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Lesson on the phonemes

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Dear Sanjay,

Thank you for the lesson. This seems fun. Here is my


(A) (i) SOLAI

=SO/LAI 2 phonemes = Movable

(ii) PHYLLIS=PHY/LLI/S 3 phonemes


(iii) PHYL= PHY/L 2 phonemes=Movable


phonemes= Fixed

(v)ROBERT= RO/BE/RT= 3 =Dual


(vii) BRENDAN= BRE/NDA/N=3=Dual


(B) (i) William=


(ii) BILL= BI/ll= 2=Movable –

Movable quality is better for a dynamic leader. Three chara rasis are strong in

his chart. His ascendant is chara and the lord of Asc is in a chara rasi.The

name Bill will enhance the leadership qualities.

©INDIA= As per rule this word

can not be divided. Can I divide it in to “IN/DIA= 2 =Movable




India with a movable quality sounds like

war,strife,moving forward etc

Bharat sounds spreading knowledge


2(a) Om| na|mo| Naa|ra|ya|na|ya= 8




© Na|ma|h Shi|va|ya = 5 is the correct

Shiva panchakshari


(d) Om|na|mo|Naa|ra|ya|na|ya=8 This

must be the correct Vishnu ashtakshari

(ii) Om|here|m Naa|ra|ya|na|ya| Na|ma|ha= 10




My deepest sympathies are with you

and your wife.May he rest in peace




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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chitra,

Yours is the best answer so far, and yes you are right about India as a word,

but think about the pronunciation - Indiyah

Best Regards,

Sanjay Rath

Web: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com


" Chitra Wijewickrama " <chitra

<varahamihira >

Tuesday, May 07, 2002 4:07 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson on the phonemes



Dear Sanjay,

Thank you for the lesson. This seems fun. Here is my attempt.

(A) (i) SOLAI =SO/LAI 2 phonemes = Movable

(ii) PHYLLIS=PHY/LLI/S 3 phonemes =Dual

(iii) PHYL= PHY/L 2 phonemes=Movable

(iv) NARASIMHA= NA/RA/SI/MHA= 4 phonemes= Fixed

(v)ROBERT= RO/BE/RT= 3 =Dual


(vii) BRENDAN= BRE/NDA/N=3=Dual


(B) (i) William= WI/LLI/AM=3=Dual

(ii) BILL= BI/ll= 2=Movable - Movable quality is better for a dynamic

leader. Three chara rasis are strong in his chart. His ascendant is

chara and the lord of Asc is in a chara rasi.The name Bill will enhance

the leadership qualities.

©INDIA= As per rule this word can not be divided. Can I divide it in to

" IN/DIA= 2 =Movable




India with a movable quality sounds like war,strife,moving forward etc

Bharat sounds spreading knowledge


2(a) Om| na|mo| Naa|ra|ya|na|ya= 8




© Na|ma|h Shi|va|ya = 5 is the correct Shiva panchakshari


(d) Om|na|mo|Naa|ra|ya|na|ya=8 This must be the correct Vishnu


(ii) Om|here|m Naa|ra|ya|na|ya| Na|ma|ha= 10




My deepest sympathies are with you and your wife.May he rest in peace




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