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KSY Assignment - Sanjay ji, response to your comments.

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Namaste Sanjay ji,


I am submitting my KAY/KSY attempt yet again, based on your comments.


I had also mailed my submission to Sat Siri ji - I now have her remarks as well- I have also included those.[Your comments are in BLUE and Sat Siri ji’s comments are in PINK]


I have done this exercise in two parts – first I have given my explanations to your, and Sat Siri ji’s comments.


In this mail, I have given my reasoning and response to your, and Sat Siri ji's comments.


I feel that, in my earlier analysis, the main draw-backs, other than those pointed out by you and Sat Siri ji, were:

1. not weighing properly the respective strengths of planets while identifying their effects;

2. not identifing properly the aspects and their effects;

3. totally overlooking Arudhas and Argala


Now I am attempting the analysis of these 3 charts once again, on the lines suggested by you, by:

1. rectifying the birth-time

2. reasoning out my observations, point-by-point

3. including consideration of argala & aspect


I will be mailing the fresh analysis of charts, one-by-one, separately.


I have tried to rectify the above in my fresh submissions.


I hope you will find some improvement in my latest attempt – I look forward to your evaluation and further comments.





***Jaya Jagannath***

Dear Sailesh,

An excellent attempt and with very good examples. comments are given below:

Best WishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com***Om Tat Sat***


1.(b) Chart SCC-KAY MALE: DOB-August 17, 1983; 11:30:00 AM; 78 E 33' 17 N 27'


+--------------+ +--------------+

| | |Rah |AL | |Asc Ket |Sun |HL | |

| | | | | |Mnd | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | | | |

|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

| | |Mar | | | |VenR |

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| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|-----------| Rasi |-----------| |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

|HL | |Sun Mer | |Moo | |GL |

| | |VenR | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

| |Moo Jup |Asc Sat |GL | |Mer Glk |Sat | |Mar Jup |

| |Ket |Mnd Glk | | |AL | | |Rah |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

+--------------+ +--------------+




Lagna Lord Venus (Bhratri Karaka) in Lagna 11th house makes the native blessed and wise having good nature, income and reputation but also tendencies for multiple extra-marital liaisons.

Rath: Too much generalisation.

Shail: Henceforth, I will try to be more specific.

Rath: Lagnesh is not in Lagna and in the 11th it gives good income, but why liasion with other women? this point about Lagnesh is not correct. As the Bhratrikaraka it represents the Guru as well and this is a good spiritual aspect.

Shail: It is a typing, or rather editing, mistake – it was 11H earlier; in global change of 1H to Lagna, it got changed to 1Lagna & then to Lagna. [also at 3 or 4 other places]

Sat Siri: Could Ve Retro as well as trine Saturn and Ketu in navamsa--a formation called tapaswi yog, a yoga of renunciation---counteract adulterous tendency?

Shail: Tapaswi Yoga would indicate 'TAPAS' - to do something 'single-mindedly', 'with great concentration' and not 'renunciation' or 'chaste' behaviour.

But, yes, since a retro planet works contrary to its nature, retro VENUS could change the effects and, hence, 'sensuality' of VEN would be, perhaps, be replaced by 'abstinence'.

Here I have a query. What will be the effect of VEN® on Tapaswi Yoga – will it be annulled (because of VEN giving the effects as per the opposite nature/ house).

Rath: Emperor Akbar did not have any liasion with undesirable women. In fact he had liasion with many 'desirable' women! See his chart. Explain each point clearly as to why it happens.

Speech: Saturn has argala on Mercury is to be added. Second Lord is in debility but attains neechabhanga because of saturn in Lagna and hence saturn gives controlled speech.

Shail: I am not clear about this ‘Neechabhanga’. The relevant rules given by you are as follows & therefore the ‘Neechabhanga’ would be due to the dispositor being MOON itself.

1. Neechabhanga occurs due to the following:

1.1 A dispositor of the debilitated planet in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon.

1.2 The lord of the seventh from the debilitated planet in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon..

1.3 The planet which gets exalted in the sign where the debilitated planet is placed is in a kendra from Lagna or Moon.

2. Neechabhanga maybe attained after a lot of effort if:

2.1 The debilitated planet is retrograde.

2.2 The sign with the debilitated planet is conjoined an exalted planet.

For debilitated MO, the dipositor MAR is in 10H, angle and hence ‘Neechabhanga’.

Another query here, two gharas in debility, involved in mutual ‘Parivartana’ and ‘Neechabhanga’ – is it not a Maharaja Yoga??

Rath: In this manner explain your points with arguments pertaining to the result you attribute. Saturn aspects the seventh house and also the darapada in the tenth house as well as the seventh Lord Mars. Mars in tenth also gives Jara Yoga and thus this can indicate relations with undesirable women as Mars the lord of seven is in debility and aspected by saturn...Like this.

Shail: ‘Jara Yoga’ is new for me – as per BVRaman, 10L should also be in 10H – here it is giving only Rasi aspect. Is it sufficient to cause the Yoga?

How will the 10th aspect of SAT, KE’s conjunction with 10L and Rasi aspect on 2/7L effect this Yoga? Will the ‘separative’ influence (to use JNBhasin’s phrase) of SA and the ‘renunciative’ influence of KE nullify, or control, the effects of this Yoga?

8L in Lagna 11H gives long life, difficult childhood but prosperity in later years. Rahu (Gnati Karaka) in 8th House is indicative of dushmaran yoga (caused by rivals/ opponents - Gnati Karaka, and Sun in 3 from AL indicate use firearms, Mercury fall or crash and Venus - prior knowledge- please confirm), but also promotes health, longevity, gifts, legacies/ inheritance, etc.

Sat Siri: Sun in 3rd from AL shows vikram--effort--ambition, good energy because Sun is strong altho slightly detracted by Ve there and to a lesser extent Mer. As for Sun for use of firearms are you thinking of Jaimini's sutras wrt planets in third from AK ?

Shail: Yes, but my main source is COVA – ch 6 (3H) and ch 11 (8H).

Atma Karaka placed in 10th house, on the other hand, indicates that the native is blessed with a clean heart and good home and be a pillar for his family and mother, with Saturn in 12 from Atma Karaka indicates Narayana as Ishta Devata.

Sat Siri: Sat is PuK so dependents for whom he shall be responsible shall bring out the best in him. In youth perhaps this could be younger siblings or friends. Sat is dispositor of AmK Moon so being responsible for cash can teach lessons.

Shail: ‘Responsible for Cash’ – how does one see that? Is AmK connected with this?

Sat Siri: Sat dispositing Moon--need to learn to concentrate.

Shail: Tapaswi Yoga gives that quality – doesn’t it?



Jupiter aspect to Swamsa bestows all round knowledge in traditional as well as modern subjects. Rahu aspect also confirms mathematical expertise and gives research-oriented outlook.

Sat Siri: Also these grahas are 10th from AK Mercury so have direct bearing on the profession. Perhaps financial abilities are there, as its Virgo along with managing personnel as its a dual sign, a human sign with Jup there.

Shail: If we also look at lord of Varnada Lagna, SU in Leo, it would indicate (strong) association with Govt. or politics; conjunction of ME ( lord of GE & VE) would aindicate trade/ business and finance/ accounts respectively, and VE (lord of TA & LI) would indicate hard-work and business, etc.

VL also receives rasi aspects from LI, CA & TA. It is also second from Upa-pada.

Mars owning 2nd House leads to passion and illicit relationships

Sat Siri: But Mars doesnt aspect 2H nor does Ven or Jup. Ke gives argala to 2H and exalted Sun in 2nd--is that passions or something else?

Shail: Mars (or VEN) owning 2nd House (from AK or Swamsa) leads to passion and illicit relationships [JUpS – 1.2.52] And VEN aspects 2H from AK.

What is the effect of exalted SU in 2H? Please guide me.

And, yes, KE associating with 2H will destroy the passion. BUT, as per Sanjay ji in JUpS, ME obstructs influence of KE. Here, ME is AK and gives rasi aspect to KE in D-9 lagna.

ALSO If Dhan’s Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will be libidinous, honourable and learned; he will have many wives and much wealth, but he will be bereft of filial happiness. [bPHS]

ALSO Should the Moon be in Scorpio at birth, one will be a …… fond of others’ housewives, ………. insane (or infatuated with passion)… [saravali]

BUT If Mars in Cancer is aspected by Jupiter, the native will ………..be bereft of carnal pleasures (this is in D-1). [saravali]

IT IS a close contest – I am unable to decide which one is stronger !!!

Venus in 5th House indicates literary faculties of the native, including authorship, poetry, critic and eloquence. Moon’s aspect may give knowledge on Yogas and shastras and musical abilities.

Sat Siri: 7th from Venus shows wife. Moon in Cap: from distant city, wealthy, smart; UL is Cancer in Rasi with Mars in parivartana with Moon: status change upon marriage, affecting KAY.

Jupiter in 7th House gives a fair & beautiful wife but Rahu’s conjunct. may indicate a wife from widow or one from different community and Mars may indicate some physical disability to her.

Sat Siri: Good points to resolve. Which way to read is best? Take from the STRONGEST lagna. Is it Navamsa lagna, Navamsa Arudh lagna or Karakamsa.

Shail: AL would show the perception of others; Karkamsa- the wish/ desire of the soul and Navamsa lagna (lagnamsa)- the result that will be easily achieved (as per author’s notes in JUpS- 1.2.22).

Therefore, results indicated by Lagnamsa are more probable.

Sat Siri: What about 9 lord Sun in 5th from Karakamsa?

Shail: Please help me – SU in 9H will make one confidant/ faithful/ devoted to elders/ teacher. 5H would indicate, among other things, romance.

Are you hinting at a love marriage?

Rath: Chart analysis needs to be explained for each combination or result as indicated earlier.In some places you have given this very well but not in many other.

Shail: As I mentioned in the beginning itself, the major problem was that I did not consider argalas at all and, also, did not spot/ evaluate all aspects. I hope this present attempt is better than the earlier one.

Break of KSY:

As the leading planet of KAY, Ketu is conjunct. a Gaj Kesari Yog, the KAY may break Karaka 24th year, of Moon, or 30th year, of Jupiter.

Sat Siri: Which is more likely because in a conjunction which planet gives results of which?

Shail: I seek your guidance – especially reg. conjunctions!

Commencement of KAY from 2nd House could also mean duration of 33 years for the KAY.

Rath: How did you arrive at this point explain

Shail: This is based on the other method of computing period of KSY which I had mentioned in my reply to question 1A (Chart KSY 1).

Your comments were: There is an error out here. The principle for calculation is that half the Ayus is covered in 9x6=54 years. So, 6th house is 54 years….

So, I will discard this basis.


The native is presently running Ketu Vim Dasha and SG Naryana Dasha - its lord conjunct. Vim Dasha lord and the house itself is aspect by, and is 7th from AL. Ketu is the leader of KAY and conjunct. Jupiter- lord of 3rd House-SG, This may be a crucial period in the evolution of KAY.

Sat Siri: Ke Dasa. Here is a little nadi jyotish or Krishnamurti stellar astrology. Because a planet , Sun, occupies Ketu's nakshatra Magha, Ketu is the dispositor of Sun. Ketu acts like Sun, it has the jeeva of Sun within it overriding its "normal" character. Ketu's mana or focus goes on its own nakshatra dispositor. What is that? It is Mercury, the AK in 11th. So the focus is on 11th house matters, friends, group membership, gains, success, being one of the gang. Wants to conform! not at all like Ketu's own character. Ke is in the nakshatra sub of Saturn, so the effect of the dasa is also to make him come to grips with vocational issues and how he adapts to authority and economic necessities. Sat and Mars are in each others nakshatras and so they interrelate.

Shail: Thanks for this explanation – all this perfect matches with the actual life of the native, who has just joined college – and is staying away from the family and in a hostel for the first time in his life.

I have started reading about nakshatras but….

The mutual Rasi aspect of Swamsa and Karkamsa indicates high level of success.

Rath: Good observations. very good.

Shail: Thanks !!!!

Overall, the chart indicates a very well intelligent, knowledgeable and blessed native. He will have expertise in mathematics, mantras and yoga and astrology, literary, artistic and musical interests. He will have a fair and pretty spouse from a cultural and wealthy background but may be from a different community or a widow.

Rath: Not commenting anymore on loose statements without reasons.

Shail: It is only a summarization of earlier comments.

The problem area seems to be the strong inclination of the native towards illicit relationships and short temper.

Rath: Saturn in Lagna is the cause of his problem….. how does he get over this- .suggest a remedy.

Shail: I am not sure whether I have correctly spotted this problem – SA is exalted, Raj Yoga Karaka, aspected by dispositor from 11H, owns 5H and is in 5H from AL, although the benefits be more on materialistic side.

Is the problem due to SA in lagna associated (rasi aspect) with RA – curse of departed (paternal) soul (VRIA-

Sri Sarwarthachintamani (stz.227) mentions that SA, or RA, in lagna indicates sufferings through devils/ evil spirits.

As the SA is extremely strong in this chart, the remedy for it should be through:

1. Recitation of Gayatri: Shanno Devi Rabhishtaya Aapo Bhavantu Peetaye…

2. Rudrabhishekam

3. Prayer to Sri Kali Devi

I am not confident about remedies – please guide me.

[You may be aware that both, I & my wife, also have SA in LI lagna].

He will rise very high in life but his success may give rise to jealous opponents who may be the cause of his un-natural and perhaps a violent death.

Rath: Absurd..Must explain this clearly. To my little knowledge he will die most peacefully due to a disease.

Shail: Please educate me on how you have worked out peaceful death from disease.

Let me als explain my reasoning – which is primarily based on chapters 6 & 11 of COVA – and seek your comments on it.

Rahu in 8th House is indicative of dushmaran yoga

Now the 3H from AL- Sun indicates use of firearms, Mercury fall or crash and Venus - prior knowledge.

3H from AL is also A8 – mrityupada – in this chart.

RA & SA influencing the death show that the native is overpowered and killed mercilessly – RA is in 8H and SA gives rasi aspect to 3H from AL.

If my above reasoning is correct, since RA is Gnati Karaka, I anticipate involvement of business rivals.

A Query: RA in 11H from A8 has a papaargala over it which is obstructed by SA in 3H. Both planets are exalted – so which planet will prevail and what will be its effect?

Sat Siri: Third from AK for means of death: exalted Saturn in lagna: dont see that as violent death

Shail: I would like to learn about this too – so far I am aware of only 3H from Al & 8H.


He had some health problems in the early childhood, including one rather prolonged internal nose-bleeding; he has a very HOT constitution, and is big-boned, tall and has a biggish physique.

Sat Siri: Moon affects health. Moon conjunct Pitta Ketu and in exchange with Pitta Mars. Lagna lord Venus conjunct Pitta Sun.

Tall: Sat in Lib.

Shail: The classics are confusing in this regard – here are ‘suitable’ (meaning those that fit) extracts from Saravali:

One born in Libra Ascendant will have ….. possess beautiful and black eyes, ……. chaste, ……… be charitable, be religious and baseminded.

If the second Hora of Libra ascends at birth, he will be ………endowed with black and curly hair, …. round-eyed, will have a strong lower body and attractive skin ……….

If the Ascendant be in the second decanate of Libra, one will have eyes of the lotus-kind, be charming, affable in speech, ………….

Effects of Libra Ascendant, Sixth Navaańsha: The native will have fleshy limbs, be fair in complexion, will have broad eyes, beautiful nose and white nails, be diplomatic ………….

But there are several other parts, which I have snipped out, which do not fit (like crooked limbs, defective feet, etc…).


After a fairly good academic record at school level, this year he enrolled for an undergraduate course in Mech. Engg. as a hostler. He has a younger brother.

To the best of my knowledge, so far he has not undergone any suffering that one would associate with a KAY.

Rath: This is what I wanted to hear. In Kala Amrita Yoga the break caused by Jupiter and Moon is very effective and KAY is almost defunct. Since this Yoga occurs in the second house, it shall start working from childhood itself and shows the change in school i.e. second school was better (Moon - 2nd).

Chart needs a minor correction and Lagna should be just above 18 degrees.

Thus the break of KAY was early as it occured in second house and that too due to Jup & Moon. In KSY, the Sun is more important.

Shail: Sanjay ji, please clarify 2 points here:

1. What (dasa/ transit) would have been the trigger, or cause, of this ‘break of KAY’? He must have been running MER/MAR or MER/RAH vim-dasa. [should not there be some association of JUP and MOON in this act].

2. Is the above break in KAY permanent? Or can some effects manifest upto the natural age of KETU??

Reg, Chart/ birth time correction, can you tell me the reasoning/ effect of the rectification suggested by you?

Sat Siri ji has suggested a slightly different rectification (see below) – and in reverse direction (though that could be matched by a rectification in MY birth-time, if warranted by other factors).


Sat Siri: I think it (your elder son's D-12 has Taurus lagna) may be better rectified. It is close to 0 Taurus and could easily be Aries lagna in D-12. Then we would count zodiacally to Sag for father. The paka lagna would be Jupiter in exchange with Saturn. Jup is his Pitrikaraka. His Jup in D12 Aquarius is trine your rasi Sat Merc Ketu. Your Rahu in 29 34 Sag would be exactly trine his D12 Lagna if it were late Aries, showing genetic ties


KSY CHART 1 : MALE, born on March 10, 1986 at 10:23:00 hrs, Hyderabad:78 E 33', 17 N 27'

+--------------+ +--------------+

|MerR Ven |Rah |Asc |HL Glk | |Mar |Moo HL |Sun Glk |Rah |

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|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

|Sun Moo | |Mnd | |Asc | | |

|Jup | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|-----------| Rasi |-----------| |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

|AL | | | |Jup | |Mnd |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

|GL |Mar Sat |Ket | | |Ket |Sat |AL |MerR Ven |

| | | | | | | | |GL |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

+--------------+ +--------------+



This chart has a KSY on 6/12 axis, with Lagna outside the Rahu-Ketu arc. The involvement of 6/12 axis would indicate excessive sufferings due to misfortune/ bad-habits, health, superiors as well as subordinates in service, etc. On the other hand, this combination would also lead to aversion to sensuality on one hand and attraction towards spirituality on the other.

Sat Siri: What would be the effect of Rahu in star of Ketu and vice versa?

Shail: Does it mean reversal of roles – KSY gets converted to KAY?

All the planets being in the invisible half of zodiac also indicate spiritual/ non-materialistic promise held out in the chart.

Sat Siri: Planets are above the horizon--visible half.

Shail: Yes – a very obvious and a stupid mistake on my part. This would make the native more physical & materialistic.

Both Jupiter & Moon, forming this Gnati KarakaYoga, are weak Karaka, having low SAV points, and Moon is an extreme malefic, birth being on amavasya day.

Sat Siri: I think it's extreme to call the Moon an extreme malefic. Amavasya is a common occurrence, 12 x per year. It is just overpowered. Imagination is downgraded in favor of philosophy or authority. At the same time ahamkara can be held in check very well.

Shail: I termed MO an extreme malefic in relation to its own malefesence – which goes on increasing till Anavasya & then gets decreased gradually.

BHPS states that Amavasya birth causes poverty to both parents – though not observed in this case.

In Navamsa, Aquarious Lagna indicates construction of large structures (lakes, tanks, roads, temples, etc.) by the native.

Rahu in 5th House confirms the above, as it indicates heavy engg. related works.

Sat Siri: Excellent points

Mars in 2nd House, aspected by Venus, indicates an excessively passionate native & that the tendencies will persist throughout the life - Lagna 11H argala of Jupiter reinforces these tendencies and Rasi aspect of Rahu indicates that these tendencies may be carried to obsessive limits cause (financial) ruin of the native - all this is a reconfirmation of the indications of D-1.

Sat Siri: Again, very good. But what about the aspect and argala of Ketu. It mitigates against all this. However which outweighs, Ketu or Rahu? That will tip the balance.

Shail: Both the planets are exalted, so I guess both are equal – RA casts the Papaargala, and aspect & KE counters it. Similarly, 11H argala of JU is obstructed by SU in 3H. Even if these agralas get cancelled out, JU is lord of the 2H, associating with MA & VE.

Thus, perhaps RA’s (financial) ruinous effects get cancelled out but excessive adulterous tendencies will remain.

Break of KSY:

Another school of thought states the following years as the duration of KSY and would suggest that, for this native, KSY will run upto 54th year. The general rules in this case, for the KSY starting in various houses are:-in 1st house: upto 27 years of age; in 2nd house: upto 33 years of age; in 3rd house: upto 36 years of age; in 4th house: upto 42 years of age; in 5th house: upto 48 years of age; in 6th house: upto 54 years of age.

Rath: There is an error out here. The principle for calculation is that half the Ayus is covered in 9x6=54 years. So, 6th house is 54 years. 5th house is 54-6=48 years; 4th house is 48-6=42 years; 3rd house is 42-6=36years; 2nd house is 36-6=30 years and 1st house is 30-6=24 years. Thus, 7th house onwards is again 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, and 54 years. However, the natural years of maturity are found to be more effective as in the case of India, freedom from KAY came exactly in the 43rd year i.e. 1947+43=1990 (last of the Nehru dynasty and concept of inheritance of the throne of India was lost as the subsequent PM's were from different families as necessary under the principle of democracy.

Shail: I had quoted this theory, which I had obtained from elsewhere, to elicit your views on it.


He may marry [in his 29th year] a lady elder to him, who may also happen to be his competitor too, and her wealth or prosperity could be a reason for her marriage. The lady may belong to different community.

Shail: I am yet to understand the working and intricacies of timing of events – can you please explain how you worked out the time in this case?

Rath: [No, it will be a love marriage and father may not be very happy initially, but happy later; may travel abroad or to a distant place just before this marriage].

Shail: Venus and Mercury, the two Maha-Yogadas, and natural benefics, are conjuncting in 11th house, the house of gains. Venus in 11H would also indicate gains from women/ public service.

Since VEN, the natural significator for spouse is Gnati Karaka and ME is Dara Karaka, and 7H from VE is unoccupied and its lord is ME, I reasoned out that “happen to be his competitor too, and her wealth or prosperity could be a reason for her marriage”.

I had mentioned “However, Saturn in 7th House also indicates foreign travel/ residence, strengthened by 7L in own house and Rahu in 12th House.” – but the timing?? And I linked RA with lady belonging to different community.

The married life would be troublesome, caused by undesirable liaisons of the native with the opposite sex – which in turn could be caused by the detachment/ disinterest of the marriage partner. The extra-marital liaisons may also lead to financial ruin of the native.

Rath: You have not spared anybody from liasions.. please justify.

Shail: My thoughts – adulterous thought/ tendencies are normal – but their control/ restraint is also normal (that is what keeps the alive the institution of marriage). So, both the tendencies should be normally expected in every chart, and would be approximately mutually balanced. If the balance is not there, it leads to extremities – ranging from woman hater to a sex-maniac. I am not looking for liaisons – but the factors that control these tendencies.

And as for my reasoning - Mars in 7H indicates marital problems, perhaps because of older/ detached wife (Saturn in 7). This combination also has Rasi aspect of Rahu, reconfirming the marital problems, and perhaps undesirable problems with the other sex.

In D-9, Mars in 2nd House, belonging to JUP and aspected by Venus, indicates an excessively passionate native & that the tendencies will persist throughout the life - all this is a reconfirmation of the indications of D-1.

Query: Is it likely that in this connection, Saturn- which conjuncts Atma Karaka Mars and forms a Raj Yog with it - may assume that role and its Vim-mahadasa, which started in May 2001, may assume that role.

Rath: I agree. It is also the dispositor of the Rahu, leading the KSY. This is the period when too many changes will be seen. How he develops is important.

Shail: Can you please guide me how to predict these probable ‘developments’?

Sat Siri: SA is yogakaraka and in dikbala. It must exercise a benevolent influence on the otherwise turmoil of the potentially hostile AK.


So far the native has not faced any sufferings as be is blessed with doting parents. The boy has been accident prone and has a weak constitution but seems to have overcome that age.

Rath: Accident proneness is due to Mars in Marana Karaka sthana and also as the AK with a terrible conjunction with Saturn. The KSY will not be able to manifest in early life due to the conjunction of Jupiter with the Sun & Moon and that too in the tenth house. But between the years of Maturity of Mars (28) till Rahu (45), the KSY will show its color.

Shail: If the nakshatra ‘parivartana’ between RA & KE cuases the KSY to modify into a KAY, will there be any change in these developments?



KSY CHART 2 MALE, born on February 8, 1951, at 21:10:00 hrs, at Delhi: 77 E 13' 28 N 40'

+--------------+ +--------------+

|HL | |AL | | |Asc Jup |Mar |Moo |Rah |

| | | | | |SatR HL | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | | | |

|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

|Moo Mar | | | |Mer Ven | | |

|Jup Ven | | | | | | |

|Rah | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|-----------| Rasi |-----------| |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

|Sun Mer | |Ket | |Mnd | |Sun |

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|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

|GL |Mnd Glk | |Asc SatR | |Ket GL | |Glk | |

| | | | | |AL | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

+--------------+ +--------------+


Is it possible the the Gaj Kesari Yog fructified at the age of 5, the secondary age for Moon, when Jupiter-Moon Vim. Dasha was running, causing the KSY to break, and laying the foundation for his subsequent progress, success and prosperity.

Rath: When the KSY is fully broken, where will you see its results. Totally broken, especially with the Moon conjoining Jupiter in doing the break.

Shail: Would it be the house where the indicators for breakage of KSY – in this case the Gaja Kesari Yoga -are there; in this case the 6th house.

Or is it the last house of KSY, the bhava occupied by KE – in this case the 12th house.

I am not clear about it and seek your guidance.

I have failed to locate appropriate indications for the following:

1. frequent change of residence, and countries, in the childhood

Rath: Lagna Lord in a Chara Rasi (that too of saturn) having an exchange with Saturn and conjoined the 12th Lord- cause was the Sun (father)

Sat Siri: what about Rahu conjunct four grahas including 7th lord for journeys? Rahu in nakshatra exchange with 7th lord? Rahu conjunct 8th lord for foreign cultures? 12th lord, 8th lord can also show out of the way places and foreign countries.

Shail: I had connected 6H with long journey and life in foreign countries and RA in 6H would confirm that, and also 12H.

But I am looking for frequent changes in residence – what are the factors one should look for?

2. career as a seaman, in merchant navy (he was a radio officer)

Rath: House of income is the eleventh from Arudha lagna i.e. Pisces (sea). Tenth lord from the Moon is Mars that is in the sixth house of service showing the use of technical skills. Tenth Lord from lagna is Mercury conjoining the Sun in a chara rasi showing a lot of travel in connection with profession and this is also confirmed by its placement in 12th house in Navamsa with Venus (karaka for travel). If he has also worked for many foreign ship companies, the dasamsa lagna needs to be corrected slightly to Gemini.

Sat Siri: Both Ra and 10th from Sun conjunct Moon

Shail: He was mostly working for India shipping companies.

3. present line of business – steel foundry, heavy machinery, stone quarry

Rath: Confirms my doubts - correct the time to Dasamsa Lagna of Gemini.

Sat Siri: Cap, & are ruled by Saturn, naisargik karaka of steel, heavy machines and stone. All planets are in these Saturnian signs except Sat which is in lagna in exchange with commercial planet in 5th.

4. loss through friends and relatives- whom he tried to help

Rath: 12th from AL is aspected by too many planets. decipher this individually.

Shail: 12H from AL is also A6 – and all planets, excluding SUN(AK), MER(GK) and SAT(PK) aspect it.

Does it mean that, other than the son, all relations will cause him loss?

Sat Siri: what house lord are you using for friends or family what house lord for loss? put them together.

3rd lord Mars aspects 1st house from 6th as an enemy. Mars is also BK, brothers/ colleagues. Also 1L Mercury conjoins Sun, 12L and Mercury finds Sun to be a great enemy as it is conjunct it. Dont forget to use the friendships/ enmities.

Shail: Thanks

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