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Ashtottari Dasa - Exclusive or Inclusive

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Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah


Dear Prashanth,

If i understood correctly, its an inclusive factor.

Hence a specialisation, to give greater acuracy, when using

Astottari. Vimshottari is very general for all.

Best wishes, Visti.


varahamihira, " acharpastrology " <acharpastrology>


> Hare Rama Krishna


> Does the applicability of Ashtottari dasa in a chart makes


> nonfunctional? Is it one or the other, Or one and the other?


> Regards - Prashanth

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Dear Visti,


That was my understanding as well till I read the article on

Vimsottari dasa (in the file). Guruji mentions, after detailed

narration that ... Vimsottari will be applicable in 75% of the cases

(the balance contributed by Ashtottari).

Exclusivity also is understandable as considering both will lead to

dasas of the same planet occuring at different times which doesn't

gel well.

Never the less, I can check the applicability based on historics in

my own case as the conditions for Ashtottari is satisfied.


Regards - Prashanth


varahamihira, " in_joy_i_scream " <vlarsen@h...> wrote:

> Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah

> ------------------

> Dear Prashanth,

> If i understood correctly, its an inclusive factor.

> Hence a specialisation, to give greater acuracy, when using

> Astottari. Vimshottari is very general for all.

> Best wishes, Visti.


> varahamihira, " acharpastrology " <acharpastrology>

> wrote:

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> >

> > Does the applicability of Ashtottari dasa in a chart makes

> Vimsottari

> > nonfunctional? Is it one or the other, Or one and the other?

> >

> > Regards - Prashanth

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om gurave namah------------------------Dear PrashantNO all dasa's are like different watches keeing seemingly different times, but in reality, time is one and the same.With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htmJyotish Digest: http://jyotishdigest.com/SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/----- Original Message ----- acharpastrology varahamihira Wednesday, February 20, 2002 2:36 PM[Hare Rama Krishna] Ashtottari Dasa - Exclusive or InclusiveHare Rama KrishnaDoes the applicability of Ashtottari dasa in a chart makes Vimsottari nonfunctional? Is it one or the other, Or one and the other?Regards - PrashanthOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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