Guest guest Posted May 1, 2002 Report Share Posted May 1, 2002 Om Gurubhyo Namah Namaste Shyamasundara, Naisargika karakatwas are related to Brahma (creation), Chara karakatwas are related to Vishnu (sustenance) and Sthira karakatwas are related to Shiva (destruction). Sanjay elegantly addressed your query on karakas. So I will only comment on your last comment. You wrote: <<<<Also I would like to point out what appears to be a mistake. On page 22 of Crux you have table 2.1 under Venus you "Bodhak Mercury 6." How can Mercury be in the 6th from Venus? Also the paragraph immediately under the table starting with "The Pachak planet/house," makes no sense at all.>>>> There are two things you miss as you point out "a mistake": (1) Naisargika sambandha and sambandha based on placement are two things. Mercury is the natural bodhaka of Venus (irrespective of where he is) and tends to understand what Venus wants. The planets in the 6th house from Venus also act as bodhakas due to placement (irrespective of which planets they are). Natural bodhaka and placement-based-bodhakas are both entitled to giving the results. If Mercury happens to be in the 6th from Venus, then he will become a very strong bodhaka and the results will be very clear to see. That is what I think Sanjay was getting at. (2) Now the question is: Can Mercury ever be in the 6th from Venus? Sure, he can. People tend to make the assumption that all this is applicable only in rasi chart. Venkatesa Daivajna (author of "Sarvartha Chintamani") never said it. As an example, take Sanjay ji's Dasamsa chart. His Venus is 8th lord in rasi, in samasaptaka from Saturn in rasi, with Ketu in lagna in navamsa and gives Tapaswi yoga. As the 8th lord in Trailokya Mohanakari Nadi, he gives a lot of occult knowledge and knowledge of mantra and tantra. In dasamsa also, Venus owns 8th and joins exalted lagna lord. As per all these factors, Venus strongly shows Tapasya, sadhana and occult knowledge in this chart. Being in the 6th house from Venus in Dasamsa, Mercury becomes a strong bodhaka of Venus in matters related to activities in society (D-10). Bodhaka's role is to understand the goals and teach. Bodhaka helps in attaining the goals. Mercury is in saattwik, dharmik and daivic sign Sg. So, during Mercury's dasa, Sanjay ji is likely to engage in saattwik and passionate Tapasya/sadhana and cultivate his occult knowledge (8th/Venus) in a saattwik (Sg) way. Mercury, as bodhaka, will make him get away from any undesirable occult knowledge (bodhaka helps attain the goals only if they are good). May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 1, 2002 Report Share Posted May 1, 2002 Om Gurave Namaha Dear Narasimha Could you please help me understand the correct version.In COVA the Karaka and Vedaka for Venus on pg 22 does not correspond with Narayana dasa book pg 214.They are reversed.Which is correct? In Sarvartha Chintamani translation by B Suranarain Rao,Part 1 pg 115 there are five instances not corresponding with the tables in Cova and Narayana Dasa by Sanjay Rath. Which is correct?Not knowing Sanskrit, and dependency on translations prompted me to seek clarification.In particular Bodhak for Venus,Mercury in B Suranarain's version states reckoned from the 2nd house Please oblige.Thank You and God Bless. Love and Regards S Purushothaman - Narasimha P.V.R. Rao achyuta ; Varahamihira ; jyotish Wednesday, May 01, 2002 1:41 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] On Pachakadi Sambandha Om Gurubhyo Namah Namaste Shyamasundara, Naisargika karakatwas are related to Brahma (creation), Chara karakatwas are related to Vishnu (sustenance) and Sthira karakatwas are related to Shiva (destruction). Sanjay elegantly addressed your query on karakas. So I will only comment on your last comment. You wrote: <<<<Also I would like to point out what appears to be a mistake. On page 22 of Crux you have table 2.1 under Venus you "Bodhak Mercury 6." How can Mercury be in the 6th from Venus? Also the paragraph immediately under the table starting with "The Pachak planet/house," makes no sense at all.>>>> There are two things you miss as you point out "a mistake": (1) Naisargika sambandha and sambandha based on placement are two things. Mercury is the natural bodhaka of Venus (irrespective of where he is) and tends to understand what Venus wants. The planets in the 6th house from Venus also act as bodhakas due to placement (irrespective of which planets they are). Natural bodhaka and placement-based-bodhakas are both entitled to giving the results. If Mercury happens to be in the 6th from Venus, then he will become a very strong bodhaka and the results will be very clear to see. That is what I think Sanjay was getting at. (2) Now the question is: Can Mercury ever be in the 6th from Venus? Sure, he can. People tend to make the assumption that all this is applicable only in rasi chart. Venkatesa Daivajna (author of "Sarvartha Chintamani") never said it. As an example, take Sanjay ji's Dasamsa chart. His Venus is 8th lord in rasi, in samasaptaka from Saturn in rasi, with Ketu in lagna in navamsa and gives Tapaswi yoga. As the 8th lord in Trailokya Mohanakari Nadi, he gives a lot of occult knowledge and knowledge of mantra and tantra. In dasamsa also, Venus owns 8th and joins exalted lagna lord. As per all these factors, Venus strongly shows Tapasya, sadhana and occult knowledge in this chart. Being in the 6th house from Venus in Dasamsa, Mercury becomes a strong bodhaka of Venus in matters related to activities in society (D-10). Bodhaka's role is to understand the goals and teach. Bodhaka helps in attaining the goals. Mercury is in saattwik, dharmik and daivic sign Sg. So, during Mercury's dasa, Sanjay ji is likely to engage in saattwik and passionate Tapasya/sadhana and cultivate his occult knowledge (8th/Venus) in a saattwik (Sg) way. Mercury, as bodhaka, will make him get away from any undesirable occult knowledge (bodhaka helps attain the goals only if they are good). May Jupiter's light shine on us,NarasimhaOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 8, 2002 Report Share Posted May 8, 2002 OM GURAVE NAMAHA Dear Narasimha I am very sure you have been extremely busy or might have missed my email otherwise you may have responded to my query.Any way Thank You and God Bless. Love and Regards S Purushothaman - S Purushothaman varahamihira Wednesday, May 01, 2002 8:48 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] On Pachakadi Sambandha Om Gurave Namaha Dear Narasimha Could you please help me understand the correct version.In COVA the Karaka and Vedaka for Venus on pg 22 does not correspond with Narayana dasa book pg 214.They are reversed.Which is correct? In Sarvartha Chintamani translation by B Suranarain Rao,Part 1 pg 115 there are five instances not corresponding with the tables in Cova and Narayana Dasa by Sanjay Rath. Which is correct?Not knowing Sanskrit, and dependency on translations prompted me to seek clarification.In particular Bodhak for Venus,Mercury in B Suranarain's version states reckoned from the 2nd house Please oblige.Thank You and God Bless. Love and Regards S Purushothaman - Narasimha P.V.R. Rao achyuta ; Varahamihira ; jyotish Wednesday, May 01, 2002 1:41 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] On Pachakadi Sambandha Om Gurubhyo Namah Namaste Shyamasundara, Naisargika karakatwas are related to Brahma (creation), Chara karakatwas are related to Vishnu (sustenance) and Sthira karakatwas are related to Shiva (destruction). Sanjay elegantly addressed your query on karakas. So I will only comment on your last comment. You wrote: <<<<Also I would like to point out what appears to be a mistake. On page 22 of Crux you have table 2.1 under Venus you "Bodhak Mercury 6." How can Mercury be in the 6th from Venus? Also the paragraph immediately under the table starting with "The Pachak planet/house," makes no sense at all.>>>> There are two things you miss as you point out "a mistake": (1) Naisargika sambandha and sambandha based on placement are two things. Mercury is the natural bodhaka of Venus (irrespective of where he is) and tends to understand what Venus wants. The planets in the 6th house from Venus also act as bodhakas due to placement (irrespective of which planets they are). Natural bodhaka and placement-based-bodhakas are both entitled to giving the results. If Mercury happens to be in the 6th from Venus, then he will become a very strong bodhaka and the results will be very clear to see. That is what I think Sanjay was getting at. (2) Now the question is: Can Mercury ever be in the 6th from Venus? Sure, he can. People tend to make the assumption that all this is applicable only in rasi chart. Venkatesa Daivajna (author of "Sarvartha Chintamani") never said it. As an example, take Sanjay ji's Dasamsa chart. His Venus is 8th lord in rasi, in samasaptaka from Saturn in rasi, with Ketu in lagna in navamsa and gives Tapaswi yoga. As the 8th lord in Trailokya Mohanakari Nadi, he gives a lot of occult knowledge and knowledge of mantra and tantra. In dasamsa also, Venus owns 8th and joins exalted lagna lord. As per all these factors, Venus strongly shows Tapasya, sadhana and occult knowledge in this chart. Being in the 6th house from Venus in Dasamsa, Mercury becomes a strong bodhaka of Venus in matters related to activities in society (D-10). Bodhaka's role is to understand the goals and teach. Bodhaka helps in attaining the goals. Mercury is in saattwik, dharmik and daivic sign Sg. So, during Mercury's dasa, Sanjay ji is likely to engage in saattwik and passionate Tapasya/sadhana and cultivate his occult knowledge (8th/Venus) in a saattwik (Sg) way. Mercury, as bodhaka, will make him get away from any undesirable occult knowledge (bodhaka helps attain the goals only if they are good). May Jupiter's light shine on us,NarasimhaOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 8, 2002 Report Share Posted May 8, 2002 Hi, The problem is that I am not really sure of the correct answer. That's why I am quiet on this. When I know, I WILL speak. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > OM GURAVE NAMAHA > > Dear Narasimha > > I am very sure you have been extremely busy or might have missed my email otherwise you may have responded to my query.Any way Thank You and God Bless. > > Love and Regards > S Purushothaman > - > S Purushothaman > varahamihira > Wednesday, May 01, 2002 8:48 PM > Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] On Pachakadi Sambandha > > > Om Gurave Namaha > > Dear Narasimha > > Could you please help me understand the correct version.In COVA the Karaka and Vedaka for Venus on pg 22 does not correspond with Narayana dasa book pg 214.They are reversed.Which is correct? > > In Sarvartha Chintamani translation by B Suranarain Rao,Part 1 pg 115 there are five instances not corresponding with the tables in Cova and Narayana Dasa by Sanjay Rath. Which is correct?Not knowing Sanskrit, and dependency on translations prompted me to seek clarification.In particular Bodhak for Venus,Mercury in B Suranarain's version states reckoned from the 2nd house Please oblige.Thank You and God Bless. > > Love and Regards > S Purushothaman Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 8, 2002 Report Share Posted May 8, 2002 OM GURAVE NAMAHA Dear Narasimha Thanks.Maybe could catch up with you on this at the SRWCC.God Bless. Love and Regards S Purushothaman Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2002 Report Share Posted May 9, 2002 Om Gurave Namah, Dear Purushottam and Jyotishas, Please check if this is right. I tried to compare CoVA(Page22), ND(Page214) and Sarvartha chintamani(Page 44 J.N Bhasin Translation). They all match except in Narayana Dasa book where Venus's Karaka and Vedhak have got interchanged. I do not have B. Suryanarayan's translation. Somebody can compare this with B. Suryanarayan's translation. Since pachakadi sambanda are so important it would be very helpful get the right one. Regards, S.Prabhakaran The line for Venus in Saravartha chinatamani is, saEMye<ÊpuÇakRidnezpuÇa>saumyenduputr˜rkadineþaputr˜× From what little I can understand saumya(soma?)=moon, induputra= mercury ,arka=sun,dineshaputra=Saturn The table given in page 22 CoVA is(Reformated) planet->pachak,bodhak,Karak,Vedhak (number in bracket are the houses) Sun->Sat(6),Mars(7),Jup(9),Ven(11) Moon->Venus(7),Mars(9),Sat(11),Sun(3) Mars->Sun(2),Moon(6),Sat(11),Merc(12) Merc->Moon(2),Jup(4),Ven(5),Mars(3) Jup->Sat(6),Mars(5),Moon(7),Sun(12) Venus->Moon(2),Merc(6),Sun(12),Sat(4) [sun and Sat interchanged in ND] Saturn->Venus(3),Moon(11),Jup(6),Mars(7) For Guruji,Narasimhaji and others who understand sanskrit better i have added this just in case.... kramaadgrahaH paacakavodhakashca sakaarako vedhakasa.nj~nakashca . ma.ndarajiivamarashatrupuujyaaH shukraarasuuryaatmajavaasareshaaH ..119.. raviindusuuryaatmajacandraputraaH shashaa.nkajiivaacChadharaasuta shca . suryaatmajaare.ndudinaadhinaathaaH saumye.nduputraarkadineshaputraaH ..120.. shukre.ndudevejyadharaasutaashca bhava.nti tatpaakamukhaa grahe.ndraaH ..121.. sthaanani vakshye kramasho grahaaNaa.n SaTsaptadharmaayagataaH krameNa . bhaanoH shashaa.nkaanmadabhaagyalaabhayukktatastR^itiiyena dharaasutaacca ..122.. dhanaarilaabhaa.ntyagataabjasuunrdvitiiyavadhvaatmajasodaraashca . gurostuSaSThaatmajakaamaariSphaaH shukraaddhanaarivyayaba.ndhuyuktaaH ..123.. tR^itiiyalaabaarikalatagaastu dineshasuunoH pravada.nti tajj~naaH ..124.. kram˜dgraha× p˜cakavodhakaþca sak˜rako vedhakasañjñakaþca | mandarajŸvamaraþatrup¨jy˜× þukr˜ras¨ry˜tmajav˜sareþ˜× ||119|| ravŸndus¨ry˜tmajacandraputr˜× þaþ˜ðkajŸv˜cchadhar˜suta þca | sury˜tmaj˜rendudin˜dhin˜th˜× saumyenduputr˜rkadineþaputr˜× ||120|| þukrendudevejyadhar˜sut˜þca bhavanti tatp˜kamukh˜ grahendr˜× ||121|| sth˜nani vakÿye kramaþo grah˜õ˜Õ ÿa÷saptadharm˜yagat˜× krameõa | bh˜no× þaþ˜ðk˜nmadabh˜gyal˜bhayukktatast®tŸyena dhar˜sut˜cca ||122|| dhan˜ril˜bh˜ntyagat˜bjas¨nrdvitŸyavadhv˜tmajasodar˜þca | gurostuÿaÿ÷h˜tmajak˜m˜riÿph˜× þukr˜ddhan˜rivyayabandhuyukt˜× ||123|| t®tŸyal˜b˜rikalatag˜stu dineþas¨no× pravadanti tajjñ˜× ||124|| > > Om Gurave Namaha> > Dear Narasimha> > Could you please help me understand the correct version.In COVA the Karaka and Vedaka for Venus on pg 22 does not correspond with Narayana dasa book pg 214.They are reversed.Which is correct?> > In Sarvartha Chintamani translation by B Suranarain Rao,Part 1 pg 115 there are five instances not corresponding with the tables in Cova and Narayana Dasa by Sanjay Rath. Which is correct?Not knowing Sanskrit, and dependency on translations prompted me to seek clarification.In particular Bodhak for Venus,Mercury in B Suranarain's version states reckoned from the 2nd house Please oblige.Thank You and God Bless.> > Love and Regards> S Purushothaman Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2002 Report Share Posted May 9, 2002 Vyam Vysadevaya Namah ---------------- Dear Sanjay, I'm not sure whether the Narayana Dasa-table is correct, but i can tell you this: Sun is surely not gonna help Venus get the job done(Karak/doer). Saturn is more appropriate for this role. Sun should be vedhak, if anything towards Venus. Best wishes, Visti. > " Sanjay Prabhakaran " <sprabhakaran >varahamihira ><varahamihira > >Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: On Pachakadi Sambandha >Wed, 8 May 2002 21:30:24 -0400 > >Om Gurave Namah, >Dear Purushottam and Jyotishas, > Please check if this is right. > I tried to compare CoVA(Page22), ND(Page214) and Sarvartha >chintamani(Page 44 J.N Bhasin Translation). They all match except in >Narayana Dasa book where Venus's Karaka and Vedhak have got interchanged. >I do not have B. Suryanarayan's translation. Somebody can compare this with >B. Suryanarayan's translation. Since pachakadi sambanda are so important it >would be very helpful get the right one. >Regards, >S.Prabhakaran > >The line for Venus in Saravartha chinatamani is, > >saEMye<ÊpuÇakRidnezpuÇa> >saumyenduputr~rkadineþaputr~× >From what little I can understand >saumya(soma?)=moon, induputra= mercury ,arka=sun,dineshaputra=Saturn > >The table given in page 22 CoVA is(Reformated) > >planet->pachak,bodhak,Karak,Vedhak (number in bracket are the houses) > >Sun->Sat(6),Mars(7),Jup(9),Ven(11) > >Moon->Venus(7),Mars(9),Sat(11),Sun(3) > >Mars->Sun(2),Moon(6),Sat(11),Merc(12) > >Merc->Moon(2),Jup(4),Ven(5),Mars(3) > >Jup->Sat(6),Mars(5),Moon(7),Sun(12) > >Venus->Moon(2),Merc(6),Sun(12),Sat(4) [sun and Sat interchanged in ND] > >Saturn->Venus(3),Moon(11),Jup(6),Mars(7) > > > >For Guruji,Narasimhaji and others who understand sanskrit better i have >added this just in case.... > >kramaadgrahaH paacakavodhakashca sakaarako vedhakasa.nj~nakashca . > >ma.ndarajiivamarashatrupuujyaaH shukraarasuuryaatmajavaasareshaaH ..119.. > >raviindusuuryaatmajacandraputraaH shashaa.nkajiivaacChadharaasuta shca . > >suryaatmajaare.ndudinaadhinaathaaH saumye.nduputraarkadineshaputraaH >..120.. > >shukre.ndudevejyadharaasutaashca bhava.nti tatpaakamukhaa grahe.ndraaH >..121.. > >sthaanani vakshye kramasho grahaaNaa.n SaTsaptadharmaayagataaH krameNa . > >bhaanoH shashaa.nkaanmadabhaagyalaabhayukktatastR^itiiyena dharaasutaacca >..122.. > >dhanaarilaabhaa.ntyagataabjasuunrdvitiiyavadhvaatmajasodaraashca . > >gurostuSaSThaatmajakaamaariSphaaH shukraaddhanaarivyayaba.ndhuyuktaaH >..123.. > >tR^itiiyalaabaarikalatagaastu dineshasuunoH pravada.nti tajj~naaH ..124.. > > > >kram~dgraha× p~cakavodhakaþca sak~rako vedhakasañjñakaþca | > >mandarajYvamaraþatrup¨jy~× þukr~ras¨ry~tmajav~sareþ~× ||119|| > >ravYndus¨ry~tmajacandraputr~× þaþ~ðkajYv~cchadhar~suta þca | > >sury~tmaj~rendudin~dhin~th~× saumyenduputr~rkadineþaputr~× ||120|| > >þukrendudevejyadhar~sut~þca bhavanti tatp~kamukh~ grahendr~× ||121|| > > >sth~nani vakÿye kramaþo grah~õ~Õ ÿa÷saptadharm~yagat~× krameõa | > >bh~no× þaþ~ðk~nmadabh~gyal~bhayukktatast®tYyena dhar~sut~cca ||122|| > >dhan~ril~bh~ntyagat~bjas¨nrdvitYyavadhv~tmajasodar~þca | > >gurostuÿaÿ÷h~tmajak~m~riÿph~× þukr~ddhan~rivyayabandhuyukt~× ||123|| > >t®tYyal~b~rikalatag~stu dineþas¨no× pravadanti tajjñ~× ||124|| > > > > > Om Gurave Namaha > > > > Dear Narasimha > > > > Could you please help me understand the correct version.In COVA >the Karaka and Vedaka for Venus on pg 22 does not correspond with >Narayana dasa book pg 214.They are reversed.Which is correct? > > > > In Sarvartha Chintamani translation by B Suranarain Rao,Part 1 >pg 115 there are five instances not corresponding with the tables in >Cova and Narayana Dasa by Sanjay Rath. Which is correct?Not knowing >Sanskrit, and dependency on translations prompted me to seek >clarification.In particular Bodhak for Venus,Mercury in B >Suranarain's version states reckoned from the 2nd house Please >oblige.Thank You and God Bless. > > > > Love and Regards > > S Purushothaman > > > _______________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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