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Jesus' chart (please check this)

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Hare Rama Krsna.


Some time ago, before I went to India, there was a discussion going on

regarding Jesus' chart. I didn't participate because I strongly doubt the

accuracy of this date. First of all, we know that the date of 25 Dec. was

a date of a Heden festival which was chosen to fit the Christmas day, and

second I think the date must be too early. The fact that if the " new star "

was a Jup-Sat conjunction which had been seen by the Sages from the East,

and which made them travel to see the new King of the Jews, and made them

ask Herod where was this child, indicates clearly that when they arrived

at Herod's palace, they thought the child to be born 2 years before, yet

when they were led to the place where the little Jesus was born, he was

just a new-born baby. Prove of this is that Herod ordered all 2-year old

children and younger to be killed. Thus Jesus must have been born around

-4 (5BC) or 2 years after the Jup-Sat conjunction started.

Herod died in -3 (4BC).


My wife was raised in Orthodox church, and recently told me how in

Orthodox church they celebrate Christmas not like we do, but they

celebrate the night of 6 to 7 Jan. and they hold that it was an amavasya

tithi, or complete dark night. So out of curiosity I checked if one of

those years had an amavasya tithi on 6 to 7 Jan. and found the year of -4

(5BC if your software doesn't include the year 0) to be exactly fitting

(according to jhl4).

Have we found the real chart of Jesus Christ? Please have a look.

Mercury retrograde as atmakaraka 9th lord in the lagna Capricorn, ALL

planets aspecting on the 8th house, Mars-Ketu in Libra and Saturn and Ketu

aspecting on 3rd from AL. Chart is attached.


Your sishya,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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