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Request for Guidance

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Respected Guruji,

Sadar pranam.

Here I am putting some queries regarding Vipareet Rajayoga. It is (rightly) said that interaction of lords of dusthanas create a Rajayoga, by negating the negative results ascribed to such planets. Please clarify :

1) What if such a yoga takes place in a kendra or kona? What will be the result of combination of lords of 6th and 8th in Lagna, then what if one of these lords is exalted or debilited ?

2) What if lords of 6th and 8th (say for Pisces Lagna) aspect each other from 4th and 10th houses ?

3) It is said that debilitated 6th, 8th or 12th lords acquire beneficence and do good. What if such debilited planet is in a kendra aspecting other benefic lords ( say lord of 8th Sun debilited in the 10th aspecting lord of 9th Mercury in the 4th) ?

Your clarification will solve the riddle puzzling my mind.


Yours Faithfully


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)


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