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Predicting Day-to-Day Activities.

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

I have come into a new class at my school, where i've learned that my new teachers are often sick, or lacking in appearance!


As i have a 30 minutes travel to get to school, i would like to be able to foresee these events before hand, for practical reasons.


Which techniques do you recommend using for this purpose?

I was thinking something akin to Tithi Pravesh charts?

Can i get a reasonable precission, with Lunar-Monthly Pravesh charts, and reckoning Vimshottari Dasa?


In Solar Pravesh charts, we use Muntha(SC Dasa Rasi) as a reference point. Do we do the same with the lunar-Pravesh charts?


I would be much obliged to get any guidelines with this. I've just started keeping notes of my teachers lack of appearance, today.


Last lacking of appearance was today:

Jan 28th 2002. We start school at 8:30 AM.


Best wishes, Visti.

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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Visti,

This seems to true about this list as well. See the malefic influences in the ninth house in Rasi and Amsa. Especially Navamsa and Vimsamsa in relation to this class and Siddhamsa in relation to the other classes. The point is all planets are invariably bad except Sun & Jupiter when it comes to Navamsa. In other divisions like Siddhamsa, the story is different.With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Visti Larsen


Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:27 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Predicting Day-to-Day Activities.


Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

I have come into a new class at my school, where i've learned that my new teachers are often sick, or lacking in appearance!


As i have a 30 minutes travel to get to school, i would like to be able to foresee these events before hand, for practical reasons.


Which techniques do you recommend using for this purpose?

I was thinking something akin to Tithi Pravesh charts?

Can i get a reasonable precission, with Lunar-Monthly Pravesh charts, and reckoning Vimshottari Dasa?


In Solar Pravesh charts, we use Muntha(SC Dasa Rasi) as a reference point. Do we do the same with the lunar-Pravesh charts?


I would be much obliged to get any guidelines with this. I've just started keeping notes of my teachers lack of appearance, today.


Last lacking of appearance was today:

Jan 28th 2002. We start school at 8:30 AM.


Best wishes, Visti.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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