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regarding transfer...

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Pranam guruji


i would like to know whether it is possible to predict transfer in

job fron the prevailing dasa periods. if so then how should that be

done. is it similar to that of predicting travel during that period.

i am asking this because it involves change of residence.

om tat sat

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om gurave namah------------------------The dasamsa is a vital tool for this purpose. Transfers often involve short journeys that should be seen from the third house; the samll break in work like leave and joining time is also seen from the third house. A break in service is not involved and hence the eighth house is not being seen. If this is with a promotion, the fifth house is also involved in addition.

Basically what is happening in a transfer is change in the place of work and also change of residence is occuring. This latter will also involve the fourth house. Very often I find people commuting from their old residence if this is a neraby town (fixed sign) but change of residence is forced if this is a far off place (movable sign).


Question is how to go about timing it. The person should be running the periods of planets associated with tehe houses mentioned above or of a malefic associated with the fourth house in the Dasamsa, but the latter can also indicate disturbance in the place of work. Check the effect of the same planets in the Chaturthamsa (D-4). if both indicate the same thing, then the change in inevitable.



There are many Karaka for the tenth house. Chief of them in service matters are Moon & Sun. If the tenth Lord from the Moon is in any manner associated with the houses of travel, it brings travel to a distant place in search of work, or transfer for work. the tenth Lord from the sun will also indicate similarly for more independant professsional services. Movable, Dual and fixed in that order indicate the distance or travel time involved. The planets involved as discussed earlier if involved with the tenth house or lord from the Moon will surely bring this about.

With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- satsap_mech


Friday, February 08, 2002 7:01 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] regarding transfer...

Pranam gurujii would like to know whether it is possible to predict transfer in job fron the prevailing dasa periods. if so then how should that be done. is it similar to that of predicting travel during that period. i am asking this because it involves change of residence. om tat satOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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