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Online Discussion : Concept of Argala

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om jaya jagannatha



Namaste Friends,


This is a consolidation of online discussion on the topic of ARGALA.


Have fun reading.





******************** START ***************************************


pvr108 (12:14:30 PM): i was talking abt argalas.


(1) Argala literally means a " bolt " . It's a decisice influence that

intervenes in the affairs of a house

shris1 (12:14:30 PM): There is full argala on the house/planet from

planets/houses in the 2,4,11 from it

skanda_kumara (12:14:48 PM): ok

dnd108 (12:14:50 PM): and malefics in 3rd can also cause argala

pvr108 (12:14:55 PM): (2) Each house experiences argala from the

planets in the 2nd, 4th and 11th from it

pvr108 (12:15:15 PM): (3) Malefics in the 3rd from a house also

cause argala on it

pvr108 (12:15:41 PM): (4) This argala is negated by planets in the

same distance in the opposite direction

pvr108 (12:16:05 PM): i.e. planets in 12th (which is 2nd counted in

reverse direction) negate the argala of planets in 2nd.

dnd108 (12:16:11 PM): which is 3rd, 10th and 12th

sarbani3062002 (12:16:19 PM): can you please clarify point (4)

newtoindia2000 (12:17:01 PM): so a malefic in the 3rd has 2

functions... 1. causes argala 2. obstructs argala also at the same


sanjayrath (12:17:07 PM): Thanks, but no thanks.


skanda_kumara (12:17:36 PM): no malefics in 3H obstructs argala only

if there are planets in 3H

pvr108 (12:17:57 PM): Let us take the 9th house. It shows dharma.

The planet is 10th house shows the karma one indulges in and that

karma has a sustaining argala on 9th.

sanjayrath (12:18:07 PM): Of course Katti..the 3rd house is

Parakrama, and one uses parakrama when the object is not easily


skanda_kumara (12:18:28 PM): ok


pvr108 (12:18:54 PM): But Sanjay, what is the meaning of a malefic

planet in 3rd negating the argala of a planet in 11th?

dilipastro (12:19:15 PM): Namaste

pvr108 (12:19:59 PM): If, for example, Jupiter is in the 11th house,

what is the meaning of his argala on lagna? If Mars and Saturn are

in 3rd in that example, what is the meaning of their begation of

Jupiter's argala on lagna?

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:20:00 PM): even if the planets in 9H & 10H are

basically inimical to each other..will the sustaining continue?

pvr108 (12:20:24 PM): Yes (to Lakshmi)

sanjayrath (12:20:44 PM): Narasimha, it need not be a malefic alone.

Even benefics negate it. The third is the house of desire and

planets therein show desire and always cause desire. All desires

cannot be fulfilled by the 11th and hence the 3rd is actually

negating the argala of the 11th. Its like saying no matter how much

water I throw into the ocean, it never overflows!

skanda_kumara (12:22:08 PM): hmmm

sanjayrath (12:22:20 PM): Is this confusing?

pvr108 (12:22:22 PM): Qn to Sanjay: Let's say the 9th house is

Taurus. Let's say Jup is in Gemini. Jupiter is a malefic for Libra.

What does his argala on Taurus mean?

pvr108 (12:22:27 PM): yes

pvr108 (12:23:00 PM): i can understand that planets in 3rd cause

desires. tell me one thing: what do planets in 11th cause???

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:23:07 PM): i can understand 2 & 12

negating...but 3rd & 11th? aren't these houses part of kaama

trikona..then how come?

sanjayrath (12:23:19 PM): Jupiter is a malefic by lordship only and

in Argala, the lordship is not considered as much as the nature of

the planet

skanda_kumara (12:23:29 PM): ok

pvr108 (12:24:06 PM): So, does Jup's Subha Argala on 9th from 10th

show following dharma with good deeds in society?

sanjayrath (12:24:34 PM): 11th causes the fulfillment of desires and

hence the END OF THE DESIRE. That is why the 11th is the HARA

sthana. I want a car, and after I get the car, the desire ends. Thus

the 11th house fulfills desires generated by the 3rd house and thus,

ends them

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:24:58 PM): ok.

pvr108 (12:24:59 PM): What if Mars were in Ge in that example? What

would his 2nd house argala on 9th house show? Would it show

following dharma in a militant fashion?

shris1 (12:25:46 PM): Probably it shows destruction of dharma (since

it is a papargala)

sanjayrath (12:25:47 PM): Of course, even if Guru is in Makara for

Mesha, it does subha-argala on the ninth house indicating that the

person shall benefit Guru's and temples

pvr108 (12:26:07 PM): ok, so the planets in 11th cause argala on

lagna by giving fulfilment of desires (and thus comfort to self).

Planets in 3rd cause more desires and stop this sense of fulfulment.

pvr108 (12:26:30 PM): at the same time, they cause more desires and

more effort and that is what their argala on lagna shows. am i right?


pvr108 (12:27:23 PM): Sanjay, does Mars's argala on 9th from 10th

show destruction of dharma or following dharma in a militant

fashion? Please clarify this

sanjayrath (12:27:40 PM): Yes in fact, planets in 10th have a

profound impact on the chart for this primary purpose of being the

sustenance argala on the 9th house..dharma sustains if the right

karma is there?? that is for the INDIVIDUAL and thus Vishnu protects

Dharma during Madhya Garatri when the Sun is in the 10th house i.e.

Karaka for 9 Sun as Dharma has argala on it

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:27:56 PM): so does it follow that the final

house in each trikona shows fulfilment and the end of that

particular desire?Sorry, if i am deviating..

dnd108 (12:28:11 PM): what if Rahu is in 10th?

dnd108 (12:28:30 PM): how's that influencing 9th?

rastapoppolous (12:29:05 PM): for malefics in 3rd from a sign

causing argala , do functional malefics qualify ?

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:29:32 PM): only natural malefics, i think

shris1 (12:29:39 PM): rasta: No argala is more for Natural Malefics

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:29:59 PM): Guruji was saying that functionality

does not matter as much

pvr108 (12:30:06 PM): karthik, sanjay already clarified that

inherent nature matters the most

newtoindia2000 (12:30:08 PM): i assume for argala.. only the nature

of the planet is taken...natural benefics and malefics

skanda_kumara (12:30:33 PM): Narasimha cd u please increase ur font


newtoindia2000 (12:30:56 PM): so, if rahu is in the 10th.. his

argala would mean help from ppl from the underworld etc?

pvr108 (12:31:01 PM): I first had 10. I thought it was too big and

decreased. Ok, I will increase.

sanjayrath (12:31:03 PM): A guru isw a guru and even if He lords

over the 8ith house, he makes the person free from disease and

debt ..

pvr108 (12:31:36 PM): Sanjay, does Mars's argala on 9th from 10th

show destruction of dharma or following dharma in a militant

fashion? Also, what does Rahu's sustaining papa argala on dharma


b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:32:17 PM): and Venus's?

shris1 (12:32:31 PM): But Guruji, in one example you had given

(chart of a schezophernic ) Guru was vargottama in the fifth and

Guru was responsible for the disease ..

shris1 (12:32:54 PM): Debilitated & Vargottama

sanjayrath (12:33:00 PM): Argala is very beneficial for the

Bhava..all planets in 10 take the person to SWARGA

sanjayrath (12:33:22 PM): Yes, rare case where there is a curse from


pvr108 (12:33:34 PM): Of course, Guru can give disease, but Sanjay

is talking about argala now, where the functional nature matters

less and inherent nature matters the most

pvr108 (12:33:56 PM): Even if Jupiter is a very bad functional

malefic in a chart, his subha argala on lagna will be good for health

dnd108 (12:34:17 PM): Sanjayji is that case only with 10th house


sanjayrath (12:34:23 PM): In that case Guru was the badhak and he

did tantrik pooja..marana type I guess..called spirits etc..results

were terrible

pvr108 (12:34:29 PM): How will Rahu in 10th take one to swarga? (I

know he will, but I am trying to see the modus operandi of Rahu)

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:34:48 PM): tee hee!

skanda_kumara (12:35:12 PM): IRahu in 10H wd take him to holy

places - piligrimages

dnd108 (12:35:30 PM): tirtha yoga

sanjayrath (12:35:35 PM): Rahu by nature takes a person away from

dharma, but in the 10th he assumes the role of Sri Varaha Avatar

shris1 (12:35:54 PM): If Rahu is debilitated in 10th ?

newtoindia2000 (12:36:07 PM): but i thought rahu in the 10th..

giving argala will mean that the native's dharma will be influenced

by cheaters, underworld etc

sanjayrath (12:36:13 PM): Yes, as I mentioned any planet in the 10th

in the Rasi chart is like Vishnu..the strongest house

pvr108 (12:36:18 PM): Perhaps the person goes on pilgrimages and

perhaps follows his karma in foreign places and finally upholds

dharma through his karma

sanjayrath (12:37:04 PM): Yes, ask Dinanath about my prediction on

his Rahu in 10th house..foreign place, foreign wife UL is there..

dnd108 (12:37:29 PM): my wife also has Rahu in 10th

pvr108 (12:37:31 PM): yes, he has rahu in 10th in sc

dnd108 (12:37:56 PM): after our marriage we visited many holy places

pvr108 (12:38:29 PM): so, the bottomline is that all planets

(benefic or malefic) in 10th (karma) make one uphold dharma (9th)

due to their sustaining argala on 9th. But, based on their nature,

the karma followed will be different

dnd108 (12:38:36 PM): it was desire of both of us

sanjayrath (12:38:38 PM): Now, if he were to worship Varaha Avatar

or just come for the Vyankatesa sarma conference and visit Tirupati

can you imagine the blessings..

shris1 (12:38:38 PM): Planets in the 10th also have argalas on 7 ,

12 apart from 9th . How do we treate 7 & 12 ... ?

sanjayrath (12:39:29 PM): That is the point..I have ketu and do not

travel and instead write like Matsya avatar trying to save the Veda

pvr108 (12:39:37 PM): Why do you call " Vyankatesa " . Isn't it

actually " Venkatesa " ?

pvr108 (12:40:09 PM): What about the planets in 9th? they have a

sustaining argala on 8th? what does it mean?

pvr108 (12:40:39 PM): The 9th house shows the dharma or bhagya. The

8th house shows loans, hard work, tapasya, diseases etc. What's the


shris1 (12:40:42 PM): Guruji, for ketu the argala is reverse right ,

there is no argala on 9th but there in on 11th house ?

pvr108 (12:40:57 PM): That's for the house containing ketu

pvr108 (12:41:17 PM): Sc has no Ketu. So argalas on it are counted

normally. Ketu in Sg has argala on Sc.

pvr108 (12:41:30 PM): OTOH, if you want argalas on Sg, you will have

to count in reverse

shris1 (12:41:40 PM): oh ok

pvr108 (12:41:50 PM): For example, Sanjay's 10th house Sg has argala

from Mars (in Vi) and negated by Jupiter (in Pi).

pvr108 (12:42:27 PM): We counted in reverse because Ketu's in Sg.

skanda_kumara (12:42:40 PM): yes

shris1 (12:42:54 PM): thanks for the detailed explanation pvrji

shris1 (12:42:59 PM): If ketu is conjorned with other planets and if

ketu is weak (debilitated) does this reverse rule (on house) still

apply ?

pvr108 (12:43:22 PM): my understanding is that it does. Sanjay ji

can clarify further

pvr108 (12:43:53 PM): Sanjay: What about the planets in 9th? they

have a sustaining argala on 8th? what does it mean? The 9th house

shows the dharma or bhagya. The 8th house shows loans, hard work,

tapasya, diseases etc. What's the link???

skanda_kumara (12:45:31 PM): Narasimha, wouldnt they show the hand

of luck/blessings of Vishnu for better health, 9H is also for dhana

and it aids in getting loans or clearing it etc

pvr108 (12:45:51 PM): In future, we should try to install a sound

card and a microphone in Sanjay's PC. He can speak and all of us can

type. That will be the best use of Sanjay's time.

skanda_kumara (12:46:12 PM): 9H is also Dhyana which is imprtant in


dnd108 (12:46:12 PM): he has it and a mic

pvr108 (12:46:13 PM): But lagna shows health and 8th house shows

fall of it.

pvr108 (12:46:22 PM): Oh

pvr108 (12:46:57 PM): then he should be able to speak. if too many

people speak at the same time, things go bad. if only one end speaks

at a time, this will work fine

skanda_kumara (12:47:08 PM): as a trine from 1H wouldnt 9H also play

and important role .. Narasimha

pvr108 (12:47:19 PM): but 8th shows more than tapasya. it shows

debts and diseases too

skanda_kumara (12:47:45 PM): yes then beneficial argala helps in

tapasya and removes diseases

skanda_kumara (12:47:56 PM): as good health is essentail in Tapasya

skanda_kumara (12:48:03 PM): i,e is the basis of Hatha Yoga


pvr108 (12:56:24 PM): Sanjay, what is the meaning of the sustaining

argala of the planets in the 9th house (dharma/bhagya) on the 8th

house (debts, diseases, tapasya)?


pvr108 (12:57:52 PM): Sanjay, what is the meaning of the sustaining

argala of the planets in the 9th house (dharma/bhagya) on the 8th

house (debts, diseases, tapasya)?

sanjayrath (12:58:16 PM): It sustains the bad karma..life after

life..birth after birth..nothing iws really written off without good

karma adding to the balance sheet

pvr108 (12:58:59 PM): how does following dharma sustain bad karma?

doesn't Jupiter in 9th make one follow dharma well? How will he

sustain bad karma??

pvr108 (12:59:00 PM):

shris1 (12:59:11 PM): Sanjaiji (small degression) , If ketu is in a

house with another planet and ketu is debilitated , will the reverse

argala rule on house still apply ?

sarbani3062002 (12:59:14 PM): How can dharma sustain bad karma? I

thought it enabled good karma? and erased the bad?


skanda_kumara (12:59:48 PM): Yes to Shriram

shris1 (01:00:11 PM): thanks skanda

pvr108 (01:00:43 PM): If Jupiter is in 9th, what is the meaning of

his sustaining argala on 8th? Does it somehow promote the bad karma?

I can't understand how....

sanjayrath (01:01:13 PM): The sustenance of NIJA DOSHA does not

manifest with subhargala coming from Guru in 9 whereas Sani in 9

will surely

pvr108 (01:01:46 PM): i'm lost


sanjayrath (01:02:23 PM): manifest. However, Guru in 9 is only going

to ensure that this sustains for another date when sani dasa comes

os such graha that can cause the NIJA dosha to manifest

dnd108 (01:02:40 PM): what is NIJA dosa?

pvr108 (01:02:47 PM): what do u mean by nija dosha

sanjayrath (01:03:35 PM): Nija is self and dosha is flaws coming

from bad karma that has caused this rebirth in Mrityu loka

dnd108 (01:04:06 PM): that means that everyone born in material

world has NIJA dosa

sanjayrath (01:04:22 PM): Thus Nija dosha is the sins done by us and

us alone..that are attached to the atma like a cloth

dnd108 (01:04:36 PM): bad karma?

sanjayrath (01:04:43 PM): Yes

dnd108 (01:04:43 PM): in simple words


pvr108 (01:05:23 PM): guru in 9th shows good guidance which will not

solve the bad karma problem, but will postpone the results

pvr108 (01:05:55 PM):

sarbani3062002 (01:05:55 PM): Then what will solve the bad karma

problem ultimately?

newtoindia2000 (01:06:16 PM): sat i guess will solve it.. with


dnd108 (01:06:38 PM): other graha causing bad karma to manifest is

Rahu I guess apart from Sani?

sarbani3062002 (01:06:39 PM): If guru in 9th is the temporary

solution, who is the permanent one?

sanjayrath (01:06:48 PM): Not really. Guru in 9 is only giving good

upadesa and advising on the merits of punya and gives opportunity to

do good karma during its period so that a large chunk of nija dosha

is wiped out

sarbani3062002 (01:07:02 PM): ok


dnd108 (01:07:11 PM): so the cleansing process


pvr108 (01:07:35 PM): so, 9th is only upadesa or guidance. the

actions we perform are seen only from 10th. so 10th has the most

crucial influence on the dharma we follow

dnd108 (01:07:54 PM): that means that Jup in 9th will lead a person

to association of sadhus and hopefully person will take up spiritual

life and wipe of some of the bad karma

sanjayrath (01:08:02 PM): If I have money, then only can I donate to

an ashram..that is Guru in 9. He gives money and the upadesa to

sarajitp (01:08:14 PM): I hope I am not disturbing the conversation,

but just not getting any messages

pvr108 (01:08:24 PM): what is the meaning of the argala of a planet

in 11th on 8th (4th house argala)?

pvr108 (01:08:24 PM):

dnd108 (01:08:29 PM): but apart from donating money people can also

render service in the ashram

dnd108 (01:08:57 PM): that requires no money and in most of the

cases cleanses person much faster than donating money

pvr108 (01:09:04 PM):

dnd108 (01:09:07 PM): can that also be Jupiter in 9th?

sanjayrath (01:09:23 PM): I just gave an example

sanjayrath (01:09:35 PM): Guru will also give the skill to render


dnd108 (01:09:50 PM): ok

sanjayrath (01:09:59 PM): Guru also gives the mantra to do Japa


sarbani3062002 (01:10:15 PM): Guru in 9th will guide us in

performing the right actions in 10th?

sanjayrath (01:10:24 PM): Guru also gives the opportunity to serve

Krishna at a temple! like Patraka prabhu


pvr108 (01:10:39 PM):

pvr108 (01:11:06 PM): so planets with sustaining argala on 8th do

not sustain nija dosha, but help in reducing it. is that right???

sanjayrath (01:11:07 PM): You see there is no end to this list

dinanatha..now come to SUKHA ARGALA of 11th on 8th that gives



sanjayrath (01:12:05 PM): Time is the Key out here..If Guru is

ruling then he gives a chance to ATONE

skanda_kumara (01:12:37 PM): ok

sanjayprabhakaran (01:12:45 PM): ok

sanjayrath (01:13:07 PM): Whether the person will or not depends on

other argala like say there are 2 planets in 7th house, then he will

get into too many other things with the time and money instead of

going to atone

newtoindia2000 (01:13:25 PM): gurudev, can you elaborate on SUKHA

ARGALA of 11th on 8th that gives JYOTISH VIDYA

dnd108 (01:13:33 PM): yes

pvr108 (01:14:35 PM):


newtoindia2000 (01:15:10 PM): is everyone here?

sanjayrath (01:15:11 PM): What is SUKHA? Try to answer this first

dnd108 (01:15:12 PM): argala of 11th house would show fulfilment od

desires as we heard today

dnd108 (01:15:19 PM): sukha is beneficial

pvr108 (01:15:42 PM):

dnd108 (01:15:47 PM): now how is that conected to 8th house argala

dnd108 (01:15:48 PM): ?

b_lakshmi_ramesh (01:15:50 PM): sukha is ananda..1st step to moksha

skanda_kumara (01:16:21 PM): Sukha ... happiness ... is self-


sarbani3062002 (01:16:41 PM): Iha lok sukh or para lok sukh?

skanda_kumara (01:16:55 PM): so 4H argala causes self-contentment to

the houses it argalas

sanjayrath (01:17:12 PM): good others

skanda_kumara (01:17:23 PM): so planets in 11H provides sources for

self-contentment to matters pertaining to 8H like jyotish etc


skanda_kumara (01:17:52 PM): or that which causes one to be free

from mind imposed desires

shris1 (01:17:59 PM): Namastae all , i had some problems in YM ..

rastapoppolous (01:18:52 PM): 11th as 4th from 8th becomes the place

of education for 8th house matters. an argala on 8th house promotes

this ?

skanda_kumara (01:18:58 PM): is Narasimha there???

dnd108 (01:19:10 PM): should be

sanjayrath (01:20:09 PM): You see..there are so many opinions, and

yet none can explain this so that all can easily agree

dnd108 (01:20:12 PM): here is something auspicious

dnd108 (01:20:34 PM): holy


sanjayrath (01:20:37 PM): Narasimha, sarajit please tell me what is


newtoindia2000 (01:21:21 PM): sukha is more than fulfillment of

desires... isnt it a state of bliss?

dnd108 (01:21:44 PM): happiness is normal translation

sarbani3062002 (01:22:09 PM): There may be more than one kind of


skanda_kumara (01:22:35 PM): Sukha is that state which leads to


ashwiyn (01:22:36 PM): sukha is a state of mental and physical

happiness where the desire to get more and more is reduced and when

the desire to rise above the basic necessities of life arises

sarbani3062002 (01:22:39 PM): One which is temporal and the other

which is eternal

sanjayrath (01:22:46 PM): Yes it is the relationship that one share

sonly with mother..can take for granted..that which is always there

and never leaves you even if you run away a hundred times..that

which is YOURS and only yours..something close..that touches the

heart..the seat of Bhagavan

sarbani3062002 (01:23:39 PM): so you are talking about eternal bliss?

sanjayrath (01:24:14 PM): Now, Sukhargala is what we have and can

say as our resources or that which created us for the sake of being


skanda_kumara (01:25:31 PM): ok

sanjayrath (01:25:39 PM): Eternal is what we crave for

skanda_kumara (01:25:44 PM): ok

sanjayprabhakaran (01:25:47 PM): beautiful

sarbani3062002 (01:25:57 PM): ok

sanjayrath (01:26:32 PM): what we have is MOTHER

dnd108 (01:27:22 PM): i think we need to find new chat server,

is overburdened

sanjayrath (01:27:24 PM): OK I am ending here, but not starting

again..its midnight, good night

skanda_kumara (01:27:33 PM): ok

newtoindia2000 (01:27:35 PM): ouch

skanda_kumara (01:27:37 PM): good night

newtoindia2000 (01:27:39 PM): i was just getting started!

dnd108 (01:27:43 PM): when is the next cyberconference?

shris1 (01:27:47 PM): good night

skanda_kumara (01:27:55 PM): the problem is I think there is a limit

to the sockets or something

newtoindia2000 (01:28:06 PM): i think it;s diff versions of

skanda_kumara (01:28:10 PM): this is not a problem in a small group

dnd108 (01:28:19 PM): well here is only 2.30PM so good day

skanda_kumara (01:28:19 PM): no everyone has more or less same


shris1 (01:28:20 PM): i think we better create a chat room and then

left everyone join it

skanda_kumara (01:28:25 PM):

sarbani3062002 (01:28:36 PM): Yes you can't just say MOTHER and

end...we need to continue at some point

sanjayrath (01:28:50 PM): Monday same time..Dinanath find a new

server before that.Can our sjvc server work for this?

dnd108 (01:29:00 PM): i have one chat client on my web iste

dnd108 (01:29:01 PM): site

dnd108 (01:29:03 PM):

dnd108 (01:29:05 PM): http://dinanatha.com/chat.html

dnd108 (01:29:12 PM): normaly works good

dnd108 (01:29:19 PM): you can try it out

dnd108 (01:29:33 PM): it is java applet so it takes little time to


sarbani3062002 (01:30:00 PM): will some one please send the

transcript to all of us...do Visti's dirty job? AS we have missed

chunks of it

skanda_kumara (01:30:10 PM): I shall

sarbani3062002 (01:30:17 PM): Great


sanjayrath (11:47:36 AM): Ashwin, namaste. Argala is a vital topic

as it is the ONLY method to show that during the course of a dasa,

the planet affects EVERY bhava and every Graha..thus everything

happens as it has happened earlier, just that somethings become more


shris1 (11:47:46 AM): Namastae all

skanda_kumara (11:48:15 AM): ok gurudeva go on

dnd108 (11:48:57 AM): how is argala related to dasa?


sanjayrath (11:49:27 AM): Thus, a benefic planet having its dasa

shall start giving beneficial argala on 3 houses at least and

immediately with the onset of this dasa, at least 3 houses flourish

skanda_kumara (11:49:41 AM): ok

dilipastro (11:49:46 AM): Namaste, Whats the topic?

dnd108 (11:49:48 AM): do we see from dasa rasi what invluence that

particular rasi will have on other rasis in that dasa

skanda_kumara (11:49:57 AM): Dilip, Argala


dilipastro (11:50:06 AM): ok

dnd108 (11:50:13 AM): and on that bais make prediction

sanjayrath (11:50:59 AM): ts within the seed, but it is only with

time and patience that the tree grows into its full form

dnd108 (11:51:09 AM): ok

dnd108 (11:51:59 AM): how do we see fructification of the argala?

newtoindia2000 (11:52:13 AM): do we take the dasa rasi as the focal

point and then see the argala on it? or do we take the paka?

ashwiyn (11:52:33 AM): or should the basic chart also be taken for

considering argala

sanjayrath (11:52:37 AM): In that manner the Argala is well within

the seed planted in the embryo by the father, yet it is only with

time that the promises shall show. The beneficial argala shall

surely bloom during its dasa, and in the antardasa when this is

obstructed the evil shall come or the yoga shall end

shris1 (11:52:49 AM): Gurudeva , last time you told the meaning of

argala by 11th house and 3ed . Can you please tell the meaning of 2

& 4 and its obstruction ?

skanda_kumara (11:53:09 AM): ok

sanjayrath (11:54:01 AM): Nice questions..you can take any bhava.

take the dasa planet and count 3, 10 & 12 houses from it, this are

the houses on which it shall have 11, 4 & 2 argala respectively

dnd108 (11:54:31 AM): or dasa rasi for rasi dasas?

sanjayrath (11:54:51 AM): yes dnd

ashwiyn (11:54:59 AM): sanjay ji will it be applicable when looked

from moon and from vimshottari mahadasha lord also

newtoindia2000 (11:56:23 AM): ponders the meaning of life

sanjayrath (11:56:48 AM): ashwin what do you mean exactly? give an


skanda_kumara (11:56:59 AM): ok great gurudeva ... for example if

Cancer Narayana Dasa starts ... the effects of Houses ruled by signs

Aries, Gemini & Virgo will manifest right?

newtoindia2000 (11:57:10 AM): oops.. sorry for tha msg..(meaning of

life) hit the wrong button

ashwiyn (11:58:12 AM): if we look from Moon chart then can we take

argala's of planets into consideration and if the mahadasha of

Jupiter is running on then shall we see from Mahadasha lord Jupiter

also by keeping it in Lagna and then look for argalas

sanjayrath (11:58:46 AM): ashwin you can take argala from every

bhava and every planet..why Moon alone?

ashwiyn (11:59:14 AM): and does this also apply for transits

sanjayrath (12:00:26 PM): ashwin you can confusing too many

things..be clear on one aspect first

newtoindia2000 (12:00:36 PM): so, if a planet in a house is

intervening in the effects of a dasa rasi.. for example cancer

Narayana dasa as skanda said... how do i interpret it? do i say that

i will get help from those people the planets represent? for example

jup for elders, perceptors, sun->govt etc?

ashwiyn (12:00:40 PM): ok



sanjayrath (12:02:17 PM): Narayana, the point you make is right..it

is like shifting of energy like Money shifts..in the example, Aries

Gemini & Virgo shall surely benefit from the presence of NARAYANA

(Narayana dasa) in Cancer and their sustenace is vouchsafed

skanda_kumara (12:02:44 PM): thanks

dnd108 (12:03:42 PM): to see what houses will benefit do we count

the houses from Lagna, AL or from Dasa rasi?



skanda_kumara (12:04:33 PM): DND, the houses from which the Dasa

rasi is in 2, 4 & 11 will benefit and receeive the sustaining energy

from Cancer

skanda_kumara (12:04:51 PM): I mean the Dasa Rasi .. not Cancer

skanda_kumara (12:05:55 PM): and so planets in these benefitted

rasis and arudhas in them will also prosper

skanda_kumara (12:06:40 PM):

skanda_kumara (12:07:09 PM):

shris1 (12:07:35 PM): brb

shail_c (12:07:46 PM): I joined late - so excuse me if it has

already been answered. But, while assessing Argala effects, what

Karakatwa is more pronounced - Chara or Naisargika?? And what about

the effect of Rasi's themselves??

newtoindia2000 (12:08:04 PM): so, if a planet in a house is

intervening in the effects of a dasa rasi.. for example cancer

Narayana dasa as skanda said... how do i interpret it? do i say that

i will get help from those people the planets represent? for example

jup for elders, perceptors, sun->govt etc?

skanda_kumara (12:09:22 PM): Shailesh ... in my opinion ... it

should be both

newtoindia2000 (12:09:45 PM): if yes (to my question above) what

kind of help would it be? how to see that?

skanda_kumara (12:09:50 PM): Hari ... Yes .... thats how we

interpret ... as far as I know

skanda_kumara (12:10:12 PM): Gurudeva .. please clarify ... hope u r


skanda_kumara (12:10:53 PM): Hari - Jupiter - MOney and depending on

its Chara Karakatwa, Similarly Sun - Father, Govt and its


sanjayrath (12:11:30 PM): Sailesh, this is given in the Narayana

dasa book as dividing the period into 3 parts



newtoindia2000 (12:13:03 PM): thanks skanda

skanda_kumara (12:13:20 PM):

sanjayrath (12:14:39 PM): There is a visitor at this hour! Please

continue..Narayana please continue. I will be back soon

skanda_kumara (12:14:52 PM): ok Gurudeva


skanda_kumara (12:15:02 PM): Any questions???

skanda_kumara (12:16:24 PM): So it is important to understand that

the Dasa Rasi running will provid sustainance to houses on which it


skanda_kumara (12:16:51 PM): and not only promotes matters of those

houses but also Arudhas in them

shail_c (12:17:15 PM): Can you explain " sustainance "

skanda_kumara (12:18:17 PM): Ex. If Cancer Dasa is running and Aries

has A10 or Rajyapada, then based on which house Cancer is and

planets in them, Job oppurtunities, Image pertaining to Workplace

may take a favorable turn

skanda_kumara (12:18:28 PM): Sustainance ... Means giving life to

skanda_kumara (12:18:42 PM): and provide support

skanda_kumara (12:18:55 PM): and nurture

shail_c (12:19:55 PM): Thanks - but again, the support will depend

on the 'quality' of argala - or virodhargala - right??

skanda_kumara (12:20:08 PM): Quality of Argala - Yes

ashwiyn (12:20:53 PM): skanda ji the houses which are giving argala -

will their sign lords also effect the house and the planet where

the argala is

shail_c (12:21:18 PM): Let me elaborate - if Dasa Rasi houses a

func. malefic, the argala will be 'papa' - then sustainance will be

through foul means!!

skanda_kumara (12:21:30 PM): no only the signs and because of

this ... the planets in them

newtoindia2000 (12:21:31 PM): ashwin.. here it is the house/planet

giving argala

skanda_kumara (12:22:10 PM): Shailesh .. no, for argala only

consider nautural nature and not functional

shail_c (12:23:04 PM): Oh - I stand corrected. I remembered some

mail where I saw that func. nature should be seen.

dilipastro (12:23:31 PM): so, if dasa rasi has a natural malefic,

sustenance will be through malefic means?

dnd108 (12:23:32 PM): last time we discussed it is for nature of the


skanda_kumara (12:23:34 PM): Shailesh, actually it was the previous

conference where Gurudeva made it cleat

dnd108 (12:23:47 PM): not functional nature

skanda_kumara (12:23:54 PM): Dilipda, yes

shail_c (12:23:59 PM): Sorry - I missed that & Hari is sending me

the transcript

newtoindia2000 (12:24:54 PM): sailesh.. already sent

shail_c (12:25:10 PM): Thanks - did u mail it??

shail_c (12:25:22 PM): Yes - got it

newtoindia2000 (12:26:00 PM): yes

skanda_kumara (12:26:33 PM): Shailesh, going back to your previous

question, if the Dasa Rasi causes argala on house X, then Virodha

Argala will also manifest, then it depends which is more stronger

the Argala or Virodha Argala

shail_c (12:27:02 PM): Right - so the std. agrala rules will apply

skanda_kumara (12:27:09 PM): yes Shailesh


shail_c (12:28:57 PM): An aside here - if there are malefics in 2 &

12, both, then 'papargala' of 2nd should be obstructed by 12th. Then

why papa kartari is bad (Hope I do not sound TOO stupid)

skanda_kumara (12:29:36 PM): Paapakartaari is bad as the house is

surrounded by malefics ... imagine for a moment

skanda_kumara (12:29:54 PM): that your house is surrounded by rival

gang members on both sides

skanda_kumara (12:30:16 PM): because they are each interested in

looting you ...

newtoindia2000 (12:30:17 PM): walls of fire it seem

skanda_kumara (12:30:38 PM): they might fight ... but that doesnt

mean ... you are living happily ...

skanda_kumara (12:30:59 PM): all the time .. you are filled with

apprehension as eventually one bad guy will survive


skanda_kumara (12:31:04 PM): and trouble you

skanda_kumara (12:31:17 PM): Shaliesh .. Have I made this clear???

shail_c (12:31:39 PM): I iAM a little dense.

skanda_kumara (12:31:47 PM): is it still unclear???

shail_c (12:31:52 PM): Yup

skanda_kumara (12:31:56 PM): why???

shail_c (12:32:17 PM): Papa argala is support thru 'papa' means

skanda_kumara (12:32:42 PM): but there is virodha aragala too

shail_c (12:32:47 PM): Now virodhargala of any planet obstructs

THAT - right

skanda_kumara (12:32:54 PM): and that obstructs it ...right


shail_c (12:33:17 PM): So - one negative obstructing another - where

is the problem??

skanda_kumara (12:33:39 PM): No .. one negative source ... which can

help .. is being obstructed

skanda_kumara (12:34:01 PM): and hence there is a constant fight

shail_c (12:34:25 PM): OK - but then why virodh of malefic only -

even benefic planets can obstruct.

skanda_kumara (12:34:38 PM): yes .. but then it would not be called


skanda_kumara (12:34:49 PM): sorry papakartati

shail_c (12:35:05 PM): Yes - the original point was papa kartari.

skanda_kumara (12:35:15 PM): exactly

skanda_kumara (12:35:35 PM): Good question

shail_c (12:35:37 PM): My basic query is - is papa kartari worse

that papa argala that is unobstructed??

newtoindia2000 (12:35:54 PM): but the means of obstructions will be

diff... if it;s a benefic... malefics are harsh

skanda_kumara (12:35:55 PM): Yes ... I think so

shail_c (12:36:37 PM): I need to chew on that & digest it.


ashwiyn (12:36:49 PM): can you elaborate more on harsh -- hari --

what does it mean ?

newtoindia2000 (12:37:21 PM): punishment can be soft.. it can be

hard too... that;s what i meant...

ashwiyn (12:37:58 PM): ok u mean it will show its malefic nature

skanda_kumara (12:38:02 PM): I think DND108 can give his

perspectives too!

dnd108 (12:38:18 PM): about harsh and not harsh?

newtoindia2000 (12:38:24 PM): if virudha argala is from a malefic,..

it will be harsh. i think

skanda_kumara (12:38:27 PM): no on everything ..

ashwiyn (12:39:08 PM): but then harsh to what extent and how will

this be defined

ashwiyn (12:39:17 PM): the extent of harshness

skanda_kumara (12:39:38 PM): the condition of the planet , its

Avasthas etc

skanda_kumara (12:39:44 PM): that was for Ashwiyn

newtoindia2000 (12:39:57 PM): and how many planets who are malefics

are obstructing

dnd108 (12:40:11 PM): not much to add

skanda_kumara (12:40:28 PM): ok dnd ...

dnd108 (12:40:44 PM): just wante to clarify with Sanjayji about

importance of influence of Argala on particular houses

skanda_kumara (12:40:56 PM): Why dont we use Bhagavan Ramas chart as

an example???

dnd108 (12:41:25 PM): becuase when we judge the results of the dasa

we see it from few points, like rasa dasi, Al, Sun, moon

skanda_kumara (12:41:41 PM): yes DND

dnd108 (12:42:19 PM): so in this respect i wanted to know the

relatshionsip of argala of dasa rasi and above points

skanda_kumara (12:42:55 PM): Ok i will answer whatever little I know

dnd108 (12:43:04 PM): ok

skanda_kumara (12:43:46 PM): As per Narayana Dasa book, the houses

which receives Argalas from Dasa rasi will flourish(depending on

type and nature etc) for the whole Dasa

dnd108 (12:44:10 PM): ok

skanda_kumara (12:45:08 PM): then based on this ... Dasa rasi is

divided into 3 parts

skanda_kumara (12:45:32 PM): liek House, Lord & Planets aspecting

and posited

dnd108 (12:45:55 PM): ok

skanda_kumara (12:45:56 PM): then based on which 1/3 part is

dominant ... that will sustain the argalaed houses

skanda_kumara (12:46:58 PM): for example

skanda_kumara (12:47:21 PM): if Say Cancer Dasa is running

skanda_kumara (12:47:26 PM): and the duration is 3yrs

skanda_kumara (12:47:43 PM): and only planet therein is Jupiter & Moon

dnd108 (12:47:58 PM): are you saying that we'll see argala first

from house of the dasa rasi, than it's lord and than planets


skanda_kumara (12:48:08 PM): yes

skanda_kumara (12:48:19 PM): depending on the nature of Sign -

Prishto etc

dnd108 (12:48:36 PM): that is normaly used for determining results

of the dasa rasi in Narayana Dasa

skanda_kumara (12:48:39 PM): and hence Gurudeva said, that the seed

is planted and with time it will show effects

dnd108 (12:48:55 PM): i don't know if we can strecth the effects on


skanda_kumara (12:49:18 PM): yes ... but based on what is predominant

(Sign or Planets or aspects) that will predominate in its argala on

those houses

shail_c (12:50:01 PM): May I interupt - DND said " argala first from

house of the dasa rasi, " - shouldnt it be " by the Dasa Rasi "

dnd108 (12:51:03 PM): depends on your English, we probably mean the

same, the argala of the current Narayana dasa sign

dnd108 (12:51:22 PM): regarding the seed Sanjayji said: In that

manner the Argala is well within the seed planted in the embryo by

the father, yet it is only with time that the promises shall show.

The beneficial argala shall surely bloom during its dasa, and in the

antardasa when this is obstructed the evil shall come or the yoga

shall end

shail_c (12:51:29 PM): Sorry - no offnce meant please

dnd108 (12:51:33 PM): no probs

newtoindia2000 (12:52:04 PM): guys... i got to go now... can someone

please send me the transc

skanda_kumara (12:52:08 PM): sure

dnd108 (12:52:22 PM): skanda as you can see this is related to dasas

and antardasas

skanda_kumara (12:52:26 PM): yes

newtoindia2000 (12:52:27 PM): thanks

newtoindia2000 (12:52:29 PM): see ya

dnd108 (12:52:42 PM): which are used as a timer when benefical and

malefics results will come

skanda_kumara (12:52:48 PM): indeed

dnd108 (12:53:29 PM): but now if you move after 1/3 of the dasa is

completed to the sign occupied by dasa rasi lord

skanda_kumara (12:54:00 PM): u r correct

skanda_kumara (12:54:08 PM): my statement was incorrect

dnd108 (12:54:10 PM): than how is that new sign related to dasa and


skanda_kumara (12:54:11 PM): sorry

skanda_kumara (12:54:25 PM): Argala cannot be broken into 3 parts

dnd108 (12:54:31 PM): dasas and antardasas will be the same

skanda_kumara (12:54:50 PM): its all or nothing ... and effects will

be visible thru aout

skanda_kumara (12:55:01 PM): let me state Gurudeva from his books

dnd108 (12:55:06 PM): sure

skanda_kumara (12:56:35 PM): Argalal and its obstruction on Dasa

Rasi can be timed during the AD of the signs involved. However, the

Argala or Virodha Argala caused by Dasa Rasi on Lagna and other

houses or any planet will prevail during its entire period

skanda_kumara (12:57:11 PM): So here there is clear information on 2


dnd108 (12:57:16 PM): i also think the same

skanda_kumara (12:57:50 PM): 1. Dasa rasi causes argala on houses to

which it is 2, 4 & 11, and the effects will prevail thru out the

period o

skanda_kumara (12:58:22 PM): 2. Other signs has Argalas/Virodha

Argala on Dasa Rasi and during the AD's they may manifest

dnd108 (12:59:06 PM): that the antardasas will initiate beneficial

and malefics argalas and depending on the antardasa sign they

results of the argala can be seen

skanda_kumara (12:59:42 PM): yes

dnd108 (12:59:48 PM): i think that we are saying the same

skanda_kumara (12:59:53 PM): yes we are

skanda_kumara (01:00:03 PM): I agree with you

dnd108 (01:00:11 PM): that is how I would interpret Sanjayji's


dnd108 (01:01:05 PM): i think that should be also some exceptions in

these rules

dnd108 (01:01:10 PM): in respect to AK

dnd108 (01:02:20 PM): i mean the sign ocupied by AK should dominate

when we are talking about the results of Argala

dnd108 (01:02:42 PM): becuase AK is the strongest and most important

planet in the chart

shail_c (01:03:11 PM): Can we equate importance with strength??

dnd108 (01:03:38 PM): well, there are standard rules for the

strenght of the signs

dnd108 (01:03:58 PM): and first rule is that the sign occupied by AK

is the strongest

shail_c (01:04:04 PM): Yes - Coz AK is the planet that is most

advanced - so it may be in bala avastha or vridha avastha

dnd108 (01:04:23 PM): so I would say that in this case we can at

least for AK

dnd108 (01:05:12 PM): apart from all avastas, AK represents Isa or

Bhagavan in the chart

shail_c (01:05:21 PM): True

dnd108 (01:05:47 PM): and becuase of His will the whole universe


shail_c (01:06:30 PM): Yes - but remember we also check if the AK is

debilitated, etc

dnd108 (01:06:37 PM): and therefore we cannot overestimate

importance of AK in the chart

dnd108 (01:06:58 PM): for strenght of the signs ?

shail_c (01:07:13 PM): for strength of planets.

dnd108 (01:07:26 PM): that is different

dnd108 (01:07:57 PM): when we talk of argala we primarly talk about


shail_c (01:08:06 PM): yes - of course

dnd108 (01:08:13 PM): and the results we see from planets in those


dnd108 (01:08:25 PM): which comes second

dnd108 (01:08:52 PM): AK can never be malefic for the native

dnd108 (01:09:13 PM): becuase it is always guiding him on the path

back to Bhagawan

skanda_kumara (01:09:18 PM): DND ..AKs effect manifest thru out

life ... teaching us the lessons

skanda_kumara (01:09:35 PM): and all other charakarakas are

subservient to this King

dnd108 (01:09:55 PM): AK itself has no end as a subject

shail_c (01:10:02 PM): in Narayana Dasa book, Sanjay ji specifically

mentions that the rule reg sign with AK cannot be used for Narayana

dasa etc.. (pg 22)

dnd108 (01:10:13 PM): it can

dnd108 (01:10:18 PM): but not for all people

skanda_kumara (01:10:35 PM): Shailesh ,,, it pertains to rules ...

but AK is the soul of the chart and plays a dominant role

skanda_kumara (01:10:37 PM): example

dnd108 (01:10:55 PM): it is used mainly in the charts of prominent

personalities and politicians

skanda_kumara (01:10:59 PM): I have my AK Saturn Deb in Lagna ...

which indicates a curse .. and that shall prevail

skanda_kumara (01:11:22 PM): so focussing on removal of curse will


dnd108 (01:11:23 PM): not ordinary people

skanda_kumara (01:11:54 PM): and AD of sign containing AK its

effects will be more prominent

shail_c (01:12:07 PM): No disputes here - but while assessing

effects of, & on Dasa rasi, do we consider AK rasi as the strongest


skanda_kumara (01:12:15 PM): not really

shail_c (01:12:29 PM): That was the discussion with DND

dnd108 (01:12:56 PM): according to my understanding it should be

dnd108 (01:13:12 PM): because of the reasons I explained

dnd108 (01:13:25 PM): I haven't red it anywhere

skanda_kumara (01:14:05 PM): ok

dnd108 (01:14:37 PM): and as I said according to my opinion there

should be an exception in connectin with AK

dnd108 (01:14:48 PM): and I gave my reasons

dnd108 (01:14:55 PM): so we are discussing it

skanda_kumara (01:15:30 PM):

shail_c (01:15:40 PM): If I quote from my own case, CAP houses AK,

VEN, with AL & Sun. Yet, the dasa was just about average, though it

caused a break in education & change in line from Engg to BCom

dnd108 (01:15:45 PM): so next time we can confirm it with Sanjayji

skanda_kumara (01:15:59 PM): yes

skanda_kumara (01:16:04 PM): we can confirm

shail_c (01:16:15 PM): That would be excellent.

dnd108 (01:16:23 PM): but it gives us something to think about

dnd108 (01:16:31 PM): which is very logical

shail_c (01:16:48 PM): Skanda, I missed the initial discussion - so

I too would request a transcript

skanda_kumara (01:16:58 PM): transcripts for everybody

shail_c (01:17:04 PM): Great

ashwiyn (01:17:05 PM): the cafe is closing - i need to go - namaste

to all

dnd108 (01:17:15 PM): you can maybe send it to varahamihitra group

dnd108 (01:17:25 PM): hare krishna ashwiyn

skanda_kumara (01:17:26 PM): bye ... I shall mail scripts to everbody

shail_c (01:17:36 PM): Bye to all - was great

dnd108 (01:17:41 PM): another thing i wanted to say reg Ak

skanda_kumara (01:17:45 PM): sure

ashwiyn (01:17:45 PM): that will be very nice of you skanda ji

dnd108 (01:18:45 PM): during the dasa of AK in Vimsottari dasa it

tends to purify the person by punishing it for the bad deeds

especialy is Saturn is AK


skanda_kumara (01:18:54 PM): I agree with you here

dnd108 (01:19:16 PM): in Narayana dasa sign occipied by Ak should

give excellent results

skanda_kumara (01:19:32 PM): why do u say so???

dnd108 (01:19:34 PM): in drig dasa we use Ak to time renuncuation

dnd108 (01:19:45 PM): becuase AK is Narayan

skanda_kumara (01:20:05 PM): it all depends i would say


dnd108 (01:20:53 PM): these are standard rules

skanda_kumara (01:20:58 PM): if its in a bad state ... how can it

give good results???


skanda_kumara (01:21:10 PM): hmmm we can confirm it with Gurudeva

dnd108 (01:21:18 PM): how can AK be in bad state?

jkdasgupta_in (01:21:25 PM): namaste all

skanda_kumara (01:21:26 PM): I mean Deb etc

dnd108 (01:21:54 PM): if the planet is debilitated that doesn't mean

automatically it is in bas state

dnd108 (01:22:10 PM): it can still give good results

skanda_kumara (01:22:10 PM): then how would you define a bad state

skanda_kumara (01:22:24 PM): yes ... if its lord of quadrants

skanda_kumara (01:22:40 PM): but why shd it give only good results

skanda_kumara (01:22:52 PM): ???

dnd108 (01:23:03 PM): graha ucce niche va sri manta ha

dnd108 (01:23:15 PM): upadesa sutras 2.4.8

dnd108 (01:23:21 PM): 2,4,28

skanda_kumara (01:23:23 PM): that applies to any planet ...

skanda_kumara (01:23:28 PM): not only to AK


dnd108 (01:23:56 PM): true so why not to AK?

dnd108 (01:24:10 PM): debilitated planets can give money

skanda_kumara (01:24:44 PM): that was based purely on a monetary

point of view

dnd108 (01:24:57 PM): i would look into avastas of the planets for

bad state of it

dnd108 (01:25:09 PM): rather than exaltation or debilitation

skanda_kumara (01:25:23 PM): FYI, I have seen charts where deb

planet has bad results

dnd108 (01:25:27 PM): becuase there can also be cancellation of


skanda_kumara (01:25:38 PM): I myself have 4 exalted and 1deb in Rasi

dnd108 (01:25:53 PM): in Vimsottari dasa?

skanda_kumara (01:25:58 PM): I havent experience all good results ...

dnd108 (01:26:37 PM): but you should if you have 4 exalted planets

dnd108 (01:26:45 PM): according to what you just said

skanda_kumara (01:27:06 PM): I havent .. during AD of Venus .. where

I lost a job and no pay for a year!!!!

dnd108 (01:27:25 PM): sorry to hear that

skanda_kumara (01:27:44 PM): oh no ... I mean I want to see the

rules working .. nothing personal

dnd108 (01:27:58 PM): but from that we can conclude that exaltation

or debilitation is not all in all

skanda_kumara (01:28:02 PM): yes

dnd108 (01:28:09 PM): try to see it in Narayana dasa

skanda_kumara (01:29:04 PM): I can explain it using ND ..

skanda_kumara (01:29:07 PM): to soem extent

dnd108 (01:29:17 PM): ok

skanda_kumara (01:29:28 PM): but I feel some knowledge is

missing ... and we need to do more study on it

dnd108 (01:29:52 PM): i also feel the same in my case which is why

we are having this discussion

skanda_kumara (01:30:01 PM): sure

dnd108 (01:30:14 PM): it's like churning the joghurt than the butter

will come

skanda_kumara (01:30:19 PM): indeed

dnd108 (01:30:24 PM): and from there ghee

dnd108 (01:30:38 PM): but now at least we have something to ask


dnd108 (01:30:46 PM): and get his input

skanda_kumara (01:30:54 PM): sure ... shd we stop here and continue

later on

dnd108 (01:31:00 PM): ok


************************ END **************************************

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