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East & West Coast Seminars - August 2002

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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Members,


Please find attached a poster/flyer for Sanjay's seminars in the USA this August. The details are in the flier.


In case, you want to know, I am organizing hotel accommodations in NYC and I believe I can do that for $40 - $45 per night if you are willing to share a room. Every attempt is being made to keep cost to attendees at a minimum.


Contact me is you wish to attend the NYC event and Lakshmi, laksmi_k, if you wish to attend the West coast event.


Also, can you please let other students or professionals know about these seminars for this is a rare event and hopefully we will have more in the future. SJVC - USA is about to become more active and now that we will be able to meet each other, in person, we can continue to have regular events/meetings on both the East and West Coasts USA.


And maybe we can entice Guru Sanjay to come and teach more often and fill our minds with satvic knowledge and inspiration so that we can grow in the light of Parasari Jyotish.


I heartily look forward to seeing the faces of all those list participants who can make it this summer. Thank you for your support!





Brendan Feeley

Jyotish Guru, SJVC

Faculty Member, ACVA

Jyotish & Ayurveda Practitioner

14816 Physicians Lane, Suite 252

Rockville, MD 20850


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