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Paralysis for 30 yrs: 1st SJVC meeting at Bombay

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Dear Gurus & friends


3 of us met this Sunday. Much time was spent in getting to know each

other, as it was the most important thing to do at the 1st meeting. We

discussed Praveen's mother's chart, who has been paralysed for the last

30 yrs! St & Mc, significators of paralysis, played a role as is

obvious. This is palpable in both d-1 & d-6.


BUT: I am still struggling to understand the significance of the Sun, a

natural malefic (NM), a functional malefic (FM) as L12, & exalted in a

dustan 8. I am just not clear on the basics. Cd someone check the



As an NM & FM exalted in dustan:

a) wrt its NATURAL significations (Sn= authority, etc) AND its

FUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICATIONS (L12= travel, bed-pleasures, whatever): BOTH

are weakened, tho not as much, as it is also exalted. Or the opposite:

ie strengthened as exalted, tho not as much as it should be, as it is

in dustan.


b) wrt the significations of 8 (research, inheritance, health), these

are afflicted ( & exaltation has no great role to play in this), as Sn

is NM & FM, more so as Sn is in its enemy karaka house (8= St).


Still delving on the chart on the paralysis issue. But cd someone

please explain to me, the strength & disposition of Sn, 1st of all.


Best wishes




--- Praveen Kumar <prani_praveen wrote: > Dear Nandan,

> Hi ! how are you ? My mother's birth details are as under:

> 10/05/1942 (ddmmyy); 15:25 ; Jaipur (Rajasthan)= 75e49, 26n55.

> I think this will suffice. I had further considered your horoscope. I

> also find the comments of guruji agreeable. I shall discuss the issue


> you

> further.

> Regards.

> Praveen Kumar

> -

> " Nandan Chakraborty " <nanadhan

> <prani_praveen

> Monday, March 11, 2002 5:39 PM


Dear praveen: Cd u pl send me yr mother's chart again. I cant find the

paper where I wrote it down y'day. Thx Nandan




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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Nandan,


<<St & Mc, significators of paralysis, played a role as isobvious. This is palpable in both d-1 & d-6.>>


Visti: Paralysis happens when the nerves in the back are damaged, and hence the movability of the person is handicapped. Also Paralysis can happen in case of brain-damage, which may cut some links between the mind and the body, hence causing paralysis.


So when determining the cause of paralysis, first figure out which graha rules the nerves, which becomes damaged.

BUT: I am still struggling to understand the significance of the Sun, a natural malefic (NM), a functional malefic (FM) as L12, & exalted in a dustan 8. I am just not clear on the basics. Cd someone check the following:As an NM & FM exalted in dustan: a) wrt its NATURAL significations (Sn= authority, etc) AND itsFUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICATIONS (L12= travel, bed-pleasures, whatever): BOTH are weakened, tho not as much, as it is also exalted. Or the opposite:ie strengthened as exalted, tho not as much as it should be, as it is in dustan.b) wrt the significations of 8 (research, inheritance, health), these are afflicted ( & exaltation has no great role to play in this), as Sn is NM & FM, more so as Sn is in its enemy karaka house (8= St).Still delving on the chart on the paralysis issue. But cd someoneplease explain to me, the strength & disposition of Sn, 1st of all.

Visti: Strength todo what? Exaltation isn't a strength but a state of highest enjoyment.

Sun is a mild malefic. First figure out what its enimical too, then you can decide more acurately what its malefic towards.


Sun as Karaka of health, placed in 8th house, is highly inauspicious as this gives much disease in life. Being exalted in 8th, can show a person who often damages their health whilst trying to attain the gifts of spiritual livelyhood. i.e. their enjoyment of 8th house activities, puts their health at risk, and hence the person could be very daring.


Sun also being 12th lord shows that the person travels abroad, as a result of 8th house activities. This maybe ill-health, accidents, etc. Preferably Malefics in dusthana should be weak, hence this situation isn't fortunate.


Hope this helps.

Best wishes, Visti.

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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Nandan

I am delighted to read about your meeting and discussions. I just cannot understand the SMS. What is MC - is it the midheaven? And what about ST. Never heard of it.

In this context I must quote the great work Krishneeyam where the author Sri Krishna has expicitly mentioned that not even a single word used in that entire work is from outside or that which is not standard terminology in Jyotish. You must learn to stick to the accped standards. This is crucial.

The 12th Lord is a very misunderstood planet. You have misunderstood it. In exaltation for Virgo it can cure any disease. Worship of Shiva is the key out here as it is in the ninth from its own sign. (Again you use L12). Next time I see such abbreviations, I will not respond. Ensure that you chew well so that the digestion is easier.

What is enemy Karak house? I guess I have to start learning a lot from you. Let us say Jupiter is the Karaka of the 11th house. Would the planets Rahu, Saturn etc who are inimical to Jupiter give bad results out here? What am I missing out in your question?With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htmJyotish Digest: http://jyotishdigest.com/SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/

- Nandan Chakraborty


Wednesday, March 13, 2002 6:39 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Paralysis for 30 yrs: 1st SJVC meeting at Bombay

Dear Gurus & friends3 of us met this Sunday. Much time was spent in getting to know eachother, as it was the most important thing to do at the 1st meeting. Wediscussed Praveen's mother's chart, who has been paralysed for the last30 yrs! St & Mc, significators of paralysis, played a role as isobvious. This is palpable in both d-1 & d-6.BUT: I am still struggling to understand the significance of the Sun, anatural malefic (NM), a functional malefic (FM) as L12, & exalted in adustan 8. I am just not clear on the basics. Cd someone check thefollowing:As an NM & FM exalted in dustan: a) wrt its NATURAL significations (Sn= authority, etc) AND itsFUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICATIONS (L12= travel, bed-pleasures, whatever): BOTHare weakened, tho not as much, as it is also exalted. Or the opposite:ie strengthened as exalted, tho not as much as it should be, as it isin dustan.b) wrt the significations of 8 (research, inheritance, health), theseare afflicted ( & exaltation has no great role to play in this), as Snis NM & FM, more so as Sn is in its enemy karaka house (8= St).Still delving on the chart on the paralysis issue. But cd someoneplease explain to me, the strength & disposition of Sn, 1st of all.Best wishesNandan--- Praveen Kumar <prani_praveen wrote: > Dear Nandan,> Hi ! how are you ? My mother's birth details are as under:> 10/05/1942 (ddmmyy); 15:25 ; Jaipur (Rajasthan)= 75e49, 26n55.> I think this will suffice. I had further considered your horoscope. I> also find the comments of guruji agreeable. I shall discuss the issuewith> you> further.> Regards.> Praveen Kumar> -> "Nandan Chakraborty" <nanadhan> <prani_praveen> Monday, March 11, 2002 5:39 PMDear praveen: Cd u pl send me yr mother's chart again. I cant find thepaper where I wrote it down y'day. Thx Nandan______________________Looking for a job? Visit India Careers Visit http://in.careers.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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