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rahu - remedy UL

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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Jyoti

some clarifications and corrections are given below:With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htmJyotish Digest: http://jyotishdigest.com/SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/

- jothsana


Monday, March 04, 2002 10:18 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] rahu - remedy UL


hare krisna !dear members & gurusi have a doubt regarding the deityremedies for marriage - fasting on the day of lord of UL & praying the deity alsoremedies for sustainance of marraige - fasting on the day of lord of 2nd from UL & praying the deity also

RATH: Fasting ONLY ON THE DAYS RULED BY LORD OF UPAPADA AND WORSHIP OF DEITY CONNECTED WITH SECOND FROM UPAPADA. For example in a femalechart with Upapada in Cancer, fast on Monday as the Moon rules the sign Cancer and worship Shiva (deity of Surya) as the Lord of the second from Upapada. if Shiva is please a very learned person shall be got as a husband.

for female native -- male deityfor male native -- female deitysuppose the 2nd from UL is aquarius, its lord is saturn & rahu.in case of rahu : -a male native will pray goddess durgawhat about a female native ?which day should the native fast ?and what about ketu ? which denotes Lord ganapati ?regards jothi

RATH: Upapada in Makara (Capricorn) apply the same rules - fasting on Saturdays as Saturn is the Lord of Upapada. Worship the deity connected with the second from upapada i.e. Lord of Aquarius. As you have correctly said, there are two lords - for saturn, choose Narayana as per Jaimini's advise and for Rahu choose Varaha roopa i.e. Varaha murti of Bhagavan Vishnu. the particular deity is well known as Tirupati Balaji. Almost everyone in Andhra Pradesh fasts and worships Balaji on Saturdays.



Sanjay RathOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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