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1. Reply, 2. Good, 3. Advise, 4. Donations

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Dear All


1. Reply: When u hit the REPLY button, please: a) insert a subject heading

before the automatic " Re: xyz " if your subject is different; b) re-check

WHO u r actually sending to: personal?, intended? This small start will

make each of us more disciplined & caring, 2 essential qualifications for a

good astrologer. At your next developmental stage, pl try & shorten the

mail before sending (tho without too much SMS abbreviations, as I have been



2. Good: A good person is : a) NOT simple, direct, blunt, sticking to the

facts, etc. That is tantamount to repudiating one's responsibility as a

caring human being. Try calling " a spade a spade " to your wife/ mother!

Understand that 5 blind men would see spades differently. b) NOT who helps/

sympathises, etc. But who empathises; such a person TRULY gives without the

bondage of having given. Lets start becoming better people


3. Astro-advice: It is VERY nice that lots of members offer free advice on

these Lists. However, Caveat Emptor does NOT work in astrology, esp if

free. So, please try to include a bye-line to intimate the recipient that

the state of knowledge of both astrology in general, & you in particular,

is inadequate - as ONLY another astrologer would truly understand Caveat

Emptor, & the List has many advise-seekers who are actually not

astrologers. Personally, I do receive many e-mails from members who do not

know that I am a ground-floor student, getting impressed by my various

questions/ terminology on the Lists. I have now packaged a standard reply,

which is attached at the end of this posting (pl feel free to use if it

applies to u)


4. Donations: I buy a number of astro-books from Shiv Chadha In Delhi,

simply by depositing cash in his bank a/c from its branch in Mumbai, & then

sending him an e-mail. In this day of computerisation, can SJVC open a bank

a/c with a well-networked bank (for India) & a credit/ debit card (for

overseas donors), so that people can hassle-free donate to SJVC. Of course,

u will need to check with regulatory authorities for any caveats to ensure

accountability of money (in this day, of Govts checking out

terrorist-funding, black money, etc etc). Also check with a CA about income

tax matters. Maybe with greater recognition of astrology, a charitable

institution status could be demanded for SJVC, giving tax-free income

status to SJVC, as well as in the hands of the donor (I think it is 80G of

the IT act)


May 2002 be brighter than 2001, & less bright than future years (adapted

from the original French: I love u more than yesterday & less than

tomorrow: ideally used on spouse, not spice, on upapada not darapada - now

THAT was the astro-content of this e-mail - so i am pardoned)




NC's standard reply: Re: Pl advise


Dear XYZ


I am in the kindergarten of astrology. Because I have made extensive

astro-notes in the last few years, I can easily answer some simple

technical queries of others. Which is a way of giving, to this List, as I

have taken so much from it. But it is not yet appropriate for me at this

stage to look at a real life chart, on which people's feelings will be

affected, & even decisions could be taken


Also, a caveat to you. Unless you are sure of the knowledge/ experience

level of the person, please do not ask for a reading, unless it is for PURE

& personal learning. Or if you do, please clearly understand that there are

many out there who are in the kindergarten of astrology, whose comments may

SEEM erudite, but who may not have the requisite experience. And if you are

asking on behalf of somebody else, please do not take astrology-readings

lightly. Even if you do not believe in astrology, that person's mind will

be affected by the reading, which could be wrong. After all, even after 5

years of studies in say, aeronautical engineering, can a fresh graduate

design an aeroplane?


Best wishes



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