Guest guest Posted March 9, 2002 Report Share Posted March 9, 2002 Namaste All, to accompany Sarajit's email with the sloka's here is a site where you can here Sri Rudam in its total: here is a site to listen in ! Shanti, Shanti Shanti Frank in Austin , Fschmidt sarajit poddar [sarajitp] Friday, March 08, 2002 9:42 PMsjvc ; varahamihira ; vedic astrology Subject: [sjvc] Sri Rudram Hare Rama Krsna! Dear Jyotisha As Sarat mentioned Kantaka sani can affect from three places (Satya Peetha, Maya Peetha and Chandra). Whenever Saturn in transit passes through the 10th or aspect it through Graha drishti, it becomes Kantaka for the native. Hence, Saturn's transit in the 4th can also become kantak (7th aspect to 10th) and called ardha kantak. For all kind of Kantak, Sri Rudram is infact a good solution. I transliterated the slokas so that I could send that to my younger brother, who is facing terrible times. I am sending the same to you all, so that this can be of some help to you. Reciting this 11 times a day is helpful. Please install the fonts, I am giving in the zipped file to see document properly. z< c me mayaà me ià y<c me nukmà me kamaà me saEmnsà me -Ô< c me ïeyà me vZyà me yZyà me -gà me Ôiv[m! c me yNta c me xtaR c me ]maà me x & ità me ivñm! c me mhaà me s<ivicà me }aÇ< c me susà me à susà me sIr< c me layaà me \t< c me Am & t< c me y]m< c me nmyà me jIvtuà me dI"RyuTv< c me nimÇ c me A-y< c me sugm! c me zynm! c me su;a c me suidn< c me þaÕ ca me m˜y˜þca me priyañca me nukamaþca me k˜m˜þca me saumanasaþca me bhadraÕ ca me þreyaþca me vaþyaþca me yaþyaþca me bhagaþca me draviõam ca me yant˜ ca me dhart˜ ca me kÿam˜þca me dh®tiþca me viþvam ca me mah˜þca me saÕviciþca me jñ˜traÕ ca me susaþca me prasusaþca me sŸraÕ ca me l˜y˜þca me ®taÕ ca me am®taÕ ca me yakÿamaÕ ca me namayaþca me jŸvatuþca me dŸrghayutvaÕ ca me namitra ca me abhayaÕ ca me sugam ca me þayanam ca me suÿ˜ ca me sudinaÕ ca me Pranaam Sarajit Try FREE Mail - the world's greatest free email! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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