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Coil around neck CHART OF A CHILD

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Dear All

For your Research: My 8 months old daughter was Ceasarian born with coil around neck, at exactly 9:48:28 am on June 10, 2001, Bombay= 5/30 E, 72e50, 18n58. It was asphyxiating her when born (she was becoming blue).

Acc to MRBhatt, the indications are:

Part of Child coiled by cord : (Child’s natal, etc)


If Lg at birth is Ar, Le or Ta, which is occ by St or Ma, coil is around that limb signifd by Nvm of Lg

Ld. Lg is asp by many mlfx, or cnj with Ra or Ke

Lg occ by mlfx

Ra in Lg surrounded by mlfx

Ma in Lg asp by Sn

St in Lg asp by Ma

Mn or Lg belonging to mlfc or one with mlfc in it, is in decanate of Ma, & Bnfx in 2 & 11 : child coiled or is a reptile

Mn occps Ma-ownd decnt (or Lg belongs to mlfc) & bnfx in 2 & 11 : native is snake or human with cord around body

Cant really see any of the above directly, tho in nvm, Ld.d-1Lg, ie Mn, is in 6 cnj St, with Ma R in 5. Haven't seen d-3.

ahimsa wrote: Dear Shailesh,Just a small digress from the main theme. My friend gave birth to a boywith coil around his neck.Lagna in rashi or navamsa is neither aries, taurus nor simha, but LIBRA.However, there is an aspect of both mars and saturn on lagna(rashidristi) and they are both intaurus navamsa(coil around the neck/upperthroat). Further Mars is inArudha Lagna(appearancein this mayu world) in in aquarius, under the aspect of saturn fromtaurus.So saturn and mars should be connected to lagna to indicate thecoil birthBest wishes,Zoran

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One more Chart for the database - my first born, a girl child, who did not complete even a day.


A blue baby with coil around neck.


All indicators fit though time may be marginally off.


Shailesh Chandra Chadhascchadha



November 21, 1980Time: 18:15:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 78 E 33' 00"Latitude: 17 N 27' 00"

+--------------+|AL |Moo GL |Asc | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| | |Rah || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------||Ket | |Mnd Glk || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mar |Sun HL |Mer Ven |Jup Sat || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+


+--------------+|AL |Jup |Asc Mar | || | |Sat Glk | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mer | |Ket HL || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Navamsa |-----------||Rah | |Sun || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |Moo GL |Ven |Mnd || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+




Nandan Chakraborty


Friday, January 18, 2002 11:21 AM

Coil around neck Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] CHART OF A CHILD


Dear All For your Research: My 8 months old daughter was Ceasarian born with coil around neck, at exactly 9:48:28 am on June 10, 2001, Bombay= 5/30 E, 72e50, 18n58. It was asphyxiating her when born (she was becoming blue). Acc to MRBhatt, the indications are:

Part of Child coiled by cord : (Child’s natal, etc)


If Lg at birth is Ar, Le or Ta, which is occ by St or Ma, coil is around that limb signifd by Nvm of Lg Ld. Lg is asp by many mlfx, or cnj with Ra or Ke Lg occ by mlfx Ra in Lg surrounded by mlfx Ma in Lg asp by Sn St in Lg asp by Ma Mn or Lg belonging to mlfc or one with mlfc in it, is in decanate of Ma, & Bnfx in 2 & 11 : child coiled or is a reptile Mn occps Ma-ownd decnt (or Lg belongs to mlfc) & bnfx in 2 & 11 : native is snake or human with cord around body

Cant really see any of the above directly, tho in nvm, Ld.d-1Lg, ie Mn, is in 6 cnj St, with Ma R in 5. Haven't seen d-3. ahimsa wrote: Dear Shailesh,Just a small digress from the main theme. My friend gave birth to a boywith coil around his neck.Lagna in rashi or navamsa is neither aries, taurus nor simha, but LIBRA.However, there is an aspect of both mars and saturn on lagna(rashidristi) and they are both intaurus navamsa(coil around the neck/upperthroat). Further Mars is inArudha Lagna(appearancein this mayu world) in in aquarius, under the aspect of saturn fromtaurus.So saturn and mars should be connected to lagna to indicate thecoil birthBest wishes,Zoran

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