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Thanks Gurudeva

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... vyaM vyaasadevaaya namaH ..

vyaakhyaamudrikayaalasatkaratalaM sadyogapiiThasthitaM

vaamejaanutale dadhaanamaparaM hastaM suvidyaanidhim .

vipravraatavR^itaM prasannamanasaM paathoruuhaa~NagadyutiM

paraasharyamatiivapuNyacaritaM vyaasaM smaretsiddhaye ..


With the objective of attaining the siddhi's [and supernatural powers and abilities],

we meditate on the treasure trove of all knowledge, Sri Vyasadeva the most pious and holy.

His right palm glows with the light of the vyaakhyaana mudra as hs left palm rests on the left knee.

He sits in padmaasana on a yogapitha surrounded by learned pesons (Brahmana). He is

cheerful and has the lusture of bluelotus.


Gurur Brahma gururvishnu gurur deva maheshwara

gurur eva parabramam tasmai shree gurave namah ..


Om dakshinaamurtaye namah ..



Namaste Gurudeva,

Please accept my sincere bow and thanks at your feet, for all the light of knowledge you have spread

in my life. Please bless me with continuous study and knowledge.

I also thank every great soul in this list who have contributed to my knowledge growth and sustaining my

fervor for studies. May I always be blessed by Lord Shiva with such a great company like you all.

Yours Sincerely


S. Prabhakaran



VyaOyamuiÔkyalsTkrtl< s*aegpIQiSwt<


vamejanutle dxanmpr< hSt< suiv*ainixm!,

ivàìatv & t< àsÚmns< pawaeêha'g*uit<

prazyRmtIvpu{ycirt< Vyas< SmreiTsÏye.


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