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Boys trouble mothers

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

I have tried to answer your questions.



Gurudeva: Why do boys stay for longer periods in their mothers womb? [Hint: Look at Luminaries]


The Sun is Agni of Agni Tattwa, and is enimical towards the Jala Tattwa, which helps a person give birth. A strong Moon gives an easier childbirth, and less troubled mother. Thats why the Birth of the Avataras, barely troubled their mothers, as their Moons were very strong.


Hence the Moon, being of the Jala Tattwa, will help the mother, and give an easier/quicker childbirth.



For the next questions, i'm going to list the Natural Karakas of male/female births:






























Gurudeva: Why is there a natural tendency for abortion higher in the case of pregnancies with male child instead of female? [Hint: Look at Natural Karaka's]


As per the above, theres a predominance of malefics, ruling the male children, making them more susceptible towards abortians(mars)/Miscarriages(Rahu). Venus and Moon, would again make the childbirths easier for female children, whereas Jupiter is the only benefic in case of male births. Sun in 5th house, is said to give miscarriages, or children after much trial.



Gurudeva: Why are boys said to belong to the same gotra whereas that of the female is said to change after marriage? Is this just patriarchal system or is there some natural basis to this?


Upon Marriage(see Natural Karaka Scheme), the Male will take on the qualities of Jupiter to protect, and continue the tradition and lineage. Thats among the reason that Jupiter in Lagna, makes the person against living abroad.


The Female would take on the qualities of Venus, who is more susceptible towards living in a different family, and will pay more attention to her emotional well being, rather than traditional lore. Hence a strong Venus, will give love marriage.

Offcourse Natural tendencies, will be overrided by the individuals Karma.



I hope the answers are satisfacory.

Corrections and additions are most welcome.

! Jai Jai Gurudev !

Best wishes, Visti.

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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Visti,

You got it. You also said it right..boys are more malefic than girls!!!With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Visti Larsen


Friday, February 01, 2002 6:48 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Boys trouble mothers


Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

I have tried to answer your questions.



Gurudeva: Why do boys stay for longer periods in their mothers womb? [Hint: Look at Luminaries]


The Sun is Agni of Agni Tattwa, and is enimical towards the Jala Tattwa, which helps a person give birth. A strong Moon gives an easier childbirth, and less troubled mother. Thats why the Birth of the Avataras, barely troubled their mothers, as their Moons were very strong.


Hence the Moon, being of the Jala Tattwa, will help the mother, and give an easier/quicker childbirth.



For the next questions, i'm going to list the Natural Karakas of male/female births:






























Gurudeva: Why is there a natural tendency for abortion higher in the case of pregnancies with male child instead of female? [Hint: Look at Natural Karaka's]


As per the above, theres a predominance of malefics, ruling the male children, making them more susceptible towards abortians(mars)/Miscarriages(Rahu). Venus and Moon, would again make the childbirths easier for female children, whereas Jupiter is the only benefic in case of male births. Sun in 5th house, is said to give miscarriages, or children after much trial.



Gurudeva: Why are boys said to belong to the same gotra whereas that of the female is said to change after marriage? Is this just patriarchal system or is there some natural basis to this?


Upon Marriage(see Natural Karaka Scheme), the Male will take on the qualities of Jupiter to protect, and continue the tradition and lineage. Thats among the reason that Jupiter in Lagna, makes the person against living abroad.


The Female would take on the qualities of Venus, who is more susceptible towards living in a different family, and will pay more attention to her emotional well being, rather than traditional lore. Hence a strong Venus, will give love marriage.

Offcourse Natural tendencies, will be overrided by the individuals Karma.



I hope the answers are satisfacory.

Corrections and additions are most welcome.

! Jai Jai Gurudev !

Best wishes, Visti.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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