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Jesus' chart

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Dear Visti,


Hare Rama Krsna.


>But do give us your views regarding this chart, as i don't feel this

>chart looks like Jesus' either.


Indeed, I stepped out of the concept that this was the right chart, as I

noticed the program I'm using includes even a Feb. 29th for the year 0.

Thus taking into account the changes due to Gregorian calendar, it would

come to 16 days later = 6th of April -2 (3 BC) about 4:30 am. I already

felt like Venus and Mars would have to be exalted, and so we would have 4

exalted planets: Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Venus. Venus in the lagna would

have given him a very beautiful outlook, Jupiter in the 5th is very nice,

aspecting Moon mutually and the Moon in Capricorn hemmed in by malefics in

the 3rd from AL would first of all make him lean and tall, and cause death

by hanging. Exalted Mars is also very nice, as it will be the 9th lord.


Thus AL in the 9th with AL lord exalted would make him devoted and the

aspect of exalted Jupiter and Sun would accentuate things even more. The

aspect of Saturn from the 3rd house (cruel death) would make him

dispassionate and thus a saint is indicated. The Navamsa has Capricorn

ascendant with Mercury-Venus in the 8th, Moon in the 5th and Jupiter in

the 9th.


What do you think?


Your sishya,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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