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Boys trouble mothers Fw: Varahamihira - ?Moola dasa?

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Dear Gurudev

U said: "boys have a natural tendency to trouble their mothers, girls are sweeter and better".

The following is NON-astrological, but I could not help resisting mailing this. It is very poignant. Many years back, when my mother was once very angry at me, for I dont remember what, now, she said: When u were a baby, & used to piss like a fountain on my face, I was waiting for u to start having regular feed, so that I could start going back to work (she's a doc) & not have to keep awake most of the night b/w feeds.

Then u started crawling, & once by mistake u crawled to a hot iron & scalded your hand. I waited for u to start walking.

Then, as I spend hours reciting multiplication tables to you, I was waiting for u to start studying & doing homework on your own.

U passed school. And your dada & I kept going hither, tither, finding out about admissions, etc.And getting in people to convince u to take a bhadralok higher education like doctor or engineer, & not the mad nuclear science that had addled your brains. Waiting for u to start taking intelligent decisions on your own.

Then, as we both retired, we waited fro u to get established in a regular pay, & not the training-stipend which kept u still dependant on us.

Then, I waited for u to get married so that someone ELSE can take care of u at long last, & we can play with grand-children.

AND NOW U HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TALK LIKE THIS TO ME. U R A STRANGER TO ME. I DO NOT KNOW THIS PERSON AT ALL. Then she started crying, & looked at my dad & said, can I have my baby back, who used to piss a fountain in my face.Best wishes


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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Nandan,

Question is that there is a so called non astrological observation, but then the astrological question is why??

Why do boys stay for longer periods in their mothers womb? [Hint: Look at Luminaries]

Why is there a natural tendency for abortion higher in the case of pregnancies with male child instead of female? [Hint: Look at Natural Karaka's]

Why are boys said to belong to the same gotra whereas that of the female is said to change after marriage? Is this just patriarchal system or is there some natural basis to this?With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Nandan Chakraborty


Monday, January 28, 2002 12:22 PM

Boys trouble mothers Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: [vedic astrology] Re: Varahamihira - ?Moola dasa?


Dear Gurudev U said: "boys have a natural tendency to trouble their mothers, girls are sweeter and better". The following is NON-astrological, but I could not help resisting mailing this. It is very poignant. Many years back, when my mother was once very angry at me, for I dont remember what, now, she said: When u were a baby, & used to piss like a fountain on my face, I was waiting for u to start having regular feed, so that I could start going back to work (she's a doc) & not have to keep awake most of the night b/w feeds. Then u started crawling, & once by mistake u crawled to a hot iron & scalded your hand. I waited for u to start walking. Then, as I spend hours reciting multiplication tables to you, I was waiting for u to start studying & doing homework on your own. U passed school. And your dada & I kept going hither, tither, finding out about admissions, etc.And getting in people to convince u to take a bhadralok higher education like doctor or engineer, & not the mad nuclear science that had addled your brains. Waiting for u to start taking intelligent decisions on your own. Then, as we both retired, we waited fro u to get established in a regular pay, & not the training-stipend which kept u still dependant on us. Then, I waited for u to get married so that someone ELSE can take care of u at long last, & we can play with grand-children. AND NOW U HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TALK LIKE THIS TO ME. U R A STRANGER TO ME. I DO NOT KNOW THIS PERSON AT ALL. Then she started crying, & looked at my dad & said, can I have my baby back, who used to piss a fountain in my face.

Best wishes





Download exciting Logos, Picture Messages & Ringtones for your mobile phone OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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om gurave namah------------------------HELLO EVERYBODY

Any takers for these questions? Earlier Narasimha and the others who are Jyotish guru's today would have given detailed write ups and the discussion would be serious. Whats happening to the batch of 2000/2001?With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Sanjay Rath


Wednesday, January 30, 2002 1:43 PM

Re: Boys trouble mothers Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: [vedic astrology] Re: Varahamihira - ?Moola dasa?


om gurave namah------------------------Dear Nandan,

Question is that there is a so called non astrological observation, but then the astrological question is why??

Why do boys stay for longer periods in their mothers womb? [Hint: Look at Luminaries]

Why is there a natural tendency for abortion higher in the case of pregnancies with male child instead of female? [Hint: Look at Natural Karaka's]

Why are boys said to belong to the same gotra whereas that of the female is said to change after marriage? Is this just patriarchal system or is there some natural basis to this?With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Nandan Chakraborty


Monday, January 28, 2002 12:22 PM

Boys trouble mothers Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: [vedic astrology] Re: Varahamihira - ?Moola dasa?


Dear Gurudev U said: "boys have a natural tendency to trouble their mothers, girls are sweeter and better". The following is NON-astrological, but I could not help resisting mailing this. It is very poignant. Many years back, when my mother was once very angry at me, for I dont remember what, now, she said: When u were a baby, & used to piss like a fountain on my face, I was waiting for u to start having regular feed, so that I could start going back to work (she's a doc) & not have to keep awake most of the night b/w feeds. Then u started crawling, & once by mistake u crawled to a hot iron & scalded your hand. I waited for u to start walking. Then, as I spend hours reciting multiplication tables to you, I was waiting for u to start studying & doing homework on your own. U passed school. And your dada & I kept going hither, tither, finding out about admissions, etc.And getting in people to convince u to take a bhadralok higher education like doctor or engineer, & not the mad nuclear science that had addled your brains. Waiting for u to start taking intelligent decisions on your own. Then, as we both retired, we waited fro u to get established in a regular pay, & not the training-stipend which kept u still dependant on us. Then, I waited for u to get married so that someone ELSE can take care of u at long last, & we can play with grand-children. AND NOW U HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TALK LIKE THIS TO ME. U R A STRANGER TO ME. I DO NOT KNOW THIS PERSON AT ALL. Then she started crying, & looked at my dad & said, can I have my baby back, who used to piss a fountain in my face.

Best wishes





Download exciting Logos, Picture Messages & Ringtones for your mobile phone OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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