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Dear Pt Sanjay Rath,


Hare Rama Krsna.


Thank you for your comments.

>Agreed that Herod died in 4 BC and that this was close to the eclipse of

>that year. So, Jesus could have been born at least 2 years before that

>i.e. 6 BC i.e. (-5) or earlier.


Why should there be a lap of 2 years between Jesus' birth and the killing

of the babies? Indeed, the Jup-Sat. conjunction started in January 7 BC,

so the Wise Men thought He would have been born around that time and told

Herod He could be at least 2 years old, yet, just after their visit to

Herod, when they were led to the place where Jesus was born, He was just a

newborn baby! So doesn't that bring us to the date of 5 BC?? Isn't this

perfect logic?


>Since the various prophesy and

>revelations point out the fact that Jesus was born " within 2 years from

>the killing of the babes " ordered by Herod, it is likely that this could

>be between 7 B.C to 4 BC, but definitely not 3 BC.


The date I have given is 5 BC, or 1 year before the demise of Herod.


>As regards Tithi, I have read detailed descriptions fitting the stars at

>Virgo and am inclined to believe that the Moon may have just risen at the

>time of his birth i.e. Moon will be in Lagna or 12th house but just below

>the lagna degree if in lagna. Thus, in any case it cannot be amavasya.


I don't know what you have read, and don't understand what you mean with

fitting the stars at Virgo, but if Orthodox Church claims that it was a

dark moon night, shouldn't we accept that? We must know that Orthodox

Church has remained much more to the roots of the original christianity

than we have in the West.


>Revelations:12:1-2 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman

>clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a

>crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in

>birth, and pained to be delivered.


As far as the book of Revelations is concerned, there are many figurative

descriptions of wonders, disasters etc. and are very difficult to

interpret. I have read the book several times and do not believe that in

this verse the birth of the Christ is described, and even if so, then it

would be unacceptable to interpret it in some astrological way. It is too

mystic for this.


>As regards the question as to How did Jesus survive if Herod had had all

>children aged 2 or less killed, the following explains it well:


What is the following?


Your sishya,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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Hari Om Tat SatDear Dhira Krishna dasaNamaskar. My comments to your fine questions are given below:>Agreed that Herod died in 4 BC and that this was close to the eclipse of>that year. So, Jesus could have been born at least 2 years before that>i.e. 6 BC i.e. (-5) or earlier.Why should there be a lap of 2 years between Jesus' birth and the killingof the babies? Indeed, the Jup-Sat. conjunction started in January 7 BC,so the Wise Men thought He would have been born around that time and toldHerod He could be at least 2 years old, yet, just after their visit toHerod, when they were led to the place where Jesus was born, He was just anewborn baby! So doesn't that bring us to the date of 5 BC?? Isn't thisperfect logic?Rath: The Magi were magicians and the best of astrologer from the east,having considerable knowledge of Jyotish. They were very correct in theirassessment that the Messiah should be born during the Jupiter SaturnConjunction. All said and done, Jesus did live a difficult life, suffered alot and preached Ahimsa. Thereligion started by him has survived forthousands of years after him and has also encompassed the lasger part of theworld. So, this basic fact is required for the birth of such a great soul.As regards being more than 2 years old at the time the Magi told Herod aboutthe birth of the King of the Jews, this is based on the fact that Kerod wasthe most cruel king known in history. About as bad if not worse than Kamsa.His slaying of the babies must have been total. His days accomplishmentssometimes included slaying his sons suspecting them of treason, slaying hismost beloved wife's father, brothers and finally her also! That's love inits most warped sence. So, it is unlikely that even a single baby could havesurvived in the small town of bethlehem. Accordingly, if we take the deathof Herod at 4 BC March to April, and the fact that Jesus did survive, thenthis can be because Jesus was more than 2 years old then. It is alsopossible that when the henchmen of Herod would have arrived at their door,the mother Mary may have given his age as more than 2 to save the child evenif he was 1 year 6-7 months old. Since the first method of registration orCensus started only in 3 BC, there were no records to confirm the birth dateof children.

More from this link evidence ??>Since the various prophesy and>revelations point out the fact that Jesus was born "within 2 years from>the killing of the babes" ordered by Herod, it is likely that this could>be between 7 B.C to 4 BC, but definitely not 3 BC.The date I have given is 5 BC, or 1 year before the demise of Herod.

Rath: Let us say that Herod died in the month of March 4 BC. Then if Jesuswas born in January 5 BC, he would be 1 year 2 months old at that time.Possible, if we assume that Mary was somehow able to hide him from thehenchmen of Herod.>As regards Tithi, I have read detailed descriptions fitting the stars at>Virgo and am inclined to believe that the Moon may have just risen at the>time of his birth i.e. Moon will be in Lagna or 12th house but just below>the lagna degree if in lagna. Thus, in any case it cannot be amavasya.I don't know what you have read, and don't understand what you mean withfitting the stars at Virgo, but if Orthodox Church claims that it was adark moon night, shouldn't we accept that? We must know that OrthodoxChurch has remained much more to the roots of the original christianitythan we have in the West.Rath: Fitting the stars to Vorgo is explained in the next para which has also been commented on. Astrologers have to rely on such statements as given in the book of Revelations for these were also records made by some human being who was adept at the knowledge of the stars and the reading s of the stars was often taken as the word of God. Hence we find many statements about the planets, Sun, Moon etc in them.

>Revelations:12:1-2 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman>clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a>crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in>birth, and pained to be delivered.As far as the book of Revelations is concerned, there are many figurativedescriptions of wonders, disasters etc. and are very difficult tointerpret. I have read the book several times and do not believe that inthis verse the birth of the Christ is described, and even if so, then itwould be unacceptable to interpret it in some astrological way. It is toomystic for this.Rath: Astrology is a mystic knowledge and we cannot escape that fact. we have to interpret this. I have given the clear statement from the Book of revelations. You can either accept it as a very vital evidence given by another astrologer of just reject it as so many non- astrologers have done. What else could be described in this verse?

>As regards the question as to How did Jesus survive if Herod had had all>children aged 2 or less killed, the following explains it well:What is the following?Rath: The following was an argument given by another biblical scholar arriving at a date of September 11, 3 BC as the first day of Tishri..it is insignificant now as then the birth of Jesus would be after the death of Herod!!With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

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