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SWCRC update #3

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Om Sri Ram Jai Jai Ram Om


Namaste on this Mahananda Navami


Here's an update on the SJVC Western Class being scheduled. [ please read the total email,ok]

This update reviews some basic info, and who has responded back to the 4 or 5 questions asked.


1. SWCRC = Sjvc West Coast Residence Course


2. To date we have 18 scheduled to attend. ( we have also asked several SJVC Gurus to also attend!)

3. What is now being worked is timing ( muhurta) of the event - Definitely Summer ( August) we will have some dates shortly.

4. Accommodations - there are 6 to 7 bedrooms - yet Laksmi informs up that the home can comfortably hold 20+ guests...so , some we will use the "buddy system" for some bedrooms, and others ( like me) can find comfort with cots/pads/sleeping bags. All - will

be made as comfortable as possible. IF you require more Space *akasha* and privacy Laksmi will recommend a few hotels in the area. This then infers you will need transportation for your trek to/from your hotel.

5. We are responsible for Sanjay's travel fare - we will let you know the cost here and break it up evenly We will plan as far in advance to get the lowest fare possible >>>> OR - if anyone a big frequent flyer and willing to donate miles to buy Sanjay's ticket...this would be a greatly appreciated!

6. Course outline, schedules and working groups are being designed...more to come on this.

a. Duration of the class 3 to 4 days

b. Outline - to be reviewed and approved by Sanjay

c. Working groups - to be formed for add'l practice, discussion, etc. and will ask the Guru's for their leadership in these working groups.

7. All, it is important that you have read and/or are studying the following to insure you gain max. benefit from this course. [ as I mentioned before Reading + Study does not always = comprehension!]BPHSUpadesa Sutras ( US) - by SanjayCrux of Vedic Astrology ( COVA) by SanjayVedic Remedies in Astrology ( VRIA) by SanjayNarayana Dasa - ( ND) by SanjayVedic Astrology, an Integrated Approach - by NarasimhaAdditional reading can be suggested by SanjayGood to have read:Bhagavad Gita - web site in case you cannot find or afford the books [http://gita.srimadbhagavatam.org/] Srimad Bhagavatam [http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org/]


Check your name BELOW - did I miss anyone ? Email me directly - fschmidt


Attendees Responded to the Questions shown below ( pls complete this by Friday)


1. Rema Menon [remamenon ] -> 2. bpfeeley [bpfeeley] - ------ ---------------------------->

3. vbamba [vbamba] -------------------> 4. Laksmi (Lynne Kary) [laksmi_k] ----------------------------> 5. Suresh Chandra [suchandr] > X 6. Naresh Desai [ndesai] -----> 7. Phyl Chubb MA [aboutyou] --------> X

8. Frank Schmidt [Fschmidt] ------------------------------> X

9.Gail Francisco [Galfran ] ------------> 10. K.N.Sriram [snk110] - east coast class only ------>

11. Vishwa Krishnamurthy [vishwakasi] ---------------------> 12. venkateshwara_reddy [venkateshwara_reddy] ---------> 13.Shriram Srinivasan shris1 [shris1] --------------------------> 14. Ssaikumar [astrossk] ----------> New additions as of the 20th of Feb

15. Narayan Iyer [iyer_astro] ----------> 16. Jennifer Clayton [durga324] ----> 17. SanjayPrabhakaran --------------> 18. Tara Suryamani [TSuryamani] >


Here's our apporach:Accommodations being considered: Laksmi devi has been most kind to open her home to this venue.a. San Francisco areab. Maps will be providedc. Start date and time - Work in process -

d. If you prefer add'l privacy, hotels in the area will be suggested…transportation will then be needed. Fooda. Donations for food maybe $20/day = $80 - $100.00 per studentb. All vegetarian will be servedc. Those that have Ayurvedic needs - pls bring your on Churna's , etc.d. Ghee will be provided Sleeping arrangementsa. Beds for 6 to 7 bedreooms - room for 20+b. others can do pads/sleeping blankets or cots - Please bring your personal belongingsc. Men/Women will be in separate quartersKnowledgea. We will ask Sanjay for his recommendation hereb. Study groups - Do you wish to have these? Focus groups on one area or anther for increaed comprehension.c. Knowledge level - What do you want to learn so we can forward this to Sanjay and he can decide on the *level* we are at e.g. Dispositor and their influence, Bhava Bhavam, Arudha's, Divisional Charts, Yogas, etc. I am of the opinion ( and I am biased here) that I would greatly benefit with a better understanding of a methodology for analyzing a chart and insuring the foundation for a reading…that is:> Analysis. Gather together the facts as a basic premise;> Interpretation. metaphorical exploration, using symbolism, intuition, etc.to derive meaning.> Synthesis. Pull the analytical and interpretative process together to form a whole picture d. Additional Knowledge - Laksmi's friend does classes/lectures on Bhagavad-Gita and knows it inside andSrimad Bhagavatam etc and would love to speak if desired.Also , Laksmi might have someone here who can do an evening Sankrit pronunciation class.Is this of interest to you? Meditations - for clarity of thought and touching the transcendent.We will assume most if not all of you are following a program … if this is not the case, it would be goodto start this over then next few months. What have I missed? Please advise... Jai Gurudeva,

Shanti, Shanti Shanti Frank in Austin Fschmidt

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