Guest guest Posted February 6, 2002 Report Share Posted February 6, 2002 Om Shrii Gurave Namah, Dear Members, Can somebody please tell me how to calculate pranapada or point me to some reference. Regards S.Prabhakaran Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 6, 2002 Report Share Posted February 6, 2002 Om Krishna Guru Dear Sanjay, Can somebody please tell me how to calculate pranapada or point me to some reference. Regards S.Prabhakaran 1.Divide the Ishtakala (in vigatis) by 15. (H*2.5*60) 2. Take away multiples of 12. 3. Convert the answer in to signs,mins etc. (2.5=2 Rasi and 15 deg or 15 deg of Gemini) 4.Get the exact degree of Sun in birth chart. 5.Find out the chara rasi in trine to Sun. 6.Move the Sun to the movable sign which trine to the natal Sun. (for ex. my Sun is in Aqu 18.59=10.18.59, movable sign is Libra trine to Aua. So I take Suns degree as Libra 18.59.00 or 6.18.59. When sun is in Movable sign just take the degree for same. 5.Add this figure to figure came from step 3. It is Prana pada. Find the navamsa possition of Prana pada. This must be in trine to Moon(In D9) or Navamsa Lagna Hope this help Karu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2002 Report Share Posted February 21, 2002 Hare Rama Krsna Dear Sanjay! Read BPHS properly and thou shalt gain the knowledge.. Best Wished varahamihira, " Sanjay Prabhakaran " <sprabhakaran@s...> wrote: > Om Shrii Gurave Namah, > Dear Members, > Can somebody please tell me how to calculate pranapada or point me to some reference. > Regards > S.Prabhakaran Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 22, 2002 Report Share Posted February 22, 2002 om gurave namah------------------------Dear Sarajit Thats unfair. Just because you have the luck of being in Delhi you should learn to share .. a greedy person will soon have indigestion. So, share what you have. This is a must, else the great Maharishi's sitting on top of your head will also not share anyhting with you. Pranapada is simple. Its just like you calculate Hora Lagna etc. Remember the importance of the trines to Sun..With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: Digest: - sarajitp varahamihira Thursday, February 21, 2002 10:09 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Pranapada Hare Rama KrsnaDear Sanjay!Read BPHS properly and thou shalt gain the knowledge..BestWishedvarahamihira, "Sanjay Prabhakaran" <sprabhakaran@s...> wrote:> Om Shrii Gurave Namah,> Dear Members,> Can somebody please tell me how to calculate pranapada or point me to some reference.> Regards> S.PrabhakaranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 7, 2002 Report Share Posted March 7, 2002 Om Gurave Namah, Dear Guruji, You said 'Pranapada is simple. Its just like you calculate Hora Lagna etc. Remember the importance of the trines to Sun..' can you please tell more about the trines to sun and pranapada. Currently I use the following for birth time rectification. 1. Keep the pranapada navamsa in trines to Navamsa Lagna or Moon. 2. Keep the Kunda in trines to Rasi Janma Moon or Nama Nakshatra rashi . Your Shishya S.Prabhakaran. To calculate the Pranapada I find the Birthtime since sunrise or sunset in Vighatikas. I divide the Vighatika's by 15 to give the result in rasi fractions. (if result is 1.5 then taken as 1 rasi and 15 degrees). If sun is in sthira rashi then 240 degrees is added to the result. If sun is in dwiswabhava rashi then 120 degrees is added to the result. if sun is in chara rashi nothing is added. The result gives the Pranapada. Excel formula =MOD(BirthGhatika*60/15*30+CHOOSE(INT(MOD(SunDeg/30,3))+1,0,240,120),360) - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Friday, February 22, 2002 3:25 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Pranapada om gurave namah------------------------Dear Sarajit Thats unfair. Just because you have the luck of being in Delhi you should learn to share .. a greedy person will soon have indigestion. So, share what you have. This is a must, else the great Maharishi's sitting on top of your head will also not share anyhting with you. Pranapada is simple. Its just like you calculate Hora Lagna etc. Remember the importance of the trines to Sun..With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: Digest: - sarajitp varahamihira Thursday, February 21, 2002 10:09 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Pranapada Hare Rama KrsnaDear Sanjay!Read BPHS properly and thou shalt gain the knowledge..BestWishedvarahamihira, "Sanjay Prabhakaran" <sprabhakaran@s...> wrote:> Om Shrii Gurave Namah,> Dear Members,> Can somebody please tell me how to calculate pranapada or point me to some reference.> Regards> S.PrabhakaranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 9, 2002 Report Share Posted March 9, 2002 om gurave namah------------------------Dear Prabhakaran, The method of calculating Pranapada as given below your letter is NOT correct. The Ista Ghati should be taken and not the point from sunset. Follow the following method: PRANAPADA Step 1: Calculate the Ista Ghati ONLY from the point of sunrise i.e. the first sight of the upper limb of the sun and this means the sunrise time with refraction correction of the upper limb only. The time in hours multiplied by 2.5 gives the Ista Ghati. Step 2: Pranapada = Sun's Longitude + Trikona correction + (Ista Ghati x 30 deg x 4) Note: Trikona correction is based on Navamsa arambha Rasi i.e. the starting sign for the navamsa's in any given sign. 1. For fixed signs, the navamsa start from the ninth house which is a chara rasi and hence the correction of 240 deg (8 signs completed x 30 deg = 240 deg) is to be added to the formula when the Sun is in a fixed sign. 2. For movable signs, the navamsa begin from the same sign itself. Hence no addition or correction is necessary. When the Sun is in a movable sign, the Trikona correction is zero. 3. For dual signs, the navamsa start from the fifth house (which is a movable sign like capricorn being the fifth from Vorgo and the navamsa of virgo start from Capricorn). Thus, the correction is the number of signs intervening between the two i.e. 4 signs (like Capricorn 10 minus Virgo 6 = 4). 4 signs = 4x 30 = 120 degrees. Hence if the Sun is in a dual sign the Trikona correction of 120 degrees has to be added. Step 3: If the Pranapada longitude is more than 360 degrees, expunge multiples of 360 degrees to get the sign and longitude of Pranapada. Step 4: The trikona correction for the Sun is based on navamsa and hence the Pranapada should be in trines or 7th house from the Lagna or Moon in the navamsa. This is the finest method for rectification of birth time. Additional Notes: Note Hora Lagna is twice the speed of Bhava Lagna; Ghatika Lagna is 5 times the speed of Bhava Lagna and Prana pada is 20 times the speed of Bhava Lagna. Thus, if Bhava Lagna is like the Rasi chart, Hora Lagna maps to D2, Ghatika Lagna to D5 and Pranapada to D20 which again is the 8th house (20= 12+8) in the second harmonic or conscious plane. With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: Digest: - Sanjay Prabhakaran varahamihira Thursday, March 07, 2002 8:32 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Pranapada Om Gurave Namah, Dear Guruji, You said 'Pranapada is simple. Its just like you calculate Hora Lagna etc. Remember the importance of the trines to Sun..' can you please tell more about the trines to sun and pranapada. Currently I use the following for birth time rectification. 1. Keep the pranapada navamsa in trines to Navamsa Lagna or Moon. 2. Keep the Kunda in trines to Rasi Janma Moon or Nama Nakshatra rashi . Your Shishya S.Prabhakaran. To calculate the Pranapada I find the Birthtime since sunrise or sunset in Vighatikas. I divide the Vighatika's by 15 to give the result in rasi fractions. (if result is 1.5 then taken as 1 rasi and 15 degrees). If sun is in sthira rashi then 240 degrees is added to the result. If sun is in dwiswabhava rashi then 120 degrees is added to the result. if sun is in chara rashi nothing is added. The result gives the Pranapada. Excel formula =MOD(BirthGhatika*60/15*30+CHOOSE(INT(MOD(SunDeg/30,3))+1,0,240,120),360) - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Friday, February 22, 2002 3:25 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Pranapada om gurave namah------------------------Dear Sarajit Thats unfair. Just because you have the luck of being in Delhi you should learn to share .. a greedy person will soon have indigestion. So, share what you have. This is a must, else the great Maharishi's sitting on top of your head will also not share anyhting with you. Pranapada is simple. Its just like you calculate Hora Lagna etc. Remember the importance of the trines to Sun..With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: Digest: - sarajitp varahamihira Thursday, February 21, 2002 10:09 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Pranapada Hare Rama KrsnaDear Sanjay!Read BPHS properly and thou shalt gain the knowledge..BestWishedvarahamihira, "Sanjay Prabhakaran" <sprabhakaran@s...> wrote:> Om Shrii Gurave Namah,> Dear Members,> Can somebody please tell me how to calculate pranapada or point me to some reference.> Regards> S.PrabhakaranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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