma. You can have their mantra from my site sanjayrath.tripod.com


Worship of Lord Shiva gives learning as Shiva is the Guru. Since Guru is the Karaka for Paka lagna, worship of shiva will always protect the Lagnesh and hence the Lagna as well i.e. good health, intelligence and freedom from sins. The virtues of worshipping Shiva have been explained by Bhagavan Sri Krishna in the Gita and the Padma Purana.


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath





Sunday, December 16, 2001 3:45 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] KSY lesson

Guruji Pranam.I have given my thoughts on KSY lesson below.please forgive my bad comments.1. Study the chart of at least one person with KSY and one person with KAYand provide comments. I could not attempt this question as I do not have much faith in it.A single yog like this can not alter the complete chart.If this was so important why it was not even mentioned by most sages?Anyway, my few abstract thoughts on KSY( & KAY).In this yog,half of the chart is under retrograde motion.since there is noplanet between rahu and ketu.Reverse motion means obstacles to forward ornatural movement resulting in troubles and tensions.In my own chart there is retro jup(will be direct after 85 days from birth)in between rahu and ketu so there is no forward motion in chart in that half from meen to kanya even if jup is in leo.I have always felt some kind of restrictions in whatever I wanted to do.I however feel it due to following reasons.(a) equal argala of sun and ketu in 9th and 5th from lagna.(b) Pash yog in chart with lagnesh shukr in 8th in dhanu.both the things indicate severe bondage including imprisonment which has probably come up in routine life with alternet form.Do you think that it can be a result of KSY ?2. There is yet another version of this as SARPA YOGA. Define and explain Sarpa Yoga and recommend remedies for allevation of suffering associated with it with a few examples. I am not good at remedies and I have some bad openion about the mostly usedremedy for KSY specially in Maharashtra.Mostly people with KSY are advised to go to Traymbakeshvar in Nasik andperform Narayan-Nag bali. The rituals in this include simbolic sacrifice of Narayan on Nag and observing all post death rituals for 3 days (which are performed after eldest person in family dies).In other words sacrifice Vishnu to please Rahu!!!Since Mohini(vishnu's incarnation) had cut Rahu's head it is natural thatRahu will be very pleased with such person and the troubles will be removed.Vishnu being Palan-karta will not do any harm as He know that the person isinnocent and from Kaliyug! so the native is not affected in any other wayand obstacles due to Rahu are removed.In my openion this dosh can be removed by the worship of lord Shiv.He is also known as HAR i.e. remover. He consumed all poison that came out of sea and saved the world.Vishnu on the other hand distributes Amritto good people. Vishnu Himself told Narad to recite Shiv's 100 names to remove his guilt (developed due to cursing Ramapati).Japahu jai Sankar sat nama Hoi hi man poorn bisrama. your shishyAnilkumarOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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I am feeling very enlightened by lour kind words.Please accecpt

my pranams.I was in darkness due to my own logical(?)reasons.

you have given a new dimension to think.


I chech mails in 8-10 days kindly forgive my delays.


Anilkumar Kedia



varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:

> Om Gurave Namah

> Dear Anil,

> I have the sarpa yoga in my chart (with break) and for many years

felt that

> this is useless as this is not listed as an important Yoga. With

time I

> learnt better. So also with time you too will learn.

> A single frog is enough to spoil the water in the well. So also a

single Sun

> in its greatest debility can destroy many Rajyoga.. never

underestimate the

> strength of the evil forces. Please take this as an advise. The

sages had

> assumed that the learner of Jyotish would be well conversant with

the basics

> and the means to study 'Desha-Kaala-Patra' before venturing into


> Today the reverse is true. For example, things like Argala, Arudha

etc are

> considered by many a big name astrologer as unnecessary teachings


> superfluous. Take an example..let us say that a Great Rajyoga is

expected on

> a particular day in someones chart and on that very day, a big

storm comes

> and there is complete destruction (like the great storm on Orissa a


> years back). What Rajyoga are we expecting to work when the person

will be

> desperately working to save himself? Let us take another example.

Say one

> person was expecting a Major Dhan yog to function during these days


> recession. To what extent would this work? This is Desha & Kaala.

> Kaala Sarpa Yoga belongs to that category of Yoga's which bring

ruin on

> a nation. The circumstances surrounding the native or the

environment is so

> bad that the lotus (individual) has to struggle very hard to bloom.

> Another example is the Graha Malika Yoga which is not mentioned

by many

> sages but Ramanuja gives a lot of importance to it. I will again

stress that

> besides the Desha & Kaala, the yoga will be in the directions

indicated by

> the Yogeswara and to the extend indicated by the YogaMayi as in the


> of the lords of the kendra and trines.


> How does the whole chart get into retrograde motion? No, this is

not true

> and only retro planets are in retro motion

> You need to rethink on this by clearly listing all points. Do keep

in mind

> that your natal Jupiter is retrograde so, after you make the points,

> consider them at least THRICE.


> Bali is most misunderstood term and I will speak on this later. You

are not

> sacrificing Narayana on Rahu the snake. Narayana is given the bed

of Ananta

> is my understanding and unless the thought which generates the

pooja is pure

> the results of the pooja will also be negative (Suchimarkair


> adhvareshu namasyatah). There are eight great serpants based on the

> Ashtadala Padma. You can have their mantra from my site

> sanjayrath.tripod.com


> Worship of Lord Shiva gives learning as Shiva is the Guru. Since

Guru is the

> Karaka for Paka lagna, worship of shiva will always protect the

Lagnesh and

> hence the Lagna as well i.e. good health, intelligence and freedom


> sins. The virtues of worshipping Shiva have been explained by

Bhagavan Sri

> Krishna in the Gita and the Padma Purana.


> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> -

> aokedia

> varahamihira

> Sunday, December 16, 2001 3:45 PM

> [Hare Rama Krishna] KSY lesson



> Guruji

> Pranam.


> I have given my thoughts on KSY lesson below.please forgive my bad

> comments.

> 1. Study the chart of at least one person with KSY and one person

> with KAY

> and provide comments.


> I could not attempt this question as I do not have much faith in it.

> A single yog like this can not alter the complete chart.

> If this was so important why it was not even mentioned by most



> Anyway, my few abstract thoughts on KSY( & KAY).


> In this yog,half of the chart is under retrograde motion.since there

> is no

> planet between rahu and ketu.Reverse motion means obstacles to

> forward or

> natural movement resulting in troubles and tensions.


> In my own chart there is retro jup(will be direct after 85 days from

> birth)

> in between rahu and ketu so there is no forward motion in chart in

> that

> half from meen to kanya even if jup is in leo.

> I have always felt some kind of restrictions in whatever I wanted to

> do.

> I however feel it due to following reasons.


> (a) equal argala of sun and ketu in 9th and 5th from lagna.

> (b) Pash yog in chart with lagnesh shukr in 8th in dhanu.


> both the things indicate severe bondage including imprisonment which

> has probably come up in routine life with alternet form.


> Do you think that it can be a result of KSY ?


> 2. There is yet another version of this as SARPA YOGA. Define and

> explain Sarpa Yoga and recommend remedies for allevation of


> associated with it with a few examples.


> I am not good at remedies and I have some bad openion about the

> mostly used

> remedy for KSY specially in Maharashtra.


> Mostly people with KSY are advised to go to Traymbakeshvar in Nasik

> and

> perform Narayan-Nag bali. The rituals in this include simbolic

> sacrifice of Narayan on Nag and observing all post death rituals for

> 3 days (which are performed after eldest person in family dies).


> In other words sacrifice Vishnu to please Rahu!!!

> Since Mohini(vishnu's incarnation) had cut Rahu's head it is natural

> that

> Rahu will be very pleased with such person and the troubles will be

> removed.


> Vishnu being Palan-karta will not do any harm as He know that the

> person is

> innocent and from Kaliyug! so the native is not affected in any


> way

> and obstacles due to Rahu are removed.


> In my openion this dosh can be removed by the worship of lord Shiv.

> He is also known as HAR i.e. remover. He consumed all poison that

> came

> out of sea and saved the world.Vishnu on the other hand distributes

> Amrit

> to good people. Vishnu Himself told Narad to recite Shiv's 100 names

> to remove his guilt (developed due to cursing Ramapati).


> Japahu jai Sankar sat nama

> Hoi hi man poorn bisrama.


> your shishy


> Anilkumar




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