Guest guest Posted February 2, 2002 Report Share Posted February 2, 2002 Vyam Vysadevaya Namah ------------------------------- Dear List & Gurus, Namaste. I had a very disturbing dream this morning, which led me to awake instantly after having dreamt it. I have enclosed the Prasna i drew when i got out of bed, and the approximate time when the dream appeared. I would appreciate if anybody could look into it, especially Sarajit since he's given some notes on Swapna Shastra on the list. Heres what i wrote in my notes after having the dream: -------------- + Dream of Snakes + ------------------ Around 6:53 AM Date 020202. The dream begins nicely, by me remembering a girl at my new job, which i have a very good and friendly relationship with. It seems that there is some seperation at the new job, in the dream, and she asks if we should stay aquanted, and we arrange a get-together, with some friends. - Not sure this has any relevance with the dream, but i'm trying to give as much info in chronological order, as possible. Then the dream shifts to my home enviroment, where i have stolen an old scripture, wrapped in a leathery cover from my brother, and in the scripture theres a large live-python snake in it. Its harmless. I put the scripture in my very large brown-wooden drawers, hiding it from my brother who doesn't know that i have stolen it. My brother is very sleepy in the dream. The Dream happens in a large house, which i don't believe to have seen before, but can resemble to the first house i lived in after birth, in Nairobi(Thika), Kenya. Soon(it does feel as if much time passes in a split second in the dream), i hear hissing noises coming from the drawer, and it seems that a White Cobra, is in the drawer as well, and the two snakes are fighting. I quickly rush into my brothers room to see if he's ok, even thou the snakes are fighting in my room. I look back into the hallway only to find the two snakes having moved the fight to the kitchen, and the White Cobra, being faster and much more agressive, is winning ferousiously, as the Big Python barely makes a struggle. He dies with a smile on his face, upon which he changes appearance to a light brown Lord Ananta with a big hood. The little white Cobra, is now after me. And allthough it doesn't wanto kill me, it wants to mark me for life, with just one bite.. Its very quick. I rush outside, and find that the scene changes as i'm in my parents Summerhouse-Garden in Denmark. I want to run, but instead i see this tree next to a small shed. I climb up the tree and jump onto the shed. However the Snake is able to slither up the tree and after me. Resulting in me jumping from the sheds rooftop unto another. However after i reach the 2nd rooftop, there is no other places togo, and this is when the dream ends, and the snake is climbing unto the 2nd rooftop.At this time i wake up, and look at the clock to find that it reads 6:53 AM.. for some reason 6:53:12 comes to mind, allthough my clock doesn't show the seconds. The dream disturbed me a great deal, and when i woke up, i instantly began meditating, and reciting mantras.(5 Mala of Janak Shadakshari). ----------------- + End of Dream + ------------------ I would appreciate if anyone could shed some light on the symbolism of the dream. I have attached the Prasna i drew afterwards, and the approximate time for the dream to have manifested. The timeframe is unsure to me. If the Dream indeed will manifest, it will be very soon, as it happened very shortly before sunrise. Hope i could recieve some feedback on this. Best wishes, Visti. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 3, 2002 Report Share Posted February 3, 2002 om gurave namah------------------------Dear Visti, What do you think this can mean. Seeing snakes in a dream is not considered good. It is indicative of enmity or enemies. Seeing the girl in your dream does indicate some desires of freindship etc, which have manifested and may not fortell the future. The snakes are a warning. There could be others who may not take this freindship very comfortably, maybe some jealousy. The guru chandala dosha in the sixth house shows the problem. Venus & Merc indicate the freindship with the girl and the chandala dosha in the sixth house of enemy shows the problem. I suggest that you concentrate on your studies. There will be better times for freindship.With best wishesSanjay Rath - Visti Larsen varahamihira Saturday, February 02, 2002 4:06 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Dream of Snakes Vyam Vysadevaya Namah ------------------------------- Dear List & Gurus, Namaste. I had a very disturbing dream this morning, which led me to awake instantly after having dreamt it. I have enclosed the Prasna i drew when i got out of bed, and the approximate time when the dream appeared. I would appreciate if anybody could look into it, especially Sarajit since he's given some notes on Swapna Shastra on the list. Heres what i wrote in my notes after having the dream: -------------- + Dream of Snakes + ------------------ Around 6:53 AM Date 020202. The dream begins nicely, by me remembering a girl at my new job, which i have a very good and friendly relationship with. It seems that there is some seperation at the new job, in the dream, and she asks if we should stay aquanted, and we arrange a get-together, with some friends. - Not sure this has any relevance with the dream, but i'm trying to give as much info in chronological order, as possible. Then the dream shifts to my home enviroment, where i have stolen an old scripture, wrapped in a leathery cover from my brother, and in the scripture theres a large live-python snake in it. Its harmless. I put the scripture in my very large brown-wooden drawers, hiding it from my brother who doesn't know that i have stolen it. My brother is very sleepy in the dream. The Dream happens in a large house, which i don't believe to have seen before, but can resemble to the first house i lived in after birth, in Nairobi(Thika), Kenya. Soon(it does feel as if much time passes in a split second in the dream), i hear hissing noises coming from the drawer, and it seems that a White Cobra, is in the drawer as well, and the two snakes are fighting. I quickly rush into my brothers room to see if he's ok, even thou the snakes are fighting in my room. I look back into the hallway only to find the two snakes having moved the fight to the kitchen, and the White Cobra, being faster and much more agressive, is winning ferousiously, as the Big Python barely makes a struggle. He dies with a smile on his face, upon which he changes appearance to a light brown Lord Ananta with a big hood. The little white Cobra, is now after me. And allthough it doesn't wanto kill me, it wants to mark me for life, with just one bite.. Its very quick. I rush outside, and find that the scene changes as i'm in my parents Summerhouse-Garden in Denmark. I want to run, but instead i see this tree next to a small shed. I climb up the tree and jump onto the shed. However the Snake is able to slither up the tree and after me. Resulting in me jumping from the sheds rooftop unto another. However after i reach the 2nd rooftop, there is no other places togo, and this is when the dream ends, and the snake is climbing unto the 2nd rooftop.At this time i wake up, and look at the clock to find that it reads 6:53 AM.. for some reason 6:53:12 comes to mind, allthough my clock doesn't show the seconds. The dream disturbed me a great deal, and when i woke up, i instantly began meditating, and reciting mantras.(5 Mala of Janak Shadakshari). ----------------- + End of Dream + ------------------ I would appreciate if anyone could shed some light on the symbolism of the dream. I have attached the Prasna i drew afterwards, and the approximate time for the dream to have manifested. The timeframe is unsure to me. If the Dream indeed will manifest, it will be very soon, as it happened very shortly before sunrise. Hope i could recieve some feedback on this. Best wishes, Visti.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 4, 2002 Report Share Posted February 4, 2002 Vy< Vysdevy nm> ---- Dear Gurudeva, Namaste. I will take ur advice, and concentrate more on my studies. However there are some points i find very interesting about this dream, which i would like to point out with an analysis of the dream chart. + Confirming Dream + The Lagna is Sag with Ketu exalted here. This shows me, as a thief stealing from the temple.. this could be some scripture or the likes. As Mars and Lagna are both lorded by Jupiter, it shows me and my brother living in the same place. This is also confirmed in the dream. This also shows that its the brother who's been robbed. Lord Jupiter is retrogade in Gemini, with Rahu. This shows that the owner of the temple(Jupiter), is put in some unpleasant circumstances(Rahu). Jupiter sees Ketu, stealing from his temple, and wants to punish him, but cannot due to Rahu. Note that Jupiter is Lagna lord and placed in Badhaka Sthana, showing that own actions(Paka Lagna) create obstacles(Badhaka). Badhakesh is in 2nd, showing that the results are definitely due to some stealing or the likes. Rahu with Retrogade Jupiter, shows a large(Jup) Inactive(retro) snake(Rahu). This also represents the image of a divine serpent in the dream. The 2nd and smaller snake is seen from Gulika who also sees the Lagna. Gulika with Moon clearly shows the White snake. This is also joined with Satru Pada(A6) showing the clear enimity from this snake. Note that Arudha Lagna is also here, showing that i may serve this inferior snake. (I worship Parvati at nights, which may give some clues, as Moon is my Badhakesh). + Interpretation + All interpretation should be done from the 9th house, in reference to the houses/planets representing the dream. 1. Brother is seen from the 3rd house, and the 6th from 3rd, shows the brothers troubles/punishment/enemies, i.e. 8th. Thieves are indicated by Rahu. Hence we must interpretate Rahu placed in the 8th house, which is 12th from 9th house. Rahu in 12th shows secret enemies. 2. Fear of danger to health(there was no death in the dream), is seen from Lagna, associated with the planets causing ill. As Gulika indicates the smaller snake, we should analyse Gulika in Lagna. Lagna is 5th from 9th house, hence stomach-problems/food-poisoning may come to pass. + Notes + I've touched upon what i could understand from the notes given by Sarajit from an earlier email on this list. What still perplexes me, is the very calm way the Divine snake died. It put up no fight, nor would it participate in the fight. It was calm, and when it died, it looked exactly like the Lord Ananta when it died, as if it had achieved liberation. Maybe its because Mars is Maheswara and gives Rasi and Graha Dristi on AK. =). Corrections and Comments are most welcome. Best wishes, Visti. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 5, 2002 Report Share Posted February 5, 2002 om gurave namah------------------------Dear Visti, Simple Visti- The dying of the snake in a calm and composed manner indicates that this episode of 'friendship' would be solved most amicably, thanks to Jupters retrogression and chasing Rahu out of Gemini.With best wishesSanjay Rath - Visti Larsen varahamihira Tuesday, February 05, 2002 1:12 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Dream of Snakes Vy< Vysdevy nm> ---- Dear Gurudeva, Namaste. I will take ur advice, and concentrate more on my studies. However there are some points i find very interesting about this dream, which i would like to point out with an analysis of the dream chart. + Confirming Dream + The Lagna is Sag with Ketu exalted here. This shows me, as a thief stealing from the temple.. this could be some scripture or the likes. As Mars and Lagna are both lorded by Jupiter, it shows me and my brother living in the same place. This is also confirmed in the dream. This also shows that its the brother who's been robbed. Lord Jupiter is retrogade in Gemini, with Rahu. This shows that the owner of the temple(Jupiter), is put in some unpleasant circumstances(Rahu). Jupiter sees Ketu, stealing from his temple, and wants to punish him, but cannot due to Rahu. Note that Jupiter is Lagna lord and placed in Badhaka Sthana, showing that own actions(Paka Lagna) create obstacles(Badhaka). Badhakesh is in 2nd, showing that the results are definitely due to some stealing or the likes. Rahu with Retrogade Jupiter, shows a large(Jup) Inactive(retro) snake(Rahu). This also represents the image of a divine serpent in the dream. The 2nd and smaller snake is seen from Gulika who also sees the Lagna. Gulika with Moon clearly shows the White snake. This is also joined with Satru Pada(A6) showing the clear enimity from this snake. Note that Arudha Lagna is also here, showing that i may serve this inferior snake. (I worship Parvati at nights, which may give some clues, as Moon is my Badhakesh). + Interpretation + All interpretation should be done from the 9th house, in reference to the houses/planets representing the dream. 1. Brother is seen from the 3rd house, and the 6th from 3rd, shows the brothers troubles/punishment/enemies, i.e. 8th. Thieves are indicated by Rahu. Hence we must interpretate Rahu placed in the 8th house, which is 12th from 9th house. Rahu in 12th shows secret enemies. 2. Fear of danger to health(there was no death in the dream), is seen from Lagna, associated with the planets causing ill. As Gulika indicates the smaller snake, we should analyse Gulika in Lagna. Lagna is 5th from 9th house, hence stomach-problems/food-poisoning may come to pass. + Notes + I've touched upon what i could understand from the notes given by Sarajit from an earlier email on this list. What still perplexes me, is the very calm way the Divine snake died. It put up no fight, nor would it participate in the fight. It was calm, and when it died, it looked exactly like the Lord Ananta when it died, as if it had achieved liberation. Maybe its because Mars is Maheswara and gives Rasi and Graha Dristi on AK. =). Corrections and Comments are most welcome. Best wishes, Visti. OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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