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RE: SJVC Bangalore Meeting minutes - Meeting held on 6th July

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Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaya

Dear Katti

1. Read the examples on Shoola dasa in my books. Trines to sthira karaka are

also included as signs when rudra/shoola can take them away.

2. When two planets have the same longitude and have the same degree &

minutes, they share the karakatwa. The one that is marginally higher is the

first karaka and then the other called " antya " shall take over at a suitable

time. It indicates a major shift in attitude towards the concerned chara karaka

i.e. if the AK himself has a madhya and antya karaka then the native himself has

the major spiritual upheavels in life changing in a big way such that he

" becomes a different soul " . For example, in my own chart, it is often argued

that there is a major shift from Saturn to Jupiter in this life as they occupy

the same degree i.e. 27th degree and although Saturn is the AK and Jupiter the

AmK, the shift should occur after 36 years of saturn are over when Jupiter shall

take over the reigns. It depends on what is accepted as " same longitude " . If

degree alone then many people shall have madhya and antya karaka's depending on

the number of planets in the same degree.


With best wishes

Sanjay Rath



Katti Narahari [katti_narahari]

Monday, July 08, 2002 2:22 PM


Cc: Ramapriya D

[sjvc] SJVC Bangalore Meeting minutes - Meeting held on 6th July



Om Gurave Namah


Pranams to Guru's and learned members


SJVC Bangalore students met at the UMA MAHESHWARI TEMPLE KR Road at Bangalore.


As decided we took up the discussion on karakas


We started the discussion by understanding that there are 3 types of karakas

viz, Naisargika, Chara and Sthira. Before this session, all of us were very

confused as to when to use what type of karakas. The confusion was gradually

cleared when we talked of which deity is the cause of which karaka. Thus we came

to know that Naisargika karakas are from Brahma, the creator; Chara karaka's are

from lord Vishnu and Sthira Karakas are from Lord Shiva.


Since lord Brahma is the creator, naisargika karakas show all creation. Thus all

the 7 planets and the nodes are included in this scheme.


Since Lord Vishnu is responsible for sustenance and we interact with people in

our life time making progress (or otherwise). This period shows desires,

enlistment. Thus Chara karakas are 8 in number.. from Sun to Rahu. Ketu is kept

out of this scheme as ketu having no head, is devoid of desires. Chara karakas

show how our karmas is carried from one like to another.


Lord Shiva presides over death. They show the destruction of the mortal body.

Thus 7 planets represent the death of the body and our relatives.


Elaborate Discussion of Naisargika Karaka's


Since Naisargika karakas have to do with the daily sustenance issues of human

beings, all those influences come under this. Thus for example, marriage timing,

birth of children, building a house, speculation etc come under the preview of

Naisargika Karakas. Naisargika means natural or can be defined as " already

decided " . Thus these karaka's are the same for everyone. Going further, for

example, for timing of birth of children we have to see the 5th from the

naisargika karaka, Jupiter. Likewise for example, matters related to mother is

to be seen from the 4th from moon.


Elaborate Discussion of Chara Karaka's


Chara karaka's are defined as changeable. They are different to different people

so as to indicate the journey of their soul. Since the souls of different people

will be at different stages of evolution (journey towards narayana or away from

it) the karaka's will surely be different. The scheme of chara karaka's are

determined by the longitudes planets have gained in the chart. If two planets

have the same longitudes (after comparing the deg's mins and sec's) both planets

jointly own the karakatatwa and the next karaka is vacant. In this case the

appropriate Sthira karaka has to be substituted. What is not clear is why Sthira

karaka has to be substituted. Though it was noted that this is a rare situation

where 2 planets are exactly same in longitude. The order of chara karakas are

Atma, Amatya,Bhartri, Matri, Pitri, Putra, Ganthi and Dara. Ganthi meaning

cousins and Dara meaning spouse. The measurement of degrees for rahu is reverse.


Elaborate Discussion of Sthira Karakas


Sthira karakas are to be seen when timing the death (native's death and/or his

relatives death). For example, the stronger between sun and venus represent

father, moon or venus determine mother. How are the strength;s determined? I

think that rasi where these planets are in, has an aspect of it;s own lord, or

has the aspect of Jupiter and/or mercury that scores in strength. Confirmation

needed here please


Since Sthira karaka's are used only for death, the procedure for this is to see

the appropriate house from the Sthira karaka. For example to see the death of

the husband in a female's chart, we see the position of Jupiter and not the 7th

from Jupiter. Another example of to see the death of younger co-borns, we see

mars and not the 3rd from mars as we do in naisargika karakas.


Going further we will discuss when these effects will be shown. i.e in dasa

systems. Bur for now, the agenda was to understand the basic concepts.


Before the next meeting, we decided that we will document what the chara AK

means in each of our charts.



Comments from guru's and Learned members will help us in our learning.





Your humble Sishya







-Sri Aurobindo




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