Guest guest Posted January 13, 2002 Report Share Posted January 13, 2002 1. What should I look for the change of place and its direction? For change of place one has to see operating sub period lord, its strength and its placement. The direction's suitability is checked through the direction ruled by lord of ascendant, 10th house or fourth house whichever house contains a moolatrikona sign in this order first. 2. Suppose we want to go deep into the subject of short trips, then we need to see strength of other planets related to movement or communication i.e. Mercury & Saturn? Also to be seen are the planets placed in the ninth and third houses for the short trips or the lords of these houses placed in the fourth, seventh, twelfth and tenth houses. 3. A point of clarification first: is the fourth lord moving to the ninth house also a factor? THIS GENERALLY SHOWS A SHORT LIVED STAY. 4. What I would like to enquire is, are these periods of transit you just mentioned 'good' for relocation to be done, i.e. the time which you would recommend a client to begin the move? THE NATAL CHART AND SUB PERIODS ARE ALSO TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE FIRST PLACE. WHEN BOTH THE NATAL AND TRANSIT INDICATIONS ARE GOOD I WOULD ADVISE THE QUERENT TO MOVE. 5. The planets placed in the 12th house bring some amount of discomfort with it. So, considering my own chart as an example, with Aquarius ascending and Rahu/Ketu along the 6th/12th axis (but not within 5* of the MEP). Relocation may be uncomfortable in a Rahu Mahadasa (or its subperiods)perhaps, because of the effects of Ketu in the 12th house. Is this interpretation correct? I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND RELOCATION DURING THE SUB PERIOD OF RAHU IF IT IS A CHOICE. 6. Certainly an astrologer can guide the client on relocation considering the strength and placement of operating planets? BY OPERATING PLANETS I MEANT THE SUB PERIOD AS PER NATAL CHART AND TRANSIT INFLUENCES. 7. Professor, though I now better understand the impulses for relocation, may I enquire as to whether the place for a relocation can be advised, given that a client is able to supply a few locations for such a move? For example, when presented with a few overseas postings to select from, in the case of a business executive? WHEN THE SUB PERIOD OF A PLANET PLACED IN SIXTH IS IN OPERATION, THE PERSON IS TO BE WARNED AGAINST DISPUTES, CHEATING AND ILL HEALTH IN THE PLACE OF RELOCATION. SELECTION OF POSTING CAN BE DONE ON THE BASIS OF THE STRENGTHS OF THE CHART OF THE NATIVE AND THE DEMANDS OF THE POSTINGS OFFERED. 8. You recently commented that if the Fourth lord is transitting 9th, then the stay in foreign country is short. But if 4th signifies residence and 9th long journeys, then shouldn't it mean residence?.... (please correct me). Your comment really caught my eye...because myself and my fiancee are planning to go abroad later this year. At that time my fourth lord Jupiter will be transitting the 9th house at MEP. I will be running the dasa : Su\Ve (12th lord and 2nd lord). There is no mooltrikona sign in the 10th, so should I consider the significators : Mars, Mercury and Sun? FOR TENTH HOUSE MATTERS WE CONSIDER VENUS HERE. AND YOU WILL BE IN VENUS SUB PERIOD. VENUS IS WELL PLACED BUT WEEK. 9. We also plan to get married this year. I would prefer to go abroad and get married there... NO PROBLEM IN END OF THE YEAR. BUT THINGS REMAIN TENSE WHEN KETU IS STATIONARY AND CONJUNCT TO YOUR NATAL SUN. 10. The very first astrologer I met, who also for the first time made my chart, told me about disappointment from foreign trip and a short stay? RIGHT TO SOME EXTENT AS THE SUN RULING THE 12TH HOUSE IS WEAK. 11. Recently it was pointed out to me - the affliction of 12th lord to Asc. lord and 2nd the fourth house. But couldn't this be interperted: Because of affliction of 12th to Asc. and 2nd, the native will get seperated from family and status\ job will come from far off places. THIS CONJUNCTION GIVES INCLINATION FOR FOREIGN LANDS. BUT THE VENTURE'S SUCCESS DEPENDS ON THE STRENGTH OF THE PLANETS. 12. Can you please tell me if 4th Lord in 10th house also indicates a move(s) to a foreign place for busisness. If so, would this happen in 4th Lords bhukti? This also happens sometimes, especially when the planet is Venus or Mars. This happens in the sub period of the fourth lord when strongly placed in the chart. 13. What are these " strengths " of the chart of the native, in the context of relocation? THE TERM STRENGTH REFERS TO THE STRENGTH OF THE PLANET, SIGNIFICATOR AND THE HOUSE INVOLVED. 14. I have cited career as an impetus. What about marriage, education, moving to relatives in distant lands, for example? Do they have different " demands " as well? THESE ASPECTS AND RELOCATION ARE DIFFERENT THINGS ALTOGETHER. IN ALL, ASPECTS OF THE CONCERNED PLANET, STRENGTH OF THE SIGNIFICATOR, AND THE HOUSE INVOLVED, ARE TO BE CONSIDERED. IF THE PLANET AND SIGNIFICATORS ARE PLACED IN THE HOUSES DEALING WITH FOREIGN/DISTANT PLACES, THEN LONG TRAVEL AND STAY ARE INVOLVED. > 15. If I may take the opportunity to summarize your comments so far, I understand that certain transits by planets to the 7th, 9th and 12th houses create the impulses for relocation. However, the operating planets have to be considered too, along with any natal triggers/afflictions. I seem to infer that the actual location of the move is not important. Please correct this if I am mistaken. THE SEVENTH AND TWELFTH HOUSES GIVE SETTLING OR LONG LIVED RESIDENCE IN FOREIGN LANDS, WHILE NINTH AND TENTH HOUSES INVOLVE SHORT LIVED. THE INFLUENCE OF THE LORDS OF THESE HOUSES ON OTHER PLANETS, OR LOCATION OF OTHER PLANETS IN THESE HOUSES, CREATE THE IMPACT. FOR EXAMPLE FOURTH LORD IN SEVENTH OR TWELFTH HOUSE, TAKES ONE TO FOREIGN LANDS. 16. What do we look for in finding a change of residence? i) The influences of the planets ruling seventh, ninth or twelfth houses. (ii) The operation (sub periods) of planets placed in seventh, twelfth, ninth and tenth houses. (iii) Severe long term transit afflictions to the fourth house. 17.Also, what exactly in SA would one look for when concerned about the unknown possibility of _suddenly_ having to relocate to another state (where the buying and selling real estate is involved because of a career transfer )? 1. Placement of lord of the fourth in the seventh, ninth or twelfth house or the lords of the 9th, 7th and 4th houses in the fourth house. 2. Placement of the lord of the 10th in the seventh or twelfth houses. 3. Placement of the lord of the seventh or the 12th houses in asdt or the tenth house. 4.Placement of the lord of the second house in the twelfth or seventh houses. 18. Does Rahu in 9th house gives Foreign travels? Ninth is the house of distant and short travels. I had many. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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