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Atmakaraka Question

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Om Sri Gurave Namah,

Namaste Guruji and Jyotishas,

Is it necessary that even in the charts of

dictators and Terrorist leader the Atmakaraka

should be associated with the swamsa to elevate





Note:I needed this to study possible Sadddam Hussain

chart which has a broken KAY.








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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Prabhakar,

This is not a necessary condition, but a very important Yoga indicating self actualisation or reaching the highest pinnacle in life. If in the charts of dictators such a Yoga is found, then they will rise to achieve a lot, but I doubt that such a Yoga will be there in their charts. Normally various other yoga's pertaining to Mars dominate their charts.

In the chart fo Saddam Hussain that you have enclosed, the Lagna Lord Moon is conjunct the fifth Lord Mars in the fifth house resulting in Rajyoga as per Jaimini. The conjunction of debilitated Rahu makes this a potent Yoga for warfare. Here again we find the Mars and Rahu playing a crucial role for elevating him. The Moon as Lagnesh is basically debilitated bu gets Neecha bhanga due to Mars. So Martian activity suits his personality and rise.

The AK Venus is exalted and Vargottama and basically Venus is the one who can put off the fire started by Mars/rahu. Venus is also in the eighth in Navamsa and has no link to the Lagnesh. Note the exchange between Jupiter and Saturn with Jupiter again getting Neecha bhanga due to Mars showing that such a dictatorial and martian attitude is the one that will give him good luck and personal status in this world. Venus is basically against this combination of Moon, Mars and Rahu as Venus and Saturn obstruct the Argala of the three in the fifth house. However, the Argala is stronger than the obstruction and inspite of various actions to dislodge him from power, the US and others have failed. However, he is defeated in battle with Venus as none can win against the Atmakaraka.

With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Sanjay Prabhakaran

Varahamihira (AT) Groups (DOT) Com

Friday, December 21, 2001 2:18 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Atmakaraka Question

Om Sri Gurave Namah,Namaste Guruji and Jyotishas,Is it necessary that even in the charts of dictators and Terrorist leader the Atmakarakashould be associated with the swamsa to elevatethem?.RegardsS.PrabhakaranNote:I needed this to study possible Sadddam Hussain chart which has a broken KAY.http://www.defencejournal.com/globe/jan99/saddam.htmhttp://www.astrodatabank.com/NMHusseinSaddam.htmDo You ?Check out Shopping and Auctions for all ofyour unique holiday gifts! Buy at or bid at http://auctions. OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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