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House for Degrees Bachelor's degree,Diplomas etc

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om gurave namah


Dear Visti

The error comes from a lack of full understanding. What you mistook was the

ability of the TAPASWI Yoga for intelligence. Tapaswi or one who will do

penance is seen from Ketu the planet of renunciation and Saturn the planet

of denial and hard work. If Only these two planets are involved then the

person cannot be a perfect Tapaswi although he may wear the dress of a

mandicant etc. There are many such sadhu's in India and elsewhere who are

complete frauds. they profess they are into Sadhana but in reality are out

to cheat the gullible public. It is Sukracharya (VENUS) who is the greatest

and only Tapaswi. He alone fulfilled the impossible condition of Shiva of

hanging upside down (Ketu) with smoke (Ketu) entering his nostrils (like

smoking) for a year (Saturn). So severe was the penance that even Brihaspati

backed out. brihaspati is the wise one. He realised that other than

Sukracharya none can do this sort of severe penance. So, he waited patiently

(Patience is the greatest virtue of the Guru). Sukracharya (Venus) was able

to pass and get the Mritunjaya Mantra from Shiva, but Shiva had blessed

Brihaspati in the form of Samba-siva or Sada-siva to run the Guru-Sisya

Parampara after the latter adopted Budha as his son (that is why the Shisya

is like a son and is also seen from the fifth house and the mantra that is

transmitted is seen from the Mantrapada - the mantra of the Parampara is to

be given when guru transits and aspects by Rasi dristi, the Mantrapada).

Thus, it was the son of Brihaspati (or the great blessing of the Parampara)

who got the Mantra from sukracharya by becoming his sisya. Strange but true,

the wisdom and knowledge that has to be retained and transmitted had to be

parted with by sukracharya to the Parampara of brihaspati. This is the

greatness of the tradition of the Rishi's of yore.

You should realise from the above that it was saturn and Ketu who got

together to support Venus in becoming the perfect Tapaswi, but the

intelligence of jupiter finally won. What Sukra got with so much Tapasya etc

was just taken by brihaspati in good time. Thus, who is intelligent?

Intelligence is a function of jupiter and Dhi is ruled by Him.

In the kaalachakra, Jupiter alone has the power to overrule the Moon i.e. it

is the superior intelligence of Brihaspati that can change the gati

(direction) of the Mana and dominate over it. None else can do this. hence

the name for the Vahana of Guru in the Kaalachakra is Hari, the Lion, and

the mantra for guiding the Mana in the right direction is " Hari Om " . this

has been explained in the Rig Veda also.

Sun represents the source of knowledge; Moon is the consciousness that urges

us to go to the source just as the reflected light gives some indication of

the glory of the bright Sun; Mars is the energy required for any activity

including reading; Mercury is the ability, skills, methods, language etc by

which the knowledge is communicated; venus is the desire that goads us to

learn by differentiating one word from another or one part from another;

saturn is the enemy of the Sun and will obstruct the source causing the

energy to weaken and we feel tired etc after some time, reading done at this

time causes the memory to fail in its retention. this is what happened to

Karna - at the crucial juncture the memory failed; Rahu is the darkness


Now think and write a detailed article or lesson on this. Mail it to this

list and then we shall all work in improving it taking one point at a time.

take the examples of Einstein, Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath

Tagore and other intelligent scientists and politicians as well.

With best wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com

Services: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htm

Jyotish Digest: http://jyotishdigest.com/

SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/


" Visti Larsen " <in_joy_i_scream

<vedic astrology >

Tuesday, February 19, 2002 3:38 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: House for Degrees Bachelor's

degree,Diplomas etc



Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Gurudeva, Namaste.

Saturn would give the hard-working drive to attain


When Moon is associated with Saturn, the person

dwelves on subjects for a long time, and hence the

repetitive effect.

This is my reasoning, and i didn't differ in other


Offcourse without Jupiters strength the person would

forget what they were thinking about quite quickly,

and make a bad teacher..This is FAR from the fact with

you, oh Great Simhasan Guru, who is in constant



Is this the great blessing of Gayatri?

Yes i need a break, and renewed energy and direction

Its hard to see your goals in sight with Saturn and

Rahu in the 7th.


Best wishes, Visti.



--- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote:


> om gurave namah



> Dear Visti

> What is going on? Since when did Saturn give

> retentive memory? Jupiter is

> the memory and if guru is in Simhalokamsa the person

> shall have such a

> powerful memory that he shall remember his past 3

> lives! (Thats a sloka) Now

> Saturn causes debility of Jupiter and loss of

> memory. I guess we all need a

> break.

> With best wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> Web: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com

> Services: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htm

> Jyotish Digest: http://jyotishdigest.com/

> SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/

> -

> " Visti Larsen " <in_joy_i_scream

> <vedic astrology >

> Monday, February 18, 2002 4:44 PM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: House for Degrees

> Bachelor's

> degree,Diplomas etc



> Vyam Vysadevaya Namah

> ---------------

> Dear List,

> Saturn is good for retentive memory yes.


> Mars is for logical thinking, Mercury for learning

> ability. Jupiter for teaching, Venus for creativity,

> etc.


> Best wishes, Visti.


> --- lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh

> wrote:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > Namaste Visti,

> > I also read somewhere in BV Raman that Saturn in

> > dignity can give highly retentive memory.

> > Regards,

> > Lakshmi

> > Visti Larsen <in_joy_i_scream wrote:

> > Vyam Vysadevaya Namah

> > ----------

> > Dear Katti, Partha and Ash,

> >

> > Sani isn't the Karaka for intelligence, but

> without

> > sani's influence you won't become intelligent!

> This

> > is

> > the concept of the Tapaswi.

> >

> > Surya is the Karaka for all knowledge, brain and

> > hence

> > also intelligence. This is also the result of the

> > Gayatri for Savitur(Surya).

> >

> > Best wishes, Visti.

> >

> > --- Katti Narahari <katti_narahari

> > wrote:

> > > Dear Ash,

> > >

> > > Saturn being the karaka for intelligence!!!!...

> > you

> > > mentioned 6th lord has to be studied... am i on

> > > track by assuming that 6th house is for service

> > and

> > > Saturn is the natural karaka for 6th house? or

> am

> > i

> > > on a tangential course of thinking?

> > >

> > > Regards

> > >

> > > Katti Narahari

> > > -

> > > ashsam73

> > > vedic astrology

> > > Sunday, February 17, 2002 4:02 AM

> > > [vedic astrology] Re: House for

> Degrees

> > > Bachelor's degree,Diplomas etc

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi Sanjay and Hari,

> > >

> > > If one gets a degree that increases the status

> > of

> > > the person then

> > > 6th and 10th along with 5th house and their

> > lords

> > > have to be studied

> > > as 6th house increases the status and 10th for

> > > profession this is

> > > from lagna. 5th house is for degree and 9th

> for

> > > advanced learning

> > > and spiritual learning. But before you dwelve

> > > into the degree, the

> > > intellegence of the person has to be gauged as

> > > success and failure

> > > would depend on it. The karak for

> intellegence

> > is

> > > Saturn and if

> > > lagna lord, Sun and Moon are in the Saturnian

> > sign

> > > in Navamsa,

> > > Drekkhana and Trimsamsa then the person can be

> > > very intellegent.

> > > 4th house is for knowlege and 5th for degree.

> > > For an institute like SJVC, which does not

> give

> > > any degree, 12th

> > > house and 9th hosue would have to be studied

> for

> > > spirituality and

> > > higher learning.

> > >

> > > Sometimes we find that a person may be very

> > > intellegent but the dasa

> > > running at that point might now be favourable

> at

> > > all, though a

> > > person is inclined and wants to do say for

> > example

> > > engineering but

> > > during the maturity of grade 12 marks and at

> the

> > > time of admission

> > > if the dasa running is not favourable then he

> > may

> > > not get admission

> > > into a college, this can also be studied from

> > > Navamsa lords of 10th

> > > house from Sun, lagna and moon have to be

> > studied

> > > and their

> > > respective strengths.

> > >

> > > What may be good education or level of

> education

> > > in one coutry may

> > > be different from the other, and this is also

> to

> > > be studied

> > > depending on the place one is in.

> > >

> > > Cheers !!!

> > > Ash

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, " Katti Narahari "

> > > <katti_narahari@h...>

> > > wrote:

> > > > Om Guruve Namah.

> > > >

> > > > If you are talking of degrees and

> > certificates,

> > > i think it;s A5.

> > > >

> > > > Hari

> > > > -

> > > > Sanjay Prabhakaran

> > > > vedic astrology

> > > > Sunday, February 17, 2002 12:22 AM

> > > > [vedic astrology] House for

> Degrees

> > > Bachelor's

> > > degree,Diplomas etc

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Om Gurave Namah,

> > > > Dear Jyotishas,

> > > > Which house signifies Bachelor's degree

> > like

> > > BE or B.Sc.,

> > > > I was usually looking in the 4th house,

> but

> > > should I look into

> > > 9th house for higher education. Bachelors

> > degrees

> > > in science,

> > > commerce is so common in most cases in India

> > that

> > > can we consider it

> > > as basic education?.

> > > > Master's degree can count in the 9th

> house.

> > > > What house to look for jyotisha studies

> like


=== message truncated ===





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