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Exact 3 birth times on all counts for Research Question on birth time

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Dear List


For my daughter, delivered by C-Sec, I have the exact (to the second)

birth-time(s) as in incision/ out of body/cord-cut/ 1st cry (ie all 4

events), just for potential research. If anyone wants to do any

research in the future, do send me a personal e-mail for the times.

However, my daughter is only 9 months old currently. And hence, while u

r free to ask me anything about her, pl DO NOT send me any predictions

(as parents are enjoined not to know their such a young child's chart,

tho we can surely study it for balarishta, etc, whatever)






--- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote: > om gurave namah

> ------------------------

> Dear Shri ram

> Have you tried to get the timing of all three instances accurately in

> any

> natural delivery? See if you can get tis as this will be hard

> examinations

> for us.

> With best wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> Web: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com

> Services: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htm

> Jyotish Digest: http://jyotishdigest.com/

> SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/

> -

> shris1

> varahamihira

> Sunday, February 24, 2002 1:18 AM

> [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: [sjvc] Question on birth time



> Dear Sanjayji Namastae!,

> You explanation on determining the moment of

> birth (Lagna) as the seperation of the child from the mother makes

> sense. I have heard that the umblicus becomes non-functional a while

> after birth , which means that no-matter when the chord is cut , the

> birth might have already happened i.,e the true seperation from the

> mother might have already happened.


> Best Regards,

> Shriram




> varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:

> > om gurave namah

> > ------------------------

> > Dear Gopal Krishna ji

> >

> > Namaste. You speak of a name that is respected in delhi circles for

> his

> > depth and tradition. yes ganeshi is a respected and learned man. He

> is

> > sincere to the subject and a good teacher also. I do partially

> agree with

> > him and shall give you my clear thinking on this aspect. This is

> the only

> > serious question, till date that has ever been raised against the

> other

> > option of Nadi sodhana (i.e. cutting of the umbilicus). For this we

> need to

> > first understand death.

> >

> > Satyacharya has taught us that the human being is defined by the

> Tripod of

> > the Sun, Moon and Lagna and that these alone are the principal

> definition

> > for the human being. Of these, the Sun is the Atma (first

> definition), Moon

> > is the Mana (second definiton) and Lagna is the body (third

> definition).

> >

> > Swami Abhedananda who is considered the greatest exponent on life

> after

> > death (his experiments etc are the finest that have been done and

> his

> > writings are the clearest in the past 2-3 centuries). Reading his

> works

> > affirms the Satyacharya principle that death is a physical

> manifestation of

> > the separation of the three primary constituents of the being i.e.

> Creation

> > is the coming together of the three - Lagna, Moon & Sun and Death

> is the

> > final separation of all these three. For more details, please read

> the first

> > chapter, opening paragraph of my book Vedic Remedies in Astrology.

> > The Sun is the first to come and last to leave; Moon is the

> second to

> > come (7th month of pregnancy) and normally second last to leave

> (except in

> > some rare cases). lagna is the last to come (Delivery/Birth) and

> normally

> > the first to leave. Unless this is understood clearly, construction

> os

> > conception charts or predictions of death will be like firing in

> the dark.

> >

> > With this in mind, let us examine each aspect:

> > Leaving aside the Sun and the Moon, as their leaving before the

> Lagna ends

> > is only in exceptional or rare cases, Medical death is defined as

> the end of

> > the BODY. So, we are limiting our discussion to the general case.

> > BODY:

> > Now, what is the body made of? It is composed of various chemical

> elements

> > that are in some physical state (3 tatwa-Prithvi, Jala, Vayu) and

> that are

> > energitic (Agni tatwa). The body parts work together and are bound

> together

> > due to the 'INVIOLABLE PRINCIPLE' (Adabhyam) of Brihaspati (Akash

> tatwa).

> > The Akash Tatwa is not visible and pearmeates the whole body and

> binds it

> > together forcing the parts to work in perfect harmony and in

> support to each

> > other. We, physically, cannot leave our head behind and take the

> rest of

> > body to office because of this inviolable principle. Thus it is

> Akash tatwa

> > which is the principal component of the body and that often

> continues even

> > after medical death as the 'ethereal body'. Abhedananda's

> experiments have

> > proved beyond an iota of doubt that the ectoplasm taken from a

> living person

> > can help a medically dead person (existing in the spirit form) to

> manifest

> > in a very light bodied physical form that can be photographed (like

> smoke

> > which has material particles) and that is why the photographs taken

> of

> > spirits that had manifested using the ectoplam were actually like

> smoky

> > bodied. Thus, the first point about the body is that the akash

> tatwa

> > continues to exist even after the other four tatwa have left the

> body and

> > medical death has occured. Lesson here is that the Akash tatwa

> (through

> > which Visnu {sarva vyapakeswara) permeates all bodies continues

> even after

> > Rudra has left and the body is declared medically dead.

> >

> > Now look at the other four tatwa carefully. Agni is associated

> with each

> > of the other Tatwa therby providing them the energy to do work.

> That leaves

> > us with three tatwa i.e. Prithvi (solid), Jala (Liquid) and Vayu

> (gas). Of

> > these, we can see the dead body much after medical death and the

> blood takes

> > some time to dry up also. So, the first Tatwa whose decay causes

> medical

> > death is Vayu (Saturn-Longevity),and this is associated with the

> movement of

> > the Prana as well. Thus, by a proper regulation of the Vayu tatwa

> through

> > yogic practises like Pranayama, we can strengthen this Tatwa and

> the Prana

> > to avert apamrityu (premature death).


> > Further, extending this theory backwards to birth, we can say

> that the

> > moment of birth is the first breath. This is the logic used. But

> then

> > technically or rather this can be construed as 'medical birth'.

> Question

> > that would arise is 'If this is medical birth then what is the

> moment of

> > birth?.


> > Ask any of the people you know if they will part with their

> thumb and

> > the reply is a definite 'NO'. This is a part of their body and they

> would

> > not part with it for anyone's whim and fancy. So, is the foetus a

> part of

> > the mother's body? If your answer is NO, then it will be hard to

> explain the

> > concept of prakriti and Purusha etc. If your answer is 'YES' then

> the moment

> > of separation of the body of the created being from that of the

> mother is

> > the time of birth as it is at this moment that an independant body

> (Lagna)

> > has come into being. After all, the time of birth is used to

> determine the

> > Lagna.

> > As regards breath, I was taught that the baby breathes inside

> the mother

> > as well and that the breath or Vayu tatwa is made available through

> the

> > mothers blood. The method of total breath being fixed includes the

> time

> > spent in the womb and that this is applicable to the Nisheka

> (Conception

> > chart) and not to the Janma (Birth chart). It is for this reason

> that the

> > expectant mother (during pregnancy) is advised to be calm as

> excessive

> > emotions causes her to breathe faster and so also the baby inside

> her will

> > breathe faster thereby consuming more of those vital limited

> breath. She is

> > advised to read Vishnu puran etc and stay calm.

> > It is now clear that the only moment for birth time is the

> cutting of

> > the umbilicus or the separation of the baby from its mother.

> > In view of the above, you should kindly update Sri Ganesh ji.


=== message truncated ===



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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Nandan,

Aren't you a member of Varahamihira?

Put the details in the Database section, we can rectify it using the D-12

and D-108 using details of your life and your parents. So include the

profession of you and the parents before you, and we will rectify it. But as

this is a topic abit too advanced for this list, we shall work on

Varahamihira for now.


Best wishes, Visti.

p.s. Just to avoid confusion, make sure you include the fact that she's a

girl, for rectification purposes.


>Dear List


>For my daughter, delivered by C-Sec, I have the exact (to the second)

>birth-time(s) as in incision/ out of body/cord-cut/ 1st cry (ie all 4

>events), just for potential research. If anyone wants to do any

>research in the future, do send me a personal e-mail for the times.

>However, my daughter is only 9 months old currently. And hence, while u

>r free to ask me anything about her, pl DO NOT send me any predictions

>(as parents are enjoined not to know their such a young child's chart,

>tho we can surely study it for balarishta, etc, whatever)






> --- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote: > om gurave namah

> > ------------------------

> > Dear Shri ram

> > Have you tried to get the timing of all three instances accurately in

> > any

> > natural delivery? See if you can get tis as this will be hard

> > examinations

> > for us.

> > With best wishes

> > Sanjay Rath

> > Web: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com

> > Services: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htm

> > Jyotish Digest: http://jyotishdigest.com/

> > SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/

> > -

> > shris1

> > varahamihira

> > Sunday, February 24, 2002 1:18 AM

> > [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: [sjvc] Question on birth time

> >

> >

> > Dear Sanjayji Namastae!,

> > You explanation on determining the moment of

> > birth (Lagna) as the seperation of the child from the mother makes

> > sense. I have heard that the umblicus becomes non-functional a while

> > after birth , which means that no-matter when the chord is cut , the

> > birth might have already happened i.,e the true seperation from the

> > mother might have already happened.

> >

> > Best Regards,

> > Shriram

> >

> >

> >

> > varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:

> > > om gurave namah

> > > ------------------------

> > > Dear Gopal Krishna ji

> > >

> > > Namaste. You speak of a name that is respected in delhi circles for

> > his

> > > depth and tradition. yes ganeshi is a respected and learned man. He

> > is

> > > sincere to the subject and a good teacher also. I do partially

> > agree with

> > > him and shall give you my clear thinking on this aspect. This is

> > the only

> > > serious question, till date that has ever been raised against the

> > other

> > > option of Nadi sodhana (i.e. cutting of the umbilicus). For this we

> > need to

> > > first understand death.

> > >

> > > Satyacharya has taught us that the human being is defined by the

> > Tripod of

> > > the Sun, Moon and Lagna and that these alone are the principal

> > definition

> > > for the human being. Of these, the Sun is the Atma (first

> > definition), Moon

> > > is the Mana (second definiton) and Lagna is the body (third

> > definition).

> > >

> > > Swami Abhedananda who is considered the greatest exponent on life

> > after

> > > death (his experiments etc are the finest that have been done and

> > his

> > > writings are the clearest in the past 2-3 centuries). Reading his

> > works

> > > affirms the Satyacharya principle that death is a physical

> > manifestation of

> > > the separation of the three primary constituents of the being i.e.

> > Creation

> > > is the coming together of the three - Lagna, Moon & Sun and Death

> > is the

> > > final separation of all these three. For more details, please read

> > the first

> > > chapter, opening paragraph of my book Vedic Remedies in Astrology.

> > > The Sun is the first to come and last to leave; Moon is the

> > second to

> > > come (7th month of pregnancy) and normally second last to leave

> > (except in

> > > some rare cases). lagna is the last to come (Delivery/Birth) and

> > normally

> > > the first to leave. Unless this is understood clearly, construction

> > os

> > > conception charts or predictions of death will be like firing in

> > the dark.

> > >

> > > With this in mind, let us examine each aspect:

> > > Leaving aside the Sun and the Moon, as their leaving before the

> > Lagna ends

> > > is only in exceptional or rare cases, Medical death is defined as

> > the end of

> > > the BODY. So, we are limiting our discussion to the general case.

> > > BODY:

> > > Now, what is the body made of? It is composed of various chemical

> > elements

> > > that are in some physical state (3 tatwa-Prithvi, Jala, Vayu) and

> > that are

> > > energitic (Agni tatwa). The body parts work together and are bound

> > together

> > > due to the 'INVIOLABLE PRINCIPLE' (Adabhyam) of Brihaspati (Akash

> > tatwa).

> > > The Akash Tatwa is not visible and pearmeates the whole body and

> > binds it

> > > together forcing the parts to work in perfect harmony and in

> > support to each

> > > other. We, physically, cannot leave our head behind and take the

> > rest of

> > > body to office because of this inviolable principle. Thus it is

> > Akash tatwa

> > > which is the principal component of the body and that often

> > continues even

> > > after medical death as the 'ethereal body'. Abhedananda's

> > experiments have

> > > proved beyond an iota of doubt that the ectoplasm taken from a

> > living person

> > > can help a medically dead person (existing in the spirit form) to

> > manifest

> > > in a very light bodied physical form that can be photographed (like

> > smoke

> > > which has material particles) and that is why the photographs taken

> > of

> > > spirits that had manifested using the ectoplam were actually like

> > smoky

> > > bodied. Thus, the first point about the body is that the akash

> > tatwa

> > > continues to exist even after the other four tatwa have left the

> > body and

> > > medical death has occured. Lesson here is that the Akash tatwa

> > (through

> > > which Visnu {sarva vyapakeswara) permeates all bodies continues

> > even after

> > > Rudra has left and the body is declared medically dead.

> > >

> > > Now look at the other four tatwa carefully. Agni is associated

> > with each

> > > of the other Tatwa therby providing them the energy to do work.

> > That leaves

> > > us with three tatwa i.e. Prithvi (solid), Jala (Liquid) and Vayu

> > (gas). Of

> > > these, we can see the dead body much after medical death and the

> > blood takes

> > > some time to dry up also. So, the first Tatwa whose decay causes

> > medical

> > > death is Vayu (Saturn-Longevity),and this is associated with the

> > movement of

> > > the Prana as well. Thus, by a proper regulation of the Vayu tatwa

> > through

> > > yogic practises like Pranayama, we can strengthen this Tatwa and

> > the Prana

> > > to avert apamrityu (premature death).


> > > Further, extending this theory backwards to birth, we can say

> > that the

> > > moment of birth is the first breath. This is the logic used. But

> > then

> > > technically or rather this can be construed as 'medical birth'.

> > Question

> > > that would arise is 'If this is medical birth then what is the

> > moment of

> > > birth?.


> > > Ask any of the people you know if they will part with their

> > thumb and

> > > the reply is a definite 'NO'. This is a part of their body and they

> > would

> > > not part with it for anyone's whim and fancy. So, is the foetus a

> > part of

> > > the mother's body? If your answer is NO, then it will be hard to

> > explain the

> > > concept of prakriti and Purusha etc. If your answer is 'YES' then

> > the moment

> > > of separation of the body of the created being from that of the

> > mother is

> > > the time of birth as it is at this moment that an independant body

> > (Lagna)

> > > has come into being. After all, the time of birth is used to

> > determine the

> > > Lagna.

> > > As regards breath, I was taught that the baby breathes inside

> > the mother

> > > as well and that the breath or Vayu tatwa is made available through

> > the

> > > mothers blood. The method of total breath being fixed includes the

> > time

> > > spent in the womb and that this is applicable to the Nisheka

> > (Conception

> > > chart) and not to the Janma (Birth chart). It is for this reason

> > that the

> > > expectant mother (during pregnancy) is advised to be calm as

> > excessive

> > > emotions causes her to breathe faster and so also the baby inside

> > her will

> > > breathe faster thereby consuming more of those vital limited

> > breath. She is

> > > advised to read Vishnu puran etc and stay calm.

> > > It is now clear that the only moment for birth time is the

> > cutting of

> > > the umbilicus or the separation of the baby from its mother.

> > > In view of the above, you should kindly update Sri Ganesh ji.

> >

>=== message truncated ===



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