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To Visti Review Cumulative Basics before MaranaKaraka Article

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Visti dear


Both you and Gurudev have stated (including in that interview

reproduced below) that retro & debilitated: benefic in dusthan= great

(opposite in kendra/kon, respectively opposite for benefic in

respective placement).


Please refer message 8037 in varahamihira: Zoran: ... double negative

theory ... Guru in 8th (negative) in neecha (negative) becoming



this in an equation form as:

a) NB in dus deb= +.

b) NB in dus deb retro afflicted= - (ie retro & affliction over-rides

deb, ie EVEN if deb).


So you may be right, depending on the interpretation of the above. But

can we take it slowly. I mean, without the additional retro equation,

could you just review my earlier posting & confirm that EACH thing

there is correct in itself, eg it includes the above equation " a " &

similar ones, which are viprit in nature. I would like to understand

tat first CLEARLY. Because your potenital answer to a follow-up

question noted below, which comes to mind, will only confuse me more

till I uynderstand the answers to the PREVIOUS posting correctly:


In all these cases of blessings/ curses from past life, as stated in

the 1st para here, elsewhere the same thing was said somewhere, but

without it being retro. So I assumed that retro only strengthens that

argument. However, this quote from message 8037 says that the retro

REVERSES/ OVER-RIDES the exaltation/ deb in some cases. OR, maybe the

equations in the above 1st para is true ONLY if retro.


Listen, could you please just confirm/ comment on my earlier posting

which excludes retrogradeness, first. THEN, let me understand the

cumulative effect of retro, etc.




For others' benefit, I quote Gurudev's interview:


The retrograde planet acquires considerable rays as the outer planets

are retrograde when away from the Sun, thereby acquiring its rays. This

is called Chesta Bala. Thus, a retrograde planet indicates denial of

its fruits for which a lot of additional effort will have to be made.

If it were retrograde in the 11th house, then the desires and hopes

will be smashed while retrogression in the seventh shows strange sexual

appetites. If a natural benefic is retrograde & debilitated in a

quadrant or trine indicates a curse from the past life. For example in

a Chart with Virgo Lagna, Jupiter was retrograde, debilitated and

Vargottama in the 5th house Capricorn. Thus, the curse cannot be

removed due to the Vargottama position and the native became a

schizophrenic patient when Jupiter dasa started. Conversely, natural

malefic planets in a quadrant or trine, when retrograde and debilitated

are a blessing from the past birth. The opposite occurs in Dusthana.


The second point is that a retrograde planet reverses its indications.

Thus if a planet is retrograde in the 11th house, income and gains

could be denied for legitimate work done.


--- Visti Larsen <vlarsen wrote: > Vyam Vysadevaya Namah

> --------------

> Dear Nandan,


> You wrote:

> a) Visti says a benefic debilitated retrograde in dusthan is a

> blessing from a past life vs Gurudev says, Jupiter debilitated

> retrograde industhan is a horror.


> Visti: If you had read carefully, Gurudev stated that Jupiter

> Retrogade in a Dusthana, whilst afflicted by Malefics was a horror..

> No mention of debilitation.


> Gurudev has also stated in the past, that a Retrogade & debilitated

> benefic in Dusthana, can shows a blessing from Past life. Its similar

> to a Vipareet Raja Yoga of sorts.


> Source: Read his Interview; http://sjvc.org/People/rath_interview.htm


> Best wishes, Visti.





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