Guest guest Posted March 3, 2002 Report Share Posted March 3, 2002 Dear Frank and Group: Thanks for organizing everything. I can provide rides from San Francisco. I can pick up people at the airport...also I can pick up Sanjay or Robert too..whatever is needed. I can pick you up at Oakland or San Francisco International airport. I can take 4 people in my car (not including me) and drive to Mendocino. Talk to everyone later. Sincerely, Gail Francisco Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 3, 2002 Report Share Posted March 3, 2002 Jai Jagannatha! Please Read This Announcement Dear Jyotisha, Here's the update on the SRWCC Course in Calif.,scheduled for August 2002.There are 10 sections to review below. A few things have changed since the last time we posted this email,so please take a minute to read it through. NEW Attendees: Please email your name directly to me and I will add to the information and enrollment list. Fschmidt If you have questions about this event please email me, or Laksmi (Lynne Kary) at laksmi_k 1. SRWCC = Sanjay Rath's West Coast Conference Sanjay Rath has agreed to come and will be the main speaker. Robert Koch will also give classes as well as another SJVC guru, we hope to have Brendan Feeley. 2. To date we have 19 people scheduled to attend. 3. Tentative Dates and Place for this event are : Arrive: Wed August 21,2002 Conference days: August 22nd through 26th Departure: August 27 4. Location of conference 2- 3hours north of San Francisco,Calif on HWY 101 in Redwood Valley,Mendocino County, maps will be provided. 5. Accommodations - For people on a budget- -Available on first come, first serve basis. Approximately 20people can stay at the house,sharing the facilities(5-7bedrooms will be available) Please bring your blankets,sleeping bag,cot,tent,towels,etc.if you are driving. All people will be made as comfortable as possible.Men/Women will be in separate quarters. 6. Hotel/Motels -We can provide a list of Motels in the area, rates are $42/day and up. Daily transportation will be required to the conference site. 7. Food- You can eat home cooked meals with us,or eat at nearby restaurants. - All 'home cooking' will be vegetarian and served at a very reasonable cost. 8. Getting to the Conference - Location of conference 2- 3hours north of San Francisco,Calif on HWY 101 in Mendocino County; Maps will be provided - The Greyhound bus and AMTRACKbus goes to Ukiah. Arrangements can be made for a pick-up from either depot. - If you are flying into San Francisco Airport you can take the airporter bus to Santa Rosa and, if arranged ahead of time pick up may be arranged for you. 9. Course outline, schedules and working groups are being designed...more to come on this. 10. Duration of the course 5days + - Working groups will be formed with the Gurus in attendance. - The conference will be taped and tapes will be avialable to conference-goers at cost. 11. Course Cost approx $ 170- $ 200 for 5 days. 12. Being prepared to learn - it is important that you have read and/or are studying the following to insure you gain the maximum benefit from this opportunity. BPHS Upadesa Sutras (US) - by Sanjay Rath Crux of Vedic Astrology (COVA) - by Sanjay Rath Vedic Remedies in Astrology (VRIA) - by Sanjay Rath Narayana Dasa ( ND) - by Sanjay Rath Vedic Astrology, An Integrated Approach - by Narasimha Rao Additional reading may be suggested It will be wise to have read: Bhagavad Gita - web site in case you cannot find or afford the books [] Srimad Bhagavatam [] 13. Attendee's as of March 1, 2001 Please check for your name BELOW - did I miss anyone ?Email me directly - fschmidt 1. Rema Menon [remamenon ] 2. bpfeeley [bpfeeley] 3. vbamba [vbamba] 4. Laksmi (Lynne Kary) [laksmi_k] 5. Suresh Chandra [suchandr] 6. Naresh Desai [ndesai] 7. Phyl Chubb MA [aboutyou] 8. Frank Schmidt [Fschmidt] 9.Gail Francisco [Galfran ] - 10. K.N.Sriram [snk110] - east coast class only ,correct? 11. Vishwa Krishnamurthy [vishwakasi] 12. venkateshwara_reddy [venkateshwara_reddy] 13.Shriram Srinivasan shris1 [shris1] 14. Ssaikumar [astrossk] 15. Narayan Iyer [iyer_astro] 16. Jennifer Clayton [durga324] - 17. SanjayPrabhakaran 18. Tara Suryamani [TSuryamani] 19. Bharminder Gill Bharminder Gill [bsgill70] We will continute to update you on additional information as we proceed along the way. Pranams, and we hope to see you there! Best Wishes, Frank, Lakshmi and Phyl (The Conference Committee) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 4, 2002 Report Share Posted March 4, 2002 om gurave namah------------------------Dear gail Thanks for the ride offer. I'm looking forward to being there and am wondering what gift to give to all of you. Should it be the complete kalachakra with deities, yogini, 28 nakshatra and all that or perhaps something on Chakra's including the Kundalini, akshara shrishthi, mantra, creation of sound and all that..lets see. perhaps the entire foundation of Jyotish starting from the ashta-vasavah, ekadasa Rudra, dwadasa aditya, Prajapati 7 Indra which is the basis of Jyotish. I leave the choise to you. You can tell me 15 minutes before the lecture also. With the mercy of Jagannath, I will remember all that is necessary.With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: Digest: - Galfran fschmidt ; sjvc ; varahamihira ; anmar ; tobe848 ; Gobind53 ; karyne ; laksmi_k ; ; patrice.curry ; aboutyou ; pursottam_dabasia ; raaj ; resimpson ; rk ; TSuryamani ; tonywood ; venkateshwara_reddy Monday, March 04, 2002 2:18 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC Dear Frank and Group:Thanks for organizing everything. I can provide rides from San Francisco. I can pick up people at the airport...also I can pick up Sanjay or Robert too..whatever is needed. I can pick you up at Oakland or San Francisco International airport.I can take 4 people in my car (not including me) and drive to Mendocino.Talk to everyone later.Sincerely,Gail FranciscoOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 6, 2002 Report Share Posted March 6, 2002 JAYA JAGANNATHA! Dear Gurudeva, Pranaams. It's nice to see how your American shishyas cooperate to organize this West Coast conference. But what about the one planned for July in India? Is it going to realised? Because me and Swee Chan were thinking of attending it. So please tell us if there's any concrete plans for that venue. Yours, Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839 - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Monday, March 04, 2002 7:52 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC om gurave namah------------------------Dear gail Thanks for the ride offer. I'm looking forward to being there and am wondering what gift to give to all of you. Should it be the complete kalachakra with deities, yogini, 28 nakshatra and all that or perhaps something on Chakra's including the Kundalini, akshara shrishthi, mantra, creation of sound and all that..lets see. perhaps the entire foundation of Jyotish starting from the ashta-vasavah, ekadasa Rudra, dwadasa aditya, Prajapati 7 Indra which is the basis of Jyotish. I leave the choise to you. You can tell me 15 minutes before the lecture also. With the mercy of Jagannath, I will remember all that is necessary.With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: Digest: - Galfran fschmidt ; sjvc ; varahamihira ; anmar ; tobe848 ; Gobind53 ; karyne ; laksmi_k ; ; patrice.curry ; aboutyou ; pursottam_dabasia ; raaj ; resimpson ; rk ; TSuryamani ; tonywood ; venkateshwara_reddy Monday, March 04, 2002 2:18 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC Dear Frank and Group:Thanks for organizing everything. I can provide rides from San Francisco. I can pick up people at the airport...also I can pick up Sanjay or Robert too..whatever is needed. I can pick you up at Oakland or San Francisco International airport.I can take 4 people in my car (not including me) and drive to Mendocino.Talk to everyone later.Sincerely,Gail FranciscoOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 6, 2002 Report Share Posted March 6, 2002 Om Gurave Namah Namaste Gaurangaji, All of us are looking forward to it. Visti & Zoran are also planning to come, I think. But Gurudeva mentioned winter as the likely period for workshop since July is terribly hot in South India. I think Mohan is waiting for further instructions from Guruji. With Shailesh spurring us on, even the Hyderabadis are keen to host the event, perhaps in Sept/Oct/Nov, when the city's really pleasant. What does Gurudeva say? Regards, Lakshmi Gauranga Das <gauranga wrote: JAYA JAGANNATHA! Dear Gurudeva, Pranaams. It's nice to see how your American shishyas cooperate to organize this West Coast conference. But what about the one planned for July in India? Is it going to realised? Because me and Swee Chan were thinking of attending it. So please tell us if there's any concrete plans for that venue. Yours, Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839 - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Monday, March 04, 2002 7:52 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC om gurave namah------------------------Dear gail Thanks for the ride offer. I'm looking forward to being there and am wondering what gift to give to all of you. Should it be the complete kalachakra with deities, yogini, 28 nakshatra and all that or perhaps something on Chakra's including the Kundalini, akshara shrishthi, mantra, creation of sound and all that..lets see. perhaps the entire foundation of Jyotish starting from the ashta-vasavah, ekadasa Rudra, dwadasa aditya, Prajapati 7 Indra which is the basis of Jyotish. I leave the choise to you. You can tell me 15 minutes before the lecture also. With the mercy of Jagannath, I will remember all that is necessary.With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: Digest: - Galfran fschmidt ; sjvc ; varahamihira ; anmar ; tobe848 ; Gobind53 ; karyne ; laksmi_k ; ; patrice.curry ; aboutyou ; pursottam_dabasia ; raaj ; resimpson ; rk ; TSuryamani ; tonywood ; venkateshwara_reddy Monday, March 04, 2002 2:18 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC Dear Frank and Group:Thanks for organizing everything. I can provide rides from San Francisco. I can pick up people at the airport...also I can pick up Sanjay or Robert too..whatever is needed. I can pick you up at Oakland or San Francisco International airport.I can take 4 people in my car (not including me) and drive to Mendocino.Talk to everyone later.Sincerely,Gail FranciscoOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 23, 2002 Report Share Posted March 23, 2002 om gurave namah------------------------Dear Lakshmi I am poor at organising or rather, being the Guru of SJVC, am not allowed to take up Administrative work related to SJVC. This is not right and mixing of roles will bring Rajas/ Tamas into the group. Sarat, sarajit and others have to organise this. With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: Digest: - lakshmi ramesh varahamihira Wednesday, March 06, 2002 9:50 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC Om Gurave Namah Namaste Gaurangaji, All of us are looking forward to it. Visti & Zoran are also planning to come, I think. But Gurudeva mentioned winter as the likely period for workshop since July is terribly hot in South India. I think Mohan is waiting for further instructions from Guruji. With Shailesh spurring us on, even the Hyderabadis are keen to host the event, perhaps in Sept/Oct/Nov, when the city's really pleasant. What does Gurudeva say? Regards, Lakshmi Gauranga Das <gauranga wrote: JAYA JAGANNATHA! Dear Gurudeva, Pranaams. It's nice to see how your American shishyas cooperate to organize this West Coast conference. But what about the one planned for July in India? Is it going to realised? Because me and Swee Chan were thinking of attending it. So please tell us if there's any concrete plans for that venue. Yours, Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839 - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Monday, March 04, 2002 7:52 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC om gurave namah------------------------Dear gail Thanks for the ride offer. I'm looking forward to being there and am wondering what gift to give to all of you. Should it be the complete kalachakra with deities, yogini, 28 nakshatra and all that or perhaps something on Chakra's including the Kundalini, akshara shrishthi, mantra, creation of sound and all that..lets see. perhaps the entire foundation of Jyotish starting from the ashta-vasavah, ekadasa Rudra, dwadasa aditya, Prajapati 7 Indra which is the basis of Jyotish. I leave the choise to you. You can tell me 15 minutes before the lecture also. With the mercy of Jagannath, I will remember all that is necessary.With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: Digest: - Galfran fschmidt ; sjvc ; varahamihira ; anmar ; tobe848 ; Gobind53 ; karyne ; laksmi_k ; ; patrice.curry ; aboutyou ; pursottam_dabasia ; raaj ; resimpson ; rk ; TSuryamani ; tonywood ; venkateshwara_reddy Monday, March 04, 2002 2:18 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC Dear Frank and Group:Thanks for organizing everything. I can provide rides from San Francisco. I can pick up people at the airport...also I can pick up Sanjay or Robert too..whatever is needed. I can pick you up at Oakland or San Francisco International airport.I can take 4 people in my car (not including me) and drive to Mendocino.Talk to everyone later.Sincerely,Gail FranciscoOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 25, 2002 Report Share Posted March 25, 2002 Hare Rama Krsna Dear Gurudev! I shall be more than happy to organise such event. About the venue, what can be better than Jagannath Puri, I hope we will meet two objectives simultaneously, 1. learning jyotish, 2. Having darshan of the lord, have the mahaprasad and purify ourselves and more to that we have bonus of enjoying the sea shore. We shall fix a date somewhere in late moths of this year. Pranaam Sarajit varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote: > > om gurave namah > ------------------------ > Dear Lakshmi > I am poor at organising or rather, being the Guru of SJVC, am not allowed to > take up Administrative work related to SJVC. This is not right and mixing of > roles will bring Rajas/ Tamas into the group. Sarat, sarajit and others have > to organise this. > With best wishes > Sanjay Rath > Web: > Services: > Jyotish Digest: > SJVC: > - > lakshmi ramesh > varahamihira > Wednesday, March 06, 2002 9:50 PM > Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC > > > Om Gurave Namah > > Namaste Gaurangaji, > > All of us are looking forward to it. Visti & Zoran are also planning to > come, I think. But Gurudeva mentioned winter as the likely period for > workshop since July is terribly hot in South India. I think Mohan is waiting > for further instructions from Guruji. > > With Shailesh spurring us on, even the Hyderabadis are keen to host the > event, perhaps in Sept/Oct/Nov, when the city's really pleasant. What does > Gurudeva say? > > Regards, > > Lakshmi > > > > > > Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> wrote: > > JAYA JAGANNATHA! > > Dear Gurudeva, > > Pranaams. > > It's nice to see how your American shishyas cooperate to organize this > West Coast conference. But what about the one planned for July in India? Is > it going to realised? Because me and Swee Chan were thinking of attending > it. So please tell us if there's any concrete plans for that venue. > > Yours, > > Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer > gauranga@b... > Jyotish Remedies: > WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET > Phone:+36-309-140-839 > > - > Sanjay Rath > varahamihira > Monday, March 04, 2002 7:52 PM > Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - > SRWCC > > > > om gurave namah > ------------------------ > Dear gail > Thanks for the ride offer. I'm looking forward to being there and am > wondering what gift to give to all of you. Should it be the complete > kalachakra with deities, yogini, 28 nakshatra and all that or perhaps > something on Chakra's including the Kundalini, akshara shrishthi, mantra, > creation of sound and all that..lets see. perhaps the entire foundation of > Jyotish starting from the ashta-vasavah, ekadasa Rudra, dwadasa aditya, > Prajapati 7 Indra which is the basis of Jyotish. I leave the choise to you. > You can tell me 15 minutes before the lecture also. With the mercy of > Jagannath, I will remember all that is necessary. > With best wishes > Sanjay Rath > Web: > Services: > Jyotish Digest: > SJVC: > - > Galfran@a... > fschmidt@a... ; sjvc ; > varahamihira ; anmar@a... ; tobe848 ; > Gobind53@a... ; karyne@j... ; laksmi_k@n... ; > ; patrice.curry@h... ; aboutyou@c... ; > pursottam_dabasia ; raaj@p... ; > resimpson@w... ; rk@r... ; TSuryamani@g... ; > tonywood@a... ; venkateshwara_reddy > Monday, March 04, 2002 2:18 AM > [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Jyotish West Coast Conference - SRWCC > > > Dear Frank and Group: > > Thanks for organizing everything. I can provide rides from San > Francisco. I > can pick up people at the airport...also I can pick up Sanjay or Robert > too..whatever is needed. I can pick you up at Oakland or San Francisco > International airport. > > I can take 4 people in my car (not including me) and drive to Mendocino. > > Talk to everyone later. > Sincerely, > Gail Francisco > > > > OM TAT SAT > Archive: varahamihira > Files: varahamihira > varahamihira/database > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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