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Guidance on Dieties.

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JAI GURUDEV. Ref.: Ista/ Kula /Grama Devatas. Pujya Guruji, In past you have taught us through lessons about realising one's Ista/Kula/Grama Devatas through Navamsa and Vimsamsa charts. How ever for me still things looks quite obscure apparently owing to limited spiritual knowledge. In one of the recent mail, you have stated that, while interpreting charts more stress have to be given to position of planets indicating various Devatas, instead of just logic study of planetary combinations and permutations. Even I believe, an in depth spiritual inroads is very essential for attempting to understand intricacies of any charts rather than only adopting mathematical logic. Pondering on this matter, I feel, it would be first step for me to start with, to know details of all these Devatas, as indicated by the planets in my chart. I kindly request to enlight me in this regard. My Ista is Lord Vishnu/Krishna which is reflected in my Navamsa chart. Thula is my Karakamsa and 12th to this is Kanya. Kanya is not occupied by any planets and receives dhrusti from no planets. Hence, Budha its Lord in 2nd dreccanna indicates my Ista as Lord Vishnu/Krishna. 6th from Amatya Karaka (Kuja) should indicate Diety for this material world. Kuja (AmK) is in Karka (Navamsa) and 6th from this is my Navamsa Lagna, Dhanus. This is unoccupied and receives aspects (Rasi dhrusti) from no planets. Budha and Guru are placed in trines to this. This indicates Guru's dominance being not only sign lord but also placed in trine in an exalted sign. Whether does it mean that, I should look up on Samba Shiva/ Guru for any advancement in the material world? How I can perceive this and what should I do as per this? should I meditate on Lord Samba Shiva and go sharanagathi to my Gurudeva for any advancement and achievements? It is also suggested that, one's Guru should be ascertained from chara Bhatri Karaka. In my case Rahu is chara Bhatri Karaka. He is placed in the Karka along with vakra Kuja and receives Rasi dhrusti from Ravi, Shukra and Shani in Navamsa. I am puzzled. How this can give clue to my Guru! You have taught us that, one has to derive form of the Diety from the trines in the Vimsamsa. Chandra(1) and Guru(5) are in trines in D20. Guru is also Lagna Lord here. As I already stated as per thumb rule, Guru is Diety for me for this material world. In the Vimsamsa Guru is again emerging as form of Diety. So I should worship my Guru for any benefits and to be free from all material afflictions. But how? In Vimsamsa 2nd from Lagna is Mesha. The sign and its Lord Kuja is aspected (Rasi dhrusti) by Budha and this reaffirms my KulaDevata as (Gore) Gopal Krishna. My GramaDevatha is Lord Dharanatha. (A form of Lord Shiva, one of the pancha Maha atma Linga piece, was thrown by Ravaneshwar). This should be cross checked from the 4th from Lagna in Vimsamsa. Here again I am confused. This 4th house (D20) is occupied by Shukra and Shani and receives dhrusti from Chandra and Rahu. How these combination can lead clue for the Grama Devatha? 5th house in Vimsamsa(D20) shows Bhakti Marga. Here Guru is in exaltation. This again suffice on the indication that I need to approach you(Guru) and request for guiding me in Bhakti Marga.


9th house in Vimsamsa(D20) should be seen for Guru and Japa. This is unoccupied and receives Guru dhrusti from Karka. Now Guru is evident, but how to under stand Japa? Is it implies that I should meditate on Guru hymns? Should I wait until I have been initiated by you with the Mantra? i.e., until Jupiter moves to Karka and I visit to obtain initiation in person by you? 12th from (D20) Lagna indicate Dhyana. I am not able to differentiate between subtleness of Japa and Dhyana. 12th is occupied by Ravi. Does it mean that I have to involve in Shiva Dhyana?

Guruji, you have already informed me that, Naisargika atma Karaka Ravi, placed along with my Ista Budha in 6th house, house of service, is aspecting 11th house, in Rasi, and there fore I should dedicate my service to Lord Krishna. As on today I am unclear about this. I strongly believe once after initiation from you, all darkness covered in my mind gets cleared and I would be able to perceive all indications and can prosper with your kind blessings.

Seeking your blessings all the time. namra Shishya, Mohan Hegde.anmohiey

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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Mohan

Comments below:With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com



Saturday, December 22, 2001 6:33 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Guidance on Dieties.


JAI GURUDEV. Ref.: Ista/ Kula /Grama Devatas. Pujya Guruji, In past you have taught us through lessons about realising one's Ista/Kula/Grama Devatas through Navamsa and Vimsamsa charts. How ever for me still things looks quite obscure apparently owing to limited spiritual knowledge. In one of the recent mail, you have stated that, while interpreting charts more stress have to be given to position of planets indicating various Devatas, instead of just logic study of planetary combinations and permutations. Even I believe, an in depth spiritual inroads is very essential for attempting to understand intricacies of any charts rather than only adopting mathematical logic. Pondering on this matter, I feel, it would be first step for me to start with, to know details of all these Devatas, as indicated by the planets in my chart. I kindly request to enlight me in this regard. My Ista is Lord Vishnu/Krishna which is reflected in my Navamsa chart. Thula is my Karakamsa and 12th to this is Kanya. Kanya is not occupied by any planets and receives dhrusti from no planets. Hence, Budha its Lord in 2nd dreccanna indicates my Ista as Lord Vishnu/Krishna. RATH: PERFECT. DON'T STOP HALFWAY. Mercury is placed in the sixth house indicating that a six phoneme (SHADAKSHARI) mantra will take you to your Ista Devata. There are many such mantra to choose from of which OM VISHNAVE NAMAH is one such. In the Vimsamsa, Mercury is again in the sixth house indicatng service to the deity instead of just mantra Japa as the 6th house is 10th (Karma) from the ninth (temple/church). Thus service to Bhagavan in a temple will be the best form of remedy for increasing your spiritual direction. Being the Lord of the 4th house in Vimsamsa, Mercury will also keep you happy in the place /area of residence and bring the blessings of the Sthana Devata.

6th from Amatya Karaka (Kuja) should indicate Diety for this material world. Kuja (AmK) is in Karka (Navamsa) and 6th from this is my Navamsa Lagna, Dhanus. This is unoccupied and receives aspects (Rasi dhrusti) from no planets. Budha and Guru are placed in trines to this. This indicates Guru's dominance being not only sign lord but also placed in trine in an exalted sign. Whether does it mean that, I should look up on Samba Shiva/ Guru for any advancement in the material world? How I can perceive this and what should I do as per this? should I meditate on Lord Samba Shiva and go sharanagathi to my Gurudeva for any advancement and achievements? RATH: without doubt, it is Shiva Who will help you pass through this life peacefully doing good karma. Worship Him with any Astakshari mantra or worship OMKARESHWARA the Jyotirlinga causing the exaltation of Jupiter in Pisces. Try OMKARESHWARAAYA NAMAH.

It is also suggested that, one's Guru should be ascertained from chara Bhatri Karaka. In my case Rahu is chara Bhatri Karaka. He is placed in the Karka along with vakra Kuja and receives Rasi dhrusti from Ravi, Shukra and Shani in Navamsa. I am puzzled. How this can give clue to my Guru! RATH: Simple - worship of Durga will lead you to your Guru, whether he be in body or not. In any case, Rahu dies not respect the Laxman rekha of national boundaries and willindicate going far in search of your Guru.

You have taught us that, one has to derive form of the Diety from the trines in the Vimsamsa. Chandra(1) and Guru(5) are in trines in D20. Guru is also Lagna Lord here. Rath: Krishna bhakti and Shiva sadhana are indicated also. this is n confirmity with other directions. you would have known this had you not stopped halfway earlier in the analysis.

As I already stated as per thumb rule, Guru is Diety for me for this material world. In the Vimsamsa Guru is again emerging as form of Diety. So I should worship my Guru for any benefits and to be free from all material afflictions. But how? Rath: After you have eaten the food alone can your hunger be satisfied, but that does not mean eating everything till you are in such a state that you cannot digest anything. The Palana Devata worship ensures that your Karma is superb and that you will eat only that much which you can digest fully. This is a figurative statement and is universally applicable. When anything is done in moderation, attachment to it shall go. The Palana devata, feeds you and also ensures that you do not have attachment to the fruits of your Karma.

In Vimsamsa 2nd from Lagna is Mesha. The sign and its Lord Kuja is aspected (Rasi dhrusti) by Budha and this reaffirms my KulaDevata as (Gore) Gopal Krishna. RATH: Good work out here, and He is also your Ista Devata.

My GramaDevatha is Lord Dharanatha. (A form of Lord Shiva, one of the pancha Maha atma Linga piece, was thrown by Ravaneshwar). This should be cross checked from the 4th from Lagna in Vimsamsa. Here again I am confused. This 4th house (D20) is occupied by Shukra and Shani and receives dhrusti from Chandra and Rahu. How these combination can lead clue for the Grama Devatha? RATH: Venus indicates the Shiva Linga and not Jupiter. As such Shiva is indicated only by the Sun, but the two Guru's worship Him differently. Jupiter prefers the knowledge from Shiva while Venus wants all the blessings of life and health. Hence the two forms. Here, Venus is indicating the Linga and Saturn indicates the specific Mahatma (based on Mahapurusha Yoga). Do not worry about them. Stick to Mercury and they will also be delighted at your Bhakti.

5th house in Vimsamsa(D20) shows Bhakti Marga. Here Guru is in exaltation. This again suffice on the indication that I need to approach you(Guru) and request for guiding me in Bhakti Marga. RATH: I am unfit to do this as I am personally into Gyana Yoga in my pursuit of the knowledge of Jyotish. I aim to cross this deepest and biggest ocean (Sankaracharya felt so) in this lifetime. I will teach you Jyotish and nothing more, and like a good Jyotish, the light will show you everything. This jyotish is the crux of mahabharata as essentially it was the differences between the blind Dhritarashtra and his anger against Krishna. Sanjaya kept on telling the truth to the king, and yet he never learnt anything..sad. You will find your Diksha Guru in good time and get the Gayatri from him.



9th house in Vimsamsa(D20) should be seen for Guru and Japa. This is unoccupied and receives Guru dhrusti from Karka. Now Guru is evident, but how to under stand Japa? Is it implies that I should meditate on Guru hymns? Should I wait until I have been initiated by you with the Mantra? i.e., until Jupiter moves to Karka and I visit to obtain initiation in person by you? RATH: Wait for Jupiter to enter Cancer as I had advised earlier. Then you will see the mantra's work.

12th from (D20) Lagna indicate Dhyana. I am not able to differentiate between subtleness of Japa and Dhyana. 12th is occupied by Ravi. Does it mean that I have to involve in Shiva Dhyana?

Guruji, you have already informed me that, Naisargika atma Karaka Ravi, placed along with my Ista Budha in 6th house, house of service, is aspecting 11th house, in Rasi, and there fore I should dedicate my service to Lord Krishna. As on today I am unclear about this. I strongly believe once after initiation from you, all darkness covered in my mind gets cleared and I would be able to perceive all indications and can prosper with your kind blessings. RATH: Agreed. The day is not far and you have proved your desire and sincerity many times.


Seeking your blessings all the time. namra Shishya, Mohan Hegde.anmohiey




Blessings of Sri Jagannath Mahaprabhu

May He grant you your Ista Phala

I remain

Sanjay RathOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Pujya Guruji,


Pranamas and thanks for taking out time and guiding me.


Hope to cover a lot milage in the days to come under your kind Margadarshana.


Seeking blessings,

Namra Shishya

Mohan hegde.



Sanjay Rath


Friday, February 01, 2002 3:46 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Guidance on Dieties.


om gurave namah------------------------Dear Mohan

Comments below:With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com



Saturday, December 22, 2001 6:33 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Guidance on Dieties.


JAI GURUDEV. Ref.: Ista/ Kula /Grama Devatas. Pujya Guruji, In past you have taught us through lessons about realising one's Ista/Kula/Grama Devatas through Navamsa and Vimsamsa charts. How ever for me still things looks quite obscure apparently owing to limited spiritual knowledge. In one of the recent mail, you have stated that, while interpreting charts more stress have to be given to position of planets indicating various Devatas, instead of just logic study of planetary combinations and permutations. Even I believe, an in depth spiritual inroads is very essential for attempting to understand intricacies of any charts rather than only adopting mathematical logic. Pondering on this matter, I feel, it would be first step for me to start with, to know details of all these Devatas, as indicated by the planets in my chart. I kindly request to enlight me in this regard. My Ista is Lord Vishnu/Krishna which is reflected in my Navamsa chart. Thula is my Karakamsa and 12th to this is Kanya. Kanya is not occupied by any planets and receives dhrusti from no planets. Hence, Budha its Lord in 2nd dreccanna indicates my Ista as Lord Vishnu/Krishna. RATH: PERFECT. DON'T STOP HALFWAY. Mercury is placed in the sixth house indicating that a six phoneme (SHADAKSHARI) mantra will take you to your Ista Devata. There are many such mantra to choose from of which OM VISHNAVE NAMAH is one such. In the Vimsamsa, Mercury is again in the sixth house indicatng service to the deity instead of just mantra Japa as the 6th house is 10th (Karma) from the ninth (temple/church). Thus service to Bhagavan in a temple will be the best form of remedy for increasing your spiritual direction. Being the Lord of the 4th house in Vimsamsa, Mercury will also keep you happy in the place /area of residence and bring the blessings of the Sthana Devata. 6th from Amatya Karaka (Kuja) should indicate Diety for this material world. Kuja (AmK) is in Karka (Navamsa) and 6th from this is my Navamsa Lagna, Dhanus. This is unoccupied and receives aspects (Rasi dhrusti) from no planets. Budha and Guru are placed in trines to this. This indicates Guru's dominance being not only sign lord but also placed in trine in an exalted sign. Whether does it mean that, I should look up on Samba Shiva/ Guru for any advancement in the material world? How I can perceive this and what should I do as per this? should I meditate on Lord Samba Shiva and go sharanagathi to my Gurudeva for any advancement and achievements? RATH: without doubt, it is Shiva Who will help you pass through this life peacefully doing good karma. Worship Him with any Astakshari mantra or worship OMKARESHWARA the Jyotirlinga causing the exaltation of Jupiter in Pisces. Try OMKARESHWARAAYA NAMAH. It is also suggested that, one's Guru should be ascertained from chara Bhatri Karaka. In my case Rahu is chara Bhatri Karaka. He is placed in the Karka along with vakra Kuja and receives Rasi dhrusti from Ravi, Shukra and Shani in Navamsa. I am puzzled. How this can give clue to my Guru! RATH: Simple - worship of Durga will lead you to your Guru, whether he be in body or not. In any case, Rahu dies not respect the Laxman rekha of national boundaries and willindicate going far in search of your Guru. You have taught us that, one has to derive form of the Diety from the trines in the Vimsamsa. Chandra(1) and Guru(5) are in trines in D20. Guru is also Lagna Lord here. Rath: Krishna bhakti and Shiva sadhana are indicated also. this is n confirmity with other directions. you would have known this had you not stopped halfway earlier in the analysis. As I already stated as per thumb rule, Guru is Diety for me for this material world. In the Vimsamsa Guru is again emerging as form of Diety. So I should worship my Guru for any benefits and to be free from all material afflictions. But how? Rath: After you have eaten the food alone can your hunger be satisfied, but that does not mean eating everything till you are in such a state that you cannot digest anything. The Palana Devata worship ensures that your Karma is superb and that you will eat only that much which you can digest fully. This is a figurative statement and is universally applicable. When anything is done in moderation, attachment to it shall go. The Palana devata, feeds you and also ensures that you do not have attachment to the fruits of your Karma.

In Vimsamsa 2nd from Lagna is Mesha. The sign and its Lord Kuja is aspected (Rasi dhrusti) by Budha and this reaffirms my KulaDevata as (Gore) Gopal Krishna. RATH: Good work out here, and He is also your Ista Devata. My GramaDevatha is Lord Dharanatha. (A form of Lord Shiva, one of the pancha Maha atma Linga piece, was thrown by Ravaneshwar). This should be cross checked from the 4th from Lagna in Vimsamsa. Here again I am confused. This 4th house (D20) is occupied by Shukra and Shani and receives dhrusti from Chandra and Rahu. How these combination can lead clue for the Grama Devatha? RATH: Venus indicates the Shiva Linga and not Jupiter. As such Shiva is indicated only by the Sun, but the two Guru's worship Him differently. Jupiter prefers the knowledge from Shiva while Venus wants all the blessings of life and health. Hence the two forms. Here, Venus is indicating the Linga and Saturn indicates the specific Mahatma (based on Mahapurusha Yoga). Do not worry about them. Stick to Mercury and they will also be delighted at your Bhakti. 5th house in Vimsamsa(D20) shows Bhakti Marga. Here Guru is in exaltation. This again suffice on the indication that I need to approach you(Guru) and request for guiding me in Bhakti Marga. RATH: I am unfit to do this as I am personally into Gyana Yoga in my pursuit of the knowledge of Jyotish. I aim to cross this deepest and biggest ocean (Sankaracharya felt so) in this lifetime. I will teach you Jyotish and nothing more, and like a good Jyotish, the light will show you everything. This jyotish is the crux of mahabharata as essentially it was the differences between the blind Dhritarashtra and his anger against Krishna. Sanjaya kept on telling the truth to the king, and yet he never learnt anything..sad. You will find your Diksha Guru in good time and get the Gayatri from him.


9th house in Vimsamsa(D20) should be seen for Guru and Japa. This is unoccupied and receives Guru dhrusti from Karka. Now Guru is evident, but how to under stand Japa? Is it implies that I should meditate on Guru hymns? Should I wait until I have been initiated by you with the Mantra? i.e., until Jupiter moves to Karka and I visit to obtain initiation in person by you? RATH: Wait for Jupiter to enter Cancer as I had advised earlier. Then you will see the mantra's work. 12th from (D20) Lagna indicate Dhyana. I am not able to differentiate between subtleness of Japa and Dhyana. 12th is occupied by Ravi. Does it mean that I have to involve in Shiva Dhyana?

Guruji, you have already informed me that, Naisargika atma Karaka Ravi, placed along with my Ista Budha in 6th house, house of service, is aspecting 11th house, in Rasi, and there fore I should dedicate my service to Lord Krishna. As on today I am unclear about this. I strongly believe once after initiation from you, all darkness covered in my mind gets cleared and I would be able to perceive all indications and can prosper with your kind blessings. RATH: Agreed. The day is not far and you have proved your desire and sincerity many times.

Seeking your blessings all the time. namra Shishya, Mohan Hegde.anmohiey




Blessings of Sri Jagannath Mahaprabhu

May He grant you your Ista Phala

I remain

Sanjay RathOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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