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can anyone help with this chart rectification?


he says he was born between 4 30 and 5 30 GMT, unfortunately the lagna

changes from pisces to aries during this time.


he was born with a club foot (twisted) and had to have corrective surgery

soon after. he still walks with a very slight limp. even with this slight

disability he is very good at sports especially raquet ones.


the native is a surgeon right now. he is very intelligent and has a charming


he has many good friends though he is somewhat of a playboy when it comes to


he has travelled all over the world for a relatively young age.


he is of medium height and very slim build, almost featherweight. both his

parents are in good health and he is the only child.


judging by rasi alone i think aries lagna fits well. the weakness of jupiter

as 12th lord can give him troubles with his feet. he was born while

mercury/moon vimshottari was running. mercury as the 6th lord could explain

it too maybe as both it and its depositor are debilitated. mercury is also

in A8

the combination of lagnesh mars and 9th/12th lord jupiter in the 10th can

give a lot of travel.


the sun in lagna can explain his ego, he does have quite a big one but hes

quite compassionate too, this can be due to venus there.


rahu in the 9th suits him well as he is not religious or spiritual yet

despite his parents being buddhists. since he is running rahu mahadasa now

if rahu were in the 10th this would give spiritual tendencies or experiences

and rajayoga in career. he has not had a smooth career rise so far.


he is quite well known in his societies around the world, i think jupiter in

7th from AL can give this. AL and A7 together in 4th house cancer can

explain his friendsips and women too. he tends to date socialites or high

society women.


i think taurus as navamsa lagna suits him also with venus there, hes quite

active in this regard and i forsee him carrying this on till old age.




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